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Nicki's Pov

Nicki's dream

Thomas had tied me to a bed and ripped my dress off. He was running his Hands up and down my body.

"Please don't do this!" I cried he just smirked and continued. he zipped his pants down and climbed on top of me. "please! please stop!"

"Just shut the fuck up" he said as he entered me. "Ahhhhh!"

I woke up screaming and crying

"Hey it's gonna be okay babe it was just a nightmare " safaree said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"but it felt so real" I said still crying.

"Calm down bae"

I laid my head on his chest and listened to heart beat. I started to calm down and go back to sleep.

"Don't go back to sleep now" safaree said "we have to go to school"

"Ugh I don't wanna go"

"Come on it will be fun" he said as he got up. I gave him a blank a stare as he went into the bathroom. I pulled the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep.

A few minutes later I heard safaree come back in and pull the covers off of me. "faree! give it back!" I said as I put the pillow over my head.

He started to laugh "nun uh baby you gotta get up"

I threw the pillow at his face and he started to stumble a little

"Alright" he said "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way"

He climbed on top of me and started to tickle me. "safaree stop!"

"Are you going to get up?" He still tickling me

"Yes, yes, yes! just stop it" he stopped tickling me and got off of me. I got up and walked to the bathroom and put on some blue jean shorts and a white t-shirt. I grabbed my pink purse and went downstairs to find safaree waiting on the couch.

I went and sat on his lap and wrapped my arms on his neck "im ready baby" I said as I kissed his check

"finally! come on lets go" he picked me up and carried me to the car. he put me down so I could get in. "thank you baby" I said as I kissed his cheek

"Haha it's no problem" we both got in the car and he drove us to school.

We walked in the hall way hand in hand "I have to go to my locker so I'll see you at lunch"

"Okay sweetie" I said as he walked away and I walked to my locker

"Hey look who it is. it's the school slut!" Misty said "how many times did you have to fuck safaree to get him to stay with you huh?"

I just rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"Bitch what did I tell you about ignoring me!?" she said as she pushed me and in that moment a wave of anger came over me.

"And what did I tell you about touching me?" I said as I grabbed her hair and slammed her head into some lockers. she fell on the floor. I threw my purse on the ground and started to kick her and a crowd of people started chanting "fight! fight! fight! fight!" I got on top of her and punched her in her face "now listen her bitch if you ever touch me again there will be more where this came from! do you understand?!" she nodded her head yes. I got up and fixed my hair a little, picked up my purse and walked to first period like nothing happened.

"Hey NickiBear" riri said as I came in the room

"Hey ri" I said as I took a seat next to her

"How have you been?"

"I'm okay. I'm just taking it one day at a time" I said

"That's good girl" she said we talked for a few more minutes until the bell rang. For school to start and the first for periods everything was same as usual.

Me and and riri walked into the lunch room hand and hand. riri was becoming my best friend and I love her to death.

"Hey babe" safaree said as I walked up to our table. I kissed him and took a seat next to him "I heard about the fight today are you okay?"

"What fight?! who ass do I need to beat" riri said looking like she was ready to fight.

I laughed "misty tried to mess with me today but I put a bitch in line! and yeah I'm okay"

Safaree and Riri both busted out laughing as riri high fived me "that's my girl" we laughed and continued talking.

"Let's all of out tonight" riri said "you, me, Chris and safaree"

We all agreed that we were going to meet at johnnie's pizza (not a real place) that night at 8.

The bell rang and me and riri walked to our sixth period class. then something strange happened misty walked up to me. "hey nicki can we talk?"

"Hell no! now bitch go away!" riri said looking like she ready to fight

"It's okay riri I got this"

"Alright boo but I'll be over there if you need me" she said as she walked away giving misty a dirty look

"What do you want?" I said to misty

"I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for the way I've been treating you and I was hoping you would forgive you and maybe we could be friends?"

I was really taken back by what she had said. misty had been bullying me since the first day of freshman year. four long years of her picking on me and now she wants to apologize I was really taken back. I could tell that was she said was genuine she I decided to forgive her

"Yeah I forgive you misty" I said she smiled and hugged me.

"So I'll see you around?" she said

"Uh yeah" I said as I walked over to riri

"What the fuck was that about?"riri said as we walked to class

I laughed a little "calm down boo it was nothing"

Later on that day

Me and safare and riri and Chris walked into jonny's pizza kitchen and immediately the smell made me nauseous and I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I barley made it to the toilet tho. A few seconds later and I heard the bathroom door open and I felt riri pull my hair back

"Are you okay babe?" she said as she rubbed my back

"Yeah" I said as I wiped my mouth "just the smell of the pizza made me nauseous...the same thing happened in myah class today that's why I had to run out because some girl sprayed some perfume that made me feel sick"

"When the last time you had your period?"

"Umm last month. why?"

"Cuz I think you might be pregnant"

I immediately thought of the rape and tried to choke back my tears "no! I can't be!"

She grabbed my hand "come on let's go find out" she said as we walked out of the bathroom

"Boys we need to go" riri said

"But why?" Chris said "we just got here!"

"Okay fine you guys stay here but me and nicki are going to take care of some business. Chris give me your car keys" Chris handed over his car keys and I kissed safaree goodbye

"Babe are you okay ?" he said


"What's wrong?" he asked

"I tell you later when I find out for sure" I kissed him one more time and me and riri walked out to go to the drug store to buy some pregnancy tests

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