The Master's Chess Piece [Bla...

By KayKay530

34.8K 870 186

You kept your head down, staring a your brown boots. You slightly tilted your head towards the sound of shoes... More

}{ Intro }{
}{ Chapter One }{
}{ Chapter Two }{
}{ Chapter Three }{
}{ Chapter Four }{
}{ Chapter Five }{
}{ Chapter Six }{
}{ Chapter Seven }{
}{ Chapter Eight }{
}{ Chapter Nine }{
}{ Chapter Ten }{
}{ Chapter Eleven }{
}{ Chapter Twelve }{
}{ Chapter Thirteen }{
}{ Chapter Fourteen }{
}{ Chapter Fifteen }{
}{ Chapter Sixteen }{
}{ Chapter Seventeen }{
}{ Chapter Eighteen }{
}{ Chapter Nineteen }{

}{ Chapter Twenty }{

1.1K 26 8
By KayKay530

You were in pain. Like real pain, the kind of pain that makes you want to pull out your hair and vomit up anything and everything that is inside of you. It felt like you were on fire, and not the cool type, the type where you were burning away into nothingness. You opened your eyes, everything was a blur. Figures moved around you in slow motion. You felt warm and sticky. You moved your hand into view, it was covered in blood.

"Finny, I need your help over here!" Mey-Rin kneeled over you. She pressed on you wound, you flinched in pain. "It's alright [f/n], everything will be alright."

Finny suddenly came into view, his face full of fear. "Oh my god, she's so small. Almost my size, how can she have that much blood?"

"Hold pressure here." Mey-Rin moved Finny's hands to where hers were. "I'm going to see if Bard needs any help with Ciel."

You grabbed Mey-Rin's arm in a weak grasp. You tried to speak, but it just came out in mumbles. "I know," Mey-Rin wrapped her hands around yours, "we'll keep him safe." She placed your hand on the ground and walked away.

Something wet fall on your cheek. You looked at Finny, tears were rolling down his face. Another drop hit you on the cheek. "It's okay [f/n]. Bard and Mey-Rin will fix you guys. Everything is fine."

You rolled your head to the side. Grell was standing over Jasper's still body, humming. The man was singing over a lifeless person. It faintly sounded like Ring Around the Rosie. He held a red chainsaw in his hand, his other hand held film. Your vision had started to clear and you could see an image of you and Jasper on the piece of film. Grell sighed and threw that piece away to grab another one.

You turned back to look at Finny. He was still crying. He wiped away a tear and left a streak of blood on his cheek. "[f/n] does it hurt? I'm sorry if I'm hurting you."

It did hurt, but the pain was slowly fading. You didn't know if that was bad or good. You knew you couldn't let Finny see your pain so you shook your head and gave a shaky smile. "Oh, that's good. I don't want to hurt you anymore." Finny's face lit up a bit.

You rolled you head to the left towards Ciel's desk. There was two bodies on the ground and two bodies kneeling over one. Sebastian laid lifeless and Ciel, well you couldn't see Ciel, he was covered by Bard and Mey-Rin. They were whispering to each other. Bard turned around and made eye contact with you. His eyes didn't look hopeful. He got up and moved over to Sebastian. He muttered something under his breath and then did the strangest thing. He lifted Sebastian's head and then slapped him across the face. It was worse than Grell singing to a dead body.

But then, Sebastian burst to life. He sat up, his eyes wide and his chest taking in deep breaths of air. What the actual fu- you started to think but then was interrupted.

"Is she dead yet?" Grell touched his chainsaw to your chin and rolled your head to face him. "Cause it would be ideal, you know, so I don't have any competition for Sebastian's hand."

"Grell, would you kindly stop treating [f/n] so poorly. After all she did try to save Ciel's life." Sebastian swatted the chainsaw away.

Were you hallucinating? Was Jasper also going to come back to life? What on earth was happening?

"Didn't you hear that little freak? He said that she was trying to kill Ciel. How can you still like her? It's not fair!" Grell stomped his foot like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"Yes, I heard the Guest. First we will save her and then we will hear her side of the story. As much as I would like to see her go, the Young Master is quite fond of her and would punish me for not saving her."

Wow, you liked knowing how much Sebastian cared for you. Your eyes would be rolling out of their sockets if it weren't for how tired you were. "[f/n], everything is alright. You can rest." You drifted off into sweet nothingness to Sebastian's voice. You just hoped that the uptight, cat obsessed, stick up his butt, neat freak wouldn't kill you.

It was days later when you finally awoke to Sebastian throwing open the curtains in your room. You cringed at the sudden light and slowly opened your eyes. "What the hell." You sounded like a half dead cat meowing for someone to rescue it. Sebastian handed you a glass of water, you gulped it down in an instant. "What the hell." You said again, only sounding more like yourself.

"Sleeping Beauty has finally awoken. Glad to have your annoying self back [f/n]." Even though Sebastian's words were full of displeasure, you could see a hint of relief in his eyes. "We have much to discuss, but first you have an eager visitor."

"Shut up Sebastian, I am not eager. After all, this girl was sent to kill me." Ciel walked into the room. His arm was in a sling and his cheek was swollen and bruised. "Leave us." Sebastian bowed and left the room.

"Ciel?" You were shocked. Was this a dream? How could her be alive? So many emotions coursed through your veins. You felt joy and fear, relief and pain, love and regret.

"You must be disappointed that I am alive."

Disappointment was the only emotion you weren't feeling.

"Your idiotic friend doesn't know how to point a gun." Ciel shifted his shoulder, "He only gave me a flesh wound. One that involved a lot of blood, but he missed and I am still alive."

"Please, let me explain." You started to beg but Ciel put his hand up.

"Do you love me? Did you ever love me?" He asked, not looking at you. In fact, his back was the only thing you could see. He was gazing out of the window. He seemed disinterested in you.

"Yes, I do." You whispered.

"Well you must not love me enough to have said it that softly, especially since you are the loudest girl I have ever met."

"Yes, Ciel. I am in love with you. Terribly and horribly in love with you. I am devoted to you, I am torn by you, I am confused by you, but most of all I am in love with you. I only whisper because I am embarrassed, mortified and scared. I never meant for you to be hurt, it was only in the beginning but that faded away the moment I got to know you. And I realize that I don't fully understand and know the true Ciel, but I want to. I want to spend more time with you, I want to fall deeper in love with you, I want to be with you always and forever Ciel Phantomhive."

He turned around and smiled, "Well all you had to do was ask."

You rolled your eyes. It didn't need to be said that he had forgiven you. It was clear that he still loved you. Though your relationship had taken off with a bumpy start, you knew it would last.

<::::::::::::{===O                                 O===}::::::::::::>


I'm so sorry for not uploading in ages. I hope you enjoyed the ending. I know it's short and doesn't have much explaining, but I like things simple so yeah. You can imagine the rest. Maybe I'll post an epilogue. Please vote and comment!

Well, you and Ciel had quite the interesting love story. An absolutely and completely cliche one.

I hope you read my other stories if you enjoyed this one, it would mean a lot to me.

Again, sorry for the SUUUPPPEERRRR late update.

WTF Black Butler Moment:

Pluto, just Pluto in general.

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