Found and Loved (Anna Kendric...

By chAnnakend47

29.4K 647 88

When Harper Rose Cooke finds out that The Anna Kendrick is her birth mother, her life has changed. Harper Ken... More

April 21 2003 part1
August 9 2002
April 21 2003
13 years later
This is it
Plane ride
Coming home
Shopping day
Am I missing something?
Some new news
My baby girl!
Lead up
It's Time!
All for you
Busy busy.
Bonds and learning
low key rehab
I wish to forget
New chapter
15 and a day
Back Together
What does the future hold?
HEY GUYS! plz read

Take 1

474 15 0
By chAnnakend47

Annas POV

The past week has been a repetitive schedule. Wake up, eat, go over lines, school, lines in the car, dance, dinner, go over lines, ready for bed, go over lines, sleep. That has been our routine the past 6 days and Harper has done a really good job with her lines, she has great emotion. It must be from me *over the top hair flip*. There is one part in the audition where she has to cry, that is one she struggles with. I told her to think of something that always makes her cry. "But I never cry, if I do, I only do it over that once, then it's gone" Harper argues. "Ok, then, think of something now, that you can take your emotion out on tomorrow, don't tell me what but just keep it in your head and use it tomorrow. That's the best I got." I tell her, on the verge of giving up on this scene.

Holy shit, it's Harps audition today, I have never been so nervous for anyone. Harper comes into my room, we both are getting texts from our friends wishing her luck. At 9 am, we were out the door. Harper was dressed in a navy blue dress and silver shoes, hair out. We pull up to a tall building where the audition would be and inside, we follow signs that read Summer  Roadies audition. Summer Roadies was the name of the movie. Just like any other audition, there was a waiting room and a sign in place. I sat with Harper in silence until she was called. It was Rob Marshall who called her up. I went with her to say hi. "Oh, My Goodness! Anna! So good to see you!" Rob says, hugging me. "What brings you here?" "Well, this is my daughter, Harper and her dance teacher recommended this part to her, Abby Lee Miller," I tell him. "I see, are you ready Harper?" He asks. "Yes!" Harper says enthusiastically with a smile. "Great! follow me." I watch the door close behind her as she enters the room. 

Harpers POV

Once the door closes, I find myself in front of 5 people, 3 men, and 2 women. I gave the Rob my resume. Then I did what Anna told me to do, introduce myself, the read what they tell me to. "Hello, my name is Harper Rose Cooke Kendrick, I am 14 years old and am auditioning for the role of Lily," I tell them, they all just smile and take notes. "Ok, Harper please can you read us part 6?" Rob asks I turn to the page. It's the part where I have to cry. I take a deep breath. "Wha... what do you mean?" I start to quiver. "I told you, Lily, God damn it! The bitch is gone!" Rob reads. I feel tears swell up in my eyes as I think about watching Britt hitting Anna. "This.... this is all my fault. It was all my idea, my, my Everything!" I try to force out tears. It wasn't working, so I thought about what would happen between Anna and Britt, that started the waterworks. "Lily, look at me, no, it was not all your fault. He was the one to suggest it." Rob continues reading. "But it was my idea we stay there. And not go back home!" "Listen, Lily, Jen is not here, she's is gone, ok? Not your fault." "I was the one who triggered her though it is MY fault!" I scream, tears rolling down my face. "Calm down. We will find her." "If you were me right now... ur GH hh! Fuck it. I am going home, I give up on you, and Callum's support. YOU DONT GET IT! YOU DONT KNOW THE WHOLE STORY! and I can't tell you the whole story so, fuck it. I'm leaving." I recite. "And scene!" Rob states. Everyone at the table claps for me! I was so happy! I wiped the tears from my face. "Thank you," I say. "Great job Harper. You did very well. I'm sure you will be contacted within a few days. Thank you for coming." Rob says, handing me my resume and escorting me to the door. When the door opens, Anna is waiting for me. "Eeeeeekk! How did it go?!" Anna asks excitedly. "Awesome! They said that they would be in contact within a few days!" I remark. "Oh my god! Babe, you totally got it then! Directors rarely say that! I'm so proud of you!" Anna says, hugging me again. Then, after my audition, we got an ice cream at Maccas then Anna dropped me at dance. In Hip Hop class, Abby comes in and gives me a hug. "How did it go?!" She asks eagerly. "They said they would contact me within a couple of days!!" I squeal. Everyone is watching us exchange this moment. "Oh My God! Amazing! You let me know as soon as you hear, Ok?" "For sure".

I get in the car after dance. "Ok, babe, my mom, and dad are coming in tomorrow, they have been dying to meet you finally," Anna says. I was a bit nervous. "Oh. wow, that went fast. Do you think they will like me?" I ask unsure. "My mom, of course, but, my dad, I will be honest, was not the happiest when he learned I was putting you in the orphanage, or that I was getting you back," Anna tells me nervously. "Oh ok. What do I call them?" I ask as Anna pulls out of the lot. "Just Janice and William for now," Anna informs. "I know it is last minute, but my mom really wants to meet you. PLEASE DO NOT say anything about my abortion OR pregnancy. They don't know and I want to keep it that way. Or about Britt." Anna makes clear.

At 12 pm the next day, there is a knock at the door. I am wearing light jeans and a flannel, Anna is wearing leather pants and a sweatshirt. Anna runs to the door. "Mom! I missed you! Dad! you too!" Anna exclaims. "So did I baby," Janice says, hugging her daughter. Then she sees me."Oh my goodness! Anna! She is just like you! Just. like. you!" Janice says, welling up tears. I walk over to them. "Hello, Harper. Oh, My Goodness. I can't believe it! You look just like your mom." She says, giving me an awkward hug. Annas dad just smiles. "Come in! I made your favorite mom, salted caramel cookies." Anna tells her mom. Janice and William take a seat at the island, Anna and I stand on the opposite side. I stay close to Anna, feeling a bit intimidated. William stays distant the whole afternoon, whereas Janice talks on and on. When they finally leave Anna asks, "What do you think?" "Well, it was a bit intimidating and wasn't the most special meeting ever," I say, a tad let down. "Hey Hun, I got an email while they were here..."

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