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Annas POV

I was watching the number of views and likes go up throughout the day. By 2 pm, it was at 7000 thousand views! I was pretty damn proud of myself for thinking of posting about it. I decided to wait for Harper to go through reviews. Hailee came bursting through the door all of a sudden at 6 pm. "Oh. Hey, Hai. I, I didn't expect to see you." I say, putting down my bowl of mac and cheese. "Oh. My. God. Anna! That cover is incredible!" Hailee pants. "How did you get here?" I ask, confused to why she was out of breath. "I, I ran from, from Sunset Boulevard, I took an Uber to a few blocks away and ran the rest." I was impressed. I poured her a glass of water with ice. "Yeah, the cover. It's pretty insane how popular it is. It's only been out for what? 15 hours?" Not believing what I say myself. "Nice maths Kendrick. Try 9." Hailee smart-ass commented. I counted on my fingers. "Shit. I should have listened in maths class. Yeah. 9." Hailee laughs. "Shut up. I have to get Harper from ALDC in like, 2 hours so you can crash for the time being." "Hey, how are you and Britt by the way? I saw the photos of you guys from a few days ago. Is what the articles say true?" Hailee asks. I let out a long sigh. "Well. No, we didn't talk. I haven't told her about my abortion yet. And if I tell her she'll still be mad. It... shit it's so hard!" I quiver. trying not to think about it. "Aw, hun. It's ok. She'll get over it." Hailee comforts me, rubbing my back. "She better fucking get over it. I swear that bitch" I murmur. Hailee laughs. "I'm not going to take sides in this ok? I don't really want to be a part of it either. you guys are like, 10 years older than me, you need to sort your own shit out." Hailee says. She's right. I'm a woman. 

 I came home two hours later with Harper to find Hailee, yelling at someone on the phone. "What the hell? Oh my fucking god! Why. bitch." She threw her phone onto the couch. "Hey, Hai. Is everything ok?" Harper asks. "Not really. someone just canceled something on me, something I was really looking forward to." She sighs. "Oh. We got taco bell!" I chime, wanting to cheer her up. She just smiles. When we all had full stomachs and Hailee had gone home. Harper and I sat in her room, looking at her Mac desktop. First, she opened her YouTube, the video was up to 900,000 views and 21,000 likes. Harper was shocked when she also saw how many subscribers she gained: 12,000. And that was A LOT! Especially in the time frame. There was a trend on Twitter: Anna and Harper duo. And it was shared a lot too. Harper and I were getting messages on Instagram, snap chat, and twitter, saying how people liked it. And it was all really positive.

By the end of the week, on Saturday, it had reached 5.6 million views, 124,000 likes and Harper had 97,000 subscribers. It was insane! Harper was making me rainbow waffles, because why not, then I got a call. "Holy Shit! It's Ellen!" I say, nervous but excited. "Hello?" "Hi Anna, it's Ellen." "Hi, Ellen! Nice to talk to you!" I exclaim, trying to stay cool. "Congratulations on the cover! It was amazing!" "Thank you! Yes, I am surprised with the outcome of it!" "Well, I was the one to suggest it!" Ellen jokes sarcastically. "Very true." "So, I was wondering if you and Harper would like to come on my show in a few weeks and perform?" I was honored, I looked over at Harper who looked like she just shit herself with excitement. "Oh My God really?? We would love to. But, both of us are starting to shoot a movie in a couple of weeks so that is not possible at the moment." I was glad I remembered that but sad we couldn't go. "Oh OK. Maybe you can come another time! The movie sounds exciting though!" "Yes, Harper is excited! Thank you so much though!" "Alright, I gotta go, but will hopefully see you after your done filming!" "Bye!" Harper squealed once I hung up. "Sorry, we couldn't go, baby," I say. "It's ok. I would rather do a movie with you!" She exclaims. "Me too. Are you ready?" I ask. "What for?" "For the movie and like, meeting the cast?" "Oh yeah! I'm pumped, and can't wait to find out who else is in the cast!" "Yeah, Rob likes to keep it a secret. I reckon it will be an awesome cast." I say. "Same."

Harpers POV

After Anna and I had dinner - mac and cheese, we watched Lilo and Stitch and I fell asleep on the couch. I sensed Anna carrying me upstairs to my bed and tucking me in. 

The next morning, I woke up with the sun peeking through my blinds, shining directly into my eyes. My room was full of humidity and my hair was just sticking to me. "Ughh" I groan, pulling the hair off my neck. This was a summer morning in LA. I roll out of bed, make my bed and take a cold shower. I came downstairs in ripped black shorts, and my new favorite top, it was white with black lining and an alien on the left. I had on my converse, rose colored sunglasses on my head and my hair in Dutch braids "Hey, baby. Ooh, you look cute." Anna exclaims. "Thanks. It's so hot today!" I sigh. "I know right" Anna had on khaki high waisted shorts, a white lacy cropped top, and white Converse, hair in a top knot. "I thought, because we have several busy months coming up, we could go to Disney today?" She suggests. I was so excited, I hadn't been yet! "Ummm fuck yeah! What about dance though?" I ask. "Oh, I have already talked to Abby, it's all good, and we worked out your schedule for when you're filming. You will be doing more privates." "Ok." An hour later, we were parked in the parking lot of Disneyland. We met with bodyguards who were dressed somewhat in disguise. We were barely inside the park before a group of people gathered around us wanting photos from Anna and me too! We did Star Tours first, which was awesome! We had been there for 2 hours already, which went so fast. I had met some of the characters, Anna bought me Minnie's ears, and some for herself. When we reached the castle, of course, we had to take photos. One of the bodyguards offered to take photos. We headed to California Adventure after another 2 hours. Oh my God, California Screamin' looks so scary! "Can you do it?" Anna jokes as we are standing to look up at it. "Hell yeah. I was born for this!" We fast pass the line and sit right in front. "Hey, are you chicken yet?" Anna checks in. "No. I should be asking you!" I reply, sassily. "Ok miss, let's have a competition, you can't scream. Ok?" "Deal," I say, shaking her hand and pulling the harness over my head. The cart slowly moves forward. Zoom! All of a sudden, we are darting at full speed. Anna was already screaming. I was laughing. The feeling was amazing, wind combing through my hair, and when you go downwards, the feeling that your seat is gone from underneath you and your just falling, falling, falling. When we went upside down, I had to scream, I couldn't take it. When the ride pulled to a stop, Anna was laughing now. "Oh, my God! That was awesome!" Anna says, through her giggle. "I win. You screamed first." I say, pulling the harness over me. "Ok fine."

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