New chapter

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Annas POV

Harper is looking over my shoulder as I pull out my phone to go through my emails. The one at the every top is from Rob Marshall. I click on it eagerly, it reads:

Dear Anna and Harper,

I am writing to you personally to let you know that Harper, has received the role of Lily in our upcoming movie, congratulations. Everyone at Harper's audition was very impressed, Harper, you definitely take after your mother! Filming starts June 22 (it is June 2)in Los Angeles. The table read will be June 21 at the Los Angeles Convention Centre, where you will be meeting the cast and crew. Anna, if you wish, I am offering you a role as well, I know your abilities and you are just right for Lucy, who is Lilys older sister. Please let me know if you are interested asap. Congratulations again. I will see you June 21!


Rob Marshall.

Harper and I are screaming. "Oh my fucking god!! I can't believe it!" I scream and give Harp the biggest hug. "I can't believe it either! You should take the role!" Harper says hopefully. I think for a second, "Of course! I would never pass it up. In a movie with my daughter? Fuck yeah!" I say excitedly. I thought about telling Britt, but I changed my mind. I take a few deep breaths and sit down to reply:
Dear Rob,

Thank you so much for this opportunity! Harper is over the moon excited! I would also love to have the role of Lucy. Thank you for asking me first! I will talk to my manager about Harper's management - I know you like everything to be organized that way :). Thank you very much, Harper and I will see you on the 21st.


Anna and Harper Kendrick

Once I press send, I call Kim. "Hey, Kim." "Hey Anna, how are you?" She asks. "Not bad, Harper just got a role in a new Rob Marshall movie," I say, trying not to brag. "Shut up! Really?" Kim asks, in disbelief. "Really, AND he offered me a role too! I took it" I let her know. "Ok cool, send me through the details." "One other thing, Do you think you can manage Harper too?" I ask nervously. "I would be honored to! I have everything I need about Harper so I will fill her out now" "Sounds great! Just let me know if you need anything. Bye!" I sign off.  Harper squeals in excitement. "So, you have a manager," I say, grinning. "Really!?" Harper confirms. "Yep." "Let's celebrate with, how about, Pig 'n whistle? You haven't been yet." I suggest. "Sure! Don't you need guards?" Harper asks. That actually may be a good idea, in LA in the evening, busy time. So, I text Kim. Moments later, she texts back. Yep, they will meet you there. "Ok, let's go!" I start the car and the whole way there, we are singing to Adele dramatically. We see the guards in the parking lot. They open the door and help Harper and me out of the car. The guards are dressed more casually this time, they have to blend in. We follow the two men into the restaurant, we received several glances. Harper does what I told her to do: just keep walking. As we approach our table, I see Britt sitting at a table with some of the Hairspray cast. I walk straight past her, looking straight ahead, nose up. I hear her scoff as I do that, and I see Harper looking guilty as she passes. The next hour of delicious food is one of the most awkward hours. I can sense Britt looking at me from behind, and I can read Harpers' face. As I stand to go to pay, Britt stands too, I stiffen. "Holy crap" I mumble. I keep walking to the register, Britt close behind, I can feel the tension. Once I finish paying and turn around to go back to Harper, Britt looks straight into my eyes, with a glare and a shot of freight are sent through my body. I think about those eyes, and how much I miss them, and how much I grieved over missing them. I shook out of the thought. I had moved on. I hurry back to our table and grab Harper's hand and shuffle to the exit, the guards following close behind. As we left, some teenage girls asked for a photo, and I couldn't say no. The ride home was silent. "Hey we should film the cover tonight" Harper suggests. "That's not a bad idea. It will take my mind off things." I say, appreciating her thought. "I think we should change the song, again," Harper says. "Ok, what were you thinking?" "How about Beauty and the Beast?" She suggests. "That will make a great impression," I say, eagerly. "Cool, but I dibs being Ariana's part," Harper calls. "Fine"

Harpers POV

As soon as we got home, Anna went to make some cocoa and I went upstairs to grab my camera, guitar, and microphone. I carried it all downstairs carefully and set up the tripod on the table in front of the couch, attached the camera and microphone. While Anna was touching up her makeup, I tuned my guitar and went through the chords. A long hour and a half later, we had a solid cover done. "I'll start editing tonight. Maybe upload tomorrow." I tell Anna. "Ok baby, you're so talented!" Anna tells me, for like, the hundredth time.

I wake up the next morning, with my phone buzzing over and over. I roll out of bed. There are photos everywhere online of me and Anna at the restaurant last night and ones of Anna and Britt. Articles mention how they didn't talk or interact with each other. This could not end well. Still looking at my phone, on Instagram looking at tagged photos of me, I head into Annas room. "Hey babe, by your face, you have seen the media. Right?" Anna says as soon as she saw me. "Yep. what are you gonna do?" I have to ask. "I am gonna tweet now." I wait for Anna to send the tweet. ---- A/N -- I can't think of anything funny or clever she would say about this so that's why I don't say the tweet hahaha  <3------- I go get my laptop from my room and bring it back. "I'll show you the video. I was up editing last night." I tell Anna. "Can't wait. You gonna upload today?" Anna asks. "Yeah, do you want me to?" I ask, looking at her. "Why not?" Anna says. While watching the video, Anna looks impressed. "Great job baby, it looks and sounds great," Anna says. "Thanks. You sounded amazing." 

Once I finished doing school, and before I left for dance, I uploaded the video. I wanted to see how popular it was when I got home. As soon as I was in the studio, Abby came up to me, wanting to know what happened with the audition. "I got the part!" I squeal. "What!?! Yay, I'm so happy Harper!" "Annas gonna be in it too," I tell her. "Wonderful! You'll have such a good time!" The first three hours at the studio went by slowly when I had a break, I checked my phone, and saw a text from Anna. Hey, baby, I posted about ur vid on media. I reckon it'll be big! xxx. I silently hoped she was right. I couldn't wait to see when I get home! 

Annas POV

I can feel my eyes start to shutter closed on the couch.

"Stop! Stop! Anna, don't do this, please!" Britt comes sprinting into the dark room where I am under the sheets and Harper is holding my hand. A look of disgust comes across my face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shout at her, pissed that she came in during the abortion. "You can't do this, I am so, so sorry. You have no idea how I feel right now." Britt pleads. "How did you hear about this?" I ask, still shocked. "You don't need to know. But you do need to leave now, I will raise the baby with you, we can take care of it together. Build ourselves back up. Fix what I have done. Please." I can feel Harper's grip on my hand get firmer and firmer as she goes on.  don't know what to feel or say. Out of the blue, Harper jumps from her chair and goes RAGE at her. "What the hell, Britt!? Why the fuck do you think you can just barge in here and plead to get her back!? It's stupid! You know what you did to her, right? In case you don't know, you slapped her when you found out.....!!!!" 

My eyes flick open, I am breathing heavily, sweat is dripping down my face. I stand up and dash over to get some water. "Holy shit!" I breathe. "What a dream!"

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