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Harpers POV

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!! OH, MY GOD!!!" I sank to a squat and sat on the floor in shock and I was crying my ass off. The ANNA FREAKIN KENDRICK IS HERE?! In Utah? In the same building as me? In the same room? Was dancing with me?!! I was on the floor crying like a child, other girls ran up to her and gave her a hug. when she was done with the other girls, she walked to me, crouched down and reached out and touched my arm! I know it's weird but I cried even more. She was beaming at me, now sitting down across from me and getting me to look at her. "Sorry, I look sooooo ugly right now don't I?" She laughed at that. "It's ok. I'll help you up." She stood then pull me to my feet. I cried a bit more, she's so perfect, her face, hair eyes, everything. So pretty! Before I knew it, I was wrapped in a hug and in a private room. I had calmed down and was now beaming so hard, I swear my face is going to fall off my skull! "Hi Harper, you obviously know who I am!" She said. I got overwhelmed when she said my name! " Haha yeah. Yep, I'm Harper. I'm sorry about before, I just.... Didn't expect to see you!" "Haha its ok! so, do you know why I'm here?" she said. I had a thought she was here to adopt me, but that can't be. Can it? "Um.... not really?" "Well, Harper. I am your birthmother. I left you here several days after you were born because my career was taking off and I was stupid to say I didn't want any distractions." My face dropped. Holy Shit! this lady, a celebrity, my all time favorite celebrity was sitting her telling me she was my actual birthmother!? I wanted to test her. "Really?! Prove it." I said in a sassy tone. "Ok missy," she said back in a sassy tone jokingly. " Your name is Harper Rose Cooke, Born April 17, 2003, and you were left here 4 days after you were born, you have a gold bracelet with a lock on it and  I have one with a key on it." She said pulling up her wrist to show me and I pulled up mine. "Oh yeah, and your name is now Harper Rose Cooke Kendrick because I am adopting you back so you are now mine and apart of the Kendricks. Congrats." I sat there in shock for at least 10 seconds and then ran to hug her. We were both balling our eyes out now. "I can't believe it!" I whispered into her neck. "Me neither! It's actually you!" She squeezed harder. She pulled me to sit on her lap and told me what we were doing. "Ok, we are leaving now to the airport to fly to LA to get home tonight where my mom, dad, and brother are at my house, their visiting from Maine just to see you. You're gonna get changed now before we leave. And get out a dark hoodie and sunglasses too." I follow her instructions. I change into dark gray sweats, a navy and white flannel, white chucks and my hair up into a topknot. Anna got changed too when she came out she was practically wearing the same, light gray sweats, black and blue flannel and black chucks and hair down. We both pointed it out. Creepy.

A/N -- Heyyy, thanks for getting this far! Wow, I never thought it would be this hard to keep it short! I have so much detail I want to put in, but I want to keep it shortish for y'all. let me know if you want it longer tho! <3<3

also do you think longer chapters? tell me! :)

Found and Loved (Anna Kendrick Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें