Light, Dark and Wolf {A Teen...

By RickyBuckets

133K 3.5K 177

(Discontinued) When Mel was 3 a fire wiped out her family's home and killed her mother. Her dad had taken her... More

A Dream to Sum it Up
FBI Ma'am
What are They Doing Here?
He's on the Hunter's Side
You're Hunters
A Bomb
He'll Be Fine
It's Probably Nothing
A Meeting
Someone's Coming
Don't Speak You Idiot
I Died Didn't I
The Past Unfolds
Still Unfolding
Filling the Others In
Back to the Station
A Slight Demon Situation
A Ride in the Impala
Oh How Times Have Changed
The Demon Squeals
I Told You So
Demons or More Demons?
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

A Shadow

1.4K 49 3
By RickyBuckets

So sorry I haven't publish in a while I had a bit of a blank for a while. Plus I was watching Tv shows and reading. But here you go another chapter!

Here have this song because it's creepy.

Mel's P.O.V

"The Assassin." I breathe still starring dead into his fogged eyes.

"Such a cute little nickname, don't you think?" He turns his attention to Dean, who has his gun ready. "What do think about it? Does it suit me?" He ask in general curiosity. Dean just gives him a 'dude seriously?' look and The Assassin rolls his eyes.

"No fun." His eyes glow a faint gold as he lifts his hand flings Dean into a wall.
"Dean!" I hear both Sam and Castiel shout as they both go to his side.
"Awwww... Such good friends. To bad I only need on of them." He goes to raise his hand again but I grab it and his attention is turned back to me.
"Over my dead body." I hiss grabbing the hand around my throat and using all my strength to push it away, my eyes turning neon blue in the process. He just looks at me impressed. "Well, well stronger than I might of thought." He looks me in the eye. "For a girl" He adds slightly and I roll my eyes and kick him in the jewels.
"Sorry Scott!" I shout as I remember he can probably feel everything. I laugh none the less as I quickly pin him against the wall.
"Leave my friends alone! You're out numbered." I yell but his face doesn't change from it's smugness.
"Oh you think." His smile became more evil and his eyes clear as Scott falls forward into my arms. The Assassin was gone. That can't be bloody good.
I turned to a slightly pale Stiles and smile.

A very unconvincing smile.

"Mel? What is it?" He asks his voice wavering.
Everyone turned to look at me and I shrugged. "Um.. yeah we should probably start running." I answer lifting Scott off the ground with ease. No one moved and I glared at them.
"Like now!" I shout and everyone goes into action.
Malia and Liam took the lead with Lydia and Castiel following, next was Sam with a slightly conscious Dean. And lastly there was Me (With Scott on my back) and Stiles bringing up the rear.
"What is it Mel? What the hell happened?" Sam asked after we started running and I was going to answer but Castiel took over.
"I can sense about 20 demonic presences or more where we just were. If we hadn't of run, we'd be fighting a hoard."
"What the hell happened to Scott?" Liam asked still ahead of everyone.
"He was possessed! Can we talk about it when we get...." I never finished my sentence and was slammed against a concrete wall.

Stiles's P.O.V

I fell backwards as a shadow flew straight into Mel's side, she dropped Scott and I flinched as he hit the ground. 'ouch...'. I waited for Mel to get back up but she didn't and I noticed the blood pooling around her head. 'Great just what we need'.
I turn my attention back to the attacker and look more closely at the shadow and noticed everyone else doing the same thing, except Sam had a gun pointed at it as well, while Dean still leaned on his shoulder.
The shadow had a sort of humanoid figure to it. My eyes traveled to where it's eyes should of been. White pointed teeth spread into a wide grin, and it's glowing red eyes fall on mine.

"Well, this is just great." I mumbled looking at everyone behind the shadow, which he seems to be paying no attention to. Why not? Seriously, it couldn't just turn around. NOOO.
"Umm...Hi." Mental facepalm, of course it's not going to reply to that.
"Good bye." it growls and I just manage to move as it swings a claw at my face.
That's when Sam decide to finally shoot his damned gun. I grabbed my head as gunshots rang out through the whole passage. But to my horror they all went straight through him.

"WELL DONE! NOW YOU'VE JUST PISSED IT OFF!" I shout as I scramble to my feet, stepping back a bit as Malia and Lydia approached.
Malia took a swing at the thing but it's body seemed to phase through her hand. She stepped back in confusion and it turned to face her. Her eyes glimmered with fear as the thing picked her up and through her back and she crashed into Sam and Dean. All three toppling over unto one another.
The thing turned it's attention to Lydia. I tensed as she stood her ground starring it dead it the eye.

"Everyone cover your ears!" She instructed and I didn't hesitate, knowing that she was about to 'banshee' out I clamped my ears and saw the others do the same, even Castiel.
Then she screamed and the sound still echoed throughout my skull. But the thing only faulted and swatted her aside as if she were merely a bug.

"Lydia!" I yelled, my ears still ringing, I went to move to her but Liam was there first and I was suddenly occupied.
The thing grabbed me by the collar and slam me against the wall. All the breathe was forced out of my lungs. I struggled in the monster's grip as it went to my throat.
Liam charged it from behind but he was knocked aside by some unknown force. My vision was darkening when a heard a raspy voice.

"Move." he yelled and suddenly a silver blade protruding from the shadow's chest and it flashed orange before simply vanishing.
My throat was releases and I slid to the ground coughing my lungs up. I managed to clear my head of fog and looked up at Castiel still holding the blade.

"WEREWOLVES! BANSHEE AND IT'S TAKEN DOWN WITH A KNIFE!" I attempt to shout, but end up coughing more.
"Argh..." a female voice stirred.
I looked over to where Mel was ands her moving slightly, she managed to sit up and looked at me dazedly.

"What'd I miss?"

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