His Human Mate

By Suinnx

118K 5.7K 825

"Be careful of the big bad wolf" After running away from her hometown in East Cove, Imani Kent moves into Wol... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Two

7.9K 370 73
By Suinnx


The drive to Wolf Creek was long and tiring, I sometimes contemplated turning back and running into Mateos arms once again begging him for forgiveness, but I stopped myself each time. Tears brimmed my eyes painfully. I tried to control all the whirlwind of emotions inside me, I tried to bottle up my agony but I couldn't.

The area I was passing consisted of forestry, no concrete jungles were in sight which was quite refreshing.

Subconsciously I pulled over into a small diner when the sound of my stomach singing rang in my ears.

Parking near the entrance, I exited my car before pressing the car key lock button. Holding onto my key tightly I planned out different ways on how to approach this situation.

Get the food, take away, then run.

Taking a deep breath I quickly entered the diner, only to see it was filled more then I expected. I held in a nervous gulp when I noticed the stares I was receiving from the people in the diner.

I walked briskly towards the counter to order something to eat.

"Welcome to Jane's diner, how can I help you" the petite chirpy brunette asked.

I gave the chirpy woman my order making sure to tell her I wanted it as take away.

"That'll be €4.90 please" she smiled.

I handed her a fiver and waited patiently for her to hand me my change and receipt.

Once she did this she told me that my order will be ready in about ten to fifteen minutes. Nodding my head I retreated from the counter, allowing the next customer to order.

Taking a seat near the booth closest to the door, I waited patiently for my food.

I froze in my seat when I felt a vibrating sensation in my jeans pocket. Removing my phone from my pocket, I hurriedly typed in my password before tapping on the message icon.

My heart stopped when I looked down at the text message from the unknown number.


Don't think you can escape from me Imani, I will find you

Looking up from my phone I searched the small diner, praying silently that Mateo hadn't followed me.

I mean he couldn't have followed me right?


I looked down at my phone once again. Holding in a small cry, I ripped my gaze away from the phone.


I've got eyes on you princess, so don't think you've escaped now because when I fucking get my hands on you Imani, oh you don't want to know what's gonna happen to you.

Abruptly I stood up from the booth seat before quickly making my way towards the counter.

"You have a nice night now" she chirped handing me my food.

I gave her a tight smile before I speed walked out of the place, but what I failed to notice was the two men in black inside the diner staring after me.

After eating in my car, I continued the long drive to Wolf Creek, and as tiresome as the trip was I couldn't find the will to stop.

Fear and anxiety gave me the strength to continue the journey, I was scared out of my mind by the continuous texts I was receiving from Mateo.


I eyed my phone on the passenger seat continuously while trying to keep an eye on the road.

Check the message

My mind repeated over and over again. My grip tightened around the steering wheel as I came to a stop.

Looking up I noticed that the traffic light was red. There wasnt many cars around me. Taking this as a sign I turned to my phone. Swallowing down my fear I went to reach out to pick up my phone, but I froze when I heard a loud honk coming from behind me.

"What the-" I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion.

Looking into my rear view mirror I saw a black jeep behind me. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see whoever was inside.

I looked up at the traffic light seeing that it was still red.

What the hell

The jeep continued to horn rudely at me and it was beginning to piss me off.

Getting out of my car I stood beside my open door, waving my hands in confusion at the driver.

"The light is still red!" I shouted pointing towards the traffic light.

I watched as the person in the jeep turned off their engine before stepping out. The only problem was that it wasn't just one person but two people who exited the car.

They were much taller than me and buffer. They gave up this dangerous vibe that didn't sit well with my stomach.

"Miss. Kent you must come with us" One of the men spoke.

My eyes widened by a fraction. How did they know me.

Shaking my head I took a few retreating steps back when they slowly approached me.


Stumbling into my car I quickly closed my door before locking all the doors, just as they ran up towards me.

The one who spoke previously began to bang on my window with such force, I was surprised my window didn't break. While one was hitting my window the other was trying to open my doors.

"I kindly suggest you open the door Miss. Kent, Mr De Luca is not a patient man" he warned.

My heart stopped at the mention of Mateo.

"Well tell him to leave me alone" I shouted before driving off.


My heart was still pounding vigorously in my chest, I still couldn't shake of the feeling that Mateo hadn't eyes on me and that he had men sent out to look for me.

Biting down on my lip I eyed my phone suspiciously.

Keeping a steady eye on the road I quickly reached to pick up my phone on the passenger seat. Unlocking it, I went to my messages, only to see that I'd gotten a message from my close friend Gloria.


Hey I'm just checking to see if you're close to town yet. Call me when you have the chance.

Quickly pressing the green call button I placed the phone back down onto the passenger seat.

The ringing sound echoed in the car since I put it on speaker.

"Hello?" Gloria said.

"Hey Gloria" I said as I took a turn following the signs that said WolfCreek.

"Hey girl, how are you? Is everything okay?" Gloria asked me.

"Yeah everything is fine, I'm just trying to find my way through this town" I sighed.

Taking another turn I could see another sigh straight ahead.

"How close to town do you think towns are and which side of town are you on" she asked me.

"I think I'm almost there and I'm on the north side, why do you ask?" I said.

As I drove closer and closer I could see the sign more clearly.

"The north side?- I-...." Gloria said but my phone started to act up.

"Hello? Gloria are you there, can you hear me?" I asked but there was no reply.

"Damn it" I hit my steering wheel on frustration.

That's when the petrol tank metre started to glow signalling that my petrol is going down.

"No no no no" I exclaimed as my car slowly began to stop as I approached the sign.

"You can't do this to me, oh God no no no" I groaned.

Slamming my head down onto the steering wheel, I let out a sigh of defeat.

Turning to face the passenger seat I picked up my phone, my bag and room out my car keys from the ignition before exiting my car. Locking it I approached the sign.

I stared up at the tall withered welcome sign of Wolf Creek, the white painted wood had pealed and was left weather beaten and torn. Black spray paint covered the Wolf and was replaced with bold words that spelled freak in red spray paint. Standing back I analysed the vandalism that stretched across the wooden sign.

Welcome to freak Creek
Population of 2500
Founded in 1675

Shaking my head slightly I turned away from the sign and continued my walk down the silent street of Wolf Creek. The town was quiet, the only sound that reached my ears was the sound of the wind blowing against my body. My short curly hair blew with the wind, a short strand momentarily landed on my nose before it blew away to join the rest. I clutched onto my hand bag as I took a turn around a corner.

Chatter and laughter reached my ears, the sound seemed so foreign to me. It had been so long since I've heard laughter, longer then I've laughed actually. A small frown found its way onto my face as I craned my neck to see where the source was coming from. My eyes landed on two women on the lawn of a large house, one was seated in a wheelchair her salt and pepper hair was pulled into a loose bun. She looked much older then the other woman who was petite and had short black hair with a yellow flower against her ear. The short floral off the shoulder dress fitted her figure and I couldn't help but gaze at the two.

They seemed out of place in such a gloomy town.

"Hello dearie?! You lost?" The woman in the wheel chair asked me softly.

My lips parted in shock and I couldn't help but flush awkwardly after realising that they'd probably noticed me staring. Thank God for my dark complexion.

"N-no, well yes actually" I said tucking a curl behind my ear.

I watched as the young woman pushed the other woman in the wheelchair in my direction. I felt my heart pace quicken as they drew closer to me.

"I-I'm new to this town and my car kinda broke down by the Welcome sign, and I was just wondering if you knew where the closest gas station is" I said.

"Welcome I'm Korina- and this is my mother Linda" Korina said smiling at me.

"I'm Imani" I returned the gesture.

"Well, what brings you to Wolf Creek, Imani" Linda asked sweetly.

My breath hitched in my throat.

"I-I uh just wanted a new start, you know start of fresh" I smiled tightly.

"Wolf Creeks not the best of places for a new start dearie" She said.

My eyebrows furrowed at her sentence.

"What makes you say that?" I asked curiously.

"Let's just say Wolf Creek, is Wolf Creek for a reason" Linda continued.

"Beware dearie, a fresh start is what you may be looking for but it's not what your heart desires. Not everyone is who they seem in this town" she warned me.

"Don't mind her, she hasn't taken her pills she's a bit loony" Korina laughed nervously.

"It's always the loony ones, that have the sanest of minds" Linda said.

"The gas station is straight ahead dearie, you can't miss it. You have a good day now, maybe we'll see each other around" Linda smiled before she turned and wheeled herself up towards the lawn.

"I'm sorry about her, she forgot to take her pills again" Korina said as she turned towards her mother who was watering the garden.

"It's fine, I guess she opened my eyes a bit. This town seems kinda...creepy" I said.

"Not really, just you wait until tomorrow you'll see" she said facing me once again.

"Maybe when you fix your car I can show you around town" she offered.

I thought about it for a while.

"I'd like that, I'd like that very much Korina" I smiled.

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