A Little Bit Of Normal - Jack...

By Parkpuppy_7

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'Can you accept me as I am? And the burden that comes along with loving a person like me?' ••••••... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 8

825 73 83
By Parkpuppy_7

Jackson's POV

I wasn't even thinking straight anymore, a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach fueling my actions. I spotted a tumbler of water as I passed by a table and I grabbed that immediately. I guess that was a better option rather than my fist on his handsome face. I went behind him and acted on the first thought that came to my head.

'What the hell man??!!' Henry shouted as I poured the whole tumbler onto his head. The rest of my friends were all snickering but got back to their work when I glared at them.

I ignored him and took Riannon's hand and pulled her away, grabbing a plate of the steak and mashed potatoes and went to sit near the fire.

'Jackson? What was that all about?'

'Eat!' I stuffed a spoon filled with the mashed potatoes into her open mouth.
'No questions, food first!' I put on a huge smile on my face as I did so. Well truth be told, I didn't know how to answer that question and I was also a bit embarrassed that I acted purely out of ..I don't even know what I felt. I just ..couldn't take seeing Henry all over her like that. I don't know if I could ever take any guy being close to her.

Damn it Jackson! What have you gotten yourself into?

'Uh huhhh.' She looked over at me skeptically with her mouth still full. I just wanted to pinch her cheeks and kiss her.

Stop it Jackson!

'Are you having fun?' I asked her, desperately trying to change the subject.

'Yeah I guess so. Aren't you gonna eat as well?'

'Oh yeah, hold on.'

I went over to the guys to take another plate for myself. They started laughing as I approached them.

'Smooth. Real smooth jackson. Way to show everyone who she belongs to,' Sungmin said as he bursted out into laughter again.

'Shut up. He was being his usual flirty self. I was just protecting her from a heartbreak.'

'Whatever helps you sleep at night man,' Dave commented.

I went back to my seat next to her and started eating, soon joined by the rest of the guys except Henry. They informed me that he immediately went home after what happened earlier.

Meh. He'll get over it.

The boys were currently sharing some of my old embarrassing stories with Riannon and she was having so much fun and tearing up out of laughter at my expense.

'Don't you be so humble yourself Namjoon. You should show her some of your powerful dance moves that you keep hidden under your sleeves,' Someone shouted.

'Please no!' Minhyuk interrupted. 'We're all doing pretty good without them, thanks!' But at the same time standing up and mimicking Namjoon's infamous steps while the others were laughing at him.

'Let's all play a game since the night is still young!' Dave suggested after a while.

'Yeah sure!' Everyone agreed.

'What shall we play?'

Just as I was about to give my suggestions, I received a phone call. When I took it out and looked at the screen, it was from our producer. I sigh knowing that it was probably important for him to call at this time.

'Guys you go on ahead and play. I got an urgent phone call I need to pick up.' I told everyone.

'Will you be okay for a while?' I quietly added to Riannon. I didn't want to leave her again.

'Don't worry. I'll be okay. Go!' She smiled at me reassuringly.

'Alright. I'll be back soon.' I picked up the call and went inside the house to talk.

20 minutes later and he was finally done. He called to let me know about a new solo single he wanted me to be part of. He said that everyone in our band would each have to perform one. I listened to most of what he explained but at the same time I was so distracted at the thought of leaving Riannon alone and was itching to go out instead.

'Do you have any inquiries about the project?'

'Nope sir! Is that all? I have to go now!' I asked him, wanting to end the conversation as soon as possible.

'Jackson?! Quit monkeying around. You better be focussed. You know this is important.' He warned me in his usual strict tone.

'Okay okay sir! I promise I will work hard!'

'You better!' And he hung up.

I hurriedly made my way back to the party, eager to spend more time with Riannon. But as soon as I stepped outside, I caught sight of her puking near the bushes while Namjoon was patting her back and holding a bottle of water and tissues. Oh no...why was it that every time I left just for a few minutes,something bad always occurred.

I rushed over towards them,'What happened?' I worriedly asked. I took the tissues and helped to wipe her mouth after she threw up all the contents.

'Well.. Don't get mad.' Namjoon raised his arms in the air,'But we were playing a game and whoever lost at each round should take a shot. We didn't know she wouldn't be able to handle the drink. She said that she does drink occasionally so we thought she'd be fine.'

'I didn't know I couldn't handle it either.' Riannon raised her hand as well and smiles at me goofily.

I sighed once again. 'Come on. I think it's better I take you home.'

'But I don't wanna.' She was looking at me with those sad eyes.

'I'll give you lots of pokemon when we get there.'
Hearing this, her expression lit up. 'Really really?' She asked,earning a chuckle from Namjoon.

'Uh huh.' I smiled at her. 'So let's get you home quickly.' I gave her the water to drink and took her hand in mine as we said goodbye to the rest of my friends. I helped her get into the car and she immediately snuck into a comfortable position and fell asleep.

'I'll see you next time then Namjoon. We'll hang out again soon.'

'Sure thing. And take good care of her. She's a keeper.' He winked and walked back towards the party.

I looked over at her and thought for a moment about what he said but shook my head, clearing away the mixed feelings that were creeping in again.

No, I can't.

I started the car and drove back to her place. When we reached, she was still sound asleep and I didn't want to wake her up. I got out and opened her door,checking her pocket for the keys to her apartment. After fishing them out of the inner compartment of her jacket, I picked her up carefully in my arms and as I did, she stirred a little. I stiffened for a second, but all she did was snuggle closer to me. I breathe a sigh of relief and couldn't help smiling down at her. She undeniably made me feel things and I don't even know if that was a good thing. My emotions had been a mess, I had to admit but it was even more confusing after I met her.

I walked up the stairs to her flat, quietly opening the door without making a sound as best as I could while still holding her. As I did, her cat jumped off from somewhere above the cabinets nearby and brushed past my legs,a scream almost escaping my throat. Damn that cat!

I somehow managed to find her bedroom with the help of the dim light trinkling in from the windows and I placed her gently on the bed and sat beside her. She looked so peaceful.

As I stared at her, so many thoughts crossed my mind. I realised my life had been far from normal but somehow after I met her, everything seemed a bit different. Like everything was a bit more bearable now. I didn't really know what I was feeling but I was slightly scared. This was different from what I felt before but that fear still held me captive. I stroked her head lightly and was about to stand up, when she quietly called out my name.


It was barely a whisper but I heard it. For a moment I thought she was awake but I realised she was only dreaming as I took a closer look at her. I couldn't help smiling like an idiot though.

I looked at the time and realised it was pretty late. I didn't wanna leave and wished that I could take care of her but I had a meeting to attend in the morning at the company.

I took her blanket and draped it over her body and made sure that she was tucked in properly before I went to her kitchen. I poured a glass of water,searching the room for any medicine kit and luckily, I found it placed on one of the kitchen counters. Opening it, I went through the contents looking for an aspirin just in case she woke up with a headache. After I found what I needed, I tiptoed back into her bedroom and placed the water and the medicine on the bedside table.

'Good night Riannon.' I said softly as I placed a hand on her cheek, 'I hope you sleep well.' I whispered and bent down to kiss her forehead.

I closed the door of her apartment and walked back down towards my car. And all the while, I couldn't erase the smile on my face and I felt all warm inside. Maybe I should just let go? Maybe I should not let my fears get in the way? I couldn't let what happened in the past ruin my present as well.

I looked up before I entered my car, thinking about the girl up in that dimly lit bedroom who could make my heart beat faster with just her presence, take my breath away with just a smile.. And I realised,

Maybe she is worth letting go of everything.

Thank you for reading and as usual, Your gif for the day ;)

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