10 || Kellic

By HellaHotKellic

22.7K 965 1K

Word count: 31 k It all started with sunshine. More specifically, my sunshine. To be even more specific Kelli... More



2.6K 107 184
By HellaHotKellic

Age: 16

Location: Vic's bedroom

"Viic! Guess what?!" Kellin shouts as he suddenly appears in my bedroom. How did he even get in?

I don't have any time to answer him before Kellin gets on the bed where I am sitting, sitting on his knees. One leg on each side of my own lower body. He's practically bouncing up and down on the bed in excitement. Of course me being both in love, and a hormonal teenage boy can't help but to read the situation as way less innocent.

"What's up Kels?" I ask him, not fully paying attention as my eyes are still glued to my phone.

"I have exciting news! I - " Kellin interrupts himself as he notices that I'm looking at my phone, not listening that much to what he has to say.

"Hey.. Put your phone away and pay attention to me" He whines.

Yet again I have no time to answer before Kellin acts. He moves further up my body, now straddling my hips. This is starting to feel like a dangerous situation for me. Kellin leans forward, taking the phone from my hands and puts it down on the nightstand table. Our bodies are so close to each other for a short moment. Kellin's chest almost press against mine. His crotch definitely press against my own and as soon as he sits back down again, it's his butt pressing against me instead.

"I got a date!" Kellin beams, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Just like that I forget about his chest, I forget about his butt. And believe me when I say it takes either something very good or something very bad for me to lose focus off of Kellin Quinn's butt.

"A - a date?" I ask, not wanting to believe I actually heard him correctly.

"Yes! Isn't it great. You know how I've been worried the past year that I'd never have someone? Well now I do. I mean if this date goes well I might have a boyfriend soon." Kellin squeals.

He seems happy, and of course I want Kellin to be happy. I just wish he could be happy about a date with me, not a date with some other random guy. I know it's selfish, but it's the truth.

"So who's the lucky guy?" I ask.

I had found out from Kellin a couple of months ago that he had realized he was gay as he had understood that he only felt attraction towards men and not any other gender. I was happy to hear this of course, not that it means I have big chances with him. But at least bigger than if he was attracted to females.

"His name is Matty. He's kind of new to our school so I don't know if you've seen him or not. He's got red hair, brown eyes and is really hot!" Kellin beams, seeming to be very excited about their date.

"I always thought you were into brunets?" I question, knowing Kellin had mentioned sometime that he like 'chocolate hair' as he called it.

"Well yeah, but Matty's still cute. And he's gay, and he asked me out for a date so I'm not gonna say no. He seems really nice as well" Kellin explains with a smile.

"That's... great. I'm happy for you Kellin" I say, trying to hid my disappointment.

"Thanks. However I didn't just come here to tell you about it, I need help. I have no idea about what to wear. Can you please come over to my house before and help me?" He asks me.

"I don't know Kels.." I start off, feeling kind of uncomfortable about choosing clothes for the guy I'm in love with so he can look good on a date with another guy.

"Please!!" He whines, sticking out his bottom lip.

He gives me the biggest puppy eyes I've ever seen, making me melt into those green blue eyes he has. I just can't say no to that.

"Fine!" I groan, accepting the offer.

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kellin squeals, bending down to hug me.

What he does next takes me by surprise. He presses his lips against my cheek, giving me a wet kiss right above my jaw. He then gets off me but stays on the bed, having a satisfied smile on his lips.

I feel how I'm starting to blush because of what Kellin did. I sure wasn't ready for him to do such thing. First he comes in here and straddles me, then hugs me still sitting on top of my crotch before finally placing a sloppy kiss on my face. Currently I'm thankful as hell about my tan skin tone that helps hide the blush a little. At least I hope it does.

"When do I need to be at your place?" I ask, brining back the topic to Kellin's date.

"You can come over after school tomorrow so we can hang out for a while and then you can help me with what I should wear"

"Why are you even asking me about this? I don't know shit about fashion" I say, because really. I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to fashion. Usually I just put on a shirt that doesn't smell too bad in the morning, throw on some jeans and then I'm ready to go.

"Because you're my best friend and I need you to calm me down and help me to not freak out about the date" Kellin tells me with a pout.

"Fiine" I whine for the second time. His words having a bigger impact on me than I let Kellin know.

Best friend. There's those words again. The words that are usually appreciated and usually something good to hear from someone. Though in this situation it feels like a punch in the face. It's ridiculous because I know Kellin only sees me as his best friend. But I still can't stop feeling hurt about hearing him say it out loud.

Age: 16

Location: Kellin's bedroom

"Is this okay?" Kellin asks me, stepping out of his walk in closet for the probably tenth time.

"Just like I said with the nine other ones, yes it looks good" I groan from where I'm sitting on his bed and playing a game on my phone.

"Viic, could you please be just a tiny bit more enthusiastic about this?" Kellin whines.

I put my phone down with a sigh turning my attention to him. This time he's dressed in black skinny jeans along with a t-shirt that has an unbuttoned flannel on top of it. Just like every other time he looks absolutely beautiful, though I can't really say that to him.

"Sorry. But Kels I told you, I'm not interested in fashion. You look great wearing that I promise" I tell him.

Kellin looks at me in disbelief to begin with until a small shy smile takes place on his face.

"You mean that?" He asks, still with that adorably shy smile.

"I do Kels" I confirm, finally making him decide on the outfit it seems.

He smiles again before practically skipping over to the door of his closet to close it. He takes one last look on himself in the mirror, brushing through his hair with his fingers before he's done. After that he plops down on the bed next to me, taking a deep breath that seems to be out of nervousness.

"Nervous?" I ask him with a small chuckle.

"That obvious?" Kellin asks, chuckling as well.

"Why so nervous Kels?"

"Because. This is the first date I've ever been on. A cute guy is taking me to a date on the beach and I'm scared I'll make a fool out of myself" He tells me.

"Meh, I'm sure you won't. And if he doesn't like you because you're a fool then he's not the right trust me" I inform him.

Kellin smiles a bit but he doesn't say anything else on the topic. Instead he just lies next to me on his bed, nervously playing with his fingers. I can see him out of the corner of my eye but I don't want to turn to look at him. I don't want him getting creeped out because I'm staring. I feel so bad for what I had planned. I am officially a horrible best friend. After this night I shouldn't even be allowed to call myself Kellin's friend. Friends are not supposed to do these kind of thing to each other.

I wish I could change my mind now but I know that it's too late now. Matty will come to pick Kellin up in around half an hour. So when they have been on the beach for maybe forty five minutes a big group of teenagers from school will come there, most likely ruining their date.

When Kellin told me about the date I didn't think too much about it at first. It wasn't until later when I found myself lying in bed not being able to fall asleep because I could not stop thinking about it. I hated that he was going on a date with someone that wasn't me. I hated that this could lead to him getting a boyfriend that wasn't me. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night because I realized how truly hopelessly in love with Kellin I am. Therefore I acted on impulse.

What you're gonna hear next in this part of the story might make you think I'm a douche. If you do, I get it. I did something wrong. But if you get too annoyed I advice you to stop listening to me because believe me when I tell you that this might be the first but definitely not the last time I do something dumb in the story of when I fell in love with Kellin.

I didn't know too many people at the school to be honest. I mostly spent my time with Kellin and a few other close friends. I was never the kind of guy who hung out with the whole school. People didn't dislike me or anything, I was even out to the whole school and luckily no one ever made fun of me for it.

Though someone who do know basically the entire school is my brother Mike. Everyone always asks us if we're twins since we're in the same grade, though that isn't the case. He's born the same year as I am, just that he is born in December while I'm born in January. Ironically he's dating Tony who's a year younger and also incredibly shy. It surprised me at first when they got together, considering how different they are when it comes to social interaction.

Anyway, back to the point. Mike knows literally the whole school, therefore I asked him for help with this. I asked him if he could make sure to throw together a party at the beach with as many people as he possibly could. He tried questioning me about why but eventually gave up as I refused to tell him why. I'm not sure how he'd react to my reason. He knows Kellin and I are best friends but he has no idea that I see Kellin as anything more.

Though he agreed to do so, and that's why I know there will come a storm of teenagers in the middle of Kellin and Matty's date. I feel bad for doing this, yet I don't regret it completely. I know it sounds awful but I don't want him going on that date.

Six months ago I didn't believe this day would actually come. I thought I would have dared to tell him about my feelings. There was a period of time where I felt like my feelings possibly could have been answered. I felt like Kellin started acting a bit different around me and I thought that maybe, maybe I would dare to tell him.

Of course I never had the courage to. I was still scared of rejection so I didn't dare to go through with confessing my love to Kellin. I was very close to one time, but right in that moment he didn't act as he had been doing for the past time. It didn't feel like he could possibly be in love with me anymore, because he started acting as just a friend again.

Half an hour passes faster than I want it to and the doorbell to Kellin's house rings. I stay in Kellin's room, something he asked me to do. I get that, I mean it might be a bit weird for Matty if he comes to pick up Kellin and Kellin is hanging out with another boy. I have an extra key to Kellin's house anyway so that I can lock later when I leave.

Age: 16

Location: The beach

I feel like a freaking stalker right now. I've been watching Kellin and Matty on their date without them noticing me. At least I really hope they haven't and I really hope they won't either. Mike texted me only a minute ago, saying that everyone will be here anytime now.

I feel truly awful for doing this. Ruining my best friends first date. But as I've said, it's too late.

Twenty minutes later and there's a giant beach party going on. I decided to join the party since it seemed like the easiest way to melt in and not get noticed by Kellin and Matty. That was until I saw them close by to all the other teenagers. It seemed like they were bickering about something.

I can't help myself as I keep looking over at them, being curious to what's going on. I can see on Kellin how uncomfortable he is in the moment. I know he doesn't like being in big crowds but he looks so uneasy I feel like there must be something else as well.

Eventually Matty goes off, completely joining the party. He does so without Kellin. Kellin keeps looking uncomfortable and after a minute I can see that it's more than that, he's sad and he's upset.

He turns his head down, something he always does when he's having a hard time to hold back tears before he walks away from the beach.

Well I succeeded in making their date go bad, but it sure didn't feel good. I feel horrible for being the reason Kellin is currently unhappy.

I snap out of my thoughts as I realize Kellin is leaving. I push my way through the crowd before I hurry home since I'm sure that will be where Kellin is going. He always comes to my place when he is upset. Or actually, he always comes to me.

Age: 16

Location: Vic's bedroom

I manage to get home before Kellin gets here. I'm a bit out of breath as I remove my shoes since I had to run for a bit to get here before him. Plus I had to take another way since Kellin took the usual and shorter one.

The doorbell rings almost making me jump out of my own skin. I wait for a while, so that it won't be understandable that I was already in the hallway. Then I open the door. When I do so I find Kellin outside, which doesn't surprise me. Though he has tears running down his cheeks.

I don't have the time to say anything before he steps in and walks up to me. He has his hands placed by my chest, holding the fabric of my shirt. It takes me a couple of seconds to react but as I do so I wrap my arms around Kellin's frame, holding him in a tight embrace.

I kick the door shut with my foot so that I can focus only on comforting Kellin, rubbing my hands slowly over his back. He lets out a small sob and the sound absolutely breaks my heart. The worst part is that this is all my fault. I'm the reason that he's hurting right now.

"Kels, what happened?" I ask, even though I partly knew what happened.

"I - I , can we go to your room, I like it there?" Kellin asks, mumbling the question into my shirt.

I mumble out a 'yes' but when Kellin doesn't move in the slightest I get a bit confused. Instead of waiting for him I wrap my arms around him so that I can lift him up. It's a good thing he's tiny. Kellin doesn't seem to have anything against this as he holds onto me by wrapping his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck so I carry him upstairs and over to my room.

As we get there I sit down on the bed, immediately falling down on it as Kellin puts too much of his weight on me for me to stay up. He's silent for a while and I don't want to pressure him in any way so I let him take his time before he starts talking.

"The date was going really well at first. We were getting to know each other and he was being kind of flirty and sweet. Then a whole bunch of people from school came to the beach and had some big party. I wanted to leave, because well you know I get uncomfortable in big crowds. But Matty thought we should join the party. He tried to force me to go but I refused and I was starting to get panicked. Then he went to the party and left me after calling me a freak"

"Kels I'm so sorry. That guy is not worth you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. You're smart, funny and sweet. If he can't see how good you are and leaves you when you're upset he's a douche. And you deserve to be with a non-douche guy" I say. It might not cheer Kellin up that much, because what could right now.

He looks up at me from where his head is resting on my chest. Lifting himself a bit from my body to look at me.

"Really? You mean all those things?"

"Of course I do"

"Thanks" He mumbles, a small smile on his face.

"Can I stay for tonight?" Kellin mumbles into my shirt after a few minutes of silence where he has gone back to resting his head on my chest.

"If you want to" I tell him. Kellin only nods weakly against my chest before I feel his breathing getting deeper and I realize that he has fallen asleep on me. Literally.

"I'm sorry" I whisper. I know he doesn't hear it since he's not awake, maybe I'm saying it for selfish reasons. Maybe I'm saying it to ease my guilt. Well either way it doesn't help. I still feel guilty for hurting Kellin, for keeping it a secret. Yet I can't feel completely upset. If Matty did that to Kellin then he's not a good guy. And even if I may never have Kellin to myself then I at least want him to end up with someone who treats him how he deserves.

Please remember to vote, comment and share the story. If you have any questions one-shots request or just want to talk, feel free to message me:)❤️

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