Started in the light, pulled...

By The_Toddler_Online

14.8K 253 25

I know what you must be thinking. Why not name this title ' the adventures of Sharkboy, lavagirl and whatever... More

Dreming or Awakened
Lost and found
Never rest
Electrical quake
Cuckoo goes the sharky
dream, don't dream
A new friend
Choo choo on the robot
Sweet dreams in sweet lands
Row your banana split boat
Its a trap
Bye bye adriana
I spy
Geuss whose married
Hello adriana
The death of two dreams
Nightmare Vs dream, water vs electric and light vs darkness
Back on earth
A fight with light
One watcher, two spotters
The choice is yours
The side has been chosen
Release date
Release date: CANCLED
Im starting a Q & A

Darkness overtaken

1.1K 24 0
By The_Toddler_Online

Touching the side of her cheek she felt to see if her make up would stay on. Flinching she hissed as the sunlight turned towards her wound. She closed her kit and walked out the bathroom Smiling to herself no one had came to school yet, it was early so she could have some alone time. Walking to class she sat everything inside her desk. Looking up Mr.Electricidad stared at her then back at his cup of coffee. She pulled out a large book and started reading it staring at the clock once in a while.

" I haven't seen that book in the library" she looked up hiding it inside her desk. " may I take a look" shyly she stood up walking to him handing him the book. Taking it he flipped through the pages quickly looking up at her. "I don't see any words here" looking down she tugged at her choker.

" it's a picture book?" She smiled. " it's a book of Chinese legends from evil spirits to yin and yang." Pointing out to a picture she circled the figure blurry faces . Her eyes traced the two sides of a girl this ones my favorite, it's the ying and yang formation in cats. Cats  are known rather to be given good luck or bad luck depending on their fur, like how some people say black cats are bad luck and white cats are good" when he didn't respond she cleared her throat returning her shy frown back on her face.

" your one year away from fifth grade, you know they don't accept things like this. I prefer you not to read picture books, start new things like graphic novels and chapter books." She nodded. " I'll keep this for a while, you don't mind do you?" Wanted to fight back she opened her mouth, only for the bell to interrupt her saying. She sighed a hint of anger in her chest trying her best to hold it back. " have a seat" she nodded turning around before rolling her eyes tracing her hands on the desk as she walked by them and slumping in her seat.

As the desk started to get filled up she leaned forward hunching a little resting her head in her palm. Looking outside she noticed the trees starting to sway in the sky. A leaf flew on the widow as she lightly leaned forwards over Max's desk as if she where able to touch it.

" who knows where tornadoes come from? Anyone?" Mr.electricicdad questioned. No one answered. Only then had she realized nearly half the class was filled with kids and he had been staring the same direction she was. Paying her well attention outside she had not even bothered to listen on what the class was learning about.

" how about you Adriana? You seem to know a lot about them, especially since you keep staring outside" looking towards him her eyes where wide as the kids in front of her turned around in their seats gazing her. Staring at her teacher he had a smug smile on his lips as she sank down to the point where she almost fell off her seat. She tried her best to hold a snarl against him since he was the one who knew the most about her fear when it comes to big crowds.

" no? when hot air mixes with cold air it can form a tornado" staring down he noticed one of the two girls had not been paying attention.

" dream't of a story like Sharkboy and lavagirl. Ice girl and dream boy. Her powers come from her crystal heart" her blue eyes sparkled through her glasses as she tapped her baby blue Choker pencil on her picture. Sighing he flipped her binder closed.

"no more fairy tails, okay?" he ordered strictly. Hearing whispering among the class his ears perked as he looked up a slight face of annoyance on his cheeks. An evil grin filled Adriana's seeing him suffer for his daughter had not only been the only one roaming on and on about their own fictional character dreams.

" does anyone hear me? I'm a teacher right? Wrong. I'm an awaken-er. Only I'm finding it more and more difficult to keep my class awake" out of curiosity max had walked in the class eyeing the place. He stopped moving when a sudden sneeze caused him to spring up in a fright. " and no recess for you again Marisa you have too many allergies. There's more boogers on your homework then there is homework" taking a seat max walked up to Marisa.

" I'm just cold" she shivered rubbing her arms. Adriana found that to be impossible, for the girl had a fuzzy coat on and a long sleeved shirt. She could tell since you can see it through her coat.

" I'll be happy to change places with you." He offered resting his fingers on her desk. " It's a lot warmer back there in my spot".

" but I have to sit up front" looking up he fought back pointing towards the ceiling.

" it's just that your sitting right under the vent-" she had sneezed again. " - and its August and your sneezing".

" your gonna get me in trouble" tapping his foot Mr.Electricidad called max up to his desk. Hearing his staring voice caused him to jump up once more in fear as his own knuckles turned white. Turning around he walked towards his desk facing him. " are you trying to make real friends?" Max smiled nodding.

"yeah. Trying like you told me to"

" that's good" his smiled faded. " just not with my daughter okay!" His eyes where wide as he looked back at Marisa then him. " no! It wasn't like that! I just..." his voice got caught in his throats as the air around him became tight. He could feel his face warm up as any other words he said turned into stuttering. Half the class snickered while the other half stayed out. And by the other half I only mean one. Yep you guessed it Adriana again.

"Sit down max" he walked to the back of the class he stared at Adriana. His shoulders moved slightly as he hit his lip. She tilted her head as he shrugged in response before slipping into his seat the right way facing the format and leaning back. When the door opened again she peeked up slowly facing the front. Since there was only one more student who had to enter before class started she knew who it would be.

Her eyes narrowed as she grasped a pencil in her hands snapping it. Linus had entered the class smirking at her while her fingers grasping the metal part of her desk trying to break it as well. A low growl came out her voice as she sunk even deeper into her chair.

" stay away from me" she warned with a strict voice.

" nice to see you too, you know it wouldn't kill you to be friendly once it a while"

" and it wouldn't kill you to be sane either. I guess we've both failed at life" max who had notice the commotion he stood up trying to defend her. Walking to Linus who had sat down the bell rung.

" give me back my Journal" max ordered.

" class has begun, everyone in your seats" Mr.Eectricididad ordered.

" LINUS TOOK MY JOURNAL" max yelled.

" I DID NOT!" Linus yelled as well slamming his fist on the desk.

" YES YOU DID, I WAS THERE. I SAW IT ALL!" Adriana shouted standing up. everyone turned around in their chairs to watch to commotion go on. although their eyes had focused on one person the whole conversation, Adriana . It was normal for max and Linus to fight , but it had Shocked them that she was yelling too. Overall she was actually the loudest out of the three.

" if you did then Prove it" Linus yelled. her eyes where wide and deadly at him while his mouth quivered into a smirk. in fear she slid back down in her chair keeping her glare on. his eyes never left hers as she refused to back down on this one on one staring contest.

" MINUS" clearing his throat the teacher stood up again removing his glasses. " I mean Linus, you get a minus for misconduct. Give max back his journal" sighing he slapped his journal into his hands. " one more time Linus , and we'll have to change your name to minus" Max snatched his journal back  and angrily stomped to his seat. flipping through the pages of his book his eyes where wide as slight tears stung his eyes.

Everything was ruined, Linus wrote words in green ink covering half the pages and crossed out most of the other ones with black marker. Adriana looked over and gasped at the sighting as she too almost had felt his pain.  

" HE RUINED MY DREAM JOURNAL" he yelled standing back up.


" OH STOP LYING, YOU KNOW YOUR NOT ALL THAT INNOCENT! YOU ALREADY TOOK HIS JOURNAL ALL PROOF FALLS  ON YOU." Adriana mocked standing up as well. " here's a hint Linus: why don't you cut the act, stop being a wuss and actually stand up to what you've done. better yet why don't just grow up like the rest of the class and MOVE ALONG."

" LIES, I TELL YOU! ALL LIES" He accused. " admit you two are just jealous of me that's why you've been on my tail ever since the year started"

" look whose talking" max threw his book at him as he turned his head around glaring at the two.  Adriana gave a fake pout before blowing him a raspberry.

" YOUR IN MY CLASS NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND" Mr.Electricidad yelled standing up taking off his glasses once more. "  I KNOW EVERYTHING AND YOU KNOW NOTHING! At the end of class all of you report to the principles office, with your parents. HA" lightning caught their attention as their eyes turned to the window. they flew open causing heavy winds to fill the room.

running to the door Mr.Electricidad slammed the doors shut trying to lock them. as he closed one another one flew open and soon they all did. trying to shut them he got blown back y the force as his tie flew in his face. The class screamed sitting in their seats while shielding their heads. Linus looked down to find max journal on the floor. Looking around while everyone was distracted he grabbed it and looked up.

 " EVERYBODY DOWN" Mr.Electricidad yelled ducking under his desk. Swiftly everyone sank in their seats to the bottom of the floor yelling at the top of their lungs. Adriana looked up at her book which flew to her. Grabbing it she tucked it above her knees as she rested her head on it.

Afraid when hearing a crash she felt the pain of multiple shards of glass pressed against her skin and the landing of four feet. The whole class looked up whole max hid under his seat paralyzed, and Adriana still facing her book. Looking up max had realized who had crashed in the room. 

" it's them" Marisa whispered. Mr.electricidad looked up from his desk. One of their heads turn around staring at him. He ducked down as their head turned back around.

" I'm looking for max" one stated. The whole class pointed to the seat at the far back corner. Walking in between the rows of desk homework took to flames turning into Ashes. Linus picked up what was left of his paper as the flames worn out. staring t it he twirled the paper between his fingers breathless.

 " she's hot!" He mumbled, the other one who was silent grabbed his paper tearing it to pieces growling. Backing up Linus slightly coughed. The 'hot' one picked up max desk as the class gasped.

 " we need your help max, come with us" she ordered. The ' jealous' one walked to the hot one nudging her in the shoulder. She looked at him as he tilted his head to the desk next to max.

Looking under Adriana had finally brought up to courage to look up from her desk. Her eyes where wide knowing what the whole class had been gasping about. 

" you-you-your Sharkboy and lavagirl r-right?" They looked at each other then back at her. " your paying for that window, right?" Sending her a venom look Sharkboy walked back to the front of the class as lavagirl faced back to max after sending Adriana a sad look. Standing up she set his chair down following Sharkboy.

 " what do I have to do?" Max asked following lavagirl. Adriana sat back up in her seat firmly holding onto her book.

" come with us to planet drool we'll explain on the way" looking up she noticed Sharkboy with his claws out. Quickly she covered her ears before hearing a light scratch and sequel. opening her eyes she noticing a drawing of a solar system and a planet on the chalk board.  " it's my home planet, just outside our solar system. You should know max! You made it up" looking at the class and back he nodded his head no. 

"I can't go with you" he responded. 

" why not?"

" because your not real, both of you are just a dream. And when I open my eyes you'll be gone" closing them he sighed before opining them again. looking around in sadness and embarrassment they where gone. Walking behind him Sharkboy snarled. 

" we're still here max" lavagirl answered scaring him causing him to jump back.

" if you want to stop the darkness from destroying our worlds, come with us" instead of a friendly jester Sharkboy had picked up his fist meaning it more as a threat.

 " you better go with them" Mr.Electricidad ordered trying to take control  of the situation

" okay. I'll go" Marisa clapped trying to cheer up the mood . Following them out the window lavagirl stopped at the edge and stared back at Adriana. She smiled at her giving her a small wink before running out the whole in the wall melting whatever was left of the window. Linus glared deadly at where the three of them had been standing.

" okay everyone we need to find shelter" Mr.Electricidad ordered as everyone stood up. Adrian stood up but fell back down in her seat clutching her head. " Adriana you can rather puke outside the window or in the nurse, I'm pretty sure no one wants to die because of a vomit tornado" grabbing a nurse pass off his desk he held it out to her. nodding she stood up walking towards. Taking a deep breath the world appeared dizzy to her. She closed her eyes slowly and opened them up. She had not know she had fallen till she noticed that the whole class seemed sideways from her angle.

Shutting her eyes once more all she could hear was the fear gossip of her classmates and Mr.Electricidad yelling her name. Then nothing.

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