Started in the light, pulled...

By The_Toddler_Online

14.8K 253 25

I know what you must be thinking. Why not name this title ' the adventures of Sharkboy, lavagirl and whatever... More

Darkness overtaken
Lost and found
Never rest
Electrical quake
Cuckoo goes the sharky
dream, don't dream
A new friend
Choo choo on the robot
Sweet dreams in sweet lands
Row your banana split boat
Its a trap
Bye bye adriana
I spy
Geuss whose married
Hello adriana
The death of two dreams
Nightmare Vs dream, water vs electric and light vs darkness
Back on earth
A fight with light
One watcher, two spotters
The choice is yours
The side has been chosen
Release date
Release date: CANCLED
Im starting a Q & A

Dreming or Awakened

1.5K 21 0
By The_Toddler_Online

" Sharkboy was not always half shark half boy. He was a marine biologist, or at least in training, his father studied great white shark and call his son 'sharkboy' for how much he cared for them. He made them sushi and had given them all names. Goodmilk, Peggy, eggbat and crackett. But one day an incredible mysterious storm appeared. It swept away the entire laboratory. Thanks to their lifeboats Sharkboy and his father survived, but they survived on different sides of the wreckage each floating off in a different direction. Sharkboy was completely alone, almost completely. But one of the sharks had recognized him-

They took Sharkboy to their cave home, where he'd be safe and dry. his new family were sharks, hundreds of sharks. The sharks raised him as one of his own training him the way of the shark. To live by instinct and instinct alone. Eventually he grew gills and sharp talons for claws. His teeth sharpened to a point and he grew fins, all sorts of fins. But that was years ago. I first met Sharkboy while fishing on a dock this summer. He seemed lost. So I snuck him home when my parents where to busy to notice.-

I kept him fed and in water. He had been traveling the universe in search of his father. He told me of his latest adventures of a planet so cool, it makes you drool. He said I too could go to planet drool someday. Then one night I was visited by a glowing light. An amazing girl with purple flames for hair and skin of molten lava rocks appeared. I had called her ' lavagirl'. She smiled at me, for that seemed to be her name. She told me she needed Sharkboy to return to planet drool with her, for a great crisis was developed. She asked if I could go with her. I told her " I have school tomorrow". She gave me a sad look and flamed away taking Sharkboy with her-

Before I could turn she came back , but only to warn me. For She had said " another being had been born, for it had powers so powerful it could destroy an entire city within seconds". She didn't know who held this power nor where they going to use it for good or bad , but she told me to look out and  beware. For this person was rather the key to helping them or a threat to me and both of our planets. Once I blinked they where gone; and I haven't seen Sharkboy or lavagirl since then." Setting his book down max stared at the class. " and that's what I did this summer".

After seconds of deadly silence everyone, expect for two girls, threw paper balls at max. One of them sat in he front, her head rested down on her arms that lay on her desk. Her eyes where wide sparkling through her glasses with a smile of curiosity sprawled across her face. The other one sat far in the back in the seat next to the cone where max had sat. She she slumped in her chair fiddling in her hands that rested on her lap looking down. She seemed to have been avoiding what max had been saying yet she was listening along with the rest of the class.

"ENOUGH" their teacher yelled. " someone is picking that up, and it's not going to be me" taking of his glasses and sitting straight in his wheelchair he eyed the class as Linus raised his hand.

" I thought we where supposed to tell true stories" he questioned. A hint of ignorance spat in his throat.

"it is a true story" max replied flicking out one of the paper balls that stayed in his head. The girl in the front raised her hand up. " does lavagirl have special powers?"

"there is not such thing as lavagirl" the teacher responded. Flipping through the pages of his book he looked back up at her.

" she can shoot lava out her hands". She smiled brightly

" cool! What about that mystery girl? Did they ever find her? Did they find out who she is? Do they know if she's really evil or not?" The girl in the back looked up a twitch of rage in her stomach. Her head stayed down but her eyes followed the crowd. She looked back down disappointed her dull brown and black eyes scanned her desk.

Maybe she was misunderstood, or no body ever trusted her.

"I don't know, they just warned me ". Sitting up in her seat she tapped her desk.

"just because they say she MIGHT be a threat doesn't mean she is. Maybe she's just shy and is afraid of what people think of her. Maybe all this talk about her being evil makes her want to be evil since no one believes she can be good" she whispered. Yet in the silence of the class her voice was loud enough to be heard by everyone.

" how many people think Max's story was true" The teacher had asked. the girl raised her hand up high, the other raised hers lightly.

Everyone started making comments on max and his ' true' story disbelieving him on how ' true' it was. Slowly their doubts fell and so did max and his hopes.

." if it's true why don't you bring Sharkboy and lavagirl to class" Linus smirked.

"they went away I don't know where they went." The teacher stood up patting Max's shoulder.

" have a seat max, Linus your next" as max came to sit down Linus stood up nudging him in the shoulder as he fell. Feeling his face collies with the floor laughter filled his ears as he sprawled back up dusting himself off. A small frown appears on linus face as he stared at the two girls who had not reacted to his prank. Feeling his eyes star at her she looked up lightly seeing a small smirk spread across his cheeks.

" this summer I met a new friend who was half dork half boy. I called him dorkboy, his real name was max. We had him for dinner but he stunk so bad that we all blew chunks." Half the class bursted out into laughing as max tilted his head covering his eyes with his bangs. Scoffing she narrowed her eyes at him before looking back down.

"that's enough Linus" the teacher ordered. the recess bell rung as everyone stood up. " Linus, max stay".

"come on mr.E" Linus complained.

" class what's my name?" He asked picking up the label on his desk.

" Mr.Electricidad" the class responded with an annoyed groan. For it had not been the first time he had asked the class to correct the pronunciation of his name.

"that's right Mr.Electircidad not Mr.Electric not Mr.Electricida-da-da-da-da-da-Da" two walked up to him as everyone went outside. The girl in the back peeked out the door staring at the two. When Mr.Electricidad looked her way she gasped turning around and running out to recess.

Staring at her hands the wind blew in her air as leaves stuck to her back. Her dull eyes stared at her pale hands as she crossed her legs over each other looking down. Yelling had caught her attention as she forced her head to look up. She tilted her head noticing the linus and max talking to each other. Out of curiosity she eyed the two sitting up in her chair lifting her chin high to get a better angle.

Linus had held something up to max face as max scoffed shaking his head. Out of anger she noticed him trying to grab the book in his hands, which had led to max accidentally hitting him by the head. Without a haze he started running which alerted her causing her to stand up sprinting towards the two. Once max had reached the climbing rope he held the book in his mouth climbing up linus hot on his trail. Soon his foot slipped causing him to slid down painfully on his back. He groaned letting the book slip out his mouth as linus caught it smirking.

Running up to Linus she stared at the two.

"HEY. that's not yours it doesn't belong to you" she yelled shoving linus a bit. Linus only smiled at her cleaning of his shoulder. His gang punched their fist , but he held his hand away telling them to back off.

"well well well look what we have here, Adriana trying to save dorkboy. " she growled bitting he lips snarling lowly. " if it wasn't for me to tell I might as well say that you have a crush on him. Now answer me this. What do you see in him that seems so special?" holding her fist up as defense she looked up at max who was struggling to get down from the nots of the ropes.

" I see nothing in either of you, I'm just sick and tired of you picking on him. It's fourth grade linus, you've been doing this since kindergarten." He lightly chuckled slapping the book in his palm.

" now give me one good reason why I should listen to you and return this book back?" Raising his eyebrow waiting for a response as his backup crew chuckled. She snorted a small smile at the corner of her cheek.

" I know you like me Linus, I can easily bribe you into giving it back" Linus was about to speak but stopped himself from saying anything he would regret. Looking down he kept his small smile on.

"get her" Adriana got in fighting stance as the boys surrounded her her lips went back to a growl. " I'll come back with a new addition for you tomorrow" Linus laughed walking away. Max slid down the rope hitting his head on the ground as everything to him became blurry. Adriana looked around, one boy tried to punch her but she launched at him sending him back. The other came in for a kick but she dodged it grabbing his leg and swinging him around to he would hit the next.

The last one picked her up from behind as she struggled to get loose. Trying to high kick the boys coming at her they grabbed her foot keeping her in place. When she tried to use the other the same results happened.

"let me go you jerks" failing around she wiggled and tried tickling her way out their trap, but failed. She stopped struggling and looked up at the big dude who held her. " okay first off lay off the tuna sandwiches, if I'm gonna get kidnaped prefer for it to at least be from someone with a sense for personal hygiene".

"lights out" one smiled throwing his fist back.

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