Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessedโ€ผ๏ธ
And it begins, sequel out now

Chapter 34 part 2

1.4K 56 16
By nochillmad

"Hi baby" I say excitedly squeezing him.

"I missed you so much" he says into my shoulder hugging me tighter.

"I missed you more Icing" I say rocking us.

He pulls back and plants a bunch of kisses all over my face, I smile so big doing the same too him.

"I love you" he says hugging me again.

"I love you too" I reply squeezing him, he so tall and handsome.

"Come on I gotta show you Herculady" he grabs my hand pulling me off the couch and out the room, he pulls me all the way up the stairs too the door of a room.

This house is so big it makes no sense.

He opens the door and spider man is thrown at you, the walls are painted blue and red and have spider man posters everywhere.

He has a gigantic spider man rug on the floor a queen sized bed with spider man cover sheets and pillows spider man bean bag chair, a big ass flat screen on the wall with a bunch of Spider-Man toys sitting on top of it, I could go on but you get it.

I laugh when I see the big letters above his bed that says King Ice, Im sure Lauren gave him that nickname.

"Lauren did all this?" I ask surprised.

He nods, sliding under his bed too grab something, I walk over too his closet and open the doors.

It's full of clothes and shoe boxes, she really spoils this kid.

"This is herculady" he says setting the cage on his bed, he goes back under and pulls another cage out, "and this is Hercules" he smiles.

"So She has three dogs a bunny and two turtles?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"No, untie Daya took the pit bulls so we only have bear and coca" he answers.

"So who's are these?" I point too the turtles.

"Mine" he smiles before grabbing them and walking behind me.

He opens the top of the glass cage before taking the turtle out of the mini plastic gave and putting both of them in the big glass cage.

"Did Lauren take care you you while I was gone?" I ask walking over and sitting on his bed.

He sprays hand sanitizer in his hands, "yes, she bought this house for us" he smiles.

"That's really nice of her" I reply sadly.

"She said that we're gonna be a family again"

I couldn't help but smile, hopefully, I'm not gonna lie I miss my lolo.

"Yeah" I agree

"Mommy" he asks.

"Yeah?" I say

"Where did you go why did you leave me?" He said letting his head fall

"I'm sorry baby" say pulling him into my arms.

"I did something bad and I had too go away for a little"

"Was it my fault?"

"No buddy it was t anyone's fault okay?, I love you"

"I love you too" he says squeezing me tightly.

"Did you have fun with Lauren?" I ask quickly trying too change this before I get emotional.
"Yes" he smiles

"She got me into a new school, and base ball, and she stayed up with me when I was in the hospital"

My head shoots up at him, "why were you in the hospital?" I ask worried.

"I had a asthma attack" he says pulling a inhaler out of his pocket.

"It was scary I couldn't breathe" he adds.

I pull him into my arms, "oh my god buddy I'm so sorry I wasn't there"

"It's okay, it wasn't bad in the hospital, until they tried too give me a shot"

I chuckled, "Lauren doesn't like shots either"

He laughed

"So what else have you guys been doing besides baseball?" I ask.

"Any thing, she said she'll take me anywhere I want, last week we went too chuck e cheese and tomorrow we get too go too the zoo" he says excitedly.

"And she gave me this" he walks over too his cabinet and opens it, he reaches deep inside before grabbing a key and opening the bottom door, a safe sat there, you're guess is right, it's Spider-Man.

He opens in the safe with the key and pulls out a fat roll of Cash.

My eyes widened, "I can hold that for you" I say nicely.

"No thanks" he Giggles putting it back in the safe and locking it.

I watch closely as he puts the key back, he won't notice if a few hundred dollars go missing right?

he walked over too his closet and pulled swim trunks out, I look down at my phone texting ruby back.

RR🌹: that's still not a good reason, I would never do that too you❤️.

I roll my eyes, this soft ass bitch would have left me the first time  I even looked at another girl, Lauren was way too good too me.

Nurse mani😏: 💙💙

"Mommy" Isaac says causing me too look up.

"Ewwww" I cover my eyes

"Isaac you can't just whips out in people like that" he was in the middle of putting on his swim trunks when he called me.

"It's just a peterweter" he groans.

It's been a while since I've seen one of those, a month of pussy is fine by me.

"Okay you can go now" he says opening his door and running out.

I chuckled, standing up and following him down the stairs back into the living room.

He ran and jumped on Lauren and Dinah while I walked back over and sat next to Zendaya.
"Bruh, I know that  you off" she clenched her jaw looking over at Laure and Dinah.

I don't bother turning around, I didn't want too see, "so stop looking there and pay attention too me" I say grabbing her face.

"I mean but why they have too do that in front of us?"

"Don't trip of it, y'all not together right?" I ask with a smirk.

"So, that don't mean she gets too move on what the fuck"

"Oh so you can have bitches but she can't?" I ask

"Yes bruh, how we supposed to trust each other and be together if she can't be faithful?"

"Oh so you want too be with her?" My smirk widens

"I never said that" she says pressing her lips in a line.

"So why my girlfriend why not some other bitch?" I ask tightening my lips as I grabbed her by her throat roughly.

"I don't regret it but I'm sorry" she says moving my hand from her throat.

"Damn I kinda like that" she bites her lip rubbing her throat.

"Come on" she grabs my hand lifting us up off the couch and pulling me out the room, me and Lauren make eye contact and I can see how furious she is.

I smirk connecting me and Zendayas hands as we walk into the massive kitchen.

"I think I wanna be petty" she squints her eyes grabbing a hot link and putting into a hot dog bun

"Why tho, y'all could just be together already"

I think Dinah head that cause she coughed giving me a thumbs up when Zendaya had her back turned.

"I gotcho" I mouthed with a smile.

"Nah, why would I fuck with someone who is all over someone else, I liked her better when she was all over me"She ads.

"But if y'all were together don't you think she'd be all about you?" I ask watching her stick the thick mean in her mouth trying not too laugh.

"I wouldn't know we not together" she shrugs.

"Oh my god you weird bitches" I say groaning.

She puts barbecue sauce on it before moaning at the taste, I cringe this bitch eating jail food.

"Don't know k it till you try it" she says holding it up for me too take a bite.

I take a tiny bite, surprisingly" it was really good, the barbecue sauce was really on hit.

I grab her hand taking a bigger bite before moaning at the taste, she spreads a little of the bbq sauce on my face before wiggling her eyes brows.

"You like shit don't you, my special cause in your mouth she said In a low creepy voice.

I punch her arm laughing, "take it all" she says before wiping it of my chin with her finger.

"Who made these" I ask taking another bite.

"I did bitch" she replied turning around and grabbing something out the fridge.

"Who you calling a bitch?" I ask punching her again.

"Some times I gotta fight cause my mouth slick" she raps bobbing her head.

I roll my eyes grabbing her hot link and taking another bite.

"Your low key thick lildaya" I say cupping her little booty.

"I know, and Lauren does too" she sticks her tongue out.

I punch her arm again but this time harder, "fuck Mani you about too have too square up" she says rubbing her arm.

"Say some slick shit again so I can drag you by your throat" I say crossing my arms

She laughs taking the last couple bites before looking back over at Lauren and Dinah.

She was next too Lauren caressing her arm and face, now this bitch really pushing it.

Zendaya clenches her jaw before pulling her phone out.

Before I know it she had it up too her ear.

"Mila, what are you dong right now?" She asks.

I just shake my head bitches these days.

"You wanna come too Lauren's house she's having a barbecue" she smiles giving me a petty wink.

"Alright coo, I'll be there in like 10" she says before hanging up.

"She gonna have too be a thot in front of her ex too" she says angrily.

I punch her arm again taking the juice from her hand and sipping it.

"Hol up lemme call my girl too" she says picking her phone up.

"What girl" I ask taking a peak at the caller ID.

It just had a couple hearts.

"Wassup beautiful" she smiles.

I fake cough under my breath, "whore" I direct too Zendaya.

She pinches my nose between her two fingers and squeeze, that shit hurt.

I slap her hand away.

"You want too come too Lauren's bbq, lemme show you a good time" she-smiles.

"20 minutes? Coo" she says looking at me, I just shake my head rolling my eyes.

"Okay, I'll see you then" she says biting her lip

"Yes" she says in a dorky way.

"Let's go" she says grabbing her keys.

"Wait so who's your girl?" I ask as we walk through the house.

"The girl I had over when you and Dinah called me" she stuck her tongue out.

"You little bitch" I gasp taking my phone out.

She snatched it from me putting it in her pocket, "you think you about too text her?" She laughs.

"But who is she, your girl?" I ask

"You'll see when she comes" she says as we walk over too her drive way.

"But I wanna know now" I say.

"I don't give a fuck" she mocks my tone pulling out her driveway.

"You a bitch" I smack her arm

"I like that spank me harder baby" she moans.

I gasp slapping her arm again laughing out.

"And by the way my baby is Camila" I replied

She gasped offendedly.

"And your baby is Dinah" I add.

She scoffs, "man, Dinah is a waist of my time" I slap her excessively hard.

"Ow goddamnit" she rubs her face.

"You need too watch your mouth and give her a chance" I say.

"I tried too give her a chance, she broke my heart, oh well"

"How, you guys need too talk about it and figure it out, cuz y'all now y'all want each other" I say

"Bruh, all I'm saying is I'm not gonna put myself out there again, I'm not putting my time or effort I'm until I know that I can trust her"

I smile, "you and my bestie Gonna be cute, she gonna give you something you ain't ever had before"

"Dick?" She asks smiling.

"shut up" I laugh as we pull up in front of big ass apartments.

She laughed as well opening her door and hoping out.

"So when you gonna take my buddy Lauren back?" She asks as we walk up the stairs.

"I don't even know if we're getting back together" I say.

She laughs loudly, "y'all are getting back together"

"How would you know?" I ask

"Cuz y'all love each other" my heart skips a beat.

"I love her she doesn't love me" I shrug.

"Bitch, I'm sorry but do you know how much Lauren talked about you"

"I mean all the fucking time non Stop, oh I miss my baby, I love her, I hope she's okay" I smiled.

"Y'all better get back too together or I'm gonna kill myself" she said annoyed.

I sighed, "we have too sit down and talk, like a long ass time of us just talking and figuring out were this relationship is going"

"No y'all are getting back together weather you want too or not, she bought a house for y'all, you better get married and have 5 more kids and love each other damnit" she says walking up too a door a knocking loudly.

I smile again, that would be a nice scenario 6 children and all.

"Honestly, she wanted y'all too be together today but she's too much of a pussy too talk too you cause she thinks your mad at her" Zendaya says opening the door as it unlocked on the other side.

"I am, but we can all about it" I smile bigger.

"Mad my ass" she pinched my cheeks the harder I smiled.

We walk into this cave Camila lives in, it's dark as fuck.

"Your still not dressed?" She asks her as I shut the door behind her.

"Your still not undressed?" She asks rubbing her face, she looked tired as hell.

"Hi Camila" I said waving

"Hey mani" she smiles pulling me into a hug, Camila was one of the few people who visited while I was locked up.

"Is that a invitation?" Zendaya asks.

"Do you want it too be?" Camila asks raising her eyebrows.

"Kiss already you fruit cakes" I say loudly.

"I would, but I'm tapped out" she says turning and walking away.

"From what you gotta a girl here?" She asks hoping over the couch before opening the refrigerator in the kitchen.

"She just leaving" Camila winks before walking back into the bedroom.

After a couple minutes a tall blonde walks out, she's white, she kinda looks like a blonde Lauren.

"Ooooo" me and Zendaya both say.

"Too bad I don't like white girls" I shrug whispering to Zendaya.

"I know you like you some Latinas huh?" She smiles nudging me.

I smile sticking my tongue out, what can I say I like what I like.

Camila walks out sliding a camo hat on, oh my god, I scanned her thin little Carmel corn body, why do all of Lauren's friends have too be so damn fine?

I licked my lips, "bye Camila" the blonde girl flirtatiously waved before opening the door.

"Bye" Camila waves quickly shutting the door behind the girl.

"Damn was she bad?" Zendaya asks.

"Nah I just forgot her name" she laughs.

"I swear if you weren't my girlfriends best friend" I lick my lips running my fingers over her stomach.

She smiles, Camila has on nothing but a black bikini top and a small pair of denim booty shorts. I'm too gay too handle it.

Jail sure gave me a high sex drive, "I'm gonna smash first" Zendaya pushes my head back with her hand.

I slap her arms walking out of the apartment behind her.

"Mani if you keep hit me we're gonna fight" she says jokingly.

I roll my eyes flipping her off, "or fuck, fucking is okay with me.

Camila pops two pills In her mouth swallowing them violently, I can see it took everything in her too.

"Did you swallow them" Zendaya asks grabbing Camila by the jaw looking in her mouth.

"Yes" Camila rolls her eyes turning around and locking her apartment door.

"Mani what are you thinking about" Zendaya asks as I was staring blankly out the window on the side of me.

"Pussy" I say, I gasped along with Camila and Zendaya, I was supposed too think that.

"Oh my god I meant too say that in my head, I've just been Horny as fuck" I cover my mouth, watching The smiles spread on the both of there faces.

"I'll gladly take care of that for you" Camila chimed in.

"Not as good as I will Zendaya laughs.

I groan covering my face, "why am I really contemplating this" I say aloud.

"I think this just turned into a three sum" Camila says excitedly.

I groan trying too keep my mouth shut, I just got a slight leg Trimble thinking about it.

"It's okay Mani it happens too the best of us" Zendaya pats my shoulder.

"Sometimes feeling that wet goey stickiness between your legs or the pants whimpers the broken moans the arching"

"Oh my god" I say closing my eyes bring my knees too my chest covering my ears.

"Grinding on the tongue hair pulling throbbing leg shaking" I groan sticking my finger in my ear as the coil in my stomach gets hot.

"Turn offs" I say aloud rocking back and forth.

"Stank breath"
"Funky bitches"
"Tight pussy"
"Fuck" I groan as the both of them laugh at me.

"Funky breath"
"Stank bitches"
"Loose pussy"
"Penis in vagina"
I blow out a deep breath as the hotness went away.

Zendaya and Camila both snickering at what they did.

I groan opening my door slapping both of them upside the head.

"Don't be mad at us cause your hot and ready" Camila laughs.

"Shut up sexy" I say. I can't even insult her right now.

She smiles winking at me, "stop focusing on being horny and focus on talking too Lauren and get Laurmani back Into action" she puts her arm around me walking us into the house.

"Awe that's cute, you guys can be ZenDinah" I add.

She rolls her eyes, "just talk too her and I might think about talking too Dinah" she says.

I smile, "okay I will" I say as we walk back through the house.

My smile quickly drops when I see Lauren pushed up on some girl in the kitchen, I scoff walking away and folding my arm across my chest

I hear Zendaya slap Lauren upside the head, then start yelling at her.

I come sitting next too Dinah,"bitch, Lauren said she wants you" Dinah smiles excitedly.

" I don't care" I roll my eyes.

"What's wrong Mani" she sits up quickly.

"I don't know if we're getting back together, and I'm not ready too let her go yet" I say putting my face in my hands, I can feel my self becoming emotional.

"Mani" she runs my back gently.

"You Guys should have a conversation about it"she says pulling me into a hug.

I fan my eyes taking a deep breathe, it's not the time or place for me too deal with this.

"Mani" Zendaya calls me.

I stand up following her out side too the backyard.

I avoid eye contact watching as people jump in and out of the pool, Isaac is having a blast spraying little girls with the hose.

"You okay?" She asks pulling me into a hug, it's crazy how bad I want a Lauren hug.

I nod squeezing her back tightly, my head rests her chest staining aimlessly.

"Do you still want too talk too her?" She asks running my back.

I need me a tall girl, there so much more body too go around and more arm length around you.

I just shrug not speaking at the moment, "ima send her out here okay, everything's gonna be fine okay" she reassures me letting go.

I cross my arms leaning back against the wall, I feel like I'm gonna cry if we talk about this, I haven't cried in 16 days and I'm proud of myself.

"Wassup" she says stepping out the house, she pulls up her pants flicking her tongue across the gold  shiny girl in her mouth.

"Hi Lauren" I say looking any where but her eyes.

"Lauren what ever happened too Lolo" she tilts her head trying too find my eyes, I kinda feel like she's not taking my serious but her smugness is so attractive.

"What ever happened to I'm so miserable without you I cry my self too sleep" I shot back.

"What happened too I promise I'll never do it again" she came back quicker.

I clench my jaw looking back over too the people having fun in the pool.

I see her lick her lips out of the corner of my eyes and scan my entire body,

"You look really good" she steps closer moving the hair from her face.

"I know" I replied rolling my eyes.

She chuckles, "I like this new attitude"

"Well jail will do that too you" I shrug.

I see her huff frustratedly, she steps closer and I can feel a small tugging in my stomach wanted our bodies together.

"Mani you know I want you" she says in a quiet gentle voice.

"Mmm" I replied with shade no t far behind it.

"Come here" she says stepping closer too me.

My entire body can't help but get weak at the way she says it.

She opens her arms for me too walk into, I couldn't help but give in.

I wrapped my arms around her neck as hers went around my waist.

It felt amazing, like it was just us under a million stars and Lauren's conditioner that smelt so good.

It felt like our heart were in sync, her chest pressed firm against mine as our hearts were pressed together.

"Fuck I missed you" she whispered,
"I missed you too" I say squeezing her tighter.

Smiles fail too fall, as we part from each other.

"Why didn't you come see me?" I asked running my finger over the tattoo of our date.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want you too break up with me" she replies.

"Is that the truth or is it that you didn't want you hall pass too end too quickly?" I ask.

"I've never lied too you" she says.

I nod, "four weeks with no communication is a long time too be scared" I added.

"You could have easily talked too me" she replied.

"You were the reason I was in there you think I'm gonna talk too you first.

"The reason you were in there?, you were the reason, I didn't ask you too do anything for me"

"Are you fucking serious right now, I sacrificed everything for you"

"I don't ask you too do that Normani" she says growing redder.

"You don't appreciate it either, you don't understand Lauren, I don't have a job anymore I can't be a Doctor even if I wanted too, My child thought I left him just like his real mom"

"Do you appreciate what I do for you?" She asks, "I was the one putting money on your commissary every week, I made sure that you were feed and had everything you needed, I was the one who took care of our child while you were away, most importantly I was the one who bought this house for us"

I kept quiet looking at the ground, "if you think that the way I feel about you isn't serious, Maybe the break up was the better Idea" she says softening her tone.

"So your breaking up with me?" I say as my eyes water. She sighed deeply wiping the single tear from my eye.

"No, we've been through to much together" she says clenching her jaw.

She pulls us into a hug, I kept my face in her neck, since I was a little taller in these heels.

"I want you, Mani, I do, but it obvious that were both still mad at each other, I think that we need more time apart, I promise you I'll take care of you, and get you anything you need"

"It seems like your running from our problems instead of talking them out with me" I say.

"I'm not running from a damn thing, rushing back into a relationship when we're still mad at Each other is toxic"

"So you just wanna walk back in there and pretend everything is fine?" I ask.

"What you want me too sit out here and cry with you?" She asks.

"Your still the same smug immature asshole you were a month ago" I scoff.

"And your still the same lying manipulative bitch you were a month ago" she scoffed back smugly.

I clenched my jaw slapping her hard, I tried too push past her but she grabbed me by my wrist roughly pulling me back, so tight she was hurting me.

"Don't leave now, the fun is about too start" I swallow, her eyes and strength are the biggest intimidation factor.

"Your hurting me" I say pulling away.

"You didn't care that you were hurting me all those times you cheated, just like that bitch Lucy" she says harshly.

I push her against the wall, "don't compare me too her, I'm not that bitch and I'd never do that too you" I say angrily.

Her eyes trail down too my lips freezing, she chuckles smugly before kissing my cheek, "Im sorry I hurt you Manibear,I promise I'll never do it again" she mocks bash fully easily breaking from my grip.

"Make sure you stick around for the fun" she laughs before heading back inside.

I groan angrily, sniffling, I love her so fucking much, she knows that and she's using it against me.

Walking back inside Zendaya pulls my too the side quickly.

"I heard everything, that smug asshole shit is just an act, she wants you too chase her" she says.

"So, your not gonna chase her, your gonna make her wait" she says.

"What did she mean wait for the fun?" I ask confused.

"She talking about Ja'nae, she like Lauren fake girlfriend there the life of the party, once the music comes out" she says.

"Fake girlfriend?" I cross my arms furrowing my eyebrows.

"Stop being jealous" she slaps me.

I gasp rubbing my cheek,"sorry I forgot you were a girl" she says rubbing it.

"You look way better than her anyways, but here's the real issue" she turns me around and I see Camila and Dinah flirting, Dinah combed her fingers through Camilas hair giggling.

"Your plan back fired" I say.

"No, my boo is coming anyway" she shrugs.

She pulls me too a room in the back of the house, I think it's a guest room.

"Okay we're not having sex here" I say folding my arms.

"I wasn't gonna h-"

"What you mean here, cuz we could go too mu house right quick" she points.

I roll my eyes, "Nah, my bestie wants you" I say.

"She can come too" she laughs.

I roll my eyes sitting on the bed with her.

She opens the drawer and pulls out a bag of weed.

"This is Lauren's good shit, she's gonna be pissed but she should have thought about that before she flirted with Dinah" she shrugs reaching into her pocket and pulling out a back wood.

"You sound jealous too me" I say smirking.

"You must be deaf" she rolls her eyes.

"Don't roll you eyes little girl mind your elders" I slap her upside the head.

"I hope Lauren fucks the shit outta you" she says angrily.

"I hope Lauren chokes on a big black cock" I replied.

"Why a black one?" She asks. Pulling out a grinder.

"Because doesn't she have a thing for black girls?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Yep, she has some fine chocolate bunnies honestly" she licks her lips.

"I hope you choke on a big black cock on a girl" I say flaring my nose.

"Is the guy paying on the girl and I'm just choking on his cock?" She asks adding weed too the leaf.

"No the cock is attached too the girl" I clarify.

"Oh so you want me too choke on she he cock?" She asks.

"First off that's offensive, you wouldn't want them walking around calling you a Caucasian carpet muncher" I say.

"Half Caucasian" she winks.

There was a quite knock at the door interrupting my next sentence, Zendaya pulls me on top of her before replying too the knock rudely.

Isaac opens the door with a towel around him, "can I come in her with you?" He asks tilting his head.

"Nah, we'll be out in a little" she answered.

I was about too object but she put her hand over my mouth, "okay" he says walking back out and shutting the door.

"Lauren sent him in here too spy" she says taking her hand from my mouth.

I gasp climbing off of her, "someone's not having fun" I chuckle.

She laughs getting up and locking the door.

Her phone chimes as she walked back over for it, she showed me the messages from Lauren.

Bestfwend🍉💓:you back stabbing skinny long bodied bitch.

Bestfwend🍉💓:I will shoot you in the face.

I laugh grabbing her phone and replying.

Bestie☺️💞: sharing is caring lolo.

She reads it before locking her phone and shaking her head,"your gonna get me killed"

"Your already smoking her weed" I shrug.

"You right" she laughs

She licks the end before sealing it.

"That's fat Zendaya your gonna die" I examine it.

"Worth it" she shrugs before lighting it.

She takes a strong inhale before coughing lightly and gesturing for me too take it.

I shake my head no, "mani hit the damn blunt" she says aggressively.

"No I don't wanna" I say.

"Are you about too make keeper pressure you into doing this?" She asks unenthusiasticly.

"Zendaya no means no" I reply.

"Hit this fucking blunt" she said putting it too my lips.

"No, ima good girl" I reply.

"It will make you feel better" she bargains.

"I know" I answer falsely as my eyes fall from hers.

"Oh shit!, you've never been high before" she laughs.

"Allow me too welcome you too a state of eternal happiness" she says gently handing it too me.

I sighed, "what's the worst that could happen?"

I take a big hit immediately being sent into a coughing fit.

She laughs taking it from me and hitting it.

The effect start too affect me instantly.

I lay back on the bed a big smile spread across my lips.

"It's lit huh?" She asks handing it too me.

I nodded, taking another hit, "what have I been missing out on?" I ask.

"A world of hallucination" she laughs.

We smoked a hole fat ass blunt, and honestly I'm fucked up, I can barley keep my eyes open, let alone wipe this smile from my face.

I know it looks suspicious that we both just came out of the room smiling but oh well.

"I feel like I just lost my virginity" I whisper yell too her laughing.

She laughs pulling us into the kitchen.

"I'm hungry as fuck!" I say aggressively grabbing a hard lemonade.

Before I could open it I was snatched by the back of my jersey.

"What the fuck did you guys do in there" Dinah asks.

"We just smoked babe" I reply laughing.

"You smoked, what else, did she pressure you into doing something you didn't want too?" She asks cupping my cheeks and looking into my eyes.

I laugh loudly resting my head I her shoulder, "no Dj strictly consumption of illegal narcotics" I laugh

"Are you sure, people who willingly smoke don't say shit like" she says looking into my eyes.

"Dinah this shit is lit" I laugh grabbing her by the waist.

"Mani, your supposed too be pulling her for me"Dinah whines.

I laugh, "Dj baby you fucked up, you flirted with Lauren and the Carmel one, and she doesn't like you all over other girls, and she only likes you when your all over her.

"I can so that" Dinah smiles.

"But she said she ain't putting none of her time and effort into yo real-Aton-ship until you can show her she can trust you" I laughed, relationship is such a funny word, judging by mine being a fuckin joke.

"She can trust me, I only want her" Dinah whines, using her finger too open my droopy eyes.

"But, DUN DUN DUN!" I laugh.

"She gotta girlfriend, and she's coming like right now, and I was gonna tell you but she took my phone and kidnapped me" I say.

"A girlfriend! Who?" She asks aggressively.

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