
By MadDogKiss

34.3K 495 603

Took this from a Blogger and edited it to fit myself and other Aquarius' I know. Represents the general group... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Aquarius Woman x Virgo Man
Aquarius Woman x Aries Man
Aquarius Woman x Taurus Man
Aquarius Woman x Gemini Man
Aquarius Woman x Cancer Man
Aquarius Woman x Leo Man
Aquarius Woman x Libra Man
Aquarius Woman x Scorpio Man
Aquarius Woman x Sagittarius Man
Aquarius Woman x Capricorn Man
Aquarius Woman x Aquarius Man
Aquarius Woman x Pisces Man
Aquarius Man x Aries Woman
Aquarius Man x Taurus Woman
Aquarius Man x Gemini Woman
Aquarius Man x Cancer Woman
Aquarius Man x Leo Woman
Aquarius Man x Virgo Woman
Aquarius Man x Libra Woman
Aquarius Man x Scorpio Woman
Aquarius Man x Sagittarius Woman
Aquarius Man x Aquarius Woman
Aquarius Man x Pisces Woman

Aquarius Man x Capricorn Woman

546 4 0
By MadDogKiss

The Capricorn woman is a very individualistic, mature, sensible and traditional woman. She will rarely confront the individualistic, independent and firm Aquarius man and will more often than not be submissive to his ideas and beliefs. The Capricorn woman will avoid all forms of confrontation with the Aquarius man and lives a very traditional lifestyle in which she respects the husband's words and duties above all the rest. The Aquarius man and Capricorn woman tend to form a great couple as the tameness and submergence of the Capricorn woman feeds the Aquarius man's independence and freedom.

The troubles in this relationship arise when the carefree, aloof Aquarius man expects his routine and traditional Capricorn woman to keep up with his mood swings and sexual fantasies. The Aquarius man spends time fantasizing and day dreaming which makes the Capricorn woman quite suspicious. But because of her submissive nature she doesn't do much about it but to grin and bear. This causes trouble and can work against them. The best way for them to work out their differences is to understand each other's nature and learn to work around it.

Another point of difference between the two signs can be the requests by the Capricorn woman that are misinterpreted as constant nagging by the Aquarius man. For example, when the Capricorn woman, being a homely and domesticated spouse takes initiatives to plan meetings and dinner with close family and friends and pleads her Aquarius partner to join in, White often he takes this as a constant nag and it turned off by it. His aloofness and carefree nature dictates that he needn't be bound by routines, schedules and compulsory meetings.

Every relationship has its ups and downs and between the Aquarius man and Capricorn woman, there may seem a few extra. The solution for this lies in both their hands where in a little amount of understanding and appreciation for each other's attributes and needs. Bearing in mind all the negatives in this relationship, one must not ignore the positives that these two signs share. Sexually, they will both make amazing partners as the Aquarius man is all about the variety and the Capricorn woman is dedicated towards working hard and keeping her man happy.

Aquarius Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility

The Aquarius man and Capricorn woman couple falls into the archetypal Greek realm of logos and eros. Aquarius is "the word" and Capricorn is "the word made flesh". Together they make the perfect pair. Aquarius is the visionary, master-minding in the conceptual range of pure archetype. Capricorn will draw the vision down into reality and ground it with commitment and structure. They are mysteriously drawn to each other because of this hidden bond; each is only half without the other. Capricorn brings out the visionary aspiration of the Aquarius because she has the potential of making it real.

How to Attract a Capricorn Woman as an Aquarius Man

If you are an Aquarius man trying to attract a Capricorn woman, it actually helps if you have your mind on other things. She expects you to be tripping out in the universe and she is eager to help you deal with the reality of people, places and things, while your inclination is to stay with forms and ideals. You are the architect for her building. Because of this connection, your first conversations may be rather peculiar and abstract. You may now know what you are fishing for in each other. The more you talk to her, the more inspired you will become until you realize that it is her energy that is giving you the extra realm of possibilities that suddenly becomes obvious to you. It doesn't even matter if she understands what you are talking about; it's all her energy.

How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Capricorn Woman

If you're a Capricorn woman trying to attract an Aquarius man, what you need to do is to get interested in what interests him. Your attraction to him will be based on your potential ability to ground his vision. He is attracted to your practical nature and your substance as a woman. Unlike other men who may find you a little boring or staid, you are exactly what this man is looking for. Ask practical questions. Question everything. Be the ladder that Jack in the Beanstalk climbs down to reach the earth. You also need to be tolerant of his eccentricities. It doesn't matter if he's smarter than you are. What he's looking for is a sounding board. Just talking to you helps him straighten out his thinking.

Degree of Romance

This combination can be very sweet in its attempt at being romantic. Neither sign is particularly gifted with the Romantic Gene, but for some reason when they get together, they start to feel like they should be. Each will be very tolerant of the other's attempts at romanticism, rudimentary as they are. Each will appreciate the attempt to include romanticism on the menu of an otherwise pretty strict diet.

Degree of Passion

The Aquarius man seems to feel the need to present passion at times but really it is not necessary and it isn't well-conveyed by an air sign. Air signs like Aquarius are meant to be detached, cool, logical and even distant in their relations with people and feelings. It's better to stick with what you know. Aquarius is a very loyal sign, although only around half the time. Loyalty will have to pass for passion with the Aquarius. It won't make any difference to the Capricorn woman who does not give a feelings-value to passion.

Degree of Friendship

The Capricorn woman and Aquarius man can be splendid friends. They collaborate well together. They have an equal degree of commitment, intelligence, and scope of understanding. They both think The Big Picture. They like working with large-scale models. They have leadership styles unique to them, and they enjoy being productive. They will be more challenged if they try to build a friendship on leisure, as neither is particularly leisure-oriented. They may very well make the perfect team.

Degree of Marriage

The Aquarius man and Capricorn woman is a great combination for marriage. If they are attracted to one another, it is on a serious wavelength of productivity and commitment. They respect one another for their intelligence and integrity. They learn to rely on one another for results. They tend to focus on the overall result rather than the details, which is something they have in common as well. For something with as big a scope and longevity as the idealized, committed, marriage partnership, these two have what it takes to bring it home. Aquarius keeps drafting new plans as times change. Capricorn keeps bringing them back to the drawing board when they don't fit reality any more. Capricorn woman and Aquarius man is a real winner.

Progression of Relationship

The relationship will move along at a steady pace. Both signs are likely busy with other things and only able to meet once or twice a week. They will tend to pass that meeting with quality time. The level of conversation will be quite high. They will focus immediately on future goals, and begin to dovetail their characteristics together as a team. Each meeting will seem to be the natural outgrowth of the one before. Capricorn is cautious, but Aquarius can be cautious too. They are likely to move slowly but surely toward a shared teamwork effort. This is one relationship where the woman is absolutely equal to the man in input and responsibility

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