One Way Ticket

By DornanJohnsonJD

179K 5.4K 454

Jamie and Dakota have always been close due to their roles in the fifty shades trilogy. Will Dakota finally t... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four

Chapter Forty Five

4.8K 148 34
By DornanJohnsonJD

Jamies POV
Im standing infront of the mirror in my black suit and white tie. My dads besides me in his black shit and pink tie. I have my mate Alfie besides me too. Im so nervous. I can't put into words how I feel. Instead of having a december wedding we are having a summer wedding. I couldn't wait until December to marry my beautiful girl.

"Last one now right?"

"I promise. Shes the one."

Alfie pats my back and downs the last of his champagne. I stayed in a hotel and left Dakota home with JJ. All of her family had flown out yesterday. Alex, Jesse , Don and Jasper are all in the hotel somewhere. Kinda scattered. Chase, Stella, Grace and Melanie are with Dakota, Liesa, Jessica and Samina.

"Make it your last, im running out of money for suits!" Alfie laughs and grabs his blazer.

"Right. Lets get the others and head to the church. Ready son?"

"Yeah I think im as ready as I can be." I too down the rest of my champagne and follow both Alfie and My Dad out of the room. All four men are stood there.

"Marrying into our family ay?" Don grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug.

"I believe I am. I love your family." I pat his back and he lets go. Jesse goes to ruffle my hair but I pull away

"Nu uh. Took me ages!"

He slaps my cheek and wraps his arm around my neck. We all make our way down to the cars.

"Whos in with you Jay?"

"Uh Anyone. I don't mind."

"Right Jim, Jesse and Alfiie. Ill take Jasper and Alex" I nod at Don and we all get into our cars we have been assigned.

"Ready sir?" Phil sits in the front and presses a button. The roof comes down and I feel somewhat more relaxed.

"He's ready!" Jesse calls out.

"Lets get you to the church then."

I buckle my seatbelt and look over my vows. I havent even told Dakota that Ive written my own vows. Its gonna be a surprise. Im excited to see her. See her gleaming in her beautiful wedding dress and see my beautiful girls in their flower girl dresses. We all know JJ will look as dapper as me.

"You're shaking" Alfie points out

"Nervous?" My dad says from the front.

I move my hands into my blazer pockets and shake my head. Nervous? Im fucking more than nervous. Im shitting bricks. I know I have nothing to worry about but im just scared.

The drive seems to be taking forever. Traffic is horrendous. I start to tap my foot on the floor and look out the window. I can hear Jesse and Alfie talking but I pay no attention. Probably something to do with football or music. Probably music. Alfie plays in a band.

The car comes to a stop and I look up. We are here. The church looks beautiful. Theres a few guests here already. I recognise Evelyn and a few others. I open the door and climb out. Phil clambers out too. He looks sharp.

"Looking good boy."

"You too Phil." I smile and make my way in with the boys. I walk up the aisle and take my place at the alter.

I watch as guests start to pile in and take their seats. Samina walks in with Melanie, Jasper and Alex. They take their seats at the front just where my Dad is sat. I watch as my mates from school all pile in.

"Ay Jamie!"

"Yalright!" I shout over. They take their seats a few rows back and I look at my watch.

"Stop watching the time. She will be here mate " Alfie stands besides me and gives me a nudge. Hes been my mate ever since we were little. It felt wrong not having him as my best man.

"Dornan! Dornan!" I look up and there stands Eddie and Andrew. In all honesty I didnt think they'd be able to make it. Eddie has his wife by his side whilst Andrew has noone. I shake my head and laugh. They both take their seats and settle down.

"Calm. Remember to breathe mate."

I nod and do exactly that. Deep breaths. One. Two. Three.

Everyone stands and I look at the church doors. The piano starts up with the traditional wedding song and I watch as Dulcie and Elva walk in. Arms linked. Throwing petals onto the floor. Behind them is Chase, Stella and Grace. JJ is rested on Chases hip. I can already feel myself welling up. All the girls look beautiful.

"Hi Daddy." Dulcie waves to me before walking over towards my Dad. He picks up Elva and sits her on his lap whilst Dulcie takes a seat next to him. Chase passes JJ to Melanie and he claps his little hands. He's dressed in a grey little suit with a grey waistcoat. He looks better than me!

Finally. There she is. Hair curled and styled beautifully. Her gorgeous blue eyes shining and gleaming. Her plump lips curled into that gorgeous smile. Her arm is linked with Dons as he walks her down the aisle. She looks fucking beautiful.

I move forward and offer my hand to Dakota. Her Dad kisses both her cheeks and gives mine a light slap with his hand. He winks and takes his seat next to Melanie and Jaspee.

"God you look beautiful."

"You don't look to bad yourself." She winks and we both turn our heads to the priest.

"Okay. We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Dakota Mayi Johnson and Jamie Dornan by joining them in marriage." The priest reads. I look away and look at Dakota. I can't believe she is minutes from being my wife.

By the time im paying attention to the priest its the vows. Dakota grabs my hand and looks at me. Her grin contagious.

"I Dakota Mayi Johnson, take you Jamie Dornan for my lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward. For better for worst, for richer for poorer. In sickness and health until death do us apart. I give you this ring to show our love and loyalty and to show you that I am forever yours." She pushes the ring onto my finger and looks up. I smile and kiss her hand.

The priest looks at me and Alfie passes me Dakotas ring. I twirl it around and nod at the priest.

"I Jamie Dornan take you Dakota Johnson to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worst, for richer to poorer and in sickness and health until death due us apart." She holds her hand out and I shake my head. Her face drops.

"You brought me back to life and I owe you everything for that. You shown me that love is still there and I am capable of being loved again. You gave me the most perfect little boy and have given my girls the best stepmom I could ever want. You make me happy. More than you'll ever know. I want to make you happy and proud for the rest of my life.  I want to love you more and more everyday and have more beautiful babies. Im so proud of you baby and I will never ever stop being proud of you. Ill never stop loving you. I don't know how you put up with me. Im one hell of an idiot but im your idiot just like you're my pain in the..." I shake my head and the guests all chuckle. Dakota lets a tear fall and it falls down her cheek. She quickly wipes it with her thumb and shakes her head.

"This ring is a token of our love and shows the world that you are my beautiful wife.  I give you this ring to show you I love you, I value you and I will always be yours" I bring the ring up to my lips and kiss it. I take her hand in mine and gently push it onto her finger.

"You may now kiss the bride." The Preist chuckles. I nod and grab Dakotas waist. Her arms slide up my body and around my neck. Her lips crash onto mine and I hear the guests all clapping and cheering. Thank fuck.

"Finally you are mine" I mutter against her lips. She nudges my nose and we both turn. I take her hand in mine and We both walk down the aisle.

"Shall we get the kids? Take a family photo?" I ask. She nods and we both turn.

"Here we go" My Dad passes me Elva and Dulcie is besides me. Melanie passed JJ over to Dakota and we both stand infront of the church doors. I bend and pick Dulcie up so she is between me and Dakota. Her arm flies round Dakotas neck.

"Okay, 3..2..1"

He takes the picture and we all move positions. All the guests gather round and join us.

"Okay, get ready guys! In 3..2..1!"

The camera snaps us all and the photographer continues to get pictures. He captures me and Dakota sharing a kiss. Me and the girls sharing kisses. He even caught me being playful with Jj. Dakotas face in the background is priceless. A mother will always worry when the father throws their child in the air before catching them.

I take the keys from my dad for the car we will drive in to the after party venue. I lean on the white BMW as Dakota walks over.

"Meet you all at the venue yeah?" I call over

"No worries! See you there lad!" Alfie calls over. I open the passenger door as Dakota gets closer.

"Ready baby?"

"I sure am." I pick the train up behind her as she steps into the car. I shut the door and wave to the guests behind me. I climb in besides her and start up the car.

"I love you Mr Dornan."

"I love you too Mrs Dornan" I wink and she slaps her hand on my thigh.

"Johnson Dornan. But ill let you off." She strokes my thigh up and down and start the car up. I press my foot down and we make our way to the room we have booked for the after bit.

"Its gonna be beautiful. I can't wait to hear Alfies best man speech" she chuckles to herself and looks out the window.

"Im scared. He knows so much about me. " I shake my head and pull into the carpark of the little area we have booked. Its a hotel, a very posh hotel which has let us use their biggest room for our celebration drinks and dinner. The tables are all set out beautifully.

"Is chase saying a few words?"

"I think so. Alfie has nothing on Chase believe me"

"Looks like we both will be getting embarrassed today then ey?" We both get out the car and head into the hotel. We are shown to the big room and oh my. Beautiful isnt the word. Samina and Melanie did a brilliant job.

"The cake is my favourite. Your head is massive!" Dakota points to the little cake mannequin of me. I shake my head. My head is big on this. It isnt that big in real life right?

I watch and admire as Dakota takes in the room. Yeah the view is beautiful but my wife is even more stunning and beautiful. Shes breathtaking and eventhough her dress is gorgeous.. I cant wait to get it off of her tonight. Thankfully Melanie has offered to look after all the kids with Don and my Dad. My Dad is taking them back to our house. With the wedding being in Ireland its the best option.

The doors open and everyone starts to take their seats. With us being very ordered and ocd like we asked everyone what they wanted for dinner a few days ago so the chefs could bring it out as soon as everyone was settled. Makes life a whole lot easier for everyone.

I take my seat next to Dakota. Dulcie is sat next to Liesa and Jessica. Elva is sat on Jessicas lap and next to her cousins. I have my Dad mnext to me and Samina next to him. Melanie is on Dakotas side with Don next to her.

Everyones eaten and everyone has had a bit to drink. I watch Alfie stand and shush everyone by tapping his glass with a little spoon.

"Okay okay. Best man speech. You see or Jay? He's one of a kind. He makes you happy when you're around him. He has that vibe to him. Hes a dick sometime but who isnt right? I remember when we were younger and we were playing rugby and the little shit thought he could out run me. Did you Jamie? No you didnt. I tackled him... harsh tackle and the poor guy broke his nose"

Everyone starts laughing and I shake my head. Yep. Alfie broke my nose.

"Theres that other time where he was a model. Remember that naked photoshoot?"

I look up and my naked photoshoot pictures appear on the drop down board. Holy fuck.

"Omg I have never seen them" Dakota bursts into laughter and Jessica covers the girls eyes aswell as her own.

"Hunky ey? But real talk now Jamie. You deserve happiness mate and I am unbelievably proud of all you have done and how well you have grown into a man. Dakota, babe. You're lucky!" He sits down and the rest of the guests clap. I shake my head and wink at him.

"I want those photos" Dakota whispers into my ear. I shake my head and kiss her temple.

"Daki, id read my speech out but I kinda forgot it!" Chase shouts from up the table. Dakota nods and laughs. Lucky escape.

I look around at everyone. They're all smiling and are having a good time. This is what its all about. Im here in the company of the best people. My favourite people. I stand and everyone quietens down and moves their attention to me.

"Im not sure if its quite a tradition for the groom to talk about the bride but Im gonna." I clear my throat and look directly at Dakota who has now turned a red colour.

"Baby, i mentioned half in the church but I want you to know marrying you today is one of the best things I have ever done in my life. You're such a beautiful and exquisite woman. You blow my mind with your beauty, your talent, your parenting. You're out of this world and honestly one of a kind. Alfie says you're the lucky one but baby. I am. Im so lucky to have you as my wife. Have you as the mother of my little boy. The stepmum to my beautiful girls. You make the darkness in my life bright again. You give me a reason to smile everyday just like. the kids do." I turn to the Johnsons. "Honestly Mel, Don. I feel honoured and privileged to be able to marry your daughter and marry into your family. I can assure you Ill look after her. Protect her." I look back at Dakota who is wiping tears from her cheeks. I smile and sit down.

"I love you so much and finally I can call you my wife and have this whole new life with you and start a wonderful journey together as husband and wife" I lean over and kiss her now wet lips. She kisses me again and her forehead falls onto mine.

"Im so lucky to have you Jamie. You make me so fucking happy. Im privileged to be marrying into your family. Your Mum would be so prpud of you" she whispers. I kiss her again and everyone starts to clap. Im taken in by Dakota. I dont even notice everyone up dancing.

"Surprised to hear our wedding song"

"Its a good one, I can assure you"

"I hope you're right Jamie"

"Okay. Now it is time for the first dance"

I take her hand into mine and we both make our way into the middle of the dancefloor. She looks up at me and raises her eyebrow. I look up at our DJ and he nods. The song begins and we both softly sway and dance together.

"Wise men say Only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin If I can't help falling in love with you?" The classic Elvis Presley fills our ears and Dakota rests her head on my shoulder.

"Thats true" She whispers. I twirl her around and bring her back to my body. I peck her lips with a kiss.

"Surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be. Take my hand, Take my whole life, For I can't help falling in love with you" I sing into her ear. She kisses my jaw and wraps her arms around my neck again.

"Cmon then" I look over at Dulcie and she runs over to us.

"I dance with you daddy?" I nod and Dakota steps away. I pick Dulcie up and she wraps her arms around me just like Dakota did.

I start to sway with Dulcie and she hums into my ear. It definitely isnt Elvis but its sweet. Elva steadily walks over and I bend and pick her up. She hides her face in my neck as I sway with both of them in my arms. I watch as Dakota dances with her father. She moves so angelicly. She really is an angel. A beautiful angel.

"Congratulations Jamie." I turn and Samina is stood there. I smile and lean down before kissing both her cheeks.

"Thankyou. Thankyou for coming too. It means so much you being here with my Dad."

"Its always a pleasure. Im so proud of you. So very proud and I know your Mum would be too. You make us all proud." She takes Dulcie from me and then takes Elva.

"They're tired. It is getting pretty late"

"Im off to bed anyway. We have a room booked upstairs so Ill take the girls up and get them ready for bed. She leans up and kisses my cheek before disappearing into the crowd. I look around and spot Melanie. I walk over and offer my hand.

"Is that you offering me a dance?"

"It is. You're now my mother in law. It'd be a bit weird me asking Don"

She laughs and takes my hand. I make her do a twirl and she rests her hand on my shoulder and her other firm in my hand.

"Thankyou for making my little girl happy. No matter how old they are you always worry. You're the best thing thats ever happened to her. Her confidence and glow has improved ever since she met you. Im eternally grateful."

I smile at her kind words and look over at Dakota. Shes in conversation with Jesse and Chase. Probably catching up. I look back at Melanie and she has tears in her eyes.

"Shes beautiful isnt she?"

"She sure is. Please look after her Jamie. "

"I made a promise to her and I will definitely keep it. Ill make a promise to you aswell. Your beautiful daughter will be safe with me. Ill always make sure she is okay and make her happy. I promise" she pulls me into an unexpected hug. I kiss her cheek and she shakes her head.

"I best sort my goddamn makeup out. Making me cry you!" she swats my shoulder and makes her way to the toilets.

I stand there and take everything in. I finally have it all. I have my beautiful kids. A gorgeous wife. An amazing bunch of friends and family. What more could anyone want in their life?

"Hey, penny for your thoughts?" Im brought back to earth by my wife.

"Just thinking about us. Our future. Baby names" I wink and she shakes her head.

"This has been the best day. I cant thank you enough."

"You don't need too. Im your husband. Get used to me treating you to things and anyway this day is for all of us. So this isnt just for you" I stand behind her and rest my chin on her shoulder.

"I love you. I really do"

"Ditto baby." I kiss her neck and we both look around at everyone. My Dads talking to Melanie who has returned from the bathroom. Jessica, Liesa, Stella and Grace are all dancing on the dancefloor just inces from us. Jesse and Alex are talking to Alfie and my mates. Eddies somewhere and Andrew... well Andrew is at the chocolate fountain.

Finally. I have my wife. My kids. My family. My friends. Our dogs. A beautiful house and one hell of an amazing future to look forward too. We can travel anywhere in this crazy world but at the end of the day wherever Dakota and the kids are is where home is. Dakota has a one way ticket to my heart. This is for our future together as one big crazy ass family.

Authors note- GUYS! Thankyou so much for engaging with this story. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I liked writing it. Im gonna write another very soon. Please comment and let me know what you thought. I hope you guys like this chapter. I loved writing it. Love you all x

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