Bad For Me | Justin Bieber {B...

By iamnotlois

165K 5.4K 2.3K

[Dec. 10, 2019 #1 in JBFF] The bad boys always want the good girl to be bad for them but what happends when t... More

August 15th


3.8K 125 159
By iamnotlois

17; Secret


"Justin can you please stop doing that?" she said to me and tried to push me away but she failed and I continued doing what I was doing which was placing kisses over her neck.

"Why? Don't you like that?" I asked her in between the kisses and her held close to me so she wouldn't get away.

"I do but right now it's ticklish and annoying as fuck," she laughed when I sucked on her skin and then she successfully pushed me away from her becausse I let her and laid her hair over her neck so I wouldn't kiss it anymore.

I still wrapped my hands around her and held her close to my chest as I inhaled the sweet scent of her vanilla lotion that I was starting to really like and I watched how she took her phone to start another round of 2048 and this time she swore that she would win.

When she lost once again and she started complaining about the game, I couldn't help but think that she was honestly so cute if she wanted to be and it was actually sad that other people only saw the other side of her and immediately thought that she was a bitch but she was always herself around me and I really liked that.

"Turn around," I whispered into her ear and she didn't hesitate to turn around and face me. "Give me a kiss," and the corners of her lips went up before she put her lips on mine.

She didn't waste any time; she put her hand around my neck and pulled me closer to her before she bit down on my lip and pulled on it, taking advantage of my lips being parted and moving her tongue into my mouth. She did take me off guard a little but I reacted right away and moved my tongue against hers. 

While we were making out, she pushed me down by my shoulder, so that I was now lying down on my back and climbing on top of me, she put her legs on either side of my body. She then stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes sexily as she bit her lip and I wanted to move my head up to kiss her again but she stopped me midway by putting her finger on my lip and shaking her head no.

I pouted and tried to kiss her again few moments later but instead she moved her head down to my neck and started placing kissed all over it. I didn't like it when she teased me like this but I let her have it for a little while before taking her face in my hands and kissing her quickly before she could do something else.

When we pulled away from each other, after making out wildly, we stayed in silence again, until she spoke up and said, "You're so fücking handsome." I thanked her and then I took a moment to take her in.

She was very, very beautiful. She such beautiful eyes like I had never seen before, her skin so smooth and soft and perfect and those lips..... Actually such a shame that she was never going to be more than a friend to me.

"You're so fücking beautiful," I said back to her and she smiled at me before she leaned down and placed another kiss on my lips.

"I have to ask you something," she said to me and I nodded my head, telling her with that to go on. "That friend of yours ... the black girl."

"What's with her?" I asked her as I raised my eyebrow, already not liking where this was going.

"Did she tell you that she was rude as fück to me the other day?" Eva asked in return and I almost started laughing because I knew damn well it wasn't like that.

"She was rude to you? More like you were rude to her," I said back to her, setting the record straight. Loyce had told me the full story and no matter what Eva was about to tell me now, I would believe Loyce more. She wouldn't lie to me.

"I had to put her in her place, that's it." Eva replied and shrugged her shoulders.

Eva obviously didn't know how Loyce could be when she was pissed off and in no way in the world she would be able to handle her. "She could have put you in your place real quick if she had wanted to."

"Are you on her side?" she asked me and standing up, she walked next to the bed and crossed her arms in front of her body and gave me a look as if she was saying 'boy you better answer this question right or we have a problem.'

"She's my best friend what do you expect?" I answered her question, being completely honest with her because no matter how cute she was and how much time I liked to spend with her, Loyce was always going to come first and that was a fact.

"It doesn't seem like you are a best friend to her though."

"Why? Did she say anything?" I wanted to know.

"No, but I just have the feeling she has a thing for you," Eva said and shrugged her shoulders once again and I was kinda disappointed at the lack of information because I would want to know if there were any feelings involved though.

"Everybody has a thing for Bieber," I replied with a smirk while dusting my shoulders off but that seemed to piss her off even more because she took a pillow from the bed and threw it at me.

"Stop being cocky man, I'm serious," she hissed and put her hands down to her hips, giving me an angry look.

I didn't quite understand where this anger was coming from now. If it was just because I had said to her that I wasn't on her side on this argument and I defended Loyce, well what did she want me to do? Lie to her? It was just how it was and either she accepted that or not.

"I'll stop. What are you so mad about now?" I asked her now. We had been doing so good all day and I honestly had no time for her mood swings and her being difficult.

"I just wanna know where we stand," was her response to my question and I just blinked and looked at her blankly before I could even say anything.

"Where we stand?" I repeated after her and ahe nodded her head.

This was the phrase Amirhad warned me of. He told me that if I didn't want any commitment I should just run as soon as I got this question from a girl because from then on everything would just get complicated.

I didn't run though, I just tried to play my way around it. Some girls fell for that shit, believe me.

"Yes. What are we?"

Alright, I had to play it cool. I had her in the palms of my hands anyway so it wasn't going to be that hard. "Come here," I said to her and motioned for her to come to me on the bed but she didn't budge and shook her head no. "Eva." I called her and again she did nothing but fold her arms in front of her body. "I won't say it again. Come here" I said again and more sternly this time and she just stared at me hard before she sighed and made her way over to me while mumbling something I didn't quite understand.

"What," she spat angrily as she sat down next me but she didn't look at me and she didn't want me to touch her. She could be so difficult sometimes.

"You know I like you right?" I asked her and I wasn't completely dishonest with her. I did like her, only as a friend though but that did still count right?

Eva turned her head to look at me suspiciously, like she didn't know whether to believe me or not. "Do you?"

"Yeah that's why I wanna take things slow with you. I just wanna figure out where this can go before we put a label on it," I told her and made a move to touch her face and this time she let me. "I don't wanna rush things, you can understand that right?"

"Yeah," she nodded her head and I smiled because I knew that I wrapped her around my finger again. It was so easy with her sometimes, it was unbelievable. "So I don't have to worry about her?" she wanted to know and just because I didn't want to start another argument, I told her what she wanted to hear so she could leave me in peace.

"You don't. I promise."


In the evening, I left Eva's place and made my way to Amir's apartment because we were both invited to a party and we wanted to show up there together because like we always did.

I was already running late because of Eva and I knew that Amir wasn't going to be mad or anything but I didn't want to be an ass and be way later than we had agreed. Amir live right around the corner anyway so it literally took me like five minutes to get to his apartment.

"Hey man," Amir greeted me when he opened the door for me after I rang the bell and I stepped inside his apartment after we shook hands.

"What's up?" I said to him, walking to the direction of the living room with Amir following me behind.

"Nothing much, just been waiting for you," he replied and both sat down on the couch. "Where have you been?"

"I was with Eva," I told him and as if she knew that I was talking about her, she texted me pictures of her in underwear that she had newly bought yesterday. I always told her not to send me any pictures of her being half naked but honestly I did like what I saw though so I couldn't really complain right now.

"What were you doing with her?" Amir asked me, as he narrowed his eyes at me, probably because I hadn't told him that I had had plans with her today and I told him everything.

"Nothing we were just chilling," I said and at the same time I replied to Eva's text message, complimenting her on how she looked before I put my phone back into my pocket.

"More like fücking," Amir mumbled quietly but I did catch what he said and it annoyed me that he said that because he knew damn well that I was not having sex with her.

"Nah, you know I'm not fücking her."

"Then why are you with her?" Amir wasn't really a fan of Eva. He didn't know her that well but she didn't give him a good vibe and he actually didn't want me to be around her all the time but he didn't really say anything when I was with her either because he didn't want to make decisions for me.

I didn't quite understand why he didn't like her but she wasn't a bad person and actually very, very nice and I liked the person that she was, that's why I was spending time with her.

"She's nice and fun to be around with. I like her personality. She's very cool."

"Okay," he simply said and then he just gave me this weird look that I couldn't quite identify. I hated it when he gave out this looks because you never knew what he exactly wanted from you and it was so hard to see right through this guy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Amir let out a laugh and he shook his head before he spoke up, "It's just weird to see you be the playboy."

Raising my eyebrow, I folded my arms in front of me and asked a little confused, "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, it's just that a few months ago you were so shy around girls you couldn't even talk to one and now they are texting your phone nonstop and you're meeting up with them and it's just so weird," Amir spoke, explaining tell me how he saw things from his point of view and I have to agree with him that some things had changed around here.

"Well things happen, people change," I said back matter of factly.

I was glad that I had gone through all these types of changes. I wasn't very happy with the guy I was before that, I was not very comfortable being shy all the time and not saying anything to anyone because that was just the person I was and it had annoyed me that I had never gotten a chance to get out of the zone I was in.

I wanted to break free for such a long time but I didn't know how and I didn't have anybody I could talk about my things to  and who could help me through it until I met Loyce.

I was very grateful that she had taken her time on me and that he put so much effort to turn me into the man that I was now because if it wasn't for her I would still be in such an unhappy place and I wouldn't like myself as much as I liked myself now.

Sure, I have gotten a lot of attention since I changed, especially from the girls and I had to be honest, I really liked that because the girls would never give me 10 seconds of their time in the past and now most of them wanted my attention all the time and that kind of made me feel good about myself.

Maybe I seem like a "playboy" now but I couldn't really complain because it was kind of what I wanted so now that I had it why would I want it to be another way?

"I wonder how the hell Loyce did that?" Amir wondered and I wished I could answer him that question because everything happend so fast for me as well.

At the beginning we were just having make over and she was giving me some tips and then all of a sudden everything just flipped around and changed. I didn't know how it happened so quickly but I guess everything just fell into place.

"Magic," I joked and laughed afterwards, making Amir laugh along with me.

"How are things going with her by the way?"

"They are going good, Loyce is amazing," I answered him honestly, remembering the last time I was here with her and she gave me one hell of a ride. Pun intended. Ever since then everything seem to be good between us again.

"I don't understand why you guys are still not together."

"Why would we be together? I questioned, being slightly confused because he and our friends around us knew that we were just friends with benefits and that we didn't want to go further than that so I didn't really understand that question.

"Because you two are very close you spend so much time together, you guys have sex and it's obvious you like each other," Amir reasoned but I didn't see it the way he saw it.

Yes, I did like her but I knew she didn't like me like that so it was not very cool when everybody was telling me she liked me and giving kind of hope that there could be something between us. I just didn't want to make a fool out of myself, I already did once.

I was honestly just happy that I had her in a way and I was just going to be pleased with that until she was going to tell me that she actually had feelings for me and wanted something serious with me (if that day was ever going to come) and then I would be glad to take that step with her.

"You know I don't like her like that," I just played it off and didn't look into his face and pretended to be doing something on my phone, knowing that he would see right trough my lie when I looked at him.

"You are lying to yourself bro and you know that." I knew, yes, but he didn't and for now he didn't have to.

"No man, it's really not like that with us. She let me know so many times that it's not like that."

"Whatever you say," Amir said, dropping the subject, which I was very grateful for. "But if I were you I would keep walking around with Eva all the time," he went on and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why?" I wanted to know.

"Because it's going to bring a lot of problems believe me," he responded to my question and I tried to understand why there would be any problem with me hanging around with her.

Eva had a lot of male friends and I was just one of them. Nobody had to know what went down with us privately and nobody was going to find out about it anyways so why exactly should I not be walking around with her when she was just a friend basically? Nobody was going to care or question it.

"Problems with who? With Loyce?" I then questioned. She was the only one I had in mind who had a problem with Eva but we had talked about this already.

"Yes of course, who else would care?" Amir replied, looking at me like it was so obvious it was her he was talking about.

"She doesn't care," I immediately denied. When I talk to Loyce about Eva last week she told me herself that she didn't really care if I was with her she just had a problem with Eva being a bitch to her and he didn't want that to be repeated again. She didn't say anything else about her. "Besides, I can mess around with Eva though, it's not like I'm about to make her my girlfriend."

"I know. I just trying to give you some advice because I really don't have a good feeling about this." Usually when Amir said something like this I was always careful and tried to listen to him but this time it was different and I didn't have the feeling that it was going to blow.

I was of course going to be careful because I didn't want Loyce and Eva to have another argument but I was not going to have in mind all the time that there could be an issue.

"It's gonna be fine, don't worry," I assured him, being convinced that everything was just going to turn out fine and that there would be no problems.

Amir stared at me for a few moments, not looking very convinced but eventually he just nodded his head and agreed with me. "Okay. Now move your ass we got shit to do."



Bon jour me amis.

Ya girl is back with an update. Are you happy or are you happy?

What do you guys think about this chapter? Who thought that Justin was with Loyce at the beginning??
And what do y'all think of fückboy Justin??? I personally don't like him but oh well, I gotta do what I gotta do for this book.

Okay for the next chapter let me tell you that shit ist about to go D O W N. I haven't started writing it yet and I probably won't until tomorrow or monday (depends on how much work I have) but I promise you it's gonna be good.


I hope you are excited.

Anyways I gotta go to bed, it's 1:30 AM over here.

Don't forget to vote/comment/share. You know I appreciate it very much.

Alright I love you guys and I'll
see you when I update. ❤️

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