My Poems And Short Stories

By Cyanide_Screams

2.3K 123 37

Some are good, some are bad. A few are happy but most are sad. Enjoy~ More

Old ; a short story
Paths ; a poem
Cemetary Hill ; a poem
A poem
Depression: a poem
Darkness; a short story
Deep Inside; a poem
Rain; a short story
sticks and stones
Catch the light
A few Wrinkles
Authors Note
Sticks and Stones2(please read)
Panic : slam poem
Letter To The Editor
The Prelude Of An Artist
2 a.m. thoughts


66 1 0
By Cyanide_Screams

This is a horror story I'm doing for a class at school. Enjoy~

Emory sits in the living room with his best friend, Dylan. The time is 11:30pm. The two teens are gathered to play the most dangerous game known to mankind. The midnight game. The midnight game is an old pagan ritual used as a punishment against whom had broke the laws of the religion. Unfortunately, no one had lived to tell of their experiences of the ritual. You see, if you play the midnight game, you summon an entity called the Midnight Man. If you don't play the game right or if he catches you, he will either haunt you or disembowell you while you're still alive. All you have to do is play by the rules and make it to 3:33am.
Now, many young horror addicts begging for a rush of adrenaline are experimenting on playing the game, hoping to summon the Midnight Man;  just like Emory and Dylan.
"I can't believe you're making me do this..." Emory murmurs. "This is stupid."
"Don't be a wuss. I wanna see what happens." Dylan replies, thrusting a piece of paper and needle in Emorys direction. "Now write down your name and shut up." Emory sighs and does as he's told. He writes his full name onto the paper and looks over at Dylan who is doing the same.
"What do I do now?"

"You prick your finger so your blood drops onto the paper." Dylan replies.

"You've got to be kidding me..." Emory sighs.

"It's how you summon him." Dylan explains. "If you don't play the game right you'll tick him off."


He probably isn't even real. It's just a fairy tale" Emory says, rolling his eyes. He brings the needle to his finger, allowing three crimson drops to hit the paper under his name. Dylan does the same and stands up.

"Follow me." He says.
Dylan leads Emory to the front door and lays their papers down, placing a small candle in front of each of them. He lights both candles and proceeds to turn every single light in the house off, leaving the candles as their only light source.
"So you understand the rules?" Dylan asks.
"Don't use a flashlight or a lighter, keep moving and never stop, and if your candle blows out you have to relight it within ten seconds." Emory replies.

"Good job. And remember not to taunt the Midnight Man." Dylan warns.
"I know, I know. Just knock on the damned door."

Dylan smirks and begins to knock.
It feels like forever until he stops on the 22nd knock. The clock strikes midnight and the game has begun. Each boy picks up the candle in front of his designated paper and they walk into the living room.
The only light is from each of their small candles.
They both continue to mindlessly walk around the dark house.
Time goes by as the boys pace around in silence.

"This is weird..." Emory whispers in the darkness.

"Are you scared already? Geez this is nothing. It's only been 30 minutes." Dylan replies.

"I never said I was scared. It's just... Odd." Emory says. He wanders around and into the kitchen, already nervous. The air becomes heavy and it makes him uneasy, but he shakes off the feeling.
He can't help but to think of some demon ripping out his entrails as he is still breathing. The very thought makes him shudder.
Emory then goes to turn around when the flame in his candle blows out, leaving him in total darkness. "Shit shit shit..." He murmurs as he quickly fumbles for a match.
Ten; he feels like he's being watched.
Nine - he hears whispering. The air grows heavier.
Eight- someone is walking toward him. He dropps a match. He fumbles for a new one.
Seven- his heart rate accelerates as he drops another match in panic.
Six- he manages to grab a third match. Someone is breathing on his shoulder. His breaths come out faster and shorter as he begins to hyperventilate.
Five- he strikes the match and brings it to his candle.
Four- he is surrounded by a soft glow of light. His breathing is heavy as he frantically looks around. "Dylan?  Dylan, where are you?!" He exlaims.

Dylan popps his head into the kitchen to see Emory shaking in the corner.

"Dude, what happened?" He asks, walking over to his terrified friend.

"My candle went out. Dylan, something is in here with us. It was right here." Emory replies frantically. "I stopped moving for ten seconds to relight my damned candle. Dylan, I don't want to play this anymore."

"Dude, you shouldn't have stopped moving, it's part of the rules. You have to wait until 3:33 in order to end the game. We still have another hour."

"Damnit Dylan, I'm done. I can't do this anymore." Emory exclaims and reaches for the kitchen light. Before he can flip it on, a loud scratching noise erupts from the living room. Both of the boys jump at the sudden commotion and Emory begins to sob. "He's here!  He's here..." He repeats over and over as Dylan reaches for a knife laying on the counter.
By now, the scratching noise has turned into banging and crashing and it's coming closer to the kitchen. Loud, hellish screeches can be heard within the darkness.
"Salt... I need salt!" Dylan yells. Emory throws himself at the counter and frantically grabs the salt bottle.
"Hurry!" Dylan screams.
"I am!"
Emory rushes back to where Dylan is, but before he can make it, something grabs his ankle.
He falls to the floor, bashing his head hard off the floor and drops both the salt and his candle. The flame goes out.

Ten- Emory is screaming while being dragged back into the living room by the shadowy creature. Blood pours from his skull and into his eyes.
Nine- the thing stops dragging him and let's go of his ankle. All, is silent.
Eight- he can hear Dylan screaming in agony in the next room as his heart beats rapidly in his chest. The fresh scent of death fills the air.
Seven- a wet, squishing sound followed by low gurgling noise is the only thing that can be heard.
Six- the noise stops. All is silent.
Five- footsteps can be heard walking into the living room. Emory holds his breath.
Four- he feels a hot breath on his face. The thing reeks of fresh blood and decaying flesh. A low grumble erupts from deep within it's throat.
Three- He feels sickeningly wet hands glide up his stomach, stopping in the center of his abdomen.
Two- the hands linger for a moment, then they begin to slowly dig into his flesh causing a warm feeling in his stomach. Blood begins to bubble up into his throat leaving a salty, irony taste. The pain is so unbearable, he can't even scream. All he can do is look at the only thing he can see- the creatures beady white eyes.
One- the creature hooks it's claws around Emorys organs and slowly begins to pull them out, one by one. His vision begins to blur more and more as the Midnight Man guts him alive. The last sound Emory hears is the wet squish of his own entrails as they hit the wooden floor.

The clock strikes 3:33. The game is over.
Always play by the rules.

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