Satellite Heart (Embry Call F...

By HayHalsey

152K 2.9K 414

When Lamia Sinclair dreamed of what she wanted to be when she grew up, it never involved slavery. At the age... More

Satellite Heart (Embry Call Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 11

3.8K 85 16
By HayHalsey

So here is the next chapter and you all get to see how the rest of the night unfolded. Thank you to those who commented...perhaps I should dedicate a chapter for each of you?! I hope everyone that is reading the story is enjoying it as much as I am writing it. Leave the comments in the bottom and don't forget to vote. The next chapter is already in the works. Let's see if I can get more than two people to comment lol. Should be up during the weekend!!


         I didn’t know the guys at all except that they go to my school. There were four of them and they were dressed in suits. Obviously they had been at the dance but by the way they swayed as they came closer, it was easy to tell that they had been drinking. Probably sneaking the alcohol into the dance or drinking in the parking lot away from the lights and the eyes of the teachers supervising.

        “Look what we got here boys. It’s the new girl,” the leader of the group I guess slurred coming to a stop a few feet away from me. Even from here I could smell the alcohol coming off them. This wasn’t good and red flags were going up in my head. 

          “Hello,” I said hoping to just make small talk before I could get around them and back to the gym. I’d much rather face my issues with Embry than stay out here alone with four drunken guys.

          The group stepped almost as one into the path of the way I was going. I stopped and looked at them. I thought that there was a chance that I could get by them and nothing go wrong but now doubt was flooding my mind.

         “Where you off to Lamia? That is your name right?” the leader asked with cockiness oozing out of his pores almost as much as the smell of alcohol.

          “Yes, that’s my name,” I reply quietly, remaining calm as much as I could. I don’t want to egg them on. People under the influence of alcohol will do things they normally don’t and I didn’t want this situation to turn into one of those moments.

          “You look sexy tonight. Why don’t you come with me and my friends to hang instead of going back to the dance?” he asked. The three other guys flanking him on either side were smirking at me, making my skin crawl. I don’t we’d just be “hanging”.

          “I’m sorry but my friends will be looking for me and I should really get back to them,” I said keeping my eyes down. I needed to get back towards the gym which was a pretty good distance. I hadn’t realized how far I had walked. I was barely in the light of the school lampposts’ anymore. I walked towards them, arms wrapped around my frame as I tried to scoot past them again.

            “What’s the rush new girl? We can show you a better time than those friends of yours in there,” the leader said stepping in front of my path, blocking my escape to the gym. He lifted his hand and ran it put and down my arm. I shivered but not the good kind. It was the type of shiver that made my whole body tense and a sick feeling entering my stomach. I moved away from his touch back a few steps. An almost evil glint flashed in his eyes. “What’s wrong? Not want to play?” he asked with fake interest. I could see the other guys move from behind him, making a circle around me. I was frozen in fear. Embry, please help, I thought.

Embry’s POV

          “Why am I so stupid,” I muttered to myself, putting my head in my hands after sitting down at the table our group had claimed. The dance was still in full swing but I didn’t care what song was playing at the moment.

           “Dude calm down. I’m sure you are overreacting,” I heard Jared say from his chair across the table. I glared over at him. Kim was sitting on his lap looking content. He had his imprint with him. What would he know?

            “She practically ran away from me after I kissed her,” I said seething at how I messed up. Jared cringed at the anger seeping from my voice. All the others just looked at me, not knowing what to do to make me feel better but there was nothing for them to say. I screwed up.

            I knew that Lamia was very cautious about getting into any type of relationship. She had a hard time fully letting the pack and Cullens be her friends. Even now she hadn’t fully opened up to any of us. I wasn’t particularly worried about it because I could tell we were getting closer. After telling her how I felt, partially anyway, she was being better with me. Now I probably ruined everything.

           She just started letting me have some type of physical contact with her. I couldn’t explain to you how thrilled I was on our first date when she let me touch her face. The feel of her skin against mine sent shocks through my body. Tonight she let me pull her close to dance but I was stupid and let my emotions get the best of me. During the slow dance while we were talking, she just looked so beautiful. I would never be able to get the image of her tonight out of mind for as long as I live. My will to not kiss her left my body and I just went for it.

          At first, she kissed me back and I was sure that my heart would explode from all the joy it held and the feel of her lips to mine. The kiss was so perfect that I don’t think I could ever kiss another girl in my life, not that I would do that to my imprint. Then she pulled away. I could see in her eyes that she was conflicted and panicked. When I tried to explain myself and apologize, she moved away from me. She didn’t want me close anymore. When she ran, I almost ran after her but Jacob had seen everything and brought me back to the table. He had said that she might just need time to cool off but I couldn’t help but worry that she hated me. I told her we wouldn’t go fast or that I wouldn’t push her and I broke my promise.

            I tried to drown out the others as they consoled me. Even Alice said that everything would be fine but I didn’t believe her anymore than the others. Edward said she couldn’t see Lamia’s future so I couldn’t be certain that what she said was true.

     “It’ll be okay.”

      “Lamia will come back in her own time. She probably just needed air.”

     “Embry, you didn’t ruin anything.”

             Everything they were telling me was going in one ear and out the other. The only thing that would convince me was Lamia. When, or if, she came back to the dance, I would beg for her forgiveness. She is what will calm me down. She was my everything and she didn’t even know it. She didn’t know the full effect she had on me. I hadn’t told her that she was my imprint. I was planning to see how tonight went before making the decision to tell her but now I wasn’t sure what to do. All I could do is wait.

               And that’s exactly what I did. I sat in the chair at the table waiting intently for her.  Five minutes passed. Then ten minutes. At fifteen minutes, I was worried that she had left in her car and wouldn’t be coming back. I stared at the front door where she had escaped out of but she didn’t appear. The others still were trying to calm me down seeing as my leg was bouncing with anxiety.

              It was when I heard the scream that I got really nervous. My werewolf hearing had picked it up over the fast-paced song that was currently playing. Telling by the reactions of the pack and Cullens, they had heard it to. I was sure it was Lamia and I all but barreled across the dance floor towards the doors leading to the parking lot. I knew that Jared, Paul, Quil, Jacob, and Seth were right behind me. The rest of the pack, Alice and Jasper stayed by the table so that attention wouldn’t be drawn to us but it didn’t matter. None of the humans realized what was going on. The students were too busy dancing or swapping spit in the far corners of the gym and the teachers were busy disciplining them to notice the group of us running to the door.

              Once I reached outside, I scanned the area ready for anything. I didn’t see her at first and I thought something or someone had taken her. Then I heard talking coming from the left. Barely in the light of the lamppost furthest from the entrance to the gym, I could make out the shape of five bodies. What I saw made me shake with anger and caused a growl to leave me. The guys must have seen it as well because low growls erupted from the group.  I immediately started running at them, the others following my lead. I’m coming Lamia.

Lamia’s POV

             “Don’t be afraid. We aren’t going to hurt you,” the leader said. The other guys laughed at what he said as if it was a joke. It most likely was. Why surround me and not let me leave if they weren’t here to do something that I obviously wouldn’t like?

            “Let me by,” I replied trying to not let my voice waver. In my experience with the Volturi guards, they were not as harsh to me if I didn’t show weakness. From the smirk on these boys faces told me that they were not the same.

            “Oh but the fun hasn’t even begun,” the leader said taking a step closer to me. I took a step back but was aware of how close the other boys were.        I felt completely helpless. I, Lamia, was scared of four drunk guys but not of vampires that could kill me. The difference is that for whatever reason, the Volturi would hurt me too bad but there was no telling what these guys wanted or what they would do.

            “I don’t want to have fun with you as you so call it,” I said, fear and anger evident in my voice. Fear of what was to come and anger that I was being so weak.


           “Well that’s too bad. Grab her boys,” the leader said with a smirk. My eyes widened at his statement. It shook me from my frozen state and I attempted to run between two of the guys but I wasn’t fast enough. The one on my left grabbed my upper arm hard. I turned and smacked him across the face. The shock of my hit caused him to let go of my arm. I ran toward the building but was grabbed from behind by another guy from the group. This time he got both of my arms and held me tightly, putting a strain on my shoulders. I whimpered as I struggled against his force on my arms.

            “Stupid bitch,” the guy I slapped said before giving me a slap of his own. The force of it turned my head. I let out a scream from the searing pain that broke out across my cheek. I’m sure that at the very least, my cheek would be red. Hopefully a bruise doesn’t form but I was use to the abuse.

            After the scream the guy that slapped me put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. They wouldn’t want anyone coming out and seeing them in this position. It wouldn’t end well but in the back of my mind I hoped that there was some chance that Embry or the others heard me.

            The leader came and stood in front of me. I was now being restrained by two guys while the other had his and over my mouth, giving the leader full access to me and I couldn’t even stop him if I wanted to.

            “Tsk, tsk, Lamia. You should have just come with us willingly,” he said coming to stand nearly against me. My heavy breathing made my chest brush up against his and I cringed back away from him. “Okay boys. I’ll go first than you can fight over the order after that.

            “Just hurry Brett before a teacher comes outside,” the guy that slapped me and the currently holding my mouth slurred to the leader.

       “Don’t worry Garrett. You, Rob, and Jack will have your turns. Who knows? Maybe we can take her with us when we leave and have seconds,” Brett exclaimed. The boys restraining me laughed and I could feel myself start shaking. My vision was starting to get blurry as tears assaulted my eyes. I willed myself not to let them fall but the tears cascaded down my cheeks anyway.

            Brett pressed his body up to mine, his hand beginning to caress my leg. Damn Alice for making this dress so short. I tried to move away from his touch but the other guys held me firm. The tears were still pouring as he started kiss along my neck. The pain from them touching my skin was increasing. The only thing that would help the pain die is Embry. His touch would make everything better. Brett kept kissing my neck and his hand went higher and higher up my leg. I closed my eyes hoping to block everything out, praying that they would end it as quickly as they said.

            Suddenly Brett’s hand and lips left my skin. My eyes shot open to see Embry punch Brett straight in the jaw. The guys holding me threw me to the side. I fell to the concrete of the sidewalk and felt my knees get skinned up. I saw the pack guys go after the three with Brett but after a few punches, they scurried away leaving their leader behind.

                 Embry was on top of Brett and punching him in the face, chest, and stomach. Basically anything he could reach. The pack guys came over to me once Brett’s pose. Jacob reached down and helped me up. I leaned against him, my knees still weak from the whole experience. Brett was bleeding badly and as much as I thought he deserved it, Embry could kill him. I didn’t want that to happen mainly because Embry would feel bad about it later.

            “Embry,” I called, my voice wavering form the tears still pouring down my face. He didn’t even look up. I could hear Brett protesting and asking him to stop but Embry just cursed at him, continuing his rampage.

            “Embry,” I yelled louder, pushing myself away from Jacob and stumbling toward him. Embry looked over at me. His eyes were hard and blacker than I had ever seen them. The look on his face made me flinch at the pure hatred radiating off him toward Brett.

           “Stop. Please, stop,” I said softly, a sob escaping past my lips. It seemed to work because he looked like he was shaking out of a trance. His eyes refocused and softened when he looked at me. The other pack guys watched us from a few feet away.

    Embry got up off Brett, who pushed himself up and stumbled the same way his friends went. He came and stood right in front of me. I looked up at his face, concern and anguish crossing in his eyes. My body was starting to shake more and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stand much longer. My head started to feel light and spots were forming in front of my eyes. Without warning, I fell forward towards Embry who caught me with ease.

            “Lamia!” I heard him exclaim as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. The pain that I had previously felt dissipated at his touch. He picked me up and I heard him tell the guys to go tell the others that he was taking me to Sam’s. He walked fast but tried not to jolt me around.

          “Don’t leave me,” I whisper as the darkness of unconsciousness starts to take me under. I heard him mumble something but my brain was shutting down and I couldn’t understand it. I didn’t want to worry him more but I couldn’t fight it anymore. Letting go, I succumbed to the darkness.

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