Let me go-Antisepticeye x Dar...

By all_things_childish1

49.4K 769 593

"Welcome to hell Sweetheart" "Let her go!" "I'm the one you want!" "Not anymore..." And that's all there is t... More

First day of college
Come Out,Sweetheart
Time For His Friends
Let Me Go!!!
I still remember
One note
Turn Back Time
Back To College
Different Men
Final Chapter
Thank you so much!
Well i re-read this book


1.4K 23 12
By all_things_childish1

 A year later

I was lying down on the bed. I am 'legally' married to Sean, but we are still emotionally dating.I was lying my bedroom when I heard a knock on the door. I trudged downstairs and opened it to find a girl around my age.

"Hi, what do you want?" I asked cheerily

"I need to talk to you about Anti, quick," she said in a frantic and hushed tone. I let her in and we sat in the sitting room. I turned of Rick and Morty and Sean finally noticed her.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"He's torturing Mark, Felix, Cry and Sean," she said and I immediately looked to my boyfriend. He rolled up his sleeves to show burn marks and cuts.

"That's where you go to at night!" I said. "What does he want?" I asked.

"What he has since that day of college," she said.

"That's where I know you from, Shadow (Galaxykitten5) right?" I said/asked.

"Yup, that's me," she answered.

" I don't understand this creature, first he wants to kill me, then break me and then love me," I moaned before Sean screamed in pain. I sat beside me and used my powers on him. He still screamed. Anti, was trying to communicate with us, so I rubbed Sean's back.

"It'll be over soon," I whispered and sure enough he was okay in a sec. Well, that's what I thought until he laughed that sickening laugh. He clutched my wrist.

"You broke him," I whispered before yelling, "Shadow! Run!" He tightened his grip and made my skin tear slightly.

"Shadow's here. I haven't seen her for a while," he said in his psychotic voice. I looked to shadow who was emanating a purple glow. She was a demon, but she seemed to be unreasonably nice for one.

"I didn't want anyone to go through having to survive you," she said.

"Anti, why? Why hurt everyone?" I asked pleadingly.

"Like you thought, I'm a psychopath," he told me. Shadow attacked him for long enough for me to escape his grasp. I looked over to them on the sidelines for a moment before Anti swung his hand in my direction. An incomprehensibly strong gust of wind blew in my direction and I flew backwards before hitting my head on the corner of my glass coffee table and passing out.




1 hour later




12 hours later



I woke up in my bed with a fully healed head. Shadow had won and it looks like she helped the boys since I can hear Sean recording. I turned around in the bed and say Shadow on my laptop.

"Why?" I asked and she jumped in surprise.

"I needed youtube," she answered before turning back to the laptop. I got up and ate some food after going into the kitchen. Sean walked in and hugged me from behind. I spun around and kissed him before turning to finish eating.

"I'm going to Asda, see you in a bit," he said before I heard the door close and lock. Shadow went into the sitting room and turned on Rick and Morty. I went up to the guest bedroom to sort out some sheets for her. What I saw terrified me. I screamed and Shadow was there immediately.

Cry. Cry was lying on the bare bed with an A carved into his chest. His ribcage was showing and in front of his feet, there was a letter and a box. a very special box. A ring box. I opened the letter and read it.

Dear Flora,
                       Mark missed you. I say missed because they are all dead.

You did this.

If you had chosen me no one would have gotten hurt.

I wonder what would happen if Sean didn't come home.

Meet me at 3am in the park or Sean will not be able to hug you ever again.

Terrible nightmares,



I put the letter down and opened the box to see a folded up piece of paper inside. I opened it up to see 3 men dead on the floor. I gasped and threw the photo down before explaining everything to shadow. She would follow me into the nightmare that may happen.

I walked into the park and saw Anti waiting for me. I went over and he looked excited for a moment. 

"Let him go," I demanded and Anti shook his head, no.

"Anti, please, for me?" I asked sweetly and he groaned in response before letting Sean go. I walked away with Sean and we prayed that he would not bug us again.

Anti's POV

Oh I will bug you

Author's POV
 I am so glad that this book is enjoyed by so many people.

"Lilly, my chest hurts!" Mark moaned behind me.

"You're dead after being stabbed in the chest. You're lucky I decided to be nice and put you in purgatory instead of hell, what do you expect?" I groaned before continuing to tap away on my laptop.

"Why are you writing when you SAT's are on Monday?" Anti popped his head in the room.

"I'm devoted to my readers dammit, fuck off! Go kill Mark again or something," I groaned. Then Shadow decided to pop in.

"Hi, I'm @galaxykitten5 on wattpad," she said before leaving.

"Will you be posting in SAT's week?" Sean popped inside.

"Yes," I respond flatly before Flora came in.

"Do yo-" she was interrupted.

"STOP WITH THE QUESTIONS!!" I yelled before returning to my story.

"YOU HAVE 200 READS!" she yelled and I literally screamed in joy.


Ok, serious talk

I hope you enjoyed that little skit. I am extremely grateful and glad that I can provide you guys with some form of entertainment. You guys have helped me a lot with self-esteem and I am glad to say that I will try my best to continue this book and perhaps create a threequel.

This is a sequel to another book on my profile called I want her so you can read that. It doesn't have much relation to this but you can still enjoy that. Thank you guys so much!!!

Love you guys,

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