My Gift and My Curse [BoyxBoy...

ThatLonelyGirl tarafından

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Hunter Stone is a normal everyday werewolf. He's next in line for alpha and is ready to take the job. He make... Daha Fazla

Chapter One - Why Me - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Two - Save Me - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Three - The Cold Truth - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Four - That Faithful Day - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Five - Soft Spots (Damon's POV)
Chapter Six - Gift Shows Herself - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Seven - Overflow - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Eight - Two In The Same World - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Nine - Curse - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Ten - The Start of War - (Molly's POV)
Chapter Eleven - An Old Temple - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Twelve - Binding Rituals - (Alex's POV)
Sub-Chapter One - Home - (Molly's POV)
Chapter Thirteen - Point and Shoot - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Fourteen - Vicious Cycle - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Fifteen - Tears of Doubt - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Seventeen - Last Sunset - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Eighteen - Sarcastic Last Words - (Alex's POV)
Sub-Chapter Two - Star Crossed - (Death's POV)
Chapter Ninteen - Real Mates - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Twenty - Wolf Afflictions - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Twenty One - Problems - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Twenty Two - Rain Shadow - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Twenty Three - House Visits - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Twenty Four - Family - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Twenty Five - Down Time - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Twenty Six - Training - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Twenty Seven - Start a Riot - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Twenty Eight - Snake Root - (Hunter's POV)
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Distance - (Damon's POV)
Chapter Thirty - Distorted Lines - (Alex's POV)
Chapter Thirty One - Trinity - (Hunter's POV)

Chapter Sixteen - Rouges - (Hunter's POV)

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ThatLonelyGirl tarafından


*~ Hunter's POV~*

I was running. I've been running for so long I couldn't tell if my legs were even moving at all. But the mist was catching up to me. The thick red mist chasing after me. Rushing through the woods and killing everything in it's path. The trees set on fire and Curse's voice filled my every thought.

"Hunter." Curse hissed. "Come here, little Hunter."

My legs were weakening. They were about to snap under the pressure that I've been putting on them. The burning sensation from the mist was starting to get closer and closer. My mind was going blank and the only emotion I could register was fear. I was running for my life. Not able to stop or go faster. In fact, I think I was slowing down. The crackling of fire rushing into my ears.

As I turned to look at the flames burning down the woods, I tripped. I fell face first onto the ground. But it wasn't the ground anymore. It was blood. A river of blood covering my body. Pulling me down into its deeps, suffocating me. And Curse came out from the shadows to watch me. His eyes burning red. That ever present smirk on his lips.

"You thought you could escape me? I'm in your head Hunter. You can't get rid of me." Curse laughed. My hands tried to grab on to anything. A tree, a branch, any type of ground. But nothing was there. Curse dropped down to see my face. His hand clenched my jaw in his grasp. "Now burn for me little Hunter. I want to watch your face." He spat out, his eyes becoming flames.

The blood started to burn and boil my skin. The temperature rising at a rapid rate. My mouth was open as if I was screaming but nothing would come out. I was dying slowly, feeling every crackle and stinging burn inch its way towards my heart. The skin melting off and my bones becoming ash. My screams choking my air way as tears pushed out of my eyes from the burning ash in the air. And the whole time Curse was watching me. His eyes cold and hard but that sinister, playful smirk on his lips showed his enjoyment of the situation. He was in complete control and that's all that mattered. And then his hand pushed my head down into the blood.

I woke up, sitting up straight. My body broken out in shivers.

Glancing at the clock it read 6:30 AM. I sighed and got up. The sun would be rising in a little bit. Carefully, I got out of the bed as to make sure I didn't wake Alex who was sleeping soundly. Walking into the bathroom I sighed.

I hated sleep. Ever since my dreams were replaced by those nightmares. It's only been happening for about a week but they never repeated and were always about Curse killing me. I honestly couldn't figure out if I hated him or if I was afraid of him. But it didn't matter. What mattered is that I couldn't sleep.

There was no way that I would be able to even think about sleeping right now. Not while I keep having nightmares, or maybe they're mindmares. I sighed yet again, and stepped into the shower. My train of thought momentarily distracted.

We had to finishing packing, then we needed to find a trail. We also need to think about approach. We don't actually know who the rouges are so we should probably be cautious. As I finished up my shower, a sickening thought crossed my head. Damon. He was going to be there with us. This meant three things.

1. More protection for Alex.
2. Damon and I spend more time together to actually get along and not fight over Alex. Although, he did say he was backing off.
3. Damon would have an equal amount of time to get closer to Alex. Friendly or not, I was very skeptical.

And lately my emotions have been becoming a bit harder to control. The raging jealousy, the anger, the tears. They were not staying inside. They were showing in violent outburst. And it was very frustrating. But when ever I'm around Alex, it seems like that doesn't even matter anymore. Just trow caution to the wind and let all of your feelings free.

I sighed and got dressed. I finished packing before the sun even came up and went down stairs. I felt like I needed a drink and the closest thing I had to that was blood - animal blood of course. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pack of the blood from the special fridge and drank.

"You should really cool it on the blood, Alex. You'll turn into a vampire." Gift said appearing in front of me. I rolled my eyes at her and put up the blood.

"It's not like they actually exist." I said.

"Oh they exist, just not in this universe. Can only have one dominate supernatural race at a time in a universe. Could you imagine how chaotic that would be?" Gift laughed.

I started to make a real breakfast for Alex when he woke up and some other things for Damon, mom, and dad. "Hey, Gift, could you tell your brother to lay off the stupid nightmares?" I asked.

Gift raised her eyebrow, "Nightmares? What kind?"

"You know, just Curse hunting me down and killing me." I said bitterly.

"Oh."Gift said. "Well, I'll talk to him about that ... like, right now." And then she was gone. I sighed. She wasn't going to talk to him. I could tell. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

I turned around to see my mom. She kissed me on the cheek as I gave her the meal for her and dad. She thanked me and head back upstairs just as Alex came down. Alex smiled when he saw me. I looked at Alex. His hair was a bit of a mess and his eyes still looked a little tired but he was wide awake. His cheeks were a little pink this morning and his lips where still there cherry pink and kissable. So that's what I did.

"Morning." I said pulling away from the kiss.

"Morning." Alex said. A cute little smile on his face. He grabbed his plate and sat down at the table. "So when do we leave?" he asked.

"As soon as you and Damon are ready." I said. "But are you sure you still want to come? Damon and I can handle it ourselves." I said, starting to think that maybe if me and Damon did this by ourselves we could talk about this situation that we constantly find our selves in. You know, with out me throwing couches.

"Hunter, I'm fine. And pretty well equipped." He laughed.

"Alex, shooting a gun at targets is one thing, but killing an actual person - werewolf or not - is not a joke. It changes a person."

"Have you killed a person?" Alex asked.

I looked down at the ground. The unsettling memory playing back over in my head. The blood smeared on the ground. The smell of meat. And the cries of the poor person I was ripping apart. "Almost." I said in a shaky breath. "It was before I could control my wolf. When I first realized my Curse and I got really mad."

"Oh." Alex said looking back at his plate.

I leaned against the cabinets and folded my arms las across my chest. "I don't remember most of it. But Damon on the other hand, remembers his."

"Damon, killed someone?"

I nodded my head grimly, "Unfortunate side effect of being alpha. He stopped me from my killing because he didn't want me to go through the same thing he did. We were pretty close after that, at least for a while anyways." I sighed "You came into the picture and I was just kind of, pushed to the side."

Alex pushed his plate away from him, "I'm sorry I asked."

"It's fine." I said.

And just as the silence was getting awkward, Damon walked in. And I don't think I've been more happy to see him right now. I handed him his plate as he greeted us with a wave and dove into his breakfast. Alex rolled his eyes and looked at me with a look that said 'he really killed someone'? I laughed quietly and washed the dirty dishes.

After we finally were all ready to go, we head out towards the woods. Me and Damon picked up on the eerie vibe as soon as we set foot in the woods. I looked back at him and he nodded. I grabbed Alex's hand a little tighter than necessary and pulled him closer to me.

We walked cautiously and listened to every sound carefully. I had the feeling that who ever was out here - what ever was out here - had been waiting for us. There was a scatter to the left and we turned. Another to the right, Damon turned that way. They were surrounding us. And they were in wolf form.

A growl was heard from either side of us as two brown average sized wolves came out of the trees. They growled and stared at us with hate. Then there was a laugh coming from in front of us.

"That's enough. Owen, Dan go fucking change somewhere." The voice said. The wolves walked back into the trees to change and the owner of the familiar voice emerged.

Josh smiled at me, "Oh come on. I was able to slip past your painfully idiotic brother for years. But your supposed to be the next alpha. I would've expected you to figure it out sooner." He smirked. "But I guess my acting skills are better than I thought. By the way, I never got to tell you that slamming people's head into walls isn't very nice." Damon scoffed at him.

"You better watch it." He growled.

"What are you gonna do, Damon? Bite me?" Josh rolled his eyes.

"I'll do a hell of a lot more than just fucking bite you." Damon mumbled.

"I'm sorry, why are you talking right now? I was clearly talking to your brother, not you."

"Josh, what do you want? Because standing here and watching you too quarrel is not helping anything." I interrupted.

Josh turned back over to me with a small smile. "That's a great question. And the answer is to have front row tickets to, 'The Breakdown of Alex'. Catchy title right?"

I felt Alex's grip on my hand tighten and I held him a little closer to me. From what I could tell Alex wasn't scared right now. He was furious. Which scared me. I had never seen - well felt - him this angry. I could feel his other hand inch closer towards his gun. Glancing down at him I tried to get him to calm himself down.

"Why are you so fucking set on making his life harder than it already is?" Damon growled.

"Damon, Damon, Damon. You still haven't figured it out, have you?" Josh sighed, walking over towards him. "Don't you remember the things you use to say to me? The things we use to talk about?" Josh asked Damon, invading his private space.

Damon's body went rigid when Josh started to caress his cheek. To which I raised an eyebrow at. Did something happen between them? Because I could have sworn my brother was 'straight' before Alex.

"But then again, why should you remember? Half of your brain cells stopped working when Alex came along." Josh spat out. Pulling his hand back from Damon's face.

Damon growled, and pushed Josh against a tree.

"I'm going to fucking kill you. You piece of shit. When I'm done with you there won't even be enough of you to be remembered by." He growled. Josh just laughed in his face.

"You do that. If you can catch me." He laughed. Before shoving Damon away with incredible force for a rouge and running off, turning into a slightly bigger than average sized brown wolf. He turned around and growled at Damon and I before running off.

Damon's eyes flashed with anger. He growled and tried to run off. Letting go of Alex for a minute I pulled him back, "Damon!" I said trying to get him to calm down.

"What!?" He snapped back.

"You need to calm down. It could be a trap, okay. We need to think about this."

"A trap? That's what you're worried about? A fucking ... Listen to me Hunter, Josh and those guys have been hitting and beating and making Alex's life miserable for years. And you're telling me to NOT go after them? All you did was tell Josh to fuck off and look what it did! So I'm going to put an end to it. And if that means killing them I'll fucking do it! But you know what I find funny? Is that I should be the one telling you not to go. You're his goddamn mate! And your telling me, you're not one bit angry? That you don't wanna kill them for doing all that to your mate? Because if you don't, then maybe he's not your real mate." Damon scoffed at me. He put his hands up as if to say he was done and then ran off after Josh.

"Are you going to kill him?" Alex asked.

That caught Damon's attention. He turned around and starred at Alex. "No, I was just going to talk to the bastard. Of course I'm going to fucking kill him."

"Don't kill him Damon!" Alex shouted. "I'll do it."

"Ya right, Alex." Damon said before running off and turning.

I stood there not knowing what to do and thinking about what Damon just said. How he's not even my mate. Because he was right. I wasn't Alex's mate. I wasn't anything. Alex was Damon's real mate and I wasn't anything.

A/N: SURPRISE! New Chapter :3 I actually wasn't going to upload this today but I was too excited :D HAHAHAHAHA IT WAS JOSH I HOPE YOU GUYS FEEL STUPID FOR NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT (except Jennifer - you actually guessed it and i was trying really hard not to tell you you were right X3) I actually don't hope you feel stupid - I just like surprising people >.< QUESTIONS: How you do feel about Damon and Josh's relationship? Do you think that Alex would actually kill Josh? And how bad do you feel for Hunter right now? So yes, I hope you enjoyed. And I also didn't upload this at the proper time because i was excited. Until next time my lovelies~ Pick of Hunter <3

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