Goddess divine {complete ✔️}

By ghost1643

10.3K 292 7

"Please don't leave me. Please, I need you." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Along tim... More

Demon awoken.
Still standing
Five steps
Wedding crasher
Demon flu
Meet adopted momster
Demon markings
Statue frog
Demon heart hunt begins
Story of Aphrodite
The end of a life time
Ban learns about Migas
New cover for the book


223 7 0
By ghost1643

A boy ran threw the woods as quickly as possible threw the dead forest. He saw it. The creature of legend. The mighty Medusa. Well it was either her or a really big snake. He didn't look at it's face so, he did know. All he knew was that the dead forest had no plant life and only crows living in it for a reason. As he continued running, he ran face first into a girl with green eyes.
"I am so sorry." He stated getting up and extending a hand out to her. With a grin the brunette took his hand.
"Don't work about it." She stated getting up. She was wearing a dark purple dress that went a little over her knees. The boy felt his heart speed up a bit. Girls didn't look as amazing as this back in the village.
"Oh. Sir James of the village of Holy death miss. May I ask for your name?" James grinned.
"Migas. My name is Migas." She smiled back. Migas? What a beautiful name. Worthy of this beautiful girl. He stood there a moment lost in her beauty. Which he was snapped out of in a couple moments.
"Hello? You wanna answer my question?" Migas asked. James felt his face heat up. He really got distracted didn't he? Ugh.
"Yes miss. Yet, could you please repeat it first." He stated feeling a bit embarrassed.
"Why are you so close to the forest?" Migas repeated.
"Oh. I was looking for my cousin her names Sammy. She's eight years old. She disappeared ten feet away from this place. They may have found a girl's corpse but, unless I see her face I won't believe it's her." He stated looking at the ground. Once his eyes flew back up he realized Migas was looking at him. Yet, not with a look of pity. One of sympathy. Almost as if she knew what this felt like to have lost someone before.
"So what brings a lady like you to these woods?" He asked Miga with a grin. Hopefully she didn't see him as less of a man now like the people back home.
"I came to pick some berries like I do every day. There are some amazing ones on the other side of the woods." Migas lied with a grin. Hopefully he couldn't see threw this.
"All by yourself?"
"Yup. Oh what did you think I can't go threw here my self."
"No. I just thought no one came here anymore since the rumours began over nine years ago."
"Ah. Is the little baby scared of the big bad snake?"
"No. I just have a disliking of snakes." They stood their in silence with a blushing James smiling looking into Migas's amazing eyes while she smirked as her heart beat began racing. The two of them just stood their looking like love struck dogs for three maybe five minutes.
"Any who I better get going." James stated as he began to walk away. The he stopped in his tracks to see Migas walking away deeper into the forest.
"Migas!" He stated looking at the beauty walk away. She turned back around.
"What is it?" She grinned.
"Will you be here again tomorrow?" James asked. Migas giggled a bit as she walked away.
"Of course I will." She smiled skipping off. She knew he was going to say she was crazy for saying that.
"I will see you then." He smiled. Migas turned around quickly looking shocked. Yet, James was leaving with a big grin on his face.
This continued not for days, not weeks, not months but, years. How many years? Three. Eventually the eleven year old blue haired boy turned into a tall fourteen year old and learned that Migas never aged. For years the love struck boy went to the same edge of the forest just to see Miga one more time. The same went for Migas. The two lover made everyone even Kitty's hear melt. They found out about this the first week. Since then they went to the edge of the forest daily to see the two interact with each other. All the while Medusa was silently cheering for them to kiss.
The eventual one foggy day he felt he knew that if he waited another day to tell her his feelings he would die. Even if he did get rejected.
"James?" Migas asked snapping her fingers. The boy jumped looking at the young immortal girl. He felt his heart swell up.
"I have something to tell you." He stated breathlessly hoping she didn't hear him. He groaned a bit seeing Migas had stopped walking to hear him with 100% of he attention. With a deep breath he mumbled it quietly.
"I love you."
"What was that?" Migas asked. She didn't hear him. James's face turned a bright red which made his light blue hair stick out more than anything else he was wearing.
"I said I love you." He mumbled again. Migas looked at him like she still couldn't understand. Mostly because she still didn't. Now she was getting a little mad but, she could live with it.
"I'm sorry I st-" She was cut off by James. Yet, he didn't repeat himself this time. Nope. He kissed her on the lips instead. As He wrapped his arms around her waist Migas felt her heart race as her face began turning a bright red. What was she supposed to do?! James was just about to pull out of the kiss when Migas wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. He felt his face heat up. Oh god. She liked him back. As the two broke apart they said it.
"I love you." He stated the same time as Migas. The two of the blushed before James kissed Miga again. Yet, this time Migas took a step back tripping on a rock. The two of them fell to the ground before beginning to make out.
Meanwhile in the forest Medusa and the kids held back Mel who looked like he was read to kill James for just touching his sister.

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