They Saved Me With Their Love

By wishuwerehere12

4.1K 128 41

Leah has been unloved her whole life, but then gets saved, by who and how and what comes after? You'll just h... More

The Rejection
Finally Out
Lance & Kelly
Moving out!
Oh The Pain.
Dreams, Wishes, Choices
Close and Closer
Happy tis I
Happy Birthday Princess! part 1
Happy birthday princess!! part2!
Dancing till the clock strikes 12
My Second Chance Mate!
The Connection
Blood, Sweat, and Lots of Tears
Unbelievable Miracles
Waiting Game
New Found Hope
Luck Favors the Prepared

A Pie And A Pack

99 1 0
By wishuwerehere12

~~~Blakes P.O.V~~~~~~

One hand wrapped around Leah's waist and the other was pressed on the glass that separated our drooling pie holes from the pie that goes in said hole. Leah pointed out a pecan pie to tell me that it's her favorite. The one besides it was a chocolate pie with whipped cream and chocolate flakes. Someone could say I'm a chocolate addict and they wouldn't be wrong.

'Chocolate for you and pecan for myself please!' Leah demanded oh so harshly in my head. I smiled.

'Sounds perfect to me,' I told her kissing her cheek then moving to the counter to order. A female approached that seemed to be in her late twenties and I could feel Leah go stiff in my arms. 'Baby?' I asked through our connection.

'Yeah, I'm sorry... I know her that's all.' She explained softly back. I pulled her into an embrace not caring of the wandering eyes. My mate needs me and my first priority is always her. 'Thank you,' Leah said as her body relaxed once again. Now I turned back to the girl at the counter who looked like she was wearing a happy mask with bored eyes. Creepy...

"I'd like a pecan and a chocolate please," I told her. Unlike my wonderful mate I'm fairly confident and have no problem ordering for Leah. Especially in this situation. I understand things in her past have made socialization hard. I know she can order for herself, but I won't put her through the struggle to prove it to me here. She has to suffered through alot of stuff; ordering pies shouldn't be on that list to fight.

"Okay," the girl said tapping some buttons into the cash register. She smiled kindly at me and I returned the jesture. Leah remained somewhat hidden and seemingly distracted by her shoes. I rubbed her back in reassurance. She looked up at me with a smile.

"Hey? Do I know you?" The woman asked looking intently to Leah.

"Uh.." Leah said not able to find her words, I could hear her trying to decide whether to admit or deny.

'You don't have to say anything if you don't want to,' I told her. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yeah... I was part of this pack awhile ago," Leah said looking forward at her. The lady tilted her head to the side trying to figure out who she was.

"Holy shit... you're Loser Leah!" The girl exclaimed with a snap of her fingers. Leah cringed in my arms. She laughed and I growled. That shut her up quick.

"How about you just get us those pies," I demanded darkly. I could feel Jefferson scratching at the door of my mind; begging for me to let him tear out her tongue for that. The rude cashier turned quickly and boxed the pies. I took out my wallet and slammed the money on the counter.

"I'm sorry Lea-" I growled again cutting her off.

"Don't talk to her! Learn how to not be an asshole to your customers," I snarled. Since being with Leah I've had a more positive vibe about me but the disrespect and embarrassment to my mate was to much. I wanted to make a new happy memory here, not bring back a dark one. I grabbed the pies in one hand, Leah's hand in the other, and stormed out.

We got into the car quickly. I took the driver seat and Leah sat silently in the car with the pies on her lap. After a moment she reached over and turned my face to hers and kissed me passionately. My nerves and rage all at once disappeared. "Thank you for defending me Blake." That's all she said and that's all that needed to be said. We buckled up, laced our fingers together, and made our way back to our home.

~~~Leah's P.O.V~~~~~~

I had never seen Blake so mad before, it scared me a little but also excited me a lot. I couldn't stop smiling at him as we drove carefully on the damp road. He ment so much to me and obviously I ment a lot to him. Blake's hand wrapped perfectly around mine and I couldn't help but look in awe. Every smile, glance, and chuckle calmed my doubts. The doubts appeared often, everytime I spoke or did something my mind flooded with thoughts that I had somehow messed something up. I was drowning myself; but Blake seems to be able to drain my self hate away. He lets me breath instead of suffocate.

I don't know how someone as amazing as Blake could love me... but he does. Sometimes I feel like I could hold him back from living because I'm only that broken person that he knew for a minute. A person that wasn't awake for three months of our time together. But then I remember that he stayed with me. First because he's a nice guy and now, Blake stays because he's happy to be my guy.

"That's the smile I love so much," Blake cheered. He lifted our tangled hands and kissed each of my fingers, which made me giggle like a school girl of course.

Our happy moment seemed to be gone to soon though. "Do you hear that?" I asked, my giggles quickly ceasing. Blake pulled over and we rolled the windows down a smidge. There was definetly a sound; a sound I remember but what was it for? All through the area was a loud horn that did two short spurts of whines and then one loud whistle type noise over and over again. It ment something, I know it did!

"Yeah, is that a siren?" Blake asked confused, he glanced behind us to see no flashing lights or anything. Then it clicked.

"We need to go!" I shouted, "Those are trespassing horns! This pack is under attack!" This was not good, sure the pack got a few rogues every now and then but nothing that required the horn. It had only ever been used once before during our battle with a large group of rogues that developed their own pack. It was a bloody battle, they killed  fifty-five people, children included. If this is anything like that they need all hands on deck.

"Tell me where to go?" Blake said understanding the severity of the situation. Both of us trained heavily in our packs. Blake was a front line guards men at his former pack and not to brag but I'm one of the best fighters in my pack- only second to Cupid.

"U-turn and go straight down the road. We should head towards the pack house; it's where all the valuables are held." I said. Blake followed my instruction instantly. Luckily we were still pretty central in town, the pie shop had been pretty far out from Kelly's. We sped down the road the scenery coming and going without much detail. We started stopping when we saw people getting attacked in the streets and out in front of stores.

A dirty looking woman started harassing a lady against a car. Blake had just began to slow down again when I hopped out of the car and went to defend the lady. I jumped ontop of the dirty woman and wrestled her to the ground. She tried grabbing my hair and fighting back but I kept her down. She wasn't praciticed in combat and was extremely smaller than me but I didn't doubt her strength. Rick, the pack trainer, always said to never underestimate an oppenent. I punched her repeatedly in the stomach, the fast hard collisions  made her face scrunch up and her own hits buffer for a second.

The rogue started tensing up and I could feel her bones cracking- she was shifting. This situation could get really bad if a hostile rogue was in full form, even if shes smaller than me. Even a weak wolf can be as powerful as a strong trained wolf in human form. Ivy gave some of her strength to me and it sent my adrenaline flying. My arm on auto piolt wrapped around her neck and my hand swiftly went behind her head- twisting hard and fast.The rogue fell limp after a disturbing crack erupted from her neck. The movement was so fast and fuild I didn't  understand what I did at first. The young lady, maybe eighteen, who was being attacked cried out hysterically and threw her arms around me when I stood up. I looked down at the rogue. 'I just took her life.'

'Baby you had to,' Blake quickly added, rushing to my side. He grabbed my wrist and moved my arm towards him. I winced in pain only then realizing I had three huge cuts on my arm. Probably from her claws coming out when she was shifting. It will heal but it still hurts like a bitch, like I said even weak wolves are strong.

"Thank you so much!" The girl cried taking me out of my trance. I patted her back but pulled her off quickly.

"Get home, lock your door. Don't come out until you hear the announcement. Don't open it for anyone! Try to round up as many of your people on the way. Do not approach the strangers," She nodded at my words, wiping the flowing tears off her face. "Go!" I yelled and she finally began to run. I jumped back into the car and Blake took off again. We had to ditch Tony just a few minutes after because there was so much chaos. (Of course we hid Tony somewhere safe but I still didn't like it.)

By the time Blake and I got to the main house we had recruited a group of six women, seven men, and then ten children that had been targeted. Some of them only looking about six or seven. We created a circle of protection around them. People only broke off to attack the rogues and quickly advise the wounded before coming back in formation. When we reached the grounds of the pack house people were dead on the floor. I wasn't sure who's people but there was to many to only be one sided. A few men started attacking the rogues that were already outside, this is where the real fight begins.

The group followed Blake and I without question. I took advantage of it, "You three check the ground for any of your survivors, you six scout around the grounds watch the trees for movement! You four stay with us, stay in formation! FIGHT WITH EVERYTHING AGAINST EVERY ENEMY!" Noone argued, they instead followed orders without hesitation. Those running off shifted quickly and tackled the rogues that seemingly popped out of nowhere. We busted through the house doors and we were confronted with the rogues attacking more pack members. A large man with a large scar down his face rushed me. He knocked the wind out of me and pinned me against the fridge with ease. I kneed him in his testies and twisted his arm behind his back by his wrist. My elbow slammed into the back of his head and I shoved his face into the cabnits.

'Take the children to the attic! Go all the way up the stairs and barricade the door with the dresser up there!' I linked to Blake he nodded and scooped up three of the smaller kids in his arms and yelled for the others to follow them. They were almost clear when a large man pounced on one of the children. I bashed the head of the scar guy agasint the counter and blood spilled across the granet top. I climbed onto the blood soaked counter and  launched myself onto the other guy, turning wolf mid leap.

I started scratching violently at him biting down on his arms. I swung my body that was firmly wrapped around him around and made him lose grip of the kid. He howled in pain and fell to his knees. The large man's neck was soon in my claws and I ripped it open. Blood squirted out of the hole that was there in place of his throat and his bloody torso fell to the floor with a loud thunk. The attacks didn't stop or give me a moment to catch my breath. I was immediately pounced on by another wolf. I bared my teeth and growled at the rouge, twisting and turning my body to try and get them off of me. I managed to flip them over and proceeded to get their neck between my jaws. Clamping my jaw down and whipping my head back and forth. They screamed and let out a devastating whine but finally fell limp when my jaw tightened around their throat. I felt their blood dripping from my muzzle as I jumped to the next villain.


I don't know how much longer it was. It felt like two hundred years had passed by the time everything had ended. My body felt the impact of battle but my mind was blurred of the events that took place. Ivy had taken control and I was just a vessle to her distruction. The last of the rogues had ran off into the trees, the darkness that came with the rain helped them disapear. The rest however, weren't so lucky and laid dead all over the place. Blood had painted the walls of the pack house and the mud outside. I was exhausted, it took me the last of my energy to scan the grounds.

Just as I felt like I was going to collapse into a puddle, Blake was suddenly supporting me in my wolf form. He had saved his clothes before he had shifted to join in the battle, "Change baby, it's over." With deep breaths I returned to my human form and Blake quickly covered me with his shirt and held me tightly agasint his warm chest. I looked at him, his handsome face was scratched, his arms bleeding like crazy, and his chest had multiple gashes on them. I whimpered looking at all the pain that was inflicted onto him. All this yet he still held strong for me. "You look awful," I said with the best smile I could make, he chuckled. The tears fell as I looked into his worried eyes.

"You should look in the mirror, Brat,"  He kissed me quickly. It wasn't until after he said it that I brought my attention to myself: my hair was soaked with blood- and the rest of me too for that matter. Some was mine as I had several large cuts and scrapes. I think I might have broken my wrist too; luckily my werewolf genetics were already healing me. There was still so much blood that covered me that it was staining Blake's white shirt. I hadn't ever seen this much blood before not in person at least- this was the amount to a really gory slasher flick. The water was just taking it all away, just like that. The rain caused the blood to run down my hands and legs, as if it wasn't there before; but it was there. I had other people's blood on me; I had killed people with no hesitation just minutes ago. The rain couldn't wash that away.

Both sides put up a huge fight. It was one of the biggest rogue packs I had ever seen. They had nothing to loose and everything to gain, they literally killed anyone and everyone that they could. All that was left of their attempt was bloody mud and dead bodies...

"The kids?" I whimpered out my guilt overtaking me.

"Safe, still upstairs. The rogues tried to break in; I had to defend the stairway. They barricaded it pretty heavily with that dresser you said!" Blake said pointing back to the house. Im relieved to know that old heavy thing still had some use and happy noone had removed the last piece of me from my time in that room.

Somehow we had managed to go out of the house and at the edge of woods line. I don't remember the specifics of anything. I just remember the sound of people dying, their bones breaking, the light leaving their eyes, and the blood coating everything in the vicinity. I wrapped my arms around Blake and cried into his bare chest. I had never had to kill someone before;  it had just hit me that I killed so many people today. "You protected people Leah, you had no choice. Baby please think of the lives you saved," Blake tried to console me. I took shaky breaths, trying to calm myself but the only thing that could sooth me was Blake's safe embrace.

Some of the people that had fought along side us came up to us. I turned to face them and each of them came to hug me, I didn't understand why? We had all fought. They squeezed me tight and also embraced Blake. An older man maybe early forties held me close, "Thank you so much. You lead us to survival," he nearly cried. And I won't lie, I nearly did too. Suddenly a scent I hadn't smelled in a while twirled around me. 

"Leah?" He asked his voice nearly cracking.

"Andrew..." I stood their shocked to see him, especially with this reaction. It had been three years now since I last saw him. Three years since he rejected me and marked another girl. Andrew came up to me quickly and was about to grab me when I moved out of the way towards Blake. I didn't want him to touch me, not after all the pain I got from him.

"Leah please," Andrew said coming closer again. Blake growled as I clung tighter to his arm. Andrew stopped and looked at him angry.

"Who's this?" Andrew said puffing out his chest. Did he think he was tough or maybe impressing me?

"My mate." I confidently delcared before Blake could speak for himself. Andrew's jaw clenched. "I'm not getting into this Andrew, we helped you're pack. Now we are leaving," I said pulling Blake away from the group that surrounded us. I looked back to see the crowd continued to follow us. I tensed, what did they want? At least some of them must have realized who I am by now.

"Alpha, please do something! She saved us!" Someone shouted. Suddenly a wave of unbearable pain washed over me. Something was terribly wrong. I heard this sound I hadn't heard in a while. A sound that was so clear that it drowned out everything else around me.

Boom-ba-Boom Boom-ba-boom

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