Natsu and Gray: Another Love...

By AnimeLovar20

10.1K 326 102

Join FairyTails strongest team of Erza, Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Natsu as they go on a job to find the daughter... More

Chapter One: Recieving a Job
Chapter Three: A Little Fun
Chapter Four: Search for Clues
Chapter Five: Confession
Chapter Six: Together Again
Chapter Seven: A Little Fun
Chapter Eight: A Job Well Done
Chapter Nine: Cravings
Chapter Ten: Returning Home
Chapter Eleven: Welcome Home?
Chapter Twelve: Big News
Chapter Eleven: Family

Chapter two: On Our Way!

952 26 20
By AnimeLovar20


"For goodness sakes, Natsu! The train isn't even moving!" Cried out Erza.

"I can't help it." Natsu manages to say before he threw up again.

"Poor Natsu." Happy says flying over to comfort him.

"He's a sorry excuse for a wizard." Gray jabs as he watches people walk by from the train's window.

"Lucky for him, a traveling salesmen happened into town the other day. I purchased his last few bottles of potions that cure motion sickness!" Lucy says excitedly pulling out a a blue twisted bottle and handing it to Natsu who drank it quickly.

Natsu instantly stops heaving and gains color in his face. "Thanks, Lucy! I could marry you!" He yells as he lunges at Lucy to hug her.

"Why would you waste money on him?" Gray asks Lucy harshly who is crushed under Natsu's weight.

Lucy stares at Gray with a look of disgust on her face. "Remember last time I went on a trip with him? !I would rather not have to clean vomit out of my clothes again!"

"I thought it was pretty funny to hear you squeal like that!" Natsu says rubbing the back of his head.

"I'd like to hear you squeal." Grays says to Natsu.

"Uh. Gray. What is that suppo-" Lucy starts to say.

"Is that a challenge popsicle breath?!" Natsu says as his hand bursts into flames.

"No." Gray says cooly staring into Natsu's eyes for a moment before returning to the passerby's.

That's odd. Thought Lucy. Usually Gray would have gotten in Natsu's face throwing insults of his own.

At that moment, the train started rolling out of magnolia station.

"Do you have any idea where to start looking?" Lucy ask, turning to Erza who had been quiet this whole time.

"Considering the only lead is the servant who saw her leave, it's only reasonable that we start with her."

"What if she can't give us any new information?" Lucy asks as she looks out the window to enjoy the last few days of nice weather.

"Then we'll have to look for any clues that were over looked. No one disappears without a trace." Erza says, watching Gray form frost over the window and write "Natsu the flame brain."

For a while, they all sat in silence. Each finding something to occupy the time until the train would stop. When a few hours passed, they decided to head down to the food cart.

"Mmmm. I can already taste it! Roasted fish!" Happy said in a daze, drool dripping from his mouth.

"I'm just going to get a nice hot cup of camomile tea and some crackers." Lucy says as she pulls  her journal out of her bag, thinking of what story she was going to write next.

"Cold lobsters the only way to go." Gray said as he held his growling stomach.

"Hmm. Yes. I've built up quite the appetite today. I'll order seven pizzas with extra toppings." Erza says

"How did you work up enough of an appetite for that many pizzas?!?" Lucy asked as she stared at Erza in stunned astonishment. "All you did today was walk to the train!"

"Hmmm. Perhaps you're right. Seven pizzas with extra toppings with low calorie sauce." Erza says seriously.

It took quite a while to give the chef their orders, mostly due to Erza's complex and large number of pizzas. The other passengers stood back in horror at the sight of such a large amount of food for the small group. It didn't take them long to find a table either. A single mighty roar from Erza's stomach convinced half the cart to flee in panic.

"Natsu? What is that you got?" Erza asked intrigued at the oblong pieces of what appeared to be meat pinched shut on both ends.

"The chef said it was called a grilled hot dog. I just wanted to see what it was like. It's hot, but I don't smell any dog." He said, his face full of relief.

Gray on he other hand seemed to be having a hard time keeping a straight face as Natsu put the tip of the hot dog in his mouth, trying to determine if he liked the taste or not.

"Hey, Natsu?" Gray started, tears now streaming from his eyes. "Does that remind you of anything?"

"What?" Said Natsu looking from Gray to the hot dog puzzled. Natsu's face turned red, suddenly understanding what Gray was hinting at. "WHY YOU!" Natsu shouted as he lunged over the table at Gray while wielding his hot dog like a sword.

Gray shoved Natsu back, stealing a hot dog from his plate. When Natsu launched himself at Gray again, Gray was ready. Both Natsu and Gray, wielding two steamy grilled hot dogs, began to attack and block wildly, grease flinging onto Erza, Happy, and Lucy.

"Immature." Erza muttered as she wiped grease from her chin and took two hot dogs from Natsu's plate and entered the fray.

"What's going on!?" Lucy yelled as she ducked, narrowly missing Natsu's hot dog attack to her face.

"Ha! Even two against one, you are no match against me!" Erza boasts, a hot dog in each hand pointed at Natsu and Gray, each of which have red marks where they've been hit.

Both Gray and Natsu decide to charge Erza at once, only to receive a mouth full of hot dog. Erza with a satisfied look on her face, sits down calmly before she proceeds to devour her pizzas viscously.

I want off this crazy train. Lucy thinks.

"You know." Natsu says with a mouth full of food. "These aren't half bad. Too bad you guys took all of them."

"I have an extra if you really want another." Gray says winking at Natsu.

Everyone turns to look at Gray, Erza with a slice of pizza hanging out of her mouth. Everyone stays still, waiting for Gray to explain further. Natsu's face flustered with embarrassment. Gray suddenly laughs as he pulls the hot dog he fought with earlier from under the table. Everyone sighs with relief.

"Don't go saying stuff like that Gray! You're going to give us a heart attack!" Lucy yells.

My darling Gray making sexual jokes when I'm not around! Cries Juvia, hidden a few booths down. Natsu's trying to steal my darling Gray from me!!

"Let's go get our stuff." Erza announces suddenly as she stuffs three slices of pizza into her mouth. "We're here."

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