
By MadDogKiss

34.3K 495 603

Took this from a Blogger and edited it to fit myself and other Aquarius' I know. Represents the general group... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Aquarius Woman x Virgo Man
Aquarius Woman x Aries Man
Aquarius Woman x Taurus Man
Aquarius Woman x Gemini Man
Aquarius Woman x Cancer Man
Aquarius Woman x Leo Man
Aquarius Woman x Libra Man
Aquarius Woman x Scorpio Man
Aquarius Woman x Sagittarius Man
Aquarius Woman x Capricorn Man
Aquarius Woman x Aquarius Man
Aquarius Woman x Pisces Man
Aquarius Man x Aries Woman
Aquarius Man x Taurus Woman
Aquarius Man x Gemini Woman
Aquarius Man x Cancer Woman
Aquarius Man x Leo Woman
Aquarius Man x Virgo Woman
Aquarius Man x Libra Woman
Aquarius Man x Scorpio Woman
Aquarius Man x Sagittarius Woman
Aquarius Man x Capricorn Woman
Aquarius Man x Aquarius Woman
Aquarius Man x Pisces Woman

Part 1

3.4K 85 266
By MadDogKiss

An Aquarius‬ is smart, independent, somewhat rebellious, and a true original.

An Aquarius will always put a smile on, just not to kill the mood of anyone else.

An Aquarius will not judge others harshly because as human beings, we are all equal and entitled to our own opinions.

Aquarius‬ are the people who deviate from the crowd and go their own way.

Aquarius‬ is the sign of visionaries, unconventionality, and intellectual independence.

Aquarians‬ only show their full side to people very close to them.

Aquarius‬ love interacting with all kinds of people. They're not the type that can work at a desk for the rest of their lives.

Sometimes, Aquarius will listen to a conversation and won't buy in or say a word. Just quietly listening.

An Aquarius is someone that is so hard to figure it out emotionally. One second they hate and the next second they love.

As long as you don't try to hold them back, Aquarius are perfect lovers.

One of  Aquarius hidden secrets is that they are very anti-social.

An Aquarius tends to lose their patience with the people they live with.

Not everything an Aquarius fantasizes would they dare to do when given then chance.

An Aquarius is always analyzing you.. Whether you're a brand new or long-time friend.

An Aquarius cares because you care. Once you stop caring, they will stop caring.

Aquarius' are very unconventional and always full of excitement.

Aquarius'‬ have many acquaintances but only a few close friends.

An Aquarius aims to experience other people's perspectives and understanding their point of views.

Aquarius'‬ are the type who see and hear stuff but keep it to themselves.

Aquarius' can only take so much insecurity from someone until they just stop caring and leave.

As much as an Aquarius feels like taking the easy way out sometimes, they make sure they earn what they want!

Aquarius' want to find their own way, do things the way they themselves think is the best for a situation.

How to seduce Aquarius: act like you don't know they like you.

Aquarius sign rules casual connections, and you guard your independence fiercely.

Aquarius will take the hit for their friends if they know it will help.

Aquarius is a sign that is less likely to care what other people may think of them.

An Aquarius will change if they feel they should, but not if YOU think they should!

Aquarius secretly controls everyone around them. It might not be obvious!

Aquarius sometimes over think things to a far extent, causing them to be worrisome and somewhat anxious.

Aquarius does not give themselves up easily. One thing that is not up for discussion: their behavior and independence.

As an Aquarius you struggle to do what is best for all without going against you own wishes and needs.

Before an Aquarius can allow themselves to develop a love that transcends the ordinary, they must first feel true friendship.

You can't hide anything from an Aquarius. They know everything, even if they don't let on.

When an Aquarius female falls in love, they will love for a very, very long time..

Turn On: Teasing!

Aquarius is so sweet, but be careful not to hit their bad side or you will see another person.

Don't hesitate to speak to Aquarius about a problem. They love to listen and they can help out.

If you want an Aquarius to stick around, you've got to keep everything out in the open.

Aquarius can read people very well and know the second they meet you if they want you in their life or not.

An Aquarius will completely cut you out when they're done chasing you. They don't want to force you to love them.

Aquarius: The one you've quietly admired may enter your life in the way you always wanted. This will start slow but be so very good.

Aquarius described in one word: Genius

On the outside, Aquarius are confident. On the inside, insecurities.

When an Aquarius is hurt, they won't let you know. They'll put on their best smile and move on.

An Aquarius is incredibly open minded and tends to think and do things different from others.

An Aquarius curiosity is stronger than anyone else.

Aquarius' use intuition, energy, & vibes to try to figure people out. We listen closely when first meeting people.

Aquarius: Use your charm and your gentle disposition to get your loved one to discuss what has been bothering them.

Aquarius try always to have their guard up protecting themselves from a broken heart.

How to Befriend an Aquarius: Understand they'll talk about anything that comes to their mind, whether it makes sense or not.

If an Aquarius female loves you then consider yourself lucky. They don't just love anyone!

An Aquarius isn't very good at explaining how they feel, you just have to figure it out on your own.

How an Aquarius Deal With a Break Up: They may not show it, but they'll be very hurt. Their hurt may show through their body language.

Aquarius' favorite things: different people, technology and gadgets, their individuality, thinking.

Aquarius are probably the friendliest sign in the zodiac everyone is their friend.

Aquarius can change anyone's life for the better just by becoming a part of it.

Aquarius can bend and form themselves into what their lover wants. In return they want true feelings, no lies.

An Aquarius can be the meanest person when they feel like it.

An Aquarius spends too much time trying to figure out the meaning of every little thing!

When Aquarius is in love, they give their all to their loved ones.

If an Aquarius considers you to be a true friend to them, they will go out of their way to help you.

An Aquarius' effort in trying to love you as best they can is very endearing, and makes for a good foundation to a relationship.

For Aquarius, friendship is way more important than sexuality.

Aquarius quietly does everything they can to help out their friends because friends come first.

Aquarius find it easy to catch feelings.. But a little bit harder to fall in love.

Aquarius over-analyze situations but go with their gut feelings even if it leads them down a rocky slope.

An Aquarius dreams very often about the person they want.

There's no forcing your ideas & beliefs down an Aquarius throat. We'll listen, but we'll silently disagree.

An Aquarius tends to use heavy loads of sarcasm when they're pissed off, because they don't want to say things too hurtful to others

The fear of rejection is a big deal for Aquarius.

Aquarius values partners who are also good friends.

Aquarius are a bit unpredictable, change often, have intuition, genius, and strong individualism.

An Aquarius may seem calm and humble at first, but if you try taking them for a fool they will turn into a monster.

Aquarius are very logical thinkers, and often times having time to really think about how or why something may have happened.

Aquarius hates being lonely.

Aquarius are capable of real devotion. But have little patience for imperfection.

Aquarius give all they have and more to loved ones but usually receive nothing in return. Its painful but they do it because they want it.

What turns Aquarius on: Open-mindedness, variety, ideas (outrageous and genius)

Aquarius are naturally attractive and naturally flirty.

Good thing Aquarius doesn't care what anyone else thinks, because their eccentricity can really turn some heads.

An Aquarius can't stand people who contradict themselves.

If an Aquarius is really and truly in love with you, they will never lie to you.

Aquarius are known for their zany nature & unique magnetism.

As an Aquarius in your relationships you can sometimes create unnecessary problems because of your inability to say what you really feel.

Aquarius controls the honesty in a relationship. If they suspect you are not being truthful, they back out.

Aquarius women have more man friends that female friends. If you're a jealous type, don't date her.

An Aquarius is incredibly open minded and tends to think and do things differently than others.

An Aquarius knows if they let themselves fall for you, they would fall hard. Most of the time they rather not fall at all.

The Aquarius would be the partner to observer their others beauty while they sleep, then be grateful we found them ..if we find them.

Well-liked, charming and respected, no one's ashamed of having an Aquarius for a friend.

Aquarius women love having men want her.

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