The Obsidian Key ✔️

By Saphire_Lily

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The Obsidian Key is no ordinary tale like others. The dashing red hair twenty-three-year-old Ria Shay who liv... More



88 22 0
By Saphire_Lily

AUTHORS NOTE: The picture is basically me being goofy with a new app I downloaded. I thought it looked cool for the story. Anyway, don't mind me, carry on!


"One tends to know a lie from the truth when one is surrounded by lies their whole life."


After putting on the dress with Rebecca's help, and chatting a little more, everyone else dressed and the sun was setting. Everyone, even me, walked out of the home and to the horse drawn carriages outside of the home. The whole family managed to fit inside, Amul rode behind the carriage.

The carriage moved, and Rebecca was, wanting everything on me perfect, was fixing the designs she made in my hair. This action seemed to annoy Josef, "Leave her be, Woman," He spoke. "She looks beautiful."

"I know," She fixed up the last stand of hair, lowering her arms. "I think she will be the belle of the ball, just look at her."

"She will catch many eyes," Josef agreed. "Now Victoria," Now he stared at me with his back straight, his posture posing in power. Power he wished he had... I thought, resisting to roll my eyes. "This is an elegant party, and it is no secret that you are radiant. Be careful who you decide to dance with, you are still remembering the place since you have left. Our enemies have not changed."

"She promised to dance with me," Darnel reminded me. "I want the first dance with you, not nobody else," Now he crossed his arms and pouted. I smiled, grabbing his hands. "Do not worry, you will be the first I will dance with."

Now he smiled, his smile beaming.

Rebecca also gave me a soft smile of approval.

After forever of riding through the town, we made it to another plantation. One that looked larger than the Scarlatti, and the home was also bigger. It was a good sign that they must have what I wanted, and I was really hoping they had what I needed.

After riding up to the marvelous home, the carriage stopped. The doors opened and the gentleman let Rebecca and I step out of the carriage, and once we were all out the carriage rode away.

Instead of letting a strange man help me up the stairs, which I had a couple men offer, I let Amul help. I trusted him the most out of everyone here, knowing that he saw me as a friend more than anything else. Who knows what these sick dogs were thinking.

"It seems you told the mother everything," Amul whispered as we walked up the steps, remained an safe distance from the family for them to hear. "Was that a safe decision."

"She just wanted to know where he daughter she was," I assured him without even glaring at him, knowing in doing that I would be suspicious. "So I told her why I was here, and that there is nothing to fear. It was either that, or she rats me out. I chose the truthful way."

"Why does she hide the secret?"

"She wants me to do what I need to do and return her daughter," We were walking inside. "I got everything handled. You shouldn't worry."

I put the mask on once inside, the mask matched the dress perfectly. The dress was red, dark red, lined with small black feathers. The mask sparkled beautifully and matched the structure of my heart shaped face, also having black feathers pointed out of the side of it.

Amul remained close as I joined the party full of strangers. There were big women, and thin woman, the same went with men.

It looked like a rainbow in here with all these colorful dresses. I felt uncomfortable when everyone kept looking at me, I hid behind Amul a lot.

I had to reveal myself behind him when Josef called to me, and I walked up to him and another man. This man was large, he had an odd mustache and a black suit. I was about to ask his name before Josef interrupted me, speaking, "Victoria, you must remember Abraham De La Cruz?"

De La Cruz. Defiantly the owner of the home.

Without thinking, I nodded. "Of course I remember him."

"You look very lovely, Victoria," He looked me over, shocked with my appearance. "Italy has done you well. I too have a daughter of my own that is in Italy, Charlette. You two are close friends, how is she?"

The hell? Victoria is friends with his daughter? Winging it, I nodded, "She is fine the last I saw her."

"That is well for a father to here," Something caught the corner of my eye, and when I turned my head to look as the two men started ranting, I saw it. A gold platter laying on the long buffet table covered with food. It was there, just out of reach.

So close.

"Pardon me," I smiled at the two, and then turned to walk off. Amul stayed back but watched closely in the distance as I approached the table and looked at all the platters. But there was one that caught my eye, and that was the gold platter.

I just wanted to grab it and run out of here, but I knew it wouldn't be that easy...

"Aye lass," A familiar voice whispered. "Look at that plate, so close yet so far."

I jumped and turned my head to see a man with a suit, he was wearing a mask to cover his identity. I knew but his accent, and who it was, "Mark!"

He bowed. "You startle very easily, its humorous."

"How did you get in here?"

"I rode in on a unicorn, lass," he rolled his eyes. "How else did I enter? I snuck in."

"And the guards didn't catch you?"

"Nobody catches me," He winks.

"So what is the plan?" I crossed my arms. "How are we going to get this place?"

"If we get this right, everythin' will go smoothly," He grinned. "The real Victoria is back in her room, unconscious, with a note. Now all you need to do is distract these buffoons and I'll sneak the plate, and ye sneak out."

"How am I going to distract these people??"

"Figure he out," He shoved me back to the party. "Or we walk out empty handed."

I walked out into the party, and I looked around trying to find a way to distraction. Until someone placed their hand on my side, turning. Angered at the fact I was being touched so rudely I lifted my hand to slap the stranger. Instead my wrist was grabbed in midair, and I froze to look at who had grabbed.

The person was wearing an expensive tux, and was wearing an expensive mask with his blond hair tied back. The person was tall, a but masculine, and had a handsome bone structure.

I knew who this was...

"Caspian?" I whispered in shock. "Why the hell are you here too?"

"I came to help, Darlin'," His grin had to be the handsomest grin in here. For a man from this time, he wasn't bad looking. Handsome. Gorgeous even.

Pirates didn't look like that, did they?

"How are you going to help? Help us get caught?"

"Help with a distraction," his grin never faded. Even grew. He let go of my wrist and grabbed my hand in an unbreakable grip, his hand remaining on my side, turning me to blend in with the other dancing couples in the room.

"Dude," I whispered angrily. "My fake father might see me."

"Let him see," he chuckled. "A distraction must be set soon, Mark looks restless to steal the plate around the table. I have to admit, he has some clever fingers as a thief."

Caspian abruptly came to a halt when someone tugged on his pants leg. He looked down to see a little boy, Darnel, staring at him with his brown eyes. He was angry, and I wondered why until I remembered...

He didn't like the fact that he was dancing with me, when I already promised him the first dance. "She promised me the first dance," he tried to sound tough, the cute little boy, although Caspian was a big tough guy the little boy seemed to show no fear.

I don't think Caspian even knew how to handle the situation.

"I promised him the first dance," I slid my hand out of Caspian's.

"Pardon me...?" He gave the boy another glance before I grabbed Darnel's and walked to another spot. I grabbed his other hand and we started dancing, it was slow, but now he was smiling at the promise being fulfilled.

He seemed to be having fun, and I laughed as he giggled, and it went one for ten minutes before he was satisfied and his mother called him. He ran to her, and after he left Caspian approached, once again grabbing me. "I have never had a woman choose a little boy over me," He chuckled with a man grin.

"Oh, so you have never been turned down by a woman?" I smiled at him as we began dancing to blend in with the crowd. Thank goodness Josef was too busy to notice...

"Aye," A nod. "I've even had married women beg to have me in their bed. Unfortunately I am a man who does not bed married woman."

"Doesn't that make you honorable," I rolled my eyes. "That must be why you're so arrogant, nobody tells you no, huh?"

He only shrugged as his answer. He asked a question of his own, "Yer are beautiful on yer own. I am sure no man has told yer no, or was willing to leave yer bed, hmm?"

His words stung my heart painfully, and my smile faded away unintentionally. I thought about Billy, who had quickly left me once I bored him. And Clyde, who I had caught cheating on me with another man. If he would have told me I would have been less hurt by it, but I guess it still hurts either way.

"I may be wrong," Seeing the suddenly stung look on my face, he had sympathy on his. It was visible even through the mask. "Woman are much different from men. Woman think with their hearts, men with a different part," Now he grinned, as if trying to cheer me up. "But it's rare when one thinks with the heart and the mind."

I was totally shocked with how he sounded as he spoke. Who would have known he of all men would say something smart? We stared at each other for a moment, longer than I moment ....

"You two need to come up with that distraction," Amul, who now approached, whispered. "Mark is having a temper shortage at the buffet table waiting."

"Aye," Caspian grinned as Amul hid back to his spot. "We need to come up with a distraction, Darlin'."

"Well, maybe we can knock over that statue or-"

"They will not worry about a measly statue. But I feel like pissin' off some of these buffoons."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I'll show yer," He pulled me dangerously close, before I could protest he kissed me.

Kissed me.

The action was totally out of nowhere, surprising me the most out of everyone. As I saw everyone stop in their spot and stare at us with an equally surprised face, I went with it to continue the distraction. I saw Mark make his way to the plate, but before I could see anything else I shut my eyes.

Until his hand grabbed my bottom, even though the dress. Now that was too far even for a distraction, and the display was horrible.

The people around started ranting and waving.

Oh we really got their attention now....

Josef grabbed me and pulled me away, and he began ranting at Caspian. Then he ripped the mask off Caspian's face, and when his face was revealed everyone gasped.

Oh yeah... he was wanted.

"Arrest him!" Abraham De La Cruz shouted.

"It's time to leave, Darlin'," Caspian grabbed me and we began running for the exit. Without thinking, I ran with him. Amul made sure we ran out of the home by tripping the guards by throwing another plate at the guard in from. The domino effect took place, when one fell a couple more behind him fell when he ran into him.

Then Amul ran out with us. Mark wasn't seen anywhere.

It was hard running in a dress, especially one like this, but there were still other guards chasing. I could hear Josef shouting that they were kidnapping me.

The plantation was too large, and it was dark. So dark I was afraid I would trip. Caspian suddenly stopped and pulled me off the trail and into the sugarcanes, "They will keep searching the trails," Caspian whispered to me. "We need to head to the ship, Mark is heading for the ship."

"Where is Amul?"

"He knows where to go, lass," He began walking stealthily through the sugarcanes.

"Hey, I need to tell you something," I stopped and whispered. It caught his attention and he turned his head to look at me, "Yes, lass?"

"It's about the kiss...."

He grinned, it was one of his arrogant grins. Before he could get flattered, I slapped him. It was a more of a shock to him than him kissing me. He even looked at me with green eyes filled with shock, and I pointed at him, my face serious. "No."

Hearing the guards move closer, and with no time to explain we slid away. There was guards everywhere, searching everywhere with lanterns. Through the darkness, Mark approached us, since there wasn't much time to chat Mark handed Caspian the golden plate.

"Ria and me will distract them," Mark spoke, but before Caspian could protest he was cut off. "They will come quickly for her because she's 'victoria'. Run for the ship, no time for protestin'."

"Just go," I added after Mark. "We'll be alright," Hearing the guards getting closer I pushed him. I wasn't able to push him hard, but just enough for him to turn and make a get away. Mark grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the sugarcanes and in the view of the men.

"Aye, ye bunch of weasels," He taunted and shook me. "I got your precious Victoria! How many men will it take to get her here back?"

"What are you doing??" My eyes were wide.

"Shut up and run," he pushed me in a direction down the trail, he was right behind me as he told me which way to run. It seems the guards always knew where we were because more kept popping up every time we tried to turn a corner. Until, in the town, we turned another building until we were cornered. There was a pile of crated with a rope attached to a pulley. That was the only thing at the end... and nowhere.

The guards were heard around the corner approaching.

"We're gonna get caught now!" I shouted at him angrily. "Was you thinking when you came up with this plan???"

"One thing you must know about me lass," he grinned. "I always have a plan."

The noises from the guards grew louder.

"Hold onto this rope," He grabbed the rope attached to the crate and the high pulley. I stared at him like he was crazy -oh wait, he was.

He was fucking nuts.

Now the guards were just around the corner, he shouted at me, "Grab onto the damn rope and hold on tightly!"

Instinctively, I grabbed the rope with both of my hands even when he just had one hand grabbed around it with a fist. He took one of the swords hanging from his side and, with a strong swing, he cut it.

We shot up like a rocket, it was so quick I thought my arms would rip right out of my sockets. I held on however not wanting to fall back onto the ground.

The guards came out the corner but by that time we were thrown onto the ground on top of a building. I laid on the roof when I tripped over the junk stacked up here for what seemed like reconstruction. "Come, lass," Mark picked me up. "We must travel on the rooftops, it's much safer, and we'll make it the Dawnbreaker sooner."

He grabbed me and helped me onto my feet. Hearing the guards behind looking around in curiosity on where we have gone. We walked across the rooftops as far as we could before there was a break, until there was a large gap between buildings that I couldn't jump with this damn dress on.

"That foul thing is going to get us killed when ye fall off and grab me down with ya," He grabbed a dagger out of his holster. "Let me cut the damn thing."

"What?" He didn't even wait for my answer, he was cutting at the dress. "Hey!" I watched him. "If you didn't like the dress you could have just said so."

He continued to cut through it, getting rid of the train and the heavy parts that caused me trouble to move. It wasn't until almost all of the bottom was gone, and my legs were exposed. It looked goofy but at least I can move.

"I would take the corset off but then you will have to take off the dress. We do not have the time for that," He put the dagger back where he got it. Then he got a large plank and laid it across the gap between the two building. "Here, go across."

"Across that plank?"

He rolled his eyes, "Obviously."

"What if I fall?"

"Then you fall," He chuckled. "Do you want me to go first? Will that make ye feel better?"

He was talking to me as if I was a child. I crossed my arms and pouted, "Stop talking to me that way."

His chuckle became full out laughter, and without saying another word he stood at the plank and very skillfully, began walking across it. It was like he had done this millions of times, or he probably had. He made it easily to the other side, and turned around and began to become arrogant. "There, that is how it is done. You can do it too, woman is supposed to have balance."

I stared at the beam cautiously, and with no other way, I placed my foot on it. Then my other foot. I slowly took my time as I stepped across, making sure my step was carful.

Until Mark started shaking the board.

"Mark!" I shouted at him in anger. "Stop it!"

"What?" He grinned, shaking it again. He didn't do it to knock me off, he was doing it to be an ass. "Does this scare you?"

"Yes!" I began shaking on the bored. When he stopped I gritted my teeth angrily and hissed out, "When I get over there I'm going to hurt you."

"I can see why the big guy calls you mouse," He chuckled. "You are adorable when you threaten to hurt me."

He stopped shaking the plank until I was able to jump on the other side. When I made it, I slapped his shoulder. He only laughed again at me. "Come on lass," He turned and began walking. "We've been walking for hours; the sun might come up."

"What??" I was bewildered. "We couldn't have been walking that long?"

He didn't answer, instead he pointed to a direction. When I turned, my eyes widened when I saw the sun just breaking over the horizon.

"Jeez," I sighed. "This night went by quicker than I thought..."

"Your legs must be hurting, and you need to take a breath with that damn corset on," He climbed easily on a building, and to help he reached out a hand and pulled me up onto it. and at the tip of it, I was surprised that it was high enough to look out onto the town. And, relieved, I can see we're near the docks. I could see the Dawnbreaker and the other ships.

So close.

"Hmm..." Mark observed at the surrounding's around the docks. Seeing the guards there patrolling, waiting for two criminals. A man and a woman.

Oh, so I'm considered a criminal now.

I guess Josef found the real Victoria by now, it made since.

Mark sighed heavily, grabbing the dagger from his belt and mad a small cut on his thumb. A small drop of blood pooled out. "It seems they are searching for a man and a woman."

I was about to ask why he was cutting his finger, but he brought it to his lips. I turned my head and decided to let him lick his own cut he made on himself. He was insane so that surprisingly didn't shock me.

"How are we going to get pass them?" I watched as the guards were walking around. Alert. Except for some of the men around some woman who were flirting with them.

"They are looking for a man and a woman," He spoke next to me. "What if there is just two women?"

I turned my head and looked at him. "What the hell are you talking abou-"


What the hell am I seeing?

I was baffled at the sight before me. I was staring at Mark, who had taken his bandana off and let his hair down, and the reason why he cut his thumb was to use it to place it on his lips to color them red. His hair was wavy and fell onto his shoulders.

A man wouldn't want to color their lips red, or look much different with their hair down. No, that's what women did.

Mark Read, was a woman.

"You're not a man... are you?" Now how does one handle a situation like this? Freak out? Say "cool"? Or be like me and sit beside them like an idiot.

He -er- her, smiled. "Aye."

"So this whole time... you dressed as..."

"I have been doin' it my whole life, lass," He chuckled at my blank and shocked expression. "I would not have showed ye now, if it weren't needed."

She got up from her spot, walking across the roof. "Come, we must get to the ship."

"You're a woman??"

"The last time I checked I was," She repeated.

I stood up and began to follow her, "How?"

"Stop asking dumb questions, lass. We have to get into some other clothes to change our look."


She silenced me again.

She led the way off the roof without notifying anyone, and we had to steals some clothes that was hanging around and find a hiding spot to change. Turns out Mark was totally a woman. It was the loose clothing she wore to hide her breast and woman figures, and the bandana and the bun in her hair to make her look manly.

As we were changing I kept asking question. I probably sounded stupid -actually, I knew I did- but I couldn't get over the shock that he was a she! So the crazy guy I thought was insane, was a woman...

It made since.

"So what's your actual name then? Is it actually Mark? Or is it a cover up name?"

"I am started to regret this plan," She grumbled.

"Just answer my questions, please. I won't tell anyone that you're a woman as long as you answer these questions."

She put on some gloves, and fully dressed, she turned to look at me. Oh yep, she was a woman. I can't believe I haven't seen this before, I guess when she puts on the disguise it's like a total transformation.

She held out her hand to shake mine, "Mary Read," She introduced herself.

Mary Read... now why does that name sound familiar? Usually when names in this world sounds familiar I remember back to the book I read at my bookstore. Mary Read, a female pirate in disguise.

Holy shit, standing in front of me was Mary freaking Read.

She looked nothing like the picture....

"Mary Read," I repeated the name with a smile. "Your secret is safe with me."

"It better be," She grinned. "Because the last person who knew my identity died," She walked to me side now, "You can use your imagination on how."

There was a small silence. Wait, did she just threaten me?

"Come, we need to return to the ship. Put the bandana on," she watched as I tied the bandana on before we slid from the hiding spot. We walked into the town with everyone else, using out outfits as an advantage. We also hid among the other strangers who walked.

I couldn't help but feel my heart race when a guard walked closely by me. It was anxilerating, and I expected him at any moment call the two of us out of the crowd and haul us away.

It never happened, he went his way and we went our way. And we quickly made it back to the Dawnbreaker.

Mary had to put her disguise back on before she let herself onto the docs. Now she looked like the man she looked like before, walked and spit like one. I could see how she fooled me now.

We made it back to the Dawnbreaker finally, and once we stepped on it.


"Well yer made it lass," I turned my head to see Caspian. I felt a sense of relief to see him on the ship, he had made it out quickly. And with no harm. Amul, who stood at the helm and watched, was alright as well. he had made it out too.

The relief I felt was endless.

"Do you have the plate?" asked Mary, the only one who realize I was struggling to get my words into place from the relief.

"It is in my Quarters," He assured. "How did the both of yer get past the guards? In daylight?"

I had finally put myself together and spoke, sighing with the relief. "disguises. Now please let's get off this dock and go back to that crazy fool. And I need to take a nap, and see Bear," I began walking into a direction, taking a glove off of my hand. "I had a long night..."

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