Silver Spoons (Kellic)

By bandmembersandcats

36.1K 1.5K 439

Kellic When Vic Fuentes is finally able to attend one of the most prestigious academies in the United States... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Nine

2.1K 109 33
By bandmembersandcats

It's been about 3 weeks after Kellin was allowed to leave the hospital, we now have about 5 weeks to finish our music project. We have decided on a ukelele, I wanted to do a guitar but, Kellin was apposed to it because unlike him I enjoy a challenge. So far we've only have gathered the materials for it. I've cut out pieces of it and drawn a few designs but, Kellin hasn't done anything. He talks to me a lot more at school and at the house now a days. Today was a Saturday and I was determined to get farther into this project with or without Kellin. I woke up around 10:30 am and decided to take a shower about an hour later, I got caught up in my writing and schoolwork right when I awoke. It was 12:39 now and I was bit behind the schedule I made myself today, after my shower I came out of my room with only a towel on and to my surprise Kellin was sitting on my desk chair, was he waiting for me? Why else would he be here?
"What do you want?" I asked, oh god I'm half naked.
"You're a really good singer" he complimented, I guess I could sing, he probably heard me in the shower..
"You too" I said back without thinking about it.
He looked at me confused, "When did you hear me sing?" he asked.
I decided to just roll with it and try my best not to embarrass myself any further. "Same way you did." I answered.
"Well, have you ever thought about perusing a music career?" he asked me. I didn't really want to answer because even if I did, I couldn't.
"Is this why you're here?" I dodged the question.
"Oh, umm no. I was wondering if you were going to work on the project today?" he asked.
"Yeah, after I was done getting ready" I told him.
"Cool, I'll be downstairs waiting" he said then left the room.

After getting ready, I headed downstairs to work on the project with Kellin. I was grateful he wasn't one of those kids that make the other partner do all the work. He was looking down at one of the designs and I told him before that I would draw the designs and he will get to pick which one we are going to construct. Kellin's mother was so helpful with the materials we needed, such good quality wood it would be a blessing to get a splinter, not really but it's still pretty nice. Kellin pushed the design I personally wanted towards me and I smiled. I pulled out a few of the design pieces and a pen used to draw on wood (a sharpie).

I told him to draw a few of the pieces for me. We worked in silence, it wasn't terribly uncomfortable but, just enough to make Kellin want a conversation.
"So, you like chiodos huh?" he asked, I guessed he saw the shirt I was wearing and recognized it. I simply nodded and smiled as he worked.
" I think we might have the same music taste" he guessed. I looked up at him as he worked.
"I like chiodos too, I have a few posters on my wall of them, maybe you would of seen them if you weren't so busy punching me" he said smirking.
"You deserved it" I said in a kind of joking way.
"I know" he laughed, "um". he looked at me directly, waiting for me to look at him too. Was he going to apologize, that was all I wanted from him, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.
"I'm really sorry Vic, for everything really." he apologized, it sounded like that was the first time he had and meant it.
"I forgive you" I smiled and so did he.

I found out that we actually had a lot in common. He wasn't even as bad as I thought he was either, he was very funny. After an hour of pure work, we earned a break. He ordered a pizza and we ate it in the living room, we watched a movie together, well we talked though most of it.

"How come you don't have any pictures of you in the house?" I asked hoping I wasn't stepping over a line with him. He looked down at his pizza before he spoke.

"Well, I'm a vampire" he said then grinned clearly joking, he turned serious for a second then continued on "I really hated pictures. I had a lot of surgeries and I was basically in and out of the hospital. I looked sickley and thin and I felt too ugly to have my pictures taken." he said responding slowly.

"Well, what about now? You've been here for a while" I asked.

"Now, I guess I just don't like them. After years of never having them I didn't really want to start now." he finished. Too bad those looks are going to waste huh? The conversation ended and nothing else was really said after that. It wasn't an awkward silence, more like understanding. I wasn't done asking him questions though, I demanded answers ever since I got here and instead of asking him casually I kind of blurted out the wrong way to say it. "How come you're such a dick?" I asked. He frowned and he looked sorry once again. "I'm not really, I kinda just go with everyone else. The wrong crowd is what my mom calls it. I was always the new kid y'know" he said. Oh I know, he continued "I just wanted to fit in and have friends, it got the best of me. It's just an act I swear" he told me. It didn't really make me feel any better, I'm obviously not the only kid that gets picked on at the academy. Even when I still did not agree with what Kellin did and maybe behind my back is still doing I nodded. It was his turn to ask me a question and he looked really nervous before asking me, which just made me really nervous. "Vic, did I really make you want to die?" he asked quietly, like he was really ashamed of all the trouble he's caused me. I sighed before answering, I always kind of wanted to clear this up but, I never had the chance. "Of course not, I have worked hard for my future that's still not even here, sure things get hard at times but, I'm not going to throw away years of work for words from a bunch of arrogant pricks, it was a from the heat of the moment, I didn't mean it" I answered his question, he still looked regretful for the things he's done and I'm glad he finally understood he did something wrong but, also relieved. "That's good, I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you" he said, and it was really, really fucking heart warming to hear someone say that.

Kellin yawned, looking towards the clock on the side wall of the living room, time went by fast and it was getting late now. We decided to turn in heading in the same direction to our opposite rooms. We were just outside of each others bedrooms before Kellin got my attention. "Hey" he said from inside his room before shutting his door for the night, I looked over at him he smiled soflty "Good night Vic" he said then closed his door. I couldn't help but blush at his gesture. It was probably the easiest thing for me to develope a crush on someone, it's like any boy that's have ever said anything nice to me. I was really proud of all the work we managed to finish today, at this rate we will be done in no time but now due to such a long day I'm tired and I earned to sleep for 3 weeks.


When I woke up that Sunday morning, I was excited to work another day with Kellin, it was nice to have a new friend. It makes a lot of things a whole less stressful. I was actually planning on being on schedule, I showered and got dressed quickly and walked downstairs but, of course Kellin beat me too it. He's an early riser? Doesn't seem like him. He smiled brightly when he saw me, signaled me to come towards him. He almost finished the neck of the ukelele, he just needed to put it all together, I was impressed. "I've been up since 7 am, I'm actually really excited for this." he beamed. I was shocked that he was so into this project, he was farther than me. It was looking really good so far, he had great work etiquette. "I really love music, I might want to do something involving music for a career." he said, starting the conversation. "Wow really, that sounds really nice" I said. We both reached for the same tool and right when our hands touched we locked eyes. I got flustered pretty quickly and stuttered that he could use it. He smirked at me which just made me more embarrassed about it. I kept looking at him once in awhile and noticed he always smiled at himself.

We got tired of standing so we both grabbed stools and sat next to each other. We finished cutting out all the base, face parts and the neck, we just need to cut out the curvy sides and put it all together then make the frets, nut, bridge and tuning pegs which will probably be one of the hardest parts of the whole thing, that and putting it all together. We would be done with a lot of time to spare, this should of been a one month project. I took out our rubric for the project and read a few of the instructions and requirements, until I read one requirement that made me just smack my head onto the tools.

"What, what happened? Vic, are you okay?" Kellin said quickly, I slammed the paper onto the work table and pointed at the one requirement that made the whole two month project thing make sense. "Are you shitting me?" Kellin groaned, "We have to play a song from the instrument we made?". I lifted up my head that felt so much more heavier and stared at the ceiling, I sighed and shook my head. Neither of us knew how to play, "We will only use four chords and I'll ask the teacher tomorrow if that will be alright." I proposed. "Fine, I need a good grade, after blowing off that stupid song thing, I'm failing." he said. No wonder, that was a big part of our grade, if we got a good grade this would definitely raise it.

Tension died down from the inconvenience we just went through and we started to joke around a lot more. We were downstairs for hours just working and talking, we started putting the body together with each other and I reached over for the screwdriver next to him and I fell right onto him, our chests were touching and our faces were just so close, I could feel his breath. I sat up straight away drying my sweating palms on my jeans and steadied my breathing, I got up and walked around him grabbing the screwdriver safely. I kept my head down as I worked and glanced just slightly at Kellin, I noticed he was starring. right at me, probably since I've sat down. I was getting nervous, I just wanted to get this ukelele done, but there's no way we could get it done by tonight. It was a deadly and awkward silence I could only hear my movements and the sound of only me working. I glanced at Kellin again and he was still just looking at me, I was going to ask him what his problem was, he was kind of creeping me out, he beat me too it,like always.

He called my name, and right when I looked towards him he grabbed my face without hesitation, placing one hand on the back of my neck and his other hand was lifting my head, and I was in complete shock when Kellin's lips met mine.

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