Knt Ted x Chris, Aidan x Hugg...

By evanmossy83

7.2K 408 206

There's going to be good times and there's going to be really shitty times. You all get to sit here and read... More

Just a mistake
Don't tell him
Normal morning
Tell him
Sleep over part 1
Sleep over part 2
Sleep over part 3
Deep scars
No an update
Black and blue
Movie night 1
Movie night 2 (smut)
Movie night 3 (smut 2)
Date night
School fight
New lover?
Huggles past
Ted's past
Getting ready
Getting ready part 2
Time for dinner
Dinner with the fam

Just a little push

342 15 26
By evanmossy83

Aidan POV

I walked back to the alleyway quickly so we could go to Chu Chu's house to meet his new roommate. Chris had once again forgotten to pick me up from school, but I didn't mind the walk. I was exited, I jugged people a lot so I don't have very many friends. so having at lest one more was a big deal to me. Ted, Chris, and Chu Chu are my only friends but Chris is my brother and Ted was technically his friend not mine which that only leaves Chu Chu and I don't see him very often. I didn't want to be friends with people from my school, shore they were closer to my age but I was much more mature than most 14 year old's so I liked hanging out with teenagers. I walked into the alleyway just before Ted and Chris got there, like usual. I could see sadness in their eyes but I thought it was just tiredness from working all day.


We walked in to the alleyway right after Aidan, Could tell that he new there was something wrong with both Chris and I but he didn't say anything so we didn't say anything ether. I could tell he was exited even it he didn't show it very much, actually if you haven't known him as long as I have you would have thought by the face he was making he was pissed but that was his normal face. but today he looked slightly less pissed than usual which was good, it will be easier to tell him if hes in a good mood. "Hey, you ready to go kid" Ted said as he walked over to Aidan's side. "Who you calling kid, freak" Aidan said quickly as he walked away so Ted couldn't say anything more. "Well get your thing ready we may say the night at Chu Chu's house tonight, lately it's been cold out so it may be to cold to stay in the alleyway" Ted said, he could see that this made bunny boy happy. He didn't stay at friend's houses often, so he was excited to be able to tonight. "Before you get all excited let me tell you, we might be staying the night, I'm not sure yet" Ted said quietly, before Aidan could respond to the last thing he had said. He could tell that this made Aidan upset, which was no a good idea since Chu Chu was basically forcing them to tell Aidan that both him and Chris are gay and dating.

I know that Aidan is actually 12 it's just it would make more sense in the fanfic if he is older.

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