Getting ready

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Chris POV

I saw Ted and Huggles walking back to the car so I started the engine, "Aidan we need to talk" I said once Ted and Huggles entered the car.

Aidan wiped his somewhat wet eyes and looked at me waiting for me to continue, "I went to lunch with mom and she started dating someone, and she wants us to meet them" I say as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Wait what, but mom's never really been with anyone else since dad" Aidan said, "well I guess it just took her a while too find the right one" Aidan nodded slowly in agreement.

"There's also something else that we need to talk about" I said once we had stopped at a stoplight, "what is it?" Aidan asked curiously.

"Well when we were at lunch mom asked a lot of questions, so now she thinks something up" I say, Aidan began to show a worried expression.

"You mean like she's catching on to the fact that I'm gay or something, because I act pretty straight" Aidan said defensively, "first of all says the guy in a pink sweatshirt, second of all I don't think she suspects anything like that yet. She just want to talk and have a better understanding of the situation" I say once we pull up to Chu Chu's house.

I saw that there was taxi out in front of the house which could only mean one thing, Chu Chu was back in town.

I parked the car and everyone ran out to see him sense so much has happened sense he left, I got out of the car and went up stairs to Chu Chu room only to find Aidan and Huggles had already tackled him to the ground with hugs.

"Okay guys, get off the old fart before you brake him" Ted said after a few minutes, "old fart?, I'm only 36" Chu Chu said as he pushed the two boys off him without much effort.

"Well the white hair isn't really helping you look younger" Ted said with a grin as Chu Chu got off the floor, but in a flash he had Ted in a head lock.

"Maybe you shouldn't forget that this old man kicked your ass last Christmas while he was drunk, blindfolded, and had both hands tied behind his back" Chu Chu said to Ted as he let him go.

Chu Chu quickly gave all of us hugs sense he had been gone for almost a week now. He had to leave state to go to the ASHA convention, he was there because he had been doing research on how people's speech and hearing can change after psychological trauma.

"So how was the convention?" I asked once everyone had property greeted Chu Chu, "I actually had a great time, the panel on stage A was canceled so they moved mine to stage A and it was packed" Chu Chu said excitedly.

"Good for you, old man" Ted said as he began to grin again, just as Chu Chu was about to fight with him again his phone started ringing.

"Sorry guys I've really got to take this you all just make yourselves at home for right now" Chu Chu said as he walked out of the room quickly.

"Okay then, Aidan I washed your clothes from last night so you should probably go put those on, and Huggles you should probably go take a shower you smell like alcohol" they both just nodded and walked upstairs to Huggles room.

"Wow dude" Ted said as he plopped down on the couch, "what?" I questioned. "When did you become such a mom" he said with a smirk, "It's kinda hot".

"Oh yeah" I said as I walked over to him slowly and straddled his lap, "is this 'kinda hot' Teddy" I sat as I began to kiss him passionately, he quickly began to kiss back "hell yeah Christopher" he moaned out, calling me by my full name.

"Can you freaks please get a room" Aidan said as he came back down the stairs in the clothes he had yesterday. "Cock-block" Ted mumbles, I slapped him on the back of the head.

"So are you guys ready to go?" I asked the two younger boys, "yeah, I think I have everything that belongs to me that I'm taking" Huggles said as he picked up Aidan and walked out the front door. "HUGGLES PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN" we hear Aidan scream from outside.

"Aww is my little buddy boy getting mad?" we heard Huggles ask, "HUGGLES PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL NOT HUG YOU FOR A MONTH" by now me and Ted had walked out on the the front porch to watch the ordeal.

"FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME CAN YOU FAGS JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP" Mr. Moro said from his porch, "SHUT UP ANDREW" (Mr. Moro's first name) Aidan yelled as he jumped out of Huggles hands, "YEAH SHUT THE FUCK UP ANDREW" Chu Chu yelled from the upstairs window.

Mr. Moro began mumbling curses as he walked back inside his house, "have a nice time at dinner boys" Chu Chu said as he closed the window.

We all piled into Chu Chu's car, time for an eventful night.

Knt Ted x Chris, Aidan x HugglesWhere stories live. Discover now