Date night

187 15 6

Flash back to Ted and Chris' date


Me and Chris bolted to Chu Chu's car quickly, sense he's out of town he was letting me use it for my date. He's such a nice guy, except for the fact that he said that if there is so much as a scratch he will kill me with his bear hands.

I drove to the theater quickly because the walking to Chu Chu and Huggles house with Aidan took longer than expected, we may be running a bit late. "TED, slow down before you get us killed!" Chris said being a total backseat driver, but I can't blame him I was driving pretty recklessly.

"I know I'm sorry, I just don't want my little kitten to miss any of the movie" I said, knowing that if I use his nickname I can get out of almost anything. "Your lucky I love you, or you be a dead son of a bitch all tell you that!" Chris said before planting a gentle kiss on my cheek, making most of my face turn a dark crimson.

"Aaawww, is my little teddy bear flustered?" Chris said in a baby voice. "Only when I'm around you hot stuff" I said back, now it was his turn to turn red with embarrassment. "S-shut up y-you dork" Chris stuttered out quickly. "Aaawww, is my little kitten flustered?" I mimicked in the same voice Chris had used.

We pulled into the theater parking lot, it was almost completely full so it took a little while to find a spot. "Ted, there's one over there in the back corner" Chris said proudly sense he was able to find a spot before me. I parked the car and we ran into the theater quickly so we wouldn't be as late.

As we walked in I received a text message from an unknown number,

Unknown: I know what happens too Aidan.

🍉: who the fuck are u?

Unknown: that doesn't matter, just meet me outside of the gear shack.

🍉: gear shack?

Unknown: it's an arcade on third street, I'll be in the alleyway on the side.

I didn't really know what to think so I decided not to think about it until after the movie.

"Tickets please" said the unenthusiastic teen from behind the theater counter. I handed him both of are tickets and we bought some popcorn and candy. I got some watermelon sour patch kids, and Chris got a KitKat.

"The movie will be in screening room B-2, enjoy the movie" the teen said as we walked away.

"Thanks, you t-" I quickly covered Chris's mouth before he made the biggest mistake of his life. "You almost fucking did it bro!?!" I said in a hushed voice once we were out of earshot of any theater employees.

"Shit that was a close one, thanks" Chris said once we had taken are seats. "Anyti  -meow- Chris what was that!?!"
I said angrily because it was pretty obvious what was in his bag.

A second loud meow came from Chris' bag as we entered the screening room "please don't tell me you didn't bring foofy with you" I whispered as we took are seats.

"Y-yeah, I did" he said looking down at his feet. "Why, just why!?!" I said, he began to list off all the different reasons of why it's a good idea to bring a cat into a theater but that was cut short.

We were both grabbed by security and thrown out of the theater, apparently you aren't supposed to have pets in the theater. How the flying fuck was I supposed to know that? I said th myself sarcastically

Me and Chris walked back to the car and got in with glum expressions, we looked to each other and broke down into a fit of laughter.

"Well that fucking sucked" Chris said in between laughs. "But like what the fuck are we going to do now?"

"Well there's a arcade a few blocks away, we could go there?" I said as I got back into traffic.

"Don't you think we're a little old to be going to an arcade?" Chris questioned "you'll see" I said mischievously

I heard Chris gulp, but he kept his mouth shut after that.

Chris POV

We got to this place called the Arc Arcade, it looked pretty dumpy but Ted led me down a narrow alleyways next to the arcade.

There was this blue haired kid at the end of the alleyway in a dinosaur hoodie?, Idk.

"Umm, nice to meet you I'm Te-" " I know who you are already Ted and Chris, my name is Dino" Dino said motioning to shake are hands.

"Now Dino, tell Chris about what you said to me about Aidan" Ted said, I was becoming curious now.

"Earlier today when I was going to gym I heard a loud bang from the locker room, so I went to go check it out" Dino said.

"There I see Aidan getting brutally beaten by a fellow student, I went to get the gym teacher but by the time we got back they were both gone" Dino said.

"Well thank you for telling us all of this" I said quickly, I wanted to leave as soon as possible because we were in a dark alleyway in the bad part of town.

"Yeah no problem I just wanted to help, Aidan's a good kid he just doesn't have many friends" Dino said in a sad tone.

"Well he's become pretty good friend with a kid we know named Huggles" Ted said

"Wait Huggles!?! Like with pink hair Huggles??!" Dino asked quickly. "Yeah, you know him?" I asked back

"Yeah we used to go to the same orphanage before I got adopted by this guy named Gear and his little sister fork!!" Dino said happily.

"Well we will be using this information to help Aidan now so thanks again" Ted said before this conversation could get anymore off track.

"Okay, well if you guys ever want to hang out your always welcome at the gear shack" Dino said as we began to walk away, we nodded and got back into the car.

"So what do we do now?" I questioned "well I don't think it would be a good idea to tell Huggles and Aidan we have this information" ted said as he backed out of the arcades parking lot.

I nodded, as we started driving into the better part of town were Chu Chu and Huggles house is.

Once we were there we decided to check on Aidan and Huggles to see how they were doing. . .

Big mistake

I don't know how someone loses their virginity at 14, there's not anything bad about that except for the fact that I didn't lose my until very recently to Ted and I'm 19 so how does that fuck work.

Literally my older sisters reaction when she found out about my boyfriend.

Knt Ted x Chris, Aidan x HugglesWhere stories live. Discover now