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Chris POV

I finished cleaning and wrapping up Huggles cuts, by now it was already quite late out. "Hey, thanks for all of this Chris it really means a lot to me. There is one other thing I need to ask you though" Chu Chu said as he grabbed the now sleeping Huggles bridal style. "Okay, if you need anything just ask" I said back as I started to wash the blood off my hands in the bathroom sink. "Well you know I have a very important job, I can't stay here with Huggles tomorrow so I was wondering if you could?" Chu Chu said as he dragged me along with him to Huggles room, and set Huggles on his bed gently. "Of course I can, I'll just have to call in to work and say I won't be there tomorrow" I say as he turns off Huggles light and we walk down the stairs. "Thank you so much, do you want to stay the night here or go back to the alleyway and walk here in the morning?" Chu Chu said as he grabbed two beer bottles from the fridge. He opened them both and handed me one. "I think I should go back to the alleyway, Aidan was kinda having a break down before I left" I said as I began drinking. "Really, what happened" Chu Chu said, the concerned tone coming back to his voice. "He really likes Huggles I mean he like, likes him. He started crying about how Huggles would never go out with someone like him" I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Huggles like, likes him too it's kinda adorable" Chu Chu said with a chuckle as he finished his beer and went to grab a second bottle. "Dude you have work tomorrow, it would probably be best if you didn't get drunk" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder pulling him away from the fridge. He just nodded in agreement, "so I better get back to the alleyway. See you tomorrow" I say, I walked out the door and started back to the alleyway. It wasn't a long walk, it was just cold out so I couldn't wait to get back to the alleyway so I could cuddle and warm up with my Ted. I got back to the alleyway to find Aidan past out in Teds arms. "So how's my two boys doing" I whispered quietly as I entered the alleyway. "Good now that your hear, where have you been?" Ted said, he sounded a little concerned. "I was over at Chu Chu's house, Huggles cut himself with a razor blade and Chu Chu needed someone there to help. Don't tell Aidan about the cutting thing though, okay" I say as I sat down next to Ted. "What? He cut himself, maybe I should talk to him about this. You know sense I went through some similar things" Ted said sadly. "I think he would appreciate that" I say, curling up into his side.

The next day:

Chu Chu POV

I woke up on the floor of Huggles bedroom, I got up and realized what happened yesterday. I got out of the room quickly and quietly so I didn't wake Huggles up. I walked down the stairs and decided to text Chris.


💀:hey, are you coming over soon. I really need to get to work.

🐱:yeah, I'll be over in like 30 minutes.

💀:okay, the doors unlocked I'll be in the shower. Huggles is still sleeping in his bed. We should try waking him up soon so he can eat something.

🐱:sounds good to me, see you later.

💀:okay, bye.

Chris POV

I woke up to someone texting me, it was Chu Chu. I told him I will be there in 30 minutes, it's a 20 minute walk so I have to get ready quickly. I woke Ted and Aidan up and helped them get ready for the day before starting down the road. The air outside was quite chilly, but I had my striped sweater on so the cold didn't bother me that much. I got to Chu Chu and Huggles house, it was very quiet all I could hear was the faint sound of splashing water from the shower in Chu Chu's bathroom. I sat down on the couch for a few minutes until I heard something from upstairs. It sounded like whimpering, it was probably Huggles so I rushed upstairs to check on him. Huggles was on the ground trying to put a shirt on over his bandaged arms. "What do you think your doing" I say, crossing my arms. "Oh, Chris its you can you help me with this" Huggles motioned to his shirt. "Uh no, your staying here until your cut scar over and you get some food and water in you" I said, grabbing him and putting him back in his bed. "Come on Chris I've cut and gone too school the next day several times" Huggles said back, but I wasn't going to let him leave after how much blood he lost. "Huggles no means no okay, I know I haven't known you for very long but I already care about you a lot and so does Chu Chu, Ted, and Aidan" I said as I sat down on the bed next to him. I grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it a little to comfort him. "Ai-Aidan cares about m-me" Huggles said now starting at his feet. "I'm really sorry for all of this Chris I really am". 

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