Broken Trails

By Dee1AbdulGhani

130K 4K 863

Three determined Muslim girls, blood sisters, trying tracks, seeking solace from a hard life. A tale of lost... More

Broken Trails
Is she really gone?
Not again!
The after math
Marriage talk
True colors
If you'll have me
Lady Zaid (the mystery girl)
The Unexpected
Catching up
Bitter sweet
An evil plot
A painful parting
A very late list of islamic terms (words in Arabic)
Praying for solace
Matrimony at last
The waleema
First Night
A mother's prayer
Chameleon Phase
In a lion's den
Expectations & Forbidden fruit
A gift for Mayra
The neighbors
Unavowed Intentions
It's A Small World After All
Out of the Ordinary
Things Happen
A test of faith
After Dark
His Highness
Marriage Complications
Only Love
For Blood
We meet again
Disturbing Words
Two faced
Learning to cope
Where the apple falls
A fine Specimen
Matters of the heart
A taste of Summer
Poison Envy
Breaking Point
It's all over now
Concerning Kin
Almost over
Anything For You
Just Married... Again
Pain and Gain
Time and Tide
Disturbing Discoveries
Talking about it
Case #2
Etched in memories
Answered Prayers

Life goes on

1.7K 51 8
By Dee1AbdulGhani

Two hours later, they were all back in Ghaada’s living room looking solemn. “Anaan…Anaan.” Yusuf said addressing Janaan. She looked up at him and smiled sadly “Aroon sick?” he asked her. “Yep.” She replied patting his head “but he’s gonna be all better soon, inshallah.” He was going to respond but Ramzia walked into the living room and he lost interest, running over to climb into her lap. The room was quiet for a while before Fatima spoke “This is all wrong, he can’t do that.” “He already did, it’s over.” Ramzia put in. “No, but what about her Iddah period?” Janaan asked. “There’s no Iddah period, that does not apply in her case…the marriage was not consummated therefore there is no Iddah.”Ramzia told her. “I tried talking him out of it but he wouldn’t listen.”Ghaada said shaking her head sadly “This is all so disappointing.” She added. Ramzia nodded in agreement “Yes it is and everything happened so fast… Khalid had been pretty upset when he found out but later, I guess he saw Haroon’s point.” “Saw his point? What is his point?” Janaan wanted to know. “It isn’t that easy to start over, she has already grown attached to him.” Fatima put in. Apart from a few sighs the room was silent and they all went back to contemplating individually. Khalid had gone to the mosque and Mayra was in the bedroom crying her eyes out, no one could console her. “The house is hers, she can sell it, rent it or use it herself…it’s up to Mayra.” Ghaada informed them. “Yeah, that’s what Khalid told me.” Ramzia replied. “Oh and umm…he asked me to have his personal things moved over here.” “Why are you guys acting like nothing serious happened?” Janaan asked clearly upset. “What can we do now? What’s done, is done.” Ramzia replied wrinkling her forehead “The sooner we accept it, the better.” “Okay…but she can wait for him…I know this isn’t want he wants, he’ll come back for her.” Fatima put in. “Well, she can’t be waiting around for him her whole life.” Ramzia replied. “Everything is in Allah’s hands, he already has a plan and it’s better than anything we can come up with.” Ghaada told them. “That is true.” Ramzia agreed nodding “All we can do now is pray.”

It had been three weeks since Mayra’s divorce. After days of persuasion Mayra had finally packed her things and moved back in with her parents. She put the house up for rent and left the rest to Ghaada. Mayra had never cried so much in her life, she was depressed and lonely. Fatima and Janaan tried everything to cheer her up but she had this distance about her that they couldn’t get rid of, it was like a part of her was still with Haroon. No one spoke of marriage around her because it seemed to awaken the river of hurt inside of her. Khalid had scheduled a meeting with Ousama for the weekend, he had not forgotten about the proposal and had put everything on hold in respect of Haroon’s accident. Mayra helped the girls on the farm some days and cooked with Ramzia on other days. None of them bothered her much about anything, she was so full of sadness, some nights she didn’t sleep. She tried not to think of Haroon but somehow everything reminded her of him, one way or another and although Fatima and Janaan were there with her she felt loneliness inside. Haroon owned her dreams and whenever she would wake to find that his arms were not around her and remembered that they wouldn’t be, the pain renewed itself, and though she thought it impossible, the hole in her heart deepened still. Tahajud became her peace.

We should do something nice to get her mind off things.” Fatima suggested. “Yeah, like what? There’s nothing out here.” Janaan replied. “I don’t know…maybe we could ride bikes down to the river.” “We’ve never been there, don’t know where it is and we aren’t allowed to.” “Uh hello, that’s what we have mouths for…we could ask around…and that was when we were kids.” “Okay, suggest it to her.”  Janaan said dropping three more tomatoes into the bowl Fatima was carrying. “Mayra…hey Mayra!” Fatima called to her sister who was on the other side of the field selecting cucumbers for the salad Ramzia was making to go with dinner.” Mayra looked up, shielding her eyes from the sun. “You wanna go down to the river later today?” “Uhhm…Naah, I think I’ll stay and help mommy with the food.” “C’mon Mayra, it’ll be so much fun.” Janaan said. Mayra thought about it for a moment “Okay, if I’m not too tired later.” She realized how hard they were trying to come up with things that would cheer her up and she appreciated it, the least she could do was accept an invitation. “I spoke to auntie Ghaada today.” Fatima told Janaan. “Oh really, when was that? What did she say?” “Yep, this morning…she says Haroon in doing much better, Alhamdulilah.” “Alhamdulilah, that’s good….you know, I still can’t believe all that has happened.” Janaan replied shaking her head “I mean…Haroon was in a serious accident, Mayra is now a divorced and emotional woman and I might be getting married to some guy, I know nothing about…and then there’s the whole Sameera Hassan thing…sad but I have to say, she had it coming.” “Janaan!” Fatima scolded. “Whaaat? I’m just saying.” “That is so wrong, she was my friend.” “Yeah, yeah, how could I possibly forget?” Janaan said sarcastically. Fatima rolled her eyes with a small smile on her lips. Just then they heard commotion ahead of them. “Catch it! Catch it!” shouted the men as they chased after something small and very fast. The girls stared, trying to get a good look at whatever it was they were chasing. Mayra who was closer to them was also alert. She noticed that  the Native looking guy was ahead of all the other men, he was young and handsome. (What’s his name again?...ohh yes, that’s it…Junayd.) she thought. He was sweating profusely as he raced after the poor creature and must have lost his hat in the process because his raven black hair was uncovered. Mayra could definitely see how Janaan had fallen for him. The chase ended when the creature, which happened to be a rabbit dived into a hole. Junayd bent over the hole with his hands on his knees, he was breathless. The other men left him there and went back to what they were doing before the rabbit decided to show its face. Junayd looked up and noticed that the three Fareed girls were watching closely. “What was it?” the new sister asked. “A rabbit.” He replied still trying to catch his breath. “Well, I don’t see how you planned to catch it…you didn’t expect it to let you grab him with your bare hands, did you?” Junayd chuckled and shook his head without looking at her. Mayra glanced down and noticed the large stick in his right hand. “Oh, I see…poor rabbit.” She said sadly. Junayd shook his head “They eat up everything… we have to get rid of them. “We could set a trap and catch it!” Janaan said “I’ve always wanted a rabbit.” Janaan she added with a smile. “We already have a cat, Janaan.” Fatima said flashing her a ‘just stop while you’re ahead’ look. “We?... WE, don’t have a cat. Mayra has a cat.” Janaan corrected. Mayra laughed “I can share twinkles.” “No need, I want a rabbit.” Janaan responded with her hands on her hips. “Well exuuuse me, hmph! …remind me to try sharing with more grateful people next time.” Mayra said frowning. Fatima and Janaan laughed. Junayd had already marked and covered the hole. He slipped away while they were talking. “Hey Junayd!” Janaan called after him. He stopped walking and looked back “Yes.” “Can you catch it for me?” Junayd had no idea how he would do it but he was not about to say ‘no’ to the only girl he ever had real feelings for. He scratched his head “Umm…I don’t know, I can’t promise but I’ll try.” “Yes! He’s gonna catch it guys!” Janaan yelled excitedly. Mayra and Fatima exchanged glances of disapproval “You better stop yelling like that Janaan, it’s very unladylike.” Fatima told her quietly. “Yeah, and he did not promise so don’t get all excited.” Mayra added “Yeah I know but I know he will…I mean, inshallah.” Janaan said smiling. Fatima and Mayra smiled back before turning to watch Junayd as he walked away. “Now that’s a hottie.” Fatima said bouncing her brows. Janaan flashed a threatening look just as expected and Fatima laughed “I know, I know, he’s taken.

Fifteen minutes later the three of them walked into the kitchen and set their bowls on the counter, the same counter Mayra had walked across to get to Haroon, the day of the snake incident. Mayra stared at the counter and it was as if his hands were still around her waist, it was just a memory but she could feel it. “Maywa, Maywa…want wader.” Yusuf said tugging at her skirt. Mayra’s dream ended and she reached for a cup. “Want wader.” He repeated. “It’s coming Yusuf.” She replied walking over to the sink with Yusuf right behind her. Fatima and Janaan were by the door whispering in hushed tones. “I can’t hear you.” Ramzia told them as she stirred the sizzling onions. They both paused and smiled, Mayra smiled too. “Just a little louder girls…I caught the first part but I missed that last part.” Ramzia added trying not to smile. Mayra laughed “You want us to start on the salad?” she asked trying to change the subject and to her surprise, it worked. “Yeah, that’s a good idea, slice the cucumbers and tomatoes for me.”  Mayra winked at them, proud of her accomplishment. Fatima and Janaan grinned and rushed over to help, glad Ramzia didn’t get a chance to force it out of them. “I spoke to Naima last night…she sends her salams.” “Wa alaikum salam” they all replied.

Fawzia was washing dishes when she noticed Amar come inside the gate, he was talking to someone but she couldn’t tell who, a tree was in the way. She closed the curtains because she wasn’t covered. Two shadows passed the window and she caught a whiff of a familiar scent, Kamal’s scent. Her heart beat quickened and she wiped her hands on a dish towel and hurried to the living room window to peek at him and of course he was just as gorgeous as ever. (Goodness gracious, that smile!) she thought. “You shouldn’t be peeking at the brothers.” Basheer said from behind her. Fawzia jumped, she had forgotten that he was in the house. “My goodness, you scared me.” She exclaimed in a whisper. Basheer smiled at his daughter “He’s a good looking young man, don’t you think?” Fawzia was so embarrassed “Who?...what?...I…I was just trying to see who was here…I think it’s umm Khadija’s son.” She stuttered. Basheer chuckled “Fawzia, it doesn’t take that long to figure out who it is and I’m sure you couldn’t mistake him for anyone else.” Fawzia opened her mouth to say something but he was already walking passed her and was out the door before she could say a word. Fawzia bit her lip and quietly went back to her dishes to steep in embarrassment. Amar walked in minutes later to get something to drink and when she turned to look at him, he winked at her. “Oh my God, you heard all that?” she asked. “Heard all what?” “Oh, never mind.” She said turning back to the sink and she wondered why he had winked at her. Two brothers had already come to ask for Fawzia’s hand but she refused both offers. They were both young and well off, one was okay looking, the other was handsome but short and chubby. Sakeena had been quite upset when Fawzia said ‘no’. “Men like those don’t come every day, you can’t be so picky, you’ll end up with a loser…just say, yes.” She had told Fawzia “I’m waiting for someone else.” She replied “Who? Who?...don’t tell me you are waiting for Kamal, girl he is nowhere near ready for marriage!” “Okay…I’ll still wait…I’ll wait until he’s ready.” Fawzia told her mother quietly. Sakeena turned up her lips angrily and slowly shook her head before leaving the room, mumbling something about fools. “You need to talk to your daughter, Basheer.” Fawzia could hear her saying in the next room. “It’s okay honey, she’ll marry when the time is right.” “The time is right…and those were good brothers.” “Maybe she has someone else in mind, leave the girl alone, Sakeena.” “Hmph! Well don’t look at me when you can’t find anyone to marry your old daughter.” Basheer laughed “You stress yourself too much about this.” “You know she’s looking at that boy, right?” “What boy?” “Abdullah’s son, Kamal.” “Really! Well then she has good eyes.” “What do you mean, he’s not a good match for her, Basheer, that could never happen.” “Why not? I don’t know about you, but I like that boy and I think they would make a good match.” “what! How? …how’s he supposed to take care of her?” “What do you mean ‘how’…he has a house, and a job…what else does he need…he doesn’t have to be rich. What if we married her to someone because they were rich and then Allah took away all of that person’s wealth…then she would be stuck in poverty with a man she never wanted to marry in the first place…what then, Sakeena?...she’d blame us forever, I don’t need that.” Silence followed or at least that was the last Fawzia heard of their conversation.

Haroon was glad to be back home and especially glad that it was Ghaada’s house because he was sure the other house would bring back memories that he didn’t think he could handle. After the divorce, it seemed like every time he closed his eyes he saw Mayra standing there crying and he could hear her sobs. Finally, that stopped and was replaced by other memories of her, they were also disturbing but he was glad that, that particular memory bothered him less often. The accident had done something to him, more than met the eye. He had become more of an introvert and did not leave the house because people stared. The only people he would see were Amar, Kamal, Basheer and Saleh. If anyone else came by, he would ask Ghaada to have them leave, he felt like they had only come to see the zoo animal. He was also stressed out about losing his job and found himself angry about the smallest things. Once he even snapped at Ghaada, he himself was shocked, even more than she was. He felt terrible afterwards and of course apologized sincerely. It was just that Ghaada kept mentioning Mayra and how wrong he was to divorce her and that was eating away at him, he didn’t know what else to do, he just wanted her to stop, and she did. Janaan would call him from time to time but he would not answer her calls. He knew she just wanted to show that she still cared but he was afraid that talking to her would slow his healing process, not his burns but the wounds his heart suffered after losing Mayra. Haroon’s refusal to answer calls did not stop them from checking on him because they’d just call Ghaada instead, and although he never said it in words, he looked forward to hearing from them. He missed them all so much but of course Mayra, topped all. Many a time, in the night he would reach for her but find nothing and the thought that someday, another man would reach for her and she’d be his, that thought, it killed him inside.

Haroon’s sister, Asma had come and stayed two weeks with them but she was like a stranger to him because she left so long ago and did not care to keep in touch during her years away. Her husband didn’t bother coming along with her and neither did her two kids but Haroon didn’t mind, he didn’t want to see a lot of strange people anyway. It was already too uncomfortable when Asma’s father-in-law, Safwan, came around but they were grateful that he was kind enough to step in and bring her over when her own husband wouldn’t. Asma was kind of a slow person, mentally, and she said whatever came to her mind, regardless of the situation. Once during her stay, Haroon was in his room when Asma came in holding some pictures. “Oh my gosh, Haroon! These pictures are just beautiful!” she gushed. She handed him a picture of him and Mayra on their wedding day, Mayra was looking up at him with a pride in her eyes and a smile on her lips. One of her hands rested on his chest and the other was at his middle. “She’s really beautiful, where did you find her?...and then you gave her up… now that, was a dufis thing to do, really, really dufis…has anyone ever told you that?” Haroon decided at that moment that his sister was either inconsiderate or just plain stupid and he wondered why Ghaada had never thought to mention such an important detail. “You WERE really handsome yourself.” She added “Hey can I have that picture?” she asked totally unaware of how she had insulted him. “No, you can’t.” Haroon replied bluntly. “Why not?” “Because she isn’t covered.” “Okay, fine I’ll find one where she’s covered.” She said before leaving. “Haroon isn’t supposed to look at these pictures, she isn’t his wife anymore.” He heard Ghaada telling Asma shortly afterward. Haroon’s heart ached and he closed his eyes, saw the picture Asma had shown him and relived that moment. Some days he wished he had consummated the marriage from day one, he wanted to be the one to make her his, to love her like no one else had and to unleash the passionate woman that he knew lived inside, but it wasn’t meant to be that way. Haroon tried to flush her out of his mind in wakefulness by reading Quran whenever he felt overwhelmed but he had no control over his dreams and she invaded them.

Junayd sat on the front steps of his house, his hands busy working on an old cage he found in the shed. “What’s that for?” asked a voice from behind him, it was Layla, his little sister. “I’m fixing it for someone.” He replied without looking away from his work. “Who?” she asked picking up his braid. “Someone at work.” “Who?” she asked again. “You know, you ask a lot of questions for a five-year-old.” He said chuckling. Layla smiled but didn’t say anything as her chubby little fingers began unraveling his braid. After a minute she asked another question “Is that for a pet?” “yep.” “What kind?” “A rabbit, inshallah.” “Who’s it for?” Junayd grinned  “You’re a real journalist, Layla.” “Really, what’s a jarnalis?” Junayd smiled to himself “Hmm…let’s just say, they ask a lot of questions…just like you.” “Oh…do you like Jarnalises?” “I like you…little lady.” Layla giggled “I’m not a lady…I’m a guurl!” “That’s what girls are…little ladies.” “Oh.” She said scratching her cheek thoughtfully. “Are you gonna be done soon?” she asked wrapping her arms around his neck, his hair tickled her arms but she didn’t mind. “Yep, is all done now.” He said getting up. Layla wrapped her short legs around him and held on for dear life. “I gotcha, I gotcha, you don’t have to strangle me.” Layla loosened her grip a little. He walked over to the fence around their yard, a shot wooden one. He had been fixing a few problems in it earlier and forgot to collect the tools he had left on a barrel beside the fence. He began putting the nails in a little box quickly. “Are those little ladies too?” Layla asked him suddenly. “Where?” he asked turning to see what she was looking at. “Those are LADIES.” Replied Imran who had appeared out of nowhere “but they aren’t little.” He added with a grin. There were three young ladies on bikes approaching. Junayd recognized all three, they were the Fareeds. He looked down to check his appearance and a lock of hair fell over his face, his tank top was kind of dirty but it was too late to freshen up, they had already seen him. “Hey!” Fatima called waving. Junayd waved back “Wait…you know them.” Imran asked looking surprised “You know those hot chicks?” he added with a mischievous smile. “Assalamu alaikum.” Mayra greeted before Junayd could reply. “Wa alaikum salam.” They replied. “Is that your sister?” Janaan asked looking at the cute little girl with big brown eyes and two pigtails. “Yeah, this is Layla.” He said tapping a chubby arm at his shoulder. “Imran.” Imran said raising his hand to introduce himself. Everyone smiled “Nice name.” Fatima commented. “Really…thanks.” He replied with a grin. “How old are you, Layla?” Mayra asked. “I’m Ohmos six.” She said proudly “Junayd says I’m a little lady.”  She added smiling to revealing her little white teeth. “You sure are.” Fatima assured her. “But Imwan says you guys aren’t little ladies.” Layla continued. “Quiet, Layla.” Imran told her, sounding a little embarrassed. The girls laughed. “Hey, so we are looking for the river but have no idea how to get there.” Janaan told them. “It’s just down this road, turn left at the dead end and keep riding straight until you come to it.” Junayd explained. “Alright then, thank you so much.” Mayra said starting to ride again. “Nice meeting you all.” Fatima said following Mayra. “Don’t forget my rabbit.” Janaan told him before she started riding. “He didn’t, he…” Layla began to call after them but it was Junayd’s turn to silence her. “Hush.” He said quietly. “I won’t, inshallah.” He called after her and she looked back to offer a big smile. “So the cage is for her?” Layla asked once they were out of hearing range. “There, you’ve got your answer, you little investigator.” He replied shaking his head with a smile. “It isn’t that, it’s Jar-no-lis.” She corrected. Imran and Junayd exchanged knowing glances and laughed. “Those girls are pretty, aren’t they?” she asked. “They sure are.” Imran replied. “So how do you know them?” “I work for their dad.” Junayd answered grabbing up the rest of the tools, clearly trying to end the discussion at that. He let Layla off his back and walked back to the steps to collect the cage. Layla was busy chasing a lizard she saw running around to be interested in what they were saying. “It’s the tallest one isn’t it?” Imran asked with a grin. “What?”he said pretending not to hear. “The girl, the tall one.”  Junayd raised his brows “What about her?” “Welll…you know…he said bouncing his brows. Junayd laughed “Stop it man, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Yes you do, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” Imran said following his older brother into the house. “Quit lying, I see right through you.” “Alright, alright…yeah, you’re right, I like her.” “Ha ha! I knew it!” Imran hooted, doing a bravo clap. Junayd grinned and leaned against the kitchen counter. “Marry her.” “I don’t have a chance, M.” “Why not? You’re good looking, aint got no game but I’d say your deening makes up for that.” Junayd laughed “What makes you think I don’t have game?” “I don’t think, that is a fact, you don’t have game…now answer my question.” Junayd sighed “I couldn’t afford a wife like her, I mean… you really think they’d marry me to her while I have nothing but a bedroom.” Imran made a sad face “And that’s not even yours.” Junayd laughed “there, you see.”  “Yeah…and man oh man, your girl would die!” “Who?” “Rasheedah, duh…don’t tell me you forgot.” Junayd scratched his temple “Uhh no, how can I? daddy has been on my case about her.” “Yeah man, you know she has it all planned out” “How would you know that?” Imran looked puzzled “That was rhetorical, right?” Junayd rolled his eyes. Imran laughed “Let’s just say, I hear things.” “Anyway, Rasheeda’s cool and everything…I just don’t think that’s what I wanna do…I mean she’s like our sister.” Imran’s eyes widened “She sure doesn’t see you like that.” “I’m aware of that.” Junayd said sadly. “Look on the bright side , she’s pretty, not demanding , great cook and she’s practicing…That sounds good enough if you ask me…ey, just think about it.” Junayd nodded. Layla walked into thae kitchen with muddy hands “I made us a cake, just like Washeeda makes.” She told them excitedly. Her brothers smiled “Don’t even think about eating any of it.” Imran told her. “I know that Imwan, I’m Ohmos six years old, I’m not gonna eat mud.” Junayd laughed “C’mere, let’s wash off all that cake batter.” He said lifting her onto the sink to wash her hands. “You know, you can get worms, making your cakes and seeing as none of us eat them, it’s not worth it.” Imran told her. “Worms?” she asked looking terrified. “Yea, worms all in your body, just munching away.”  he replied. Junayd turned to frown at Imran disapprovingly “Really M?” “ Whaaat? Oh, I’ll tone it down next time.” “What he means is that, that mud is really dirty, it’s full of germs that could make you really sick.” Junayd explained to the wide eyed Layla. “And the worms will gobble me up?” Junayd shook his head but with Imran nodding behind him, she wasn’t convinced. “I wanna take a shower, to get all the germies of me and the wormies too.” She told them looking upset and worried. “Go on then.” Junayd said lifting her off the sink and setting her on her feet. Layla marched out of the kitchen Mumbling something about Nasty wormies. Junayd smiled and shook his head at Imran. “I think she just baked us our last cake.” Imran said grinning.

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