Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

162K 4K 1.3K

Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 1

9.6K 141 71
By TeresaSullivan427


It has been two years since I left court and the love of my life behind. And I did it all because he didn't think I saved him. He thought that his precious little prissy Princess Vasilisa was his savior, so he pushed me away. Saying that he didn't love me anymore and that he wanted me to stay away from him. So, I granted the both of them their greatest wish, I left them both alone. With each other.


"Why is it that you can't just stay away from Dimitri like we have both told you to?! Do you not understand what he has been through, what he is still going through?!"

"I understand what he has been through a HELL of a lot better than you do PRINCESS." I sneered, because I had enough of their bullshit. She knew very well that the only reason that he was a dhampir again was because of me, not her. All she had done was follow me around like a little puppy dog and shove a damn stake in his heart. I was the one who'd risked my life over and over and over again for him, not her.

"Were you there, in Russia, when he was a strigoi? No, of course you weren't, you and your cowardly ass were safely hidden behind the academy wards. I was the one who was risking my future, my position as a guardian, even my very fucking life in Russia trying to free his soul. I was the one that dropped out of school to go to Russia. Not only too free him, but also to tell his family what happened to him. I was the one that the strigoi fed from repeatedly. I was the one who slaughtered three hundred and seventy-four strigoi just so that I could find him and free his soul. I was the one who had to stake the man that I loved hoping that at least in death he could be free and happy. I am the one who almost jumped off that bridge right after he fell. Were you there for me for any of that? No, you were too busy trying to punish me for daring to love someone, ANYONE, else enough to leave your side. Did anyone else, you included, even think to inform his family of what happened to him? No, of course you didn't. You were to wrapped up in thoughts, plans and ideas of getting your ass laid to even think about anyone else. You are a spoiled selfish little bitch who never thinks of  ANYONE but herself. I have risked my life more times than I care to count for both you and Belikov. But have either of you EVER appreciated my sacrifices or anything that I have ever done for either of you? The answer that you are searching for, is no you haven't. Neither of you have ever appreciated a single solitary thing I have done for you. So, let me inform you of something PRINCESS, you don't have to worry about me getting between you and Belikov ever a-fucking-gain. Because I won't be here to do that, or to protect either of your pathetic asses anymore. You have both broken me for the very last damn time. I have put up with your pathetic whinny bullshit since we were brought back to the academy and I am fucking through. Belikov has broken my heart more times than I can even count. So, you take him, see if he will use and discard you like he did to me. He lied when he said he loved me, I have figured that out by now, he only did it to get in my pants."

I turned my head to look at Dimitri, I wanted to see his face when I said my next words. "Because he is a lying sack of shit just like his bastard of a father. I can see SOOO clearly now. You intentionally said and did all of those things, before you were turned, to hurt me. YOU set me and Tasha against each other on purpose, and you did it for the shear fun of it. Just to see what we would do and how we would react. Just to watch us fight over you. You sat back and enjoyed my pain, just as you are doing now. I was stupid enough to fall in love with you, but I am not stupid anymore. You used me, like most any moroi man uses dhampir women, just like your father used your poor mother. Poor Olena, she has no idea that her son has become Randall's clone. I hope you had a good laugh at my expense because you won't be laughing in the future. You stay here and be her slave." I flung my chin in that bitch of a princess's direction.

"That will be MY last laugh. You will wish someday that you hadn't treated me like this. So, have fun serving your master like the fucking lap dog that you are you pathetic user. Because I am fucking done with the both of you!!!!! If I ever see Randall Ivashkov, I will makes sure to tell him that he did so well making you just like him. A sick pathetic bastard. So he should be so very proud of himself and of you. I can't believe that I fell for that bullshit about you despising royal men who treat dhampir women that way, especially since you did the exact same fucking thing to me. Well, that is over and done with now."

I turned to walk away. Thinking that I would be walking away alone, only I wasn't alone. Chris, Eddie, Adrian, three of Dimitri's guards, Mikhail, Spiridon and Ben all walked away with me.

"How dare you speak to me like that?"

I whipped back around furiously looing into her eyes before saying, "I dare do anything that I damn well please, BITCH. I am no one's fucking slave anymore."

Again, I turned to Dimitri. "I wonder if I can still have you charged with statutory rape?" I said while looking at Dimitri.

"Roza, you know that I would never hurt you on purpose..."

"You don't get to call me that ever again!!! Roza is fucking DEAD, I am Thorn. And people will feel my prick. And yes, Belikov, you most certainly have hurt me on purpose right from the very day we met you have hurt me. Not only should Randall be so proud of the way that you have treated this dhampir woman, but so should your precious whore Natasha Ozera. Because over and over and over again you have hurt me. But stupid fucking ignorant me, I just kept forgiving you, but not anymore. And yes, like I said, I do think that you did it all on purpose. You did it all for your own entertainment. But neither of you will ever be able to hurt me again, I hope that you have fun with each other. You both fucking disgust me and you two deserve each other. I hope you enjoy your three ways with this whore and that other whore Tasha, Belikov."

With those words and a sneer, my friends and I walked away, not only from those two but also away from court and the moroi world at large.


For two months after we left court we searched for Ms. Sonya Karp. As we searched, my shadow kissed powers grew and expanded. Apparently, the further and longer that I am away from Lissa the stronger and more powerful that I become. I had noticed it, barely, while I was in Russia. But I was so hurt and grief stricken that I had paid it very little attention.

Now that I was free of that pathetic little bitch I developed the power to shape shift. I could also mentally watch anyone that I wanted to, no matter where or who they were. Along with that came the ability to communicate with anyone that I chose to, and if I wanted them to they could communicate back to me.

I became exceptionally good at using the darkness that I took from both Adrian and Sonya, after we had found and restored her, as a weapon and a shield. I did not take Lissa's darkness anymore. She was one of the two that wanted me out of her and Dimitri's life, so I let her deal with the consequences of that wish. And she wasn't doing well with it at all, which I found monumentally humorous. Still to this day she sends me nasty thoughts through the bond telling me how much she hates me, how much Dimitri loves her. And that it is my responsibility to take and deal with her darkness FOR her but I just ignore her and ALL of her messages, just like they never reach me.

As for Adrian and Sonya go, I could also use their darkness to manifest objects of my choosing and do just as I pleased with it. I could also manipulate it to take on any form that I chose.

I also, unfortunately, developed the need to feed; but there was only one small problem with that. Well, what others would consider a problem I should say, and that is the fact that I would only feed from... strigoi.

After facing and killing several thousand strigoi. The entire strigoi race became scared to death of me and my teams.

I eventually developed the strength, self-healing ability and speed of a strigoi. We decided it was from drinking their blood but we weren't sure. Although, at this time, I have no problems whatsoever handling charmed silver stakes at all. As for what might happen about that in the future, we don't know yet.

We didn't operate like the court sanctioned guardians did. We didn't wait for the strigoi to attack us and then hide from them; no, we took the fight to them instead. After our fights, I always made sure to leave a calling card. My father had very large business cards made up, they were the same size as tarot cards. With a coral colored rose which had huge thorns on it and a gold crown around the head of the rose. And across the center of the stem it said, 'Queen Thorn decimated here.' Adrian would always make sure that he marked each of our fights with a paint job. He would spray paint 'Queen Thorn came, saw and conquered here.' Even if he had to do it on the ground near the bodies.

We went town to town, state by state and country by country wiping out any strigoi that we came across. Some of them I and or some of the others would torture for information, before making a decision about what to do with them. One of the questions I always made sure to ask, before I killed one of them, was 'were you turned by force or did you turn voluntarily?'

If they answered they were turned by force they would be restored. For the ones who answered that they turned voluntarily, Chris would set them on fire and we would watch them burn to ashes.

And for those that said they were turned by force, we were restored them. Adrian, Sonya and I would question them again once they were restored and if we found out that they lied about being turned by force. We sent them straight to a firing squad.

It took a while, but with my powers growing by leaps and bounds every day. Adrian and Sonya taught me to read aura's, Adrian taught me to dream walk, just as Sonya taught me and Adrian both how to heal. Lissa hadn't been a very good teacher to poor Adrian, probably because she wanted to keep the so called 'notoriety, fame and glory' of healing people all for herself.

Chris and baba taught me to use fire and to be able to control it on a massive scale when I needed it, and Mia taught me to use water. Although I had to teach myself to use air and earth magic. At least until we restored moroi that specialized in those elements, then they further my education themselves. (daddy)

It took a few months, but I finally became extremely proficient in all the elements. Also, Yeva and Oksana taught me to us my gift of sight; future, present and retro. As well as being able to watch anyone I that pleased and how to read anyone's mind.

Just like how I watched court in the very beginning through my bond with the pathetic princess bitch. Plus, with all of my shadow kissed powers I became what Dimitri had always called me. I was a force to be reckoned with, and people knew it, and they knew me. Among the strigoi myself and my teams were all notorious and infamous. 

After we had pretty much cleared the United States of strigoi. My father supplied us with four very large private jets. Which is how we traveled around the world.

We became so well known and feared that the tag that Adrian left behind changed to just QT, for Queen Thorn.

One day I was meditating and I was mentally pulled to court.


"Princess, I have told you over and over and over again that I am just not interested in you in that way. I have been quite clear with both you and Natasha. I love Roza, and she is the only woman that I will EVER love. I chased her away because I was stupid and because of the guilt that I felt about what the strigoi me had done to her. But that does not change the fact that I love her, that I always have and I always will love ONLY HER."

"She's dead by now Dimitri, and you need to move on. Remember, she wanted to charge you with rape, do you remember that?!"

"She's not dead!!!! And she would have only done that because of the pain that I caused her, I knew THAT even as she was saying that. She loved me, just as I love her, I also know THAT!!! I also know that no matter what I do she will never forgive me or be mine again and I have to find some way to deal with that, for the rest of my life."

"She is dead, Dimitri."

"No, she's not!!! She fights strigoi every day, they all do. Have you not heard of Queen Thorn?"

"Yes, but so what?"  She shrugged as if she didn't understand what he was trying his best to tell her.

"Queen Thorn, is MY Roza."

"How do you know that?"

"Did you not listen to a word that she said the day that she left?!" Man, he is pissed at her.

"What do you mean?"

"She said Roza is dead, I am Thorn, and people will feel my prick. Do you remember that?"

"If she is still alive, and is Queen Thorn, then she needs to be arrested."

"What the fuck for?!!!" 

Wow, he just cursed at her in English. Yeah he is definitely mad; he had never even cursed at me in English. In Russian, on more than one occasion I know for sure, but never in English.

"She is attacking strigoi, that is not the way that we work. She has gone rogue."

"The way WE work? Do you even have any idea what you are talking about?! You have never had to work a day in your life, you have always had everything handed to you on a silver fucking platter. As for how the GUARDIANS work, you know abso-fucking-lutely nothing about fighting the strigoi or anyone else for that matter. Someone has ALWAYS done that for you, and most of the fucking time it has been MY ROZA. Guardians die every single fucking day because of you and other people JUST like you. You have no fucking clue what it is like to have to give up your  health, life or sanity. And the things that you dream about for yourself, all because of someone else, someone who is most of the time unworthy of our sacrifices. And rogue? No, she's not, she has her training and her promise mark. She is doing her job, she is protecting everyone, not just you. Which is what you are really upset about, the fact that she didn't DIE for YOU. Instead, she is living for herself while still doing her job. And, just so you know, if I knew where in the ad that she is, and I thought that she would let me, then I would join her in less than half a heartbeat. The hope that she will someday return to me, to our world, to court, is the only reason that I am still here. If it weren't for that hope I would have given up long ago, very shortly after she left actually, and gone back to Russia." (hell)

"You can't do that, you can't leave because you are my guardian. I saved your life, you owe me."

"I owe you nothing!!!! I owe my Roza EVERYTHING!! SHE is the one that truly saved me, not you. All you did was stake me. Everything else that was done, concerning my restoration, was done by my Roza. She was right in everything that she said the day that she left. I let the most wonderful, beautiful and amazing woman that will ever live slip right through my fingers because of my stupidity and guilt." 

Just then another guardian walked in. 

"Oh thank God. Good day Princess Dragomir." With that being said he turned and walked away, leaving a furious princess behind.


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