Why I Shouldn't Have Done It...

By LadybugMermaid

221K 8.8K 10.8K

After Marinette finally gathers her courage and tells her closest friends her biggest secret, things don't go... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

10.8K 429 339
By LadybugMermaid

As I went to bed later that night, I had my window unlocked and open for fresh air. Big mistake.

I slowly drifted to sleep, still dreading the feeling of losing my best friend. I wanted so badly to be friends with her again, but deep inside I felt that could never happen again. I felt like all we did before was just wasted. All that mattered was that Ladybug. I didn't matter to her anymore, I felt.

"Marinette, don't worry about it," Tikki whispered to me sleepily from on top of my stomach.

"I... miss her... I miss being Marinette. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you..." I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"You will always be our Marinette. From all my years of previous experiences, I can tell you that time heals hearts. You're a special girl and Alya won't forget who you are. Just get some rest and you'll feel better in the morning. We can watch your favorite movie to take your mind off of things. Maybe a cute, silly Disney one like Bolt or Lady and the Tramp," my kwami reassured me.

"Thank you, Tikki," I giggled softly, sniffling and wiping away some tears. I was looking forward to a Disney movie day with my kwami where I could just forget everything and be a kid again.

"Goodnight, Marinette. Sweet dreams," Tikki whispered softly. Before we knew it, we were both asleep.

• • •

A cold breeze was the first thing that I felt as my consciousness began to come back. I opened my eyes, but only found the dark.

I then felt that a cloth was wrapped around my mouth. As I tried to lift my hands to take it off, they felt heavy. I heard the jingle of the chains that restricted my movement up to a certain point.

I began to try and push the cloth away with my tongue, but to my dismay, it tightened between my teeth, pushing my tongue to the back of my throat. With my teeth, I attempted to tear it with my bites, but the material was strong.

As I tried to stand, I felt the tug of the chains around my ankle and wrists weigh me down back into a seated position. My knees were weakened due to the fear I experienced with this.

"Tmmph-hmmph?" I tried to call out to my kwami with my muffled voice. I lowered my face to where my hands could touch it and began to pull the cloth away. Immediately, I traced the item with my fingers and knew it was a bandanna.

"Tikki?" I whispered, hoping to not alert anyone before I could be transformed. With no response from the kwami, I reached my hands towards my ears and felt they were empty. My bangs were stuck to my forehead with my nervous sweat.

"No... No! My miraculous!" My voice broke from the whispers.

"Ch-Chat? Chat!" I cried out with the hopes that he would be near me.

As I sat there, struggling to slip my wrists out from the cuffs, I wondered if this was where it ended. Would this be the end of Ladybug?

My mind wandered further... Ladybug was replaceable. Marinette wasn't. Then again, who remembers Marinette? I sure didn't...

I tried to snap out of this negativity with the thoughts of my close family, my friends, my partner. They would've remembered me, right?

Chat wouldn't get a new partner, fall in love with my replacement, right?

I tried to wriggle my wrists out of the metal handcuffs, but it was no use. My fear had begun to change to anger, and it was happening fast.

"Let... me... out!" I yelled angrily. I pulled hard and fast on the chains, kicking the other chains, then banging my fist on the wall.

"Get me out of here!!!" I screamed with anger.

It wasn't just any anger I was filling myself with. This was my pent up frustration from... losing everything. From my real identity to my best friend, I felt so frustrated. I wasn't just frustrated with the person who kidnapped me, but frustrated mostly with myself for giving away the biggest secret I had. If I hadn't revealed my identity, I wouldn't have been imprisoned, I wouldn't have lost Alya, I wouldn't have lost myself.

"Let me out!! Show me yourself!" I screamed, twisting the chains and yanking my arms as the metal was scratching at my wrists. I felt the pain, but at the same time all the energy I felt, all the emotional pain was much greater.

"What kind of coward would try to hold Ladybug and not reveal themselves?! I hate you! I hate you so much!" I shouted loudly, my face sweating from all the anger and frustration I was releasing.

"I don't need your love, Ladybug... or should I say, Marinette?" I heard a low, demonic voice from another corner of the room.

"Who are you?!" I asked, gritting my teeth and glaring in the direction of the voice.

"I am Hawkmoth. All I needed was your miraculous. Now I need Chat Noir's and my plan will be complete," he spoke in a calm, reasoning voice.

"What kind of plan did you formulate with my earrings?! And why in the world do you need Chat's?! Don't you dare lay a finger on my kitty!" I snapped, leaning outward with a harsh tone.

"Now here's the easy part... If I give you your own powers, I'm just going to need you to get Chat Noir's ring and no one will be hurt. You'll be freed. Simple as that," Hawkmoth stated.

"And what if I didn't comply?! What would you do then?!" I challenged, glaring in the direction of the footsteps.

"Well now, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I have power. Your family, your friends... What would happen to them without you being their protector?" he replied in a threatening way.

"They would be fine off without me. They have Chat Noir," I smirked.

"But now, be honest with yourself. Is he actually as good as you are? Think about all the times he was under my control verses the number of times you were under my control," Hawkmoth chuckled menacingly. My breath ran short and I bit my lip angrily.

"W-We're partners! Of course we're equal! He's never been akumatized and he's always escaped your power!" I fought back, my voice cracking a little.

"With your help... Face it, Marinette. Without you, they're all alone. Without you, they'll all be in danger."

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