The Obsidian Key ✔️

Od Saphire_Lily

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The Obsidian Key is no ordinary tale like others. The dashing red hair twenty-three-year-old Ria Shay who liv... Více



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Od Saphire_Lily

I've never been to Kingston before, I had no idea where it was to be honest. It made me wish I paid more attention to my father and his words, I might know more about what is going on.

The voyage there was, like the others, boring. Now there was some times that I would be forced to sit under the deck with Bear while they pillaged some ships, it was loud and the ship shook, and I actually found myself fearing for the pirates, especially after I have gotten to know them for the past couple months.

Some of the pirates was killed, but to balance it out more was recruited.

After it was done, and I could return back to the deck, there was Pirates who was fixing the small parts of the ship that was damaged. A day later, I was once again sitting on a barrel with my head down regretting what I had done to William.

I was also a saddened about what Clyde had done to me.

Before I married Clyde and when I was a teenage, I was a hopeless romantic. I was so in love with the idea of falling in love, when I was younger I was not like I was now. I was more quieter and I never really spoke, but I did get really mad when someone was rude. My temper was always there.

Oh, I remembered how much of a teenager I was. At sixteen, I would draw hearts in my journal. My first boyfriend, whose name was Billy, I loved him a lot. He was my first for everything when I was sixteen, and when I turned eighteen he had cheated on me. I walked into a restaurant and saw him kissing someone else, smiling. I just went home and began crying.

I guess that was why I walked away crying when I had caught Clyde with his lover. Maybe that's why I felt like I wasn't worth it enough for both of them.

If I didn't stop thinking these depressing thoughts I was afraid I might start crying. So I held my head back up high and looked out at the ocean, and I tried to push my thoughts to the side.

A familiar snicker appeared, a voice soon followed. "Well, lass," Mark appeared. "You seem near tears. Have you hit your knee?"

"What?" I gave him a look, then shook my head. "No, my knees are fine."

"The why are ye lookin' about in the blue beyond like that?" He leaned against the side of the ship, crossing his arms.

"You are so curious about everything," I laughed and shook my head at him. "I'm just thinking about home. I'm a bit homesick."

"Aye," He grinned. "That was goin' to be me first guess. You left your home in search of this room you seek?"

I decided to go with it, nodding,

"Why the need to return so quickly?"

"Because he's my father," I sighed. "And I haven't really been the best daughter. I just need to find him and go back home. I miss my home."

"Aye," He nodded. "What is your definition of home, lass?"

I looked at him again, confused. "What?"

"A simple question," His grin quickly faded away. "What is your definition of home?"

"Um..." I thought about it for a second. "A house? A hut? Isn't that home?"

He shook his head, disappointed with the answer. "Nay, lass. Home is where the heart is," He pointed to his chest with his thumb, pushing his hip away from the side of the ship. He smiled largely, "My home is out here in the vast blue salty sea."

I laughed, now I was the one shaking my head, "It might be so for you. But I just want to get back to my own home."

He shrugged, "We all of our own idea of paradise. This is mine," He winked. Which I found his wink a bit off, not like the kind of wink a normal manly guy would make.

Before I could think about it deeper, he turned and walked away. Bear, who had laid beside me the whole time, lifted his head and looked at me. Barking once for attention, and I patted his head and scratched behind his ear.

I guess pirate's thoughts on things was a little bit different from mine. I smiled at the small simple thought, getting up from the barrel and walking around the deck to watch the other pirates work. They would tell me hi and even flirt a little even, but they were guys and I would be surprised if they didn't. I would keep my promise to Caspian and no respond to it, although I had no desire to respond to the flirts.

After a while at sea, and I mean a while. Land was finally in sight, and I couldn't help but stare at it. I stood around the helm near Amul and Caspian, staring at the land that grew closer ahead.

"Kingston," Said Caspian. "We shall dock there and figure out how to get a damn plate."

"It is a very popular trade market," added Amul. "Perhaps there is one among a warehouse?"

"No," he shook his head. "It will most likely show up in a wealthy home, or perhaps in an exceedingly secure ship."

"Why are gold platter's so hard to find?" I groaned, wiping my face with my hands. "It's just a plate!"

We remained silent as Caspian steered the ship into the docks of Kingston. The sails went up and the ship was stationary.

Now we were here, now what?

I got off the ship to walk around the town, the town wasn't like Nassau or when I was in Spain. There was a much larger chapel, bigger buildings, and a bit more residence. There were many ships docked. It seems Amul was right, this was the hottest place to trade or sell goods. There were goods everywhere, and shops.

The sun went down and I had to return back to the ship, mostly because I didn't want to be in a town alone in the middle of the night in a different time. That just screams trouble.

So I remained on the ship when night came, and I was asleep in my room with Bear beside me. With him it was more like cuddling, and it was a peaceful sleep. Relaxing.

Until a loud voice woke me up.

"Aye!" Mark Read shouted, knocking my door open abruptly. I jolted awake with my eyes wide open, "What the fuck??"

"Get up and follow me to the deck, lass!" He turned and walked back out. "I have a plan I have conjured up!"

I stumbled out of bed, falling on the ground and tried to get ready. I tried to do it quickly but after I've been sleeping it was hard to wake up so quickly.

After I got ready, I braided my hair as I was walking up to the decks. Bear stayed behind, still not yet trained enough to stay out of the room for more than an hour.

I made it to the deck, but seeing the door to the Cabin's Quarters open I walked towards it. inside, I saw Mark speaking to Caspian. Caspian looked as if he had just woken up himself, Mark was grinning and had something in his hand. I couldn't tell what it was, all I could tell was it was a paper.

"What do yer think yer doin' lad?" Caspian stood, his expression annoyed. "Could this not wait 'till mornin'?"

"We don't have the time," he announced as he threw the piece of blue paper on the desk. "One of the wealthy families are havin' a lil' dance for their son's birthday," he explained as he watched Caspian grab the invitation of the paper and looked at it. His brow arched, "Abraham De La Cruz?"

"That is the sons wealthy father, owns a large sugar plantation. He is the family I have mentioned that loves to flaunt his riches, he throws a celebration for anything."

"And how do you know this?" I yawned.

"My reasons are my own," He grinned. "I have a whole plan set up on how we can get into the large home and find a gold platter."

Now Caspian looked intrigued about something as he read the paper, placing the paper onto the table. "This name on here has Victoria Scarlatti. This invitation is useless, if you wish to use it."


"Capt'n!" A pirate shouted, poking his head into the room. "I think ye need to come out here to see this."

Curious, Caspian walked outside to see what the pirate was going on about. Unless both Caspian and I saw what he meant.

There was an unconscious woman in nice clothing on the deck that I had not noticed before. Caspian turned his head to Mark angrily, hissing through his clenched teeth. "You brought a strange lass onto my ship!"

"She is no strange lass," Mark said. "That is Victoria Scarlatti, the Scarlatti's family youngest child, but they have not seen her since she was a child."

I was confused. "What?"

"They sent her to Italy for schooling when she was ten," He explained. "She was to return tomorrow, and was invited along with her family to the party the day after." Now he was grinning, his gaze turned to me. "If you want that gold platter, lass, the safest and smartest way is to pose as her and visit her family. After the party we flee with the plate, return their actual child, and we run free."

"What!?" I shouted, instantly becoming fully awake and alert. "You want me to pose as a rich daughter!" I turned and looked at Victoria. She had a long noise, her hair was black, and she had a little bit more weight than I did. "I look nothing like her."

"They don't know what she looks like," repeated Mark. "They will assume that you changed during the time you were gone. No harm done."

"This is the craziest idea over a stupid gold platter," I opened my mouth to protest until Caspian stopped me with four shocking words. "That just might work."

"What?" I now looked at him. "You're not actually planning to agree with him."

"It will a temporary arrangement, Darlin'," He rubbed his chin in thought. "Yer might not even make it to the party. If yer invited to the home and the family falls for it, yer can snatch the first gold platter yer see and leave."

"But what about her?"

"We'll return her with a note, no harm done," Mark chuckled at my reaction to this insane plan. I shook my head repeatedly, "No, no, no, no, no, no. This is a horrible idea over a stupid plate. There must be another way."

"It's either this or not get the key," Caspian reminded. "Remember, Darlin', this is a temporary thing. Yer won't be there for more than a couple days."

I stopped and thought about it, then stomped my foot angrily. "Dammit! Fine," I pouted. "I'll do it then..."

"Come now, you and Miss. Scarlatti needs to change clothing," Seeing the men on the ship lifted their gaze Caspian sneered at them. "Ye dirty dogs! She will not be changing here!"

Mark carried the unconscious woman down below the deck with me, placed her in one of the rooms, and I stepped inside the empty room as Mark stood outside. I was very reluctant to take the clothes off the woman. But it was better me than any other man on this ship, it would at least show respect. So, as hard as it was to get the dress off, I finally managed to do so. I didn't leave her like that however, I traded her clothes with mine. She was a bigger than me and it was tighter on her.

I thought that all I had to do was slid the dress on, zip, and everything will be good. No, the eighteenth century wasn't going to be that easy for me. There was a corset I had to put on, and I couldn't reach behind and tie the strings... I needed help.

The only guy I could ask was Mark.

Embarrassed, I opened a door just a crack and looked through it. Mark was relaxed back on a wall his arms crossed, when he saw my head pop out his brow raised. "What do you think ye doin' lass?"

"I can't tie this corset," I sighed. "I need help."

"Why ask me?"

"Because I would rather die than to ask Caspian or Amul," I whispered. "Just help me with this, it isn't like I'm naked."


"You put me in this situation, just tie the damn thing," I left the door open for him to walk inside. It was an awkward situation, and if there was any other woman on this ship I would have asked them. Nope, Mark was my best bet for this job. I grabbed the end of the bed that was in the room, and he pulled the strings on the back of it.

I gasped, "Why the fuck does it have to be so tight??"

"Shut up lass and stop moving."

"You actually mean to stop breathing!"

"It's to fit the dress," He pulled even tighter. "Dude!" I shouted.

"Don't worry," His English tone in those two words was thick. "You'll still be able to breath."

"Are you sure??" he pulled even tighter. "Shit!"

"Keep yourself together, lass. Wait, the top part I'm having trouble with."

"My breasts are too big for this," I sighed -well, tried. "I guess it's not going to work."

"What is goin' on here??" Another voice intruded. A voice that was much deeper than Mark's, a voice with a thick accent.

I turned my head to see Caspian standing at the wide open door way. His eyes on the situation, and as I looked at Mark behind me and me near the bed.

Did he think?


"This is not what it looks like!" I shouted.

"This thing is a two-person job," Mark didn't seem a bit worried about what the situation looked like, he only cared about the job at hand. "Stop starin' and help with this death weapon."

"What?" I was really becoming embarrassed now. "No, no, no. Mark I think you got it. Caspian just go and do captain-y things."

"I have seen woman wear corsets before," Caspian assured. "Here."

Then he was pulling the strings, and I could feel my kidney jumping up to my throat. Thank goodness this was temporary, I don't think I could do this forever.... This would kill me.

He managed to pull it until my breasts was in place. Which really hurt, since, as my mother had put it before, I had a good size. Now I can see why she would pick on me with it.

But I was afraid they might pop with this damn torture weapon on.

I swore. "This world is going to be the death of me."

"Let's just get the dress on you so you can meet with your family," Mark chuckled.

I gave him a look of anger, picked up the dress off the ground and with help, finally put it on. After that I kicked the two out and done my air in the mirror, not wanting to do much except brush it and let it fall behind my back. The blue shoes that matched the dress went on my feet, which was also not my size, and I stepped outside of the room where the two waited.

When Mark saw me he grinned, chuckling, "You look like royalty. Did you take off her jewelry?"

"Yeah," I looked at my fingers at the loose rings. "Nothing from her fits me. The rings might slide off."

"Stop complainin'," He nodded down the hallway.

I heard Caspian asking some pirates to guard the door Victoria was unconscious in.

Mark spoke as all three of us walked down the hallway and to the deck. "Now, there is something about Victoria you must understand."

"What?" I minus well know how to act since I'm already too far into the plan after I put on this stupid corset and dress. Those theater classes are going to finally pay off.

"She is a very... racist character," He informed me. "But she has a slave that guards her. When I took her, I set her slave free. He also gave me the information about her."

"Really?" I was astonished. "You got all of this done in a short amount of time?"

"I don't wish to brag," He chuckled. "But she was not good with her bodyguard, he willingly gave me the information."

"The faster this is over with, the better," Caspian muttered. "Yer need not worry, Darlin'. Yer will not go in alone."

We stopped to the ladder, and I realized how hard it would be to climb up. Caspian, suddenly becoming a gentle man, grabbed me and helped me up so I can get my footing, and I climbed up. "You better not look up this thing."

He chuckled.

I finally made it to the deck, and the two others followed. I felt like a clown, but the other men stared at me with looks. By now I should be used to it.

"Avert yer eyes, lads," Caspian shouted to his crew. "It's just a little lass in a dress."

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at Mark, "So how are you going to get someone to follow me? a bodyguard?"

All of us began thinking, knowing that it had to be an African American to follow me. Caspian looked up, and his gaze landed on Amul who was standing on the other end of the ship. Unaware of our conversation.

I looked where he looked, seeing Amul my eyes widened. "You are not thinking about having him following me, are you?"

"He will be perfect, Darlin'," he chuckled, then he called out for the big man. "Amul."

Hearing his name, Amul approached us. He had a confused look on his face until Caspian told him the plan, and after it was explained Amul let out a deep throaty laugh. "So I am to be a bodyguard?"

"A pretend," I assured. "And I don't boss people around like animals."

"But you might have to," Mark did another one of his amused grins, even laughing. "All we have to do if dress ye up and everythin' will be set."

"We better get this gold plate," I sighed. "This corset is killing me."

I waited until Amul had put in some more believable servant clothes, and even handed him a gun. Once he returned to deck, his clothes really made him look like an owned slave.

And I knew that it wouldn't be outlawed for another three hundred years...

The thought was saddening, but I help a tight face and, after Mark explained to me about Victoria and her mother, fathers, and brothers name I walked off the ship along with Amul, Mark and Caspian followed me. they laid low by walking as crowd in front of me so I know the way to the home. The sun was rising, and Kingston was suddenly becoming a busy town. As I walked by in this tight corset. I've never been so uncomfortable in my life, and I've wore heels when I went out with Clyde.

Amul didn't seem worried one bit about the situation. How can the guy look so calm in a situation like this? Even when white people gave him horrible glances.

"How can you remain so calm about this?" I whispered to him, thankfully he heard. I added, "My heart is racing."

"This is not my first time acting," He resisted the urge to grin. "Take a deep breath, stick to the part. We shall be out before anyone notices."

I took his advice and took a deep breath, but before we could turn a corner Caspian and Mark appeared. I wanted to giggle when they were wearing a disguise, but when I saw we were near the authorities with uniforms. They didn't want to be spotted.

"Around this corner there is the authorities," Caspian spoke, his tone serious. "They guard the plantations, yer must approach them and order them to let yer inside."


"They know Victoria Scarlatti are coming today," Added Mark. "Get their attention by walking up, and give them this paper," He handed me a piece paper, I opened it and I saw it was a note from a guy I didn't know. I guess it was a secret letter that'll prove the identity of Victoria that she wasn't a fake.

I grabbed it and I held onto it, "As long as you hold onto your swearing, lass. And your tongue, they will not know a thing."

"What about my hair?"

"Say it changed colors," He shrugged and pushed me towards the guards. "Make up a story."

"I hate you," I mouthed to him, and with Amul I walked up to the guards. I tried to remember what Mark had told me about the actual Victoria, she was proper and elegant. I had to be that, and try to talk from this time. I can't talk like I was in the twenty first century.

I walked up to the two male soldiers, and when I stopped in front of them, seeing them giving me a smile. I felt awkward, then I remembered that men here apparently smiled to pretty woman. Or what Amul has called me, A cute little Mouse.

It was a funny thought.

"Hello, M'lady," One of the guards nodded to me. "Why are you here?"

I held out the piece of paper I had in my hands, I didn't saw a word. Curiously, the other guard grabbed the paper and opened it. after a moment of reading it, his eyes widened. He showed the guard beside him the letter and his reaction was the same.

"M-Miss. Scarlatti!" The two men straightened. "We should have known you have come so soon. Follow us, M'lady," They insisted. "Who is the the guy behind you?"

They were intimidated by Amul who stood behind me. Remembering what Mark informed me, I gave a polite smile. "He is my body guard, Kunté," I introduced. "Now stop stuttering and let me inside, please! I have been on a ship for months just to see my family once again."

"Yes miss!"

And just like that, the two of the men led me into the huge plantations belonging to the Scarlatti. They seemed to have a larger plantation than I thought, as I walked with the guards down a dirt path I saw the slaves cutting the sugar canes and tossing them to a pile. When I walked by they lifted their heads and glared at me, their gazes sad. I knew that all of them longed for freedom, but I knew that I would break character if I looked like I pitied them.

So to keep from feeling sad, I look forward onto the road as I walked. And then I saw the other guards around the plantations were looking at Amul, and two on the sidelines whispered. "Look at that big boy right there," He then snickered. "How much do ya think he cost?"

I stopped and, still in character, I stared at them with my stern blue eyes. And I smiled, "More than you will ever be worth, sir."

With that, I kept walking. I was playing this part well, and seeing the looks on the guards faces. After a lot of walking down the long path we made it to the large gates of the manor. The guards opened it to let me through, and I made it to the steps of the door.

There were stairs, but before I managed to take one step up the men had their hands out for me to take it. so many hands to choose from. I have never been so confused in my life, until I realized that it was supposed to be a gentleman thing to help a woman up the stairs by holder her hand. I didn't pay attention as I placed my hand in someone's hand and was led up the stairs and to the door.

Before I knew it the doors open.

"Victoria!" A loud voice screamed, and someone jumped me with a huge hug. "It has been terribly long, daughter!"


Oh right.

"Mother," I didn't know who this stranger was who was hugging me, but I hugged her back, plastering a smile on my face.

Once the hugged ended she pulled back to look at me. The mother looked like she was in her fifties, her hair was black, wavy, and her clothing and jewelry was expensive. Her smile was wide, and her green eyes sparkled at the sight of me.

She saw my face, observed, then spoke, "My, Victoria, you look so much different? Your hair was black the last we met."

"My schooling in...Italy was so much different than I expected, mother," Ha, nailed the accent. I've been in this time a bit too long to nail the accent like I did. Mark described how she talked, good thing I had it down pat. "My hair became red after I fell into some red mud, you will not believe it! One minute is was as black as night, the next after I had fallen fire red."

The mother was easily convinced, but asked another curious question. "You're eyes are blue?"

"I looked into the sun. Such a stupid mistake."

She stared at me with confusion, before she can ask another curious question, a man walked out of the house and to us. The man had white hair and a hat on, he looked older than the mother. he looked like, basically, a rich white man.

He didn't seem to care about how I looked before. When he saw me he was baffled, shocked with every detail I had. "V-Victoria...?" He took a step towards me. "Italy has done you well! See, Rebecca? I know what is good for my daughter! Look how beautiful she is, she had grown much. You have lost weight, I see."

This dude.... As Mark told me... was supposed to be my dad? His name was Josef. Josef Scarlatti, the owner of this plantation, and a very wealthy man.

I still had to go with it.

"Hello, father," I smiled. "It has been a long time."

"Come in, come in!" He greeted me kindly, and invited us inside. When I walked inside, Amul silently walked inside with me. Rebecca nor Josef looked at him or even acknowledged his presence. It annoyed me, but I still had to go with it.

Stay in character.

For the key.

For home.

The home looked larger inside than it did inside, I walked onto marble with everyone. It was like walking into an old home back in time, it was beautiful. I bet my father would have a field day just to see a beautiful home like this in its time.

Rebecca didn't look totally convinced that I was her daughter, but with a look from her husband, she went with it hesitantly. "So... Victoria. How was the trip here? Was it safe?"

"I never felt safer," I done like Mark had described and giggled. Victoria apparently done this a lot when she smiled. "Especially with Kunté with me."

Everyone now looked at the great Amul, standing almost seven feet tall. He was a tall man, and very intimidating.

But if you got to know him, and if he liked you, he could be your best friend.

Kunté, his cover-up, was not really described as much. He was only known as "Victoria's slave". So he didn't have to hide himself in character. Lucky.

"I still cannot believe my sights to see how much more beautiful you have gotten since the last time we spoke, Daughter," Stefan's smile widened. "You look very lovely."

"Thank you."


I heard a loud child's laughter, and small arms wrapped around my waist even through the dress. I froze, looked down, and I saw a seven-year-old boy hugging me. This must have been her brother...

But I didn't know he was a little boy!

"Um...." I tried to remember his name, smiling to keep from breaking character. "Darnel!"

"I got many of your letters!" He was joyful, his brown eyes sparkling. His brown hair was in a mess, and I had to admit, he was a cute little boy. "I couldn't return them because I can't read yet, but father reads them to me, and mother is still teaching me."

"That's wonderful," My smile widened even more.

"You must be terribly exhausted from your trip, Victoria" Josef spoke up, clasping both of his hands together.

Thankfully I was also informed about the location of her room. So I gave everyone a smile, and with Amul behind me, I walked up the stairs and down the hallway. After a couple steps down the hallway, and we were alone, I let out a deep breath. "This woman is horrible..."

"You played her well," Amul grinned. "This family doesn't look as if they have a gold platters, although they are wealthy."

"Only Kings and Queens have gold platters!" I sighed. "What if they don't have one? I'll never get that-"

"Shh..." Amul silenced me quickly. "It seems we are being followed."

I stopped and turned my head to see what he meant. I thought it was the suspicious Rebecca, but no. this was a little smaller spy.

It was Darnel, who was peeking curiously from around the corner. He wanted to approached but feared Amul, I could see it in the way he stared at him.

He was still a little boy, and he kind of reminded me of my friend Jaclyn's son, Dillon. It must have been the similarities of Dillon that lured me, and my longing for home that made me walk up to him. "Hey, Darnel," I sounded out of character, but I didn't care. he made my heart turn, I almost wanted to cry.

I was more home sick than I thought.

Once safe, the trusting boy popped out from the doorway and smiled up to me. "I'm happy I get to finally see my sister. How was Italy like?"

I smiled a real smile at him, and we walked down the hallway. Silently Amul continued to follow, and I chatted with the boy. Sadly I had to lie, just to keep my identity covered. "It's a beautiful place with much culture."

"Really?" He jumped excitedly. "When I become older I'll go to Italy! Maybe we can go together."

"That would be lovely," I giggled at his innocence.

We stopped at the door to my room, Amul stood outside and we walked inside. I shut the door behind me. I really wished I could take this corset off. I never felt so uncomfortable in my life.

Darnel was doing what every little boy did. He was so full of life and excited, convinced I was his true sister. I felt bad for playing him like this... but I needed to get home. This was the only way how.

"Your hair is so red!" He smiled. "How did it get that way?"

"I fell in red mud," I stuck with the story from before. "And it turned my hair this way. I can't get it back to its original color."

"Wow! The dirt in Italy does that?"

I shrugged. "Maybe."

"We were invited to a party, Victoria," He ran up to me with excitement. "It'll be tomorrow, and we are going to dance and everything. Victoria?"

"Yes, Darnel?"

"In the letters you promised me that when you made it home from Italy and to the party, you would dance with me."

"I did?" Did she promise that? I froze instantly. During the party I had to find out how I was doing to hide a gold plate. And where.

Certainly not in my corset.

"Yes," He nodded, now tugging on my dress. "Are you going to dance with me?"

Blindly, I nodded. "Of course, I promise."

His face brightened vividly, even jumping. Then hugged me around my wait with his tiny hands. "I must go now," He turned and ran for the door, and quickly opening it, he ran out.

I walked up and gently shut the door behind him, I couldn't help but smile at the boy's energetic attitude. So young and innocent.

"You cannot get sidetracked," A voice told me without warning. I jumped an inch off the ground and turned, just to see Mark sitting on the window with a hand on a knee.

"Jeez!" I nearly shouted. "You just pop up out of nowhere, don't you??"

"The party is tomorrow night, you mustn't have a distraction," He spoke as he looked at me.

"It's just a little boy," I waved him off. "And it's just one dance, no harm done. I am playing the sister, I need to keep her promises."

"Victoria is an arrogant bastard who mistreats other people, she is hateful and a disrespectful woman. You played the part well when you entered the plantation, that comment to the guards was a nice touch. You need to be hateful. Even to the big man."

"Amul? Why would I want to be mean to Amul?"

"He is your slave, your bodyguard, Victoria," He grinned. "He can take some mean words. It's all for act."

"I don't need to be in deep Character," I protested. "The party is tomorrow night, I'll just do this for a couple more hours and then you drop off the real Victoria with a note and we'll be on our way with the golden plate."


There was a knock on the door.

"It seems I must be goin'," He winked. "I'll tell Caspian everything is fine."

He turned, and fell out of the window.

I swear that boy must be some kind of ninja...

The knock happened again, and I finally shouted out. "Who is it?"

"It's Maybelline," A woman's voice. "Let me in child. And tell this big man to stop starin' at me."

I opened the door, and when I looked outside I saw a woman. An African American woman who was shorter than me, and was aged. She might have been in her fifties, and giving Amul an unsure look, only to receive a grin, I let her inside.

"That big ol' man was gonna stare holes in the back of my head!" She shouted and took a night gown she had on her arm and laid it across the bed. "Your mother told me to get you to bed. It's late and she has much planned tomorrow, and also tomorrow the whole family is invited to a party you must attend."

"I would be happy to attend it," I smiled. "I would love to do something with my family again, I haven't seen them in so long."

"You must get out of your dress now and into this gown, miss," When she saw my sudden stillness she sighed. "You must take off your dress."

"With you here?"

"You must have help," She walked over and began to help me get out of the dress. And since women needed help to get out of these I just let her. My favorite part was when I finally got out of the corset...


I can breathe!

I finally put on the silk gown, which was surprisingly comfortable, and the silk robe that matched it. The outfit was red, which they might have picked out because of my hair color. I wanted to roll my eyes at the irony but held it back.

"I must go get the little master to bed," She turned and quickly headed for the door. "I will wake you in the mornin' to start your schedule."

Before I can open my mouth to say a word, she was out of the door. She was out of nowhere, but I had to like her. She helped me out of that god-awful corset.

I laid in the bed until it was late at night, midnight, until I was sure that everyone was asleep. I silently climbed out and walked out of the room, I soon made it into the hallway.

Amul wasn't outside, which was an indication he too was in search of a golden platter. I walked down the hallway, and I began to search everywhere, I peeked in every room, slid by every guard. I even went downstairs to the kitchen thinking that there might be one in there.


I swore silently to myself and continued searching. Why couldn't they just have one sitting out for me to take? It would make the situation I'm in so much easier.

I walked a little longer until I heard voices, male voices, and I paused and heard it was coming from a door in the hallway. I stopped, and I curiously looked through the tiny crack inside. I saw Stefan, Victoria's father, and another man. A man who looked like he was in his older thirties, he had long hair and nice clothing's. I didn't know who it was. But they were chatting....

"When I had expected my daughter to come today, when I saw her I was surprised. Baffled!"

"What do you mean, sir?" The strange man.

"This woman is beautiful, stunning! Not another woman in this town can look like that, her looks are other worldly. My daughter was much.... Different. She did not look what she looks now, she was much bigger. This woman is a... well, it is hard to explain."

"I have not seen her yet, sir. So I do not know what you are talking about."

"You will see her tomorrow when she awakes and joins us breakfast. She has not been here half a day and she distracts my guard. My best men! This can't be my daughter!" He laughed. "She makes me a proud man."

I felt a bit saddened about these words. I was flattered he thought I was beautiful, but I wasn't his daughter... but to say that meant that he didn't really think that way about his own daughter. It was basically saying that Victoria embarrassed him before...


I slowly walked away from the door and down the hall to continue looking for the gold platter, but there was none. Instead I walked back to my room with sorrow for the actual Victoria in my heart.

Maybe her parents didn't make her leave, maybe she left on her own to get away from them.

I would too. 


I just realized I write wayyy too long chapters. Well, more the better.

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