Are You Sirius? (A Marauders...

By WaitForIt

104K 2.4K 444

*If you care about spelling, grammar, continuation and plot, read the re-edit on my profile, rather than this... More

Prologue - "We're going to Hogwarts!"
Chapter One - "It's like a tradition."
Chapter Two - 'They were criminals.'
Chapter Three - "Time of the month."
Chapter Five - "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
Chapter Six - "Sirius Black you stupid, poxy pillock!"
Chapter Seven - "The Oh Great Ones magical beardedness."
Chapter Eight - "A certain magical tattoo that has a skull and serpent on it."
Chapter Nine - 'Turn taking a piss into a death by song.'
Chapter Ten - "Acting like a squirrel on ecstasy."
Chapter Eleven - "Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Jigglypuff!"
Chapter Twelve - "an orgasm for my mouth."
Chapter Thirteen - "Gryffindor courage!"
Chapter Fourteen - "She's a pregnant druggie!"
Chapter Fifteen - "The Order of the Phoenix."
Chapter Sixteen - "Two brooms ready for Mexico."
Chapter Seventeen - "Alive and kickin'."
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen - "Wild, Ravenous Sex."
Chapter Nineteen - "Maybe Voldemort just needs to get laid."
Chapter Twenty - "That's what makes it all the more tragic."
Chapter Twenty one - "Always make me feel violated."
Chapter Twenty-Two - "Can't we just become Death Eaters?"
Chapter Twenty-Three - "HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED IS DEAD!"
Epilogue - "I'm going to Hogwarts!"

Chapter Four - "Avada Kadava the shiz out of me."

4K 112 44
By WaitForIt

– “Avada Kadava the shiz out of me.”

“Freeze!” Sirius staged whispered. The four froze in their spots.

“Why are we frozen?” James stage whispered back.

“Maybe if we freeze it won’t notice us,” he replied.

“Did you just call me it?”

“RUN!” Peter screeched as he tried to run but ended up tripping over his own feet.

“I know who the four of you are!” Lily yelled at them. Tasmin broke from her frozen statue and strutted over to Lily, giving her a big hug.

“I love you Lily,”

“I love you Tasmin. Now explain why the four of you were just animals.”

“I love you Lily.”


“How long you got?”

“All night,” Lily said as she sat down on the steps leading up to the castle. Tasmin sat down beside her and the boys followed suit after a moment’s hesitation.

“Remember in fifth year we started calling each other by our nicknames?” Lily nodded, “well, remember how Moon- Remus was the only one to have a nickname before then?”

“Tasmin, just tell it to me straight,” Lily demanded.

“Moony’sawerewolfandwe’reillegalanimagus’ssowecankeephimcompanyatnightwhenit’sthefullmoonandhebecomeswolfboy!” Tasmin said in a rush.

“What? I got none of that,” Lily shook her head.

“She said: Moony’s a werewolf and we’re illegal Animagus’ so we can keep him company at night when it’s the full moon and he becomes wolfboy!” Sirius explained while Tasmin nodded her head vigorously beside him.

“Remus is a werewolf?” Lily asked calmly, the others nodded, “you’re all illegal Animagus’?” more nods, “since fifth year, and you found out in second year about Remus, which is when you began to call him ‘Moony’?” more nods.

“You know Lily,” James began, “you’re taking this rather we- AHHH!” Lily started to beat James upside the head as he was sitting on the step below her therefore the closest to her.

“You!” Smack! “Have known!” Smack! “Since!” Smack! “Since – second – year – and – you’re – only – telling – me – now!” She walloped him after each word with a vicious snarl.

                Peter squeaked, Sirius covered the family jewels and Tasmin winced as James was beaten by a vengeful Lily. Yet, it was only when Lily took out her wand ten minutes into the beating that any of them intervened.  “Lily,” Tasmin cautioned, “now is not the time to hex him. We are all out of bed after curfew and if you hex him we will be caught. Wait till we’re in Charms, it’ll be way easier to get away with!” Tasmins warning had the desired effect on Lily and she stood up to her full height and began to walk away without a backwards glance.


             The remaining four shoot each other worried glances. Would Lily tell?


Severus Snape was breaking curfew. It was a full moon and he knew those idiot Marauders would be out with the mutt. He had tried to tell Dumbledore about them sneaking out with Lupin but he never believed him. Just thinking about how Black tried to trick him into going down the Whomping Willow during a full moon last year so he would be killed by the werewolf made his blood boil. Potter tried to stop him but Severus knew it was only because he wanted to look good in front of Lily. Ah Lily.

                For years Lily had been Severus’ only friend. She was the only person who saw past the rags he wore and the cold nature his father had caused him to maintain. She was the only person to truly care about him. Or so he thought. Since they began coming to Hogwarts she grew more and more distant from him and closer to those freaks, the Marauders! How could she not see how egotistical and arrogant they were? Especially Potter! Oh, she says she is repulsed by his over the top ways, his need for attention, the way he always calls her ‘Evans’ and his bullying but since the fight she had with him in fifth year, where Severus accidently called her a Mudblood, she has spent more time with Potter and she now ignores Severus!

                It had been obvious for a while that they were drifting apart and that Lily despised Severus’ friends in Slytherin but Severus didn’t think she would just stop being his friend over one little incident, after all, it wasn’t like he cursed her or anything.

                Severus was in the Great Hall when he saw Lily come in through the oak doors. Not knowing what to do, he quickly hid in the broom cupboard a few feet from him and watched her come closer through a small gap. She was half way across the hall when three of the Marauders and the Metamorphagus followed. The girl – Tasmin or Jasmine or something –, Black and Pettigrew went straight up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room but Potter ran after Lily, calling her name.

“Lily, Lily wait up!” Lily turned around to face him with her arms crossed. Severus smirked as he realised Lily was mad at Potter.

“Why? So you can tell me more lies?” She spat at him. He stopped a few feet in front of her and bit his lip, raising his hand as though to pull it through his hair but he stopped himself before he could and limply dropped it by his side.

“I never wanted to lie to you Lily, but it wasn’t my secret to tell. I’m sorry; you don’t know how much it killed me to see you ever day and not to be able to tell you. Every time I talked to you I just wanted to scream it out but it would have meant betraying Remus and he’s one of my best friends. I couldn’t betray him, not even to the girl I love-” he clamped his hands on his mouth as he realised what he said.

“What did you say?” Lily questioned, her eyes widening tenfold.

“NOTHING! I said ‘sorry’ and then I JUST STOPPED TALKING!” he shouted.

“You said ‘the girl I love’, do you love me?” she took a step forward and Severus balled his hands into fists, wanting to punch Potter more than ever.

“Uh … I … eh … Boloney,” he stammered.

“Boloney?” Lily repeated, stopping only inches away from Potter.

“I love you Lily Elizabeth Evans and I don’t care who knows!” Lily looked at Potter in disbelief before closing the distance between them, stood on her tip-toes and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I love you too, James Ignotus Potter,” she whispered before kissing him. He was so in shock he didn’t move for a few seconds, he just stood there with his arms by his side and his eyes open in shock. After a few seconds he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Lily, lifting her up to allow for easier snogging.

                They were so caught up in their moment they didn’t even notice Severus slam the door to the broom cupboard open and stomp his way to the Slytherin boy’s dormitories.


“So after seven years of him lusting after you like a love sick puppy, all it took for you to kiss him was for him to tell you he loved you?” Tasmin asked in disbelief the next morning at breakfast as Hogwarts newest couple sat across from her acting all … couple-y, feeding each other pancakes and calling each other by pet names.

“Pretty much,” Lily retorted as she stared in to James’ eyes. How had she never noticed how blue they were before?

                Tasmin rolled her eyes and turned towards Sirius who was fake-gagging into his cereal. “If I ever act like that with a guy I want you to Avada Kadava the shiz out of me,” she told him in her most serious voice before lifting up her glass of pumpkin juice.

“Oh please, you’re just jealous Sirius hasn’t told you he loves you yet.” Lily shot at her. Both Tasmin and Sirius happened to be taking large gulps of Pumpkin juice at that moment and Lily and James found themselves drenched as they spat it out in shock at Lily’s comment.

“Why the hell would Sirius tell me he loved me?” Tasmin growled as Lily used a drying spell to clean herself and James up.

“Because you two have been a couple for two months.” She stated simply.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! We are not a couple! We are sort-of-friends with benefits!” Tasmin snarled.

“Is the thought of being my girlfriend really worthy of twenty-one ‘no’s’?” Sirius feigned hurt.

“The lady doth protest too much,” Lily smiled.

“Don’t go all Shakespeare on me Lily, we are not a couple!” Tasmin began to shake from anger.

“So, where’s Moony and Wormtail?” James butted in.

“Shut up James!” came his reply from three different directions.

“Just trying to defuse the tension.”


“Miss Green, would you please explain to the class what you are doing?” Professor McGonagall barked. Tasmin lowered the straw that had only just been in her mouth and leaned back in her chair with a wide grin. The rest of the class turned to face her and Sirius noticed that her hair had changed from being bright red at breakfast to black with pink and blue highlights; she was never one to be normal.

“Nothing much, just chilling,” she replied as she put her hands behind her head as an example.

“How does using a straw to hit people with spit balls count as ‘chilling’?” Professor McGonagall kept her voice low and tone dangerous but Tasmin continued to smile as she shrugged.

“Not sure, but I’ll keep you posted.”

“Detention, Ms Green. And you Mr Lupin,” She turned around just as Remus sat in his place after oversleeping, “I expected more from you, using your friends as a distraction is not Prefect material. You shall join Ms Green for detention at eight o’clock tonight. My office.” Remus gave a tight nod and McGonagall went back to teaching.

                “I don’t know how she does it,” Tasmin whispered to Sirius with a frown, “it’s like she’s got eyes in the back of her head.” Sirius nodded in agreement but he wasn’t really paying attention, his mind kept going back to earlier that morning when Lily said they were a couple and how quick Tasmin was to deny it. Although they never talked about it, Sirius kind of felt like they were a couple. After all, they slept in the same bed every night even though they only … fornicated every second night or so, they sat together in every class – bar potions because of Moony –, they ate together and they both knew everything about each other. Neither of them had even looked at another person since they started the whole ‘FWB’ thing. So why was Tasmin so against the thought of being involved with Sirius ‘Sex God’ Black?


Sorry for not uploading yesterday, it was hectic, a lot of my family was over from England so I had to host :P. Thanks for reading! Love Nikki.

Story recommendation:

Marauder Moments (scarletnight)

Moments in the Marauders' lives. “Blimey mate, these nicktoons are the shit!” // "...Peter and Remus got no answer except Sirius’s hysterical laughter and James’s mad muttering about ‘bloody evil rocks.’"

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