Twin Alphas

By GammaGirl2012

220K 9.4K 266

Named after the two most deadly things known to her kind, Bayne Silver is a tool for hunters set on destroyin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Shout Out - Special Mentions

Chapter 25

4.6K 195 3
By GammaGirl2012

Bayne's POV

My head was spinning and my body felt like lead. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move and I couldn't open my eyes. I heard beeps somewhere in the distance and it kept getting louder and louder. I heard quiet voices mumbling something and I think I heard my name a few times, but I couldn't make anything else out. I couldn't tell who was talking because my nose was being overpowered with the smell of cleaning products and pine.

What the hell happened? I remember going into the woods for the last group of wolves during training, then after that it's a blank.

I felt something release some pressure on my left hand and go down to my right knee.

That was weird. What was that?

Seconds after the pressure moved I felt something tug on my left elbow, then a pressure. My insides were on fire, I couldn't yell at whoever it was; I couldn't even open my eyes to see who it was. There was a burning pain radiating through my arm, and with every heart beat it increased and spread. It hurt probably as much as when Sercko would plunge his dagger under my ribs and twist, only all over my body.

The beeping from earlier got louder and louder, I wanted it to go away so I could focus on waking up. My nose wasn't working right yet and my eyes still wouldn't open. This sucks, I couldn't do anything but wait this out, and what if it doesn't end? What then?

Where am I anyway? I don't remember the woods smelling like floor cleaner.

The mumbling voices started to get louder, but I still couldn't hear what they were saying. I tried listening harder but that only gave me a headache. My head was pounding and my heart was beating in time with the beeping that was still getting louder. My limbs were on fire and my chest hurt, but feeling meant I was still alive right?

Man why can't I remember what happened? Think Bayne, think. Okay there were the wolves in the woods that were behind the others in training. I went back to get them, and... I was shot... shot with what? It wasn't a bullet, but it was silver, and laced with something.

The mumbling voices kept getting louder, everything was on fire, but both my hands were tingling, like a good tingle.

A dart! That's what it was; I was shot with a dart, and whatever was on it was now in my body. But what happened after that? And who shot the dart at me?

I finally smelt pine with mint and lemons.

Mates. That's what happened? Aiden and Josh found me? But I don't remember any of that. I don't remember them coming to get me, but I remember running away from someone, or at least trying to.

Then the smell of rain and soil hit me.

Aaron. Did he find me? Was I just so disoriented that I ran away from him? No. I was running from someone else, the person who shot me. But who? And wasn't there two people? A man... and a woman? Who was the woman?

The beeping got louder, there was a ringing in my ears and it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. The mumbling voices were more of whispering voices now.

All right, concentrate. Listen to their voices and wake up.

"How did she do it? How did she keep going?" one of my mates said, I couldn't quiet tell who, I thought it was Josh, but his voice was so quiet...

"She always had someone to fight for. After her sister died she kept living for me and Tori." That was unmistakably Aaron, but something was off, his voice was different, like he was sad...

What happened to him, did the hunter get him too? No. The woman killed the hunter before I blacked out... right? Maybe she killed the hunter then hurt Aaron, but then he would sound hurt, not sad. Ah I wish I could open my eyes.

"So where's Tori?" That was definitely Josh, his voice was softer than Aiden's, well at least when he's talking to other people in the pack.

Tori... I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to die. Sercko will pay for what he did, and I'll be the one to make sure that happens.

"Stupid girl stepped in front of a bullet. Bayne lost it and went full wolf on Sercko."

"I'm sorry." The voices were becoming louder, no longer whispers.

"Wait, but if Tori is the same as Bayne a bullet, I'm assuming it was silver, wouldn't have killed her." Aiden was here too?

Of course, why wouldn't he be? He's a protective possessive alpha mate.

"Tori wasn't immune to silver, and even if she was, the bullet went in right above her heart. The silver moved too quickly through her blood for us to save her."

"So, have you found your mate yet?" Josh must have noticed the same thing I heard, Tori was Aaron's soft spot. He never really talked about her unless it was about avenging her death.

"I did."

Well that's news to me! Aaron was never with a she-wolf without me, how did he meet his mate?

"Where is she? What's her name?" Aiden asked.

"Her name was Tori."


My eyes shot open in shock and I was blinded by bright white lights directly above me. Tori was Aaron's mate and I didn't know about it. How did they keep it a secret from me? When did they find out?

"Aaron?" I managed to croak out. Josh, Aiden, and Aaron all looked my way and smiled; although I think Josh and Aiden's smile had a small disappointed look to it.

"Yah Bayne?" Aaron asked

"When the hell were you going to tell me Tori was your mate?" my voice was scratchy and strained. Aaron just laughed at my question while Josh and Aiden smiled a little more light heartedly.

"How you feeling babe?" Aiden asked me. I slowly turned my head towards him, only to be greeted by a spinning room. I groaned and closed my eyes to keep myself from puking.

"I've felt better," I opened my eyes again and looked up at Aiden, "I've also felt worse."

"Are you hungry sweetie?" Josh asked me. I turned my head to face him and was hit with another dizzy spell.

"No." I said as I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my teeth.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked. I opened my eyes and looked at him; his eyes were wide with concern.

"Nothing, just dizzy." I swallowed, "Could I get some water?"

"I'll get it, I'll also tell the doctor you're awake." Aaron said as he shut the door behind him.

"Could you guys sit on the same side, looking back and forth makes me sick." I watched Josh get up and drag a chair around the foot of my bed. Aiden moved a little so I could see both of them and so Josh could hold my hand while he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Better?" they asked at the same time.

"Okay, that's creepy."

"Sorry." They said, again, at the same time. I groaned and closed my eyes.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"A week," Josh said

"You've been in a medically induced coma. We had to wait until a human doctor could give you the meds to wake you up." Aiden finished, I frowned; why was I in a medically induced coma? And wouldn't my wolf have burned up all the medicine?

"The dart you were shot with had injected you with chemically enhanced wolfsbane, a chemical used to induce a coma, a paralysis drug, and Verbena." Aiden told me. So that's why the medicine worked on me, I had Verbena in my blood.

"Well shit, sounds like I had blast." I said sarcastically.

"Well you certainly gave us a scare." Josh told me

"Yah, let's not try that again, ever." Aiden added, growling out the end.

"Deal." I groaned as another dizzy spell came over me. My whole body felt like lead and was burning with pain. I wanted to itch every square inch of my body, but I couldn't move at all. There was a knock at the door and Aaron walked in with the doctor and a cup of water.

"Well, it's good to see you're awake. How are you feeling?" the doctor asked as he walked over to the left side of the bed. I slowly turned my head, trying to avoid getting sick and looked at him.

"Couldn't be better doc. seriously how do you think I feel; the room spins every time I turn my head, I can't move, and my whole body is on fire." I told him with my 'get out before I get pissed' voice.

"Can you tell me where you are hurting? What it feels like, and rate it on a scale of one to ten." He wasn't serious was he?

"I just told you, my whole body's on fire."

"Okay, now rate it." he scribbled on his clipboard and then looked at me.

"Five." I rolled my eyes at his silly question. How old does he think I am, ten?

"Do you remember anything from the night you blacked out?" The doctor asked

"Just that I went after a group that fell behind in training and when I went to run back I was shot in the back of the neck. Then I was being chased by two people... a man and a woman." I frowned, "I didn't get a good look at either one of them, and I didn't catch the woman's scent, but I think I could sniff out the hunter."

"Bayne, the hunter is dead already." Aaron told me

"Did you find the woman?" I asked curious, Aaron just shook his head. "Well, she's definitely rogue, no offence but none of the she-wolves here could have taken down a hunter by themselves without shifting."

"Well, rogues don't normally help pack members out, so maybe she wasn't rogue." Josh commented, and he was right, normally rogues kept to themselves.

"So why did she step in?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know, but would you please do your job and fix me so I can go kill Sercko and his gang of hunters?" I asked the doctor sarcastically.

"Well, unfortunately until the Verbena works itself out of your system there's nothing I can do, and that could take at least another week." The doctor said. "I'm still new to the combination of these particular drugs and what they will do to a wolf, plus there are some formulas that cannot be classified by our equipment."

"You're joking right?" Aaron questioned. "You don't know exactly what is in her? And your equipment can't tell you?"

"Sort of." I heard three very angry growls, all towards the doctor.

"Zachary, figure it out and fix it!" Aiden said through clenched teeth.

"Yes sir." He turned to leave when something came to mind.

"Take Aaron, he's good with chemical equations, and worked in the lab for a little under Sercko. Maybe he can tell you what it is." I sighed towards the end, I can't believe how tired I was, I just woke up. Aaron and Zachary left the room and left me with Josh and Aiden once again in the room alone.

"Can you feel anything?" Josh asked, I closed my eyes and frowned when I felt a light tingle in my fingers.

"I think so... there's a tingle in my hand, but it's small." My voice was becoming slurred with sleep, "Why?" instead of answering Josh lifted his hand, which was holding mine. Our fingers were intertwined with each other as he brought it to his lips and kissed it. The tingles I thought I felt before became obvious after his lips left the back of my hand.

"Can you move your hand by yourself?" Aiden asked as I felt Josh let go of my hand. I went through the motions of making my hand into a fist, but my hand only twitched. I let out a frustrated sigh and tried again.

"Take it easy there babe; it'll come back in time." Aiden said as Josh grabbed my hand again.

"This is ridiculous. I can't do anything for myself. How am I going to train? How am I going to run? How am I going to do anything?" I angrily ranted, I didn't like being dependent on someone else, in fact I hated other people trying to help me, that's one of the reasons I don't like doctors.

"Bayne, just relax. We'll be here the entire way; we'll get through this together." Josh told me, he put his hand on my knee and tingles exploded through me.

"What about Alpha duties?" I reminded them, "You can't just stop taking care of your pack."

"No, you're right." Aiden said. I smiled thinking I won, "That's why we called our parents. Dad will take care of the Alpha stuff and mom will take care of the pack until you get well enough that you don't need us by your side 24/7 anymore." I grunted, great, that meant I wouldn't be able to get away from them.

"Speaking of parents, mom wants to meet you officially. Now we told her that she wouldn't be able to until you were out of the hospital and feeling better, but Zachary told us that you could leave after 24 hours of observation. That is if nothing goes wrong." Josh informed me.

"Great." I said sarcastically, not only am I confined to a bed, but now I have to meet the previous Luna of Twin Moon pack, who just so happens to be both of my mates mother.

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