Twin Alphas

By GammaGirl2012

220K 9.4K 266

Named after the two most deadly things known to her kind, Bayne Silver is a tool for hunters set on destroyin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Shout Out - Special Mentions

Chapter 2

6.4K 237 4
By GammaGirl2012

Bayne's POV

"We need to get out of here." I said cold and detached from the world. Aaron looked up from Tori's lifeless body and met my gaze. I could see the tears wanting to spill over as he sniffled and stood on shaky legs. He nodded and pushed away all other emotions except for anger and hate. "But first, we destroy everyone here and burn this place to the ground." I said looking at him for any objections. Just as I had thought, he nodded and followed me out of the basement.

The hunters were easy to take out, they had no supernatural strength or powers; they were mere humans who hated us. Some didn't even see us coming as they met their end. Others put up a fight only to lose later. The harder part of getting out was the Immortals. Not impossible to kill, but very hard, once you drain their blood you have to burn their bodies. There were a total of one hundred hunters and twenty Immortals. As the fighting went on I noticed Aaron was losing too much blood to keep his guard up. In less than a minute he would be light headed and then he wouldn't be able to stop the Immortals coming after him.

"Aaron, get out of here. Now!" I told him as I finished off the last of the Immortals around me.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" he shouted

"I'm not asking you to leave, I'm telling you! Get out and find a safe place to wait for me." I told him as I jumped on top of an Immortal that was charging Aaron from behind. I wanted Aaron out of danger; he was the only thing I had left that I cared about, the only thing keeping me sane, the only one who knew what I had gone through. He and I were the only ones who would understand each other; we needed each other to get out. "Aaron! Get out!"

"No Bayne! We live or die together!" he said as he ripped the head off of another Immortal. All the Hunters were dead, and we had killed just over two thirds of the Immortals, but if we didn't hurry and burn the place the Immortals would start coming back. "Bayne, we need to hurry." Aaron said starting to panic.

"I know." I said getting angry. My wolf was just below the surface, and when she comes out there is no stopping her. "Aaron, stay out of my way." I said in a calm and dangerous, almost demonic voice. This only happened when I was going full wolf, when I was out for blood, when I was beyond pissed. Aaron nodded and ran to the garage to get gasoline and a lighter to finish the job. After he left everything else just blurred together; the blood, the shrieks, the bodies, the pain. When things started to seem normal again I saw Aaron dousing the bodies of the Immortals with a gallon of gasoline and then making a trail of it all around the room, and then out the front door. I followed him out and gave him a nod. Pulling out a lighter he threw it down and within seconds the whole lower level of the house was engulfed in flames.

When we were sure none of the Immortals could come back to their bodies we ran towards the woods to shift. Once far enough into the woods I shifted back to two legs and walked over to where I had some cloths hidden.

"Bayne, you're bleeding." Aaron informed me. I looked down to examine myself, and sure enough I had a small bullet sized hole in my side that was leaking the red warm liquid.

"Oh." I inserted my finger into the wound and searched for the slug. After only a minute of sliding my finger around the entry wound that was no bigger than an inch in diameter, I pulled out the silver bullet and threw it on the ground.

"I will never get used to seeing that." Aaron commented as he shook his head and closed his eyes. I gave a huff to show I heard him. I had pulled over two hundred silver slugs out of my body in the last ten months. Most coming from the people I was sent to kill and missions gone wrong, but there were some where the hunters would pull the trigger and miss their target.

"How long until it stops bleeding?" Aaron asked

"Maybe an hour, if I don't put something around it." I said as I ripped a strip of cloth from the bottom of an extra shirt. I balled up the rest of the shirt and pressed it to my side as I tied it tightly around my waist with the strip of cloth. "Ready to go?" I asked turning back to Aaron.

"Where do we go? No one is going to let us into a pack once they know who we are."

"That's one of the reasons we were ordered to have aliases, and why he had us go undercover most of the time. He wanted it to be easier to infiltrate a pack from the inside, duh." I told Aaron.

"Maybe, but most packs still know who Bayne Silver is." He said with a smug look on his face.

"But they don't know what I look like. I'll just go by a different name." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Fine, but if anyone recognizes us I reserve the right to rub it in your face." he joked.

"Whatever." I said as I started walking further into the woods.


Maybe a week after we left His compound in a pile of ashes we had come across a small cabin in a clearing that was just inside a packs territory. Thanks to his trainings, Aaron and I had mastered the art of masking our scent and were able to sleep in the cabin for the night, in shifts naturally, but still. That night was probably the coldest and sleepless nights I have had in a long time. I kept hearing rustling and noises outside. After minutes of thinking I was going crazy and just hearing things I heard the distinct sound of a twig snapping under a great amount of weight.

I quietly poked my head out of the cabin door, my black fur making the perfect camouflage for this time of night, and scanned the surrounding tree line. I was about to pull my head back in when I saw a shadow move through the trees and run further into the woods. I don't think he saw me, but I could be wrong. I silently followed him through the winding trees. When he came to another clearing he stopped, shifted and walked up to a larger man dressed in nothing but basketball shorts.

"What did you find out?" the larger man asked

"They don't suspect a thing, and Aiden's coming home tomorrow. If we want to take this pack we need to do it tomorrow when Josh goes to pick him up." Said the man I followed. He was turned away from me and I couldn't see his face, but he had a distinct mark, a large 'X' on his left shoulder. He smelled like sweat, lemons and, the obvious scent of rogue. He must have masked that part when he was with this Aiden guy.

"Then we hit them hard tomorrow." said the larger man as he turned and walked away from the guy with the 'X' on his shoulder, "Get everyone ready." He said as he came out of the crowd and I could finally get a good look at him. I instantly recognized him as one of His 'friends', Farris. He must have had close to three hundred hunters and maybe twenty wolves.

"Sir," the man with the 'X' called after Farris.

"What is it now Lars?" Farris asked getting a little annoyed.

"There is a clearing just inside the pack territory, there's a cabin in it, and we could use that as a storage unit to hide some of your hunters until we are ready to strike." Lars said as he nervously rubbed his hands together.

"Fine, tomorrow morning we'll set up in that cabin and then we'll take out the pack." Farris said with a wave of his hand. Then he was gone. Lars turned back to the woods, stripped and shifted. I quietly followed closely behind him and when he was back in the clearing I leaped onto his back. I quickly pinned him down and wrapped my jaw around his neck. He struggled at first earning a growl from me and causing me to clamp down on his neck, not enough to kill him, but enough to taste the coppery liquid spilling from his wounds. He stopped fighting and submitted to me, but only after he shifted did I let go of his neck. I growled once more and then shifted myself.

"You do know you are on pack territory, don't you sweetheart?" he said with a smirk.

"Don't call me sweetheart." I frowned at him and growled under my breath.

"Okay, darling." He smirked again. This earned him a snarl from me and caused Aaron to come out of the cabin.

"What's going on here?" Aaron asked as he walked over to us wiping the sleep form his eyes.

"That's what I would like to know." Lars said crossing his arms over his chest and frowning at me.

"What pack is this?" I asked getting straight to the point. Aaron just looked at me confused and I shook my head at him.

"Twin Moon, why?" Lars said. I sighed internally, Twin Moon was large, strong, had two alphas and while Arron and I were never sent to kill anyone here, the Twin Moon pack had made it clear that they would kill anyone associated with us, my name alone would cause a problem.

"What were you doing out here at this hour?" Aaron asked finally getting curious.

"Is a man not allowed to take a midnight run to calm his wolf? I had a stressful day, sue me. Besides, this is my packs territory, and you're trespassing." He growled.

"Just passing through, we'll be out of your hair before you attack your pack with that group of hunters and rogues." I said crossing my arms in front of my chest matching his stance.

"How do you know that?" Lars asked shocked that someone had called him on his treason.

"You're not very quiet when you run. It wasn't too hard to follow you and listen in on your conversation with Farris." I said mentioning Farris just to prove to him that I knew what I was talking about.

"You little bitch!" Lars spat as he ran towards me. I dodged his lame attempt at an attack, causing him to trip over a small rock and fall on his face. I grabbed his wrist bringing it up so his hand was in between his shoulder blades and sat on his lower back.

"What was that?" I seethed in his ear as I pulled at his wrist causing him to whimper in pain. Then the satisfying pop of his shoulder coming out of the socket rang through my ears. I smiled as he cried out in pain. "I do believe you were offering us the night in this cabin until morning. Isn't that right?" I asked rhetorically. Lars just nodded. I let go of his wrist and got off of him, walking towards the cabin. "Put his shoulder back." I yelled to Aaron over my shoulder. I was almost back in the cabin when I heard Lars scream after another loud pop.

Less than a minute later Aaron was back in the cabin with a look on his face that told me to explain.

"Farris is here." I said. Aaron's eyes went wide as his face paled slightly.

"What are we going to do?" He asked

"We are going to wait until morning and when Farris attacks the Twin Moon pack, we attack Farris." I clenched my fists as I told Aaron what I wanted to do. "Then when he's dead, we move on. Find the next hunter and kill them, until their all dead." I said the last part under my breath as I looked out the small window.

"Until their all dead..." Aaron confirmed.

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