Bad Boy Roomie {COMPLETE} [UN...

By Littl3R3d

139K 3.8K 488

Bad boy's are like vampires, they're alluring, powerful and dangerous... not to mention HOT! Who can resist b... More

Chapter 1- Introduction
Chapter 2- Moving In
Chapter 3- Roomies
Chapter 4- What?!
Chapter 5- Everything Is Changing
Chapter 6- Cade The Narcissist
Chapter 7- Misunderstandings
Chapter 8- Old Wounds & Jealousy
Chapter 9- Confusion
Chapter 10- Arrow Heart
Chapter 11- Jealous Party
Chapter 12 - I Need Time
Chapter 13 - Cade's Birthday
Chapter 14- War With Yourself
Chapter 15- Your Friendship is Important
Chapter 16 - Growing Bond
Chapter 17- Accept Change & Then Give Up
Chapter 18- Drinking Doesn't Heal Wounds
Chapter 19- Kisses Can Heal.
Chapter 20- The Bad Boy Wants A Girlfriend
Chapter 21- Secret Relationship
Chapter 22- I Love You.
Chapter 23- If Love Is Strong Why Am I Weak?
Chapter 24- Give Me Love Not Drama
Chapter 25- Apart
Chapter 26- More Heartache
Chapter 27- Coming Up With A Plan
Chapter 28- Putting The Plan In Play.
Chapter 29- It Helps To Have Friends
Chapter 30- Is The Cat Out The Bag?
Chapter 31- Its Too Much.
Chapter 32- You're Not Done Yet.
Chapter 33- All Is Lost.
Chapter 35- Wedding Crisis
Chapter 36- Happily Ever After?
Chapter 37- The Future Awaits.
Chapter 38-Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 34- Downward Spiral.

2K 70 12
By Littl3R3d

The worst day of loving someone is the day you lose them. -Elena From TVD

Cade's POV

I sit anxiously as I wait for Toby to call me back. My fathers office was destroyed and I felt pleased. It would take almost a month to get this fixed and replace all the books.

My phone illuminates and clatters against my father's mahogany desk and I lunge my hand at it.

Disappointment swells through me when I realize it was just a silly post notification. I sigh heavily and place my elbows on the table, placing my head in my hands I rub my hands through my hair as the frustration settles in.

Why was she taking so long to call? The house was so silent and it made me uneasy. My dad and Abby have retreated from their vile acts from behind the door and it makes me worried as to what they may be up to.

Come on Toby call me back. I stare at the phone without blinking as if I was trying make it ring. Sitting back in the chair I try to relax as the leather sticks to my bare back. I was sweaty and sticky from all the damage I did to the office. It was moments ago and I should have cooled down but that wasn't the case. I was nervous and it came with a whole lot of sweat.

The phone rings and I spring to my feet grabbing the phone, it was her, she called, she hasn't given up.

I sit down in the chair trying to contain my excitement and I answer. "I'm so glad you called bombshell. I feel so relie-"

"Cade, please just listen." She speaks and my happiness turns to sadness. Her voice was low and she was crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Cade I can't do this anymore."

"Toby please, no."

"I'm sorry but I'm tired of the shit. I don't want to be with you anymore." She says and her words cut through me, all the sadness was replaced by anger.

"Toby stop fucking around! Now is not the time for your games."

"I'm not playing a game Cade. Do I sound like someone that's playing? I'm serious. Please just forget about me and leave me the fuck alone. I want nothing to do with you and your pathetic life." Her words sting, it felt like I was being whipped and each lash dug into my heart. She was breaking my heart but I still needed her, she was the only one that could fix it.

"Please don't do this bombshell. I'm leaving now and I'm coming to you."

"Don't bother Cade. I'm going back home, I'm going to continue my studies at home. Goodbye Cade."

"I love you. I'm leaving now." I say and proceed to unlock the door as I unlock the door and step outside the office I freeze.

"I can't love you anymore Cade. I can't love someone that chooses an object over me. Am I not more valuable than a boat?"

"Toby you know how much that boat means to me. I didn't choose it over you. You know that."

"You can't have us both Cade and you know it. I can't be with someone that devalues me. I won't stand to be anybodies second best. I'm sorry." The blood drains from my body up on her words and I wonder why she's doing this to me.

"Tob-" she hangs up the phone and tears well in my eyes. "Toby I need you." I finish up what I was about to say to her then I try calling her back right away but it just goes straight to her voicemail without even ringing.

I chuck the phone and it slams on the ground. "What the hell is going on with you?!" My father blares and I glare at him with loathe. Abby walks towards me with a sympathetic look on her face and I fight the urge to punch her.

"Are you guys happy now?" I say through gritted teeth. "What are you talking about?" Abby ask with an apologetic look on her face.

"Toby left me. She's gone." Abby walks up to me and she places her hands on either side of my face, she looks deep into my eyes and her once apologetic look shifted into an unapologetic one.

"Its for the best Cade. There wasn't any room for her in our life. She didn't understand you." Our life?

"Why are you so fucking delusional? You don't even understand me. Nobody but her does. You fucked up my life Abby and I loathe you." I spit my words and grab a hold of her hands removing them from my face.

"Stay away from me." An angered look falls on her face and a tear falls. Pathetic. I make my way up the stairs to grab my keys. I wasn't going to let Toby go that easily. She was mine and she knew damn well I belonged to her. There must be some other reason why she has done this.

I grab my keys and I don't bother putting on a shirt or even grabbing shoes the only thing in my intention, scratch that the only one I intended to be around and see right now was Toby. I dashed down the stairs and my dad says, "Where are you going?"

"Where the hell do you think?" I retort sarcastically as I dash out of the house. I unlocked my 2013 subaru brz and hoped into it fast, backing out of the drive way in about 5 seconds and I thank my illegal street racing days for my swiftness.

As I enter the free way I let my foot fall heavy on the gas pedal. Just then a phone starts ringing and I'm wondering what the hell is happening? Didn't I throw mine away? I shift my gaze for a second and I notice the phone laying on the passenger seat. I reach over for it and I realize its Abby's phone. Why the hell did she leave it in here?

The name flashing on the caller ID was my father and I knew the call was for me. What the fuck does he want now?

Up on answering it he yells, "What the hell did you do to my office!?"

"I destroyed it." I tossed the phone and shifted the gear. I'm coming Toby, please don't leave.

I arrive at campus hours later and park right at the dorm's entrance. I ran in the building and continued until I reached the room. The door was open and when I went in I felt dead inside. Toby's side of the room was empty, I went into her closet and it was empty too. Was this some type of sick joke?

How was she able to pack all of this up so fast? Anger swells in me as my mind comes up with multiple negative thoughts. She must have been planning to leave all a long. "Fuck!" I breathe out as I come to a shocking realization. She planned to leave me from the day Abby posted that engagement photo.

When I came in here she was packing up. All this time I couldn't see and it was right there in front of me. A single tear sheds and I wipe it away fast. The last time I cried was when I was 10 years old. My mother died when I was 8 but I'd have nightmares of my mothers bloody face talking to me. That was 10 years ago, it was all because I lost the woman I loved. It took me 2 years to get over my mother's death I don't want to know how long it will take me to get over the love of my life. I was in love with her and I wanted to tell her when I sorted out everything.

Even now that she left and I feel completely betrayed and lied to, I still wanted to tell her.

"Cade what did you do?" A teary voice speaks from the bathroom and I shift my gaze to it fast.

Shockwaves of disappointment fall on me as I notice it was Toby's friend Jessica. "What did you do to her?"

"Cade answer me." She demands in her teary voice and I stand dumbfounded. What did I not do to her? She was right to leave, I didn't deserve her. I hurt her so much. I walked over to her bed and I sat down on the the mattress, all the memories of us laying here in each others arms come back to me. I was nostalgic and I hated the state I was in.

"Cade why did Toby text all of us saying she left the school to go home and finish her studies?" She says then sighs and I place my face in my hands. She didn't even tell any of her friends that she was leaving. Was she that eager to get away from me that she didn't even think to mention it to anyone? I bet she thought they were going to stop her.

Jessy storms out of the room and then she slams the door. Indicating to me that she was seriously frustrated about the entire situation and me not a answering her.

I lay down on Toby's bed placing my hands behind my head. Looking up at the ceiling I try to find reasons why. Why the world is the way it is? Why we breathe? Why we exist? Why did Toby-Lynn Casey leave with my heart?


"Cade." Slowly opening my eyes I see Ty, King, Rob and Chris. "What?" I said sitting up. "Why the hell are you guys surrounding me like I'm about to die." They chuckle and I don't crack a smile.

"We heard that Toby left." Rob says and I feel the pain again. I was hoping it was a dream but as I look around the room I realize its not. My room looks exactly how it was before she moved in.

"You want to talk about it?" King says and I shake my head no. "Let's just hit up a bar or something." I said getting off the bed. "Okay, we'll be outside until you're ready."

After I got ready I made my way to my car up on approaching the car I see Abby. Can this day get anymore worst.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business."

"Okay. After Saturday it will be my business."

"Ha! I'm not marrying you so this will never be your business."

"Oh yeah? You're a little forgetful huh? Toby's gone Cade. Marry me or lose the boat." She says then shoves a paper at me. She grabs my keys then she walks to my car. I unfold the paper and I feel sick, the boat had been put up for auction and the highest bidder would know by the end of the week whether it would be sold or not.

All of a sudden I feel light headed and I think I'm about to pass out. "What the hell is this?!" I say walking over to her. "What does it look like?" I crumble the paper and toss it into the night. I see now why my dad can't keep a wife for too long. After being with him they probably realize how awful he is and leave.

"Aha! There it is."

"There is what?"

"My phone." She says then walks away with a grin on her face. "Oh! Have fun tonight husband."

Is it a sin if I just end her life?

"What was that all about?" King ask as he approaches me. "Do you really want to know?"

"I think I do. I'll ride with you and the guys can take my car."


We get in the car and I explain everything to him. King was probably just as pissed as me and I understand why, he has become a big part of me and Toby's relationship and for that I was very grateful.

"So I'm guessing you're going to have to marry her?"

"Yes. Its my only option, I already lost Toby I can't lose my mother's boat too."

"Uh-huh, so you're just going to let her go like that?"

"Yes. She was planning to leave me before today King. She packed in advance."

"Yeah but it just seems a little fishy to me. I mean Toby is crazy about you, she stuck around through everything coming up with ideas and then all of a sudden she just leaves and say stuff like that? It doesn't add up. Toby is too sweet to say stuff like that especially to you. Have you tried calling her?"

"You have a point, but you should have heard her man. Every word she said sliced through me, she sounded pretty convincing. I did call her back as soon as she hang up but it went straight to voicemail and I don't have a phone anymore."

"I'll call her." He fishes his phone from his pocket fast and in about 5 seconds he was already calling her. I have to admit it made me jealous I didn't want him calling my girl even if he was helping.

"Toby, hey. What's up?" He says in a low stern voice and I almost want to kill him. Why is he talking like that to her? I grab the phone from him and put it at my ear and he chuckles.

"Toby, hey its me. Can we meet up a-. Hello? Bombshell?" The line goes dead and I want to throw the phone out the window. King takes the phone from me and he locks it. He pats my shoulder and says, "I'm sorry man maybe we could try again."

"What did she say to you?"

"Nothing. All she did was answer and as I was finish talking you yanked the phone from my hand."

"Whatever. I'm not calling her again. She can go to hell."

"Calm down man I'm sure she is probably going through something, she just needs a little space or whatever."

"Stop fucking making excuse for her. I'm sure its pretty clear that she dropped me out of her life."

"Women come and go bro. Its just sad that you fell in love with her. I'm disappointed, I really thought she was different."

"I thought she was too." For a moment I thought that King's speculations were plausible but it was proven to be completely futile due to Toby's action.

I don't think I'll be able to get over her, I love her so much it hurts.

"Hey where's your audi?"

"I left it back home."

"Oh. Well can I get a run out of this one day?" He ask and I guffaw, I got this car to attract girls not guys. Well I guess he takes a liking for this car just like I did.

"Sure. You can tonight because I don't want to get another DUI. My father probably won't pay me out of this one because of his office."

"What's up with his office?"

"I destroyed it."

"I'd hate to be your dad right now." He says and we both laugh.

King's POV

Its 1:00am and Cade is almost wasted. Our friends and I managed to cut him off but that girl he's been dancing with keeps sharing her drink after every refill. I knew coming to the club instead of the bar was a bad idea but I think Cade has had enough of things not going his way.

"Dude we really need to call it a night we have lectures to attend tomorrow. Get your carpool buddy and lets go." Chris says and I shake my head in agreement. Good thing the lectures were in the afternoon.

"Cade!" I yell his name placing my hand on his shoulder, he spins around so fast I almost didn't see it happen. "King! You here to join the party?!" He yells and the girl starts dancing in front of me and rubbing her hand on my body.

"Don't touch me."

"Whatever." She retorts and they start dancing again. "Come on Cade we gotta go."

"No we don't we gotta party." He slightly slurs his words and I roll my eyes. "Come on man we have to get back."

"Ugh fine. Because I know you won't shut up. Come on Toby." He finishes off and I widen my eyes at him grabbing the girl by her arm.

"Cade that's not Toby." He turns around to look at her with a confused look on his face and then he says, "she's not?"

"No. Now lets lea-"

"Its okay baby I can be Toby." She says flinging her arms around his neck and he smiles at her, "alright then."

Oh my fucking...hmph! I hate this imbecile. "Cade she can't come with us."

"Why not?" He whines and I sigh. "Because you don't know her and you don't want her to come with you."

"Of course I do. I always want Toby around. Lead us outside Toby." He says and the tiny brunette pulls him through the crowd. I hate people.

I follow them out. Once I get outside I witness them smashing faces. A part of me still felt like Toby was going to come back, this entire thing was a complete misunderstanding and she will return and steer Cade back on the path he was headed. This Cade right here in front of me reminded me of the old one. Toby doesn't know how much of an impact she had made in Cade's life... in all our lives.

Her presence made us all change, Cade's good behavior was rubbing off on all of us and we refrained from being trouble makers.

Part of me felt like I was betraying everything Toby set out for him to be, for us to be and I also felt like I was betraying her so I did the next best thing. I broke up their kissing session.

"Cade there's the guy that wants to buy your mother's boat!" Harsh I know but he won't remember I did this. I wanted to shake this girl and the only way to do it was to run away from her.

"Where?!" He jolts his entire body around and I yell, "follow me!" I ran straight to the car and when we got there I was like, "ahh shit we lost him."

"That little cunt is the flash." He says and I laugh silently. I'm such a horrible friend but what I'm doing was for a good cause. I look over his shoulder and the tiny brunette is running towards us, she's so close I can hear her heels clacking as they hit the pavement. Chris reverses my car and I say, "Cade get in the car we'll get him some other time." I unlock the car and he just stands there.

"Cade get in the car."

"Where's she?" I sigh frustratingly as I watch the girl seconds away from us. "She's in the car get i-

"You-hoo!" She calls out and Cade turns around. Oh fuck me. "You weren't going to leave without me were you?" She says falling into his arms and he staggers. "Noooo." He smiles at her and I chime in, "yes we were. There is no room for you."

"King stop it. There's plenty of room bombshell." He just used his name for Toby and I realize just how much this hurts him.

"No Cade, the car only has two seats."

"Its okay I have no problem sitting in his lap."

I fold my arms in protest and say, "not going to happen." I get in the car and shut the door.

Two disappointing minutes later and I'm on my way back to campus with Cade and his little brunette friend in his lap eating each others faces. If he thinks he's fucking this chick tonight he's got another thing coming.

"Fake Toby where do you live." She breaks the kiss and giggles before she speaks to me, "just take me where you guys are headed." She says in a teen girl voice then place her lips on Cade's and I grip the steering wheel tightly, clenching my jaw.

Just take me where you guys are headed... well miss girly teen girl we are headed deep in the pits of hell. I mock her in a girly voice, in my head of course and then groan in frustration.

"Please give me your address. Outsiders aren't allowed on our campus after hours." I demand then lie, they couldn't care less about what we were doing in our rooms they just wanted our money.

"They aren't? Shit." Cade sounds out and I don't think I can be any more annoyed with him. "Well okay I'll give you my address." She says and I sigh relief, "thank you."

Toby's POV

My eyes are wide open but I can't see a thing. I don't know what time it is or where I am. I screamed for help so much my throat is sore. Why did this have to happen to me? Why did she take me? I did what she said, I broke up with Cade and I made it sound as real as I possibly could.

I hurt him so bad and I regret every moment of it. I'm convinced, Abby's entire family is evil. She forced me to hurt him, I had no choice. She held a gun at me before I could even shut the door and she continued holding it at me as she blabbered on an on about why I shouldn't be with Cade.

He was right, obviously she was after something else if she would send her big sister after me. The door opens and a bright light shoots into my eyeballs.

"Dorian she's awake." An unpleasant male voice speaks and I start feeling nervous. He walks closer to me and I panic, please please please don't touch me.

"A pretty little thing you are. Its okay don't be afraid of me darling. I won't harm a hair on your precious little head." He says then he touches my hair and he inhales sharply. Was he getting off from touching my hair?

"Stop touching her you pervert." Dorian scolds and I feel happy that she's here.

"What do you want me to do with her?" His question causes the blood to drain from my body as I look at the smirking man. Please don't think about selling me to human traffickers.

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