Found and Loved (Anna Kendric...

By chAnnakend47

29.4K 647 88

When Harper Rose Cooke finds out that The Anna Kendrick is her birth mother, her life has changed. Harper Ken... More

April 21 2003 part1
August 9 2002
April 21 2003
13 years later
This is it
Plane ride
Shopping day
Am I missing something?
Some new news
My baby girl!
Lead up
It's Time!
All for you
Busy busy.
Bonds and learning
low key rehab
I wish to forget
Take 1
New chapter
15 and a day
Back Together
What does the future hold?
HEY GUYS! plz read

Coming home

1.1K 22 6
By chAnnakend47

Harpers POV

The plane comes to a stop. Anna and I rush out of the plane to beat the crowd. There are bodyguards waiting for us at bag claim with our bags already. We breeze through security and Anna tells me to put on the dark Oakley glasses she gave me. 

I can hear people past the sliding door Yelling to Anna. "Anna! Over here!" "Anna! Who's with you?" "Anna! give us a wave!" She just keeps walking with her arm around my waist. I look around, all the cameras flashing, people yelling, I can't believe she deals with this every day! It's a lot of pressure I can imagine. It's not even about me and I feel some pressure. Do I have enough makeup on?  How long does this go for? Will they follow us everywhere? All of this going through my head. I feel myself sinking down into Annas' hip slowly. "Harp? You OK? Bubs??" I feel really warm. I'm getting hot in my hoodie and sweats. My head starts to throb, I grip Annas waist hard, preventing me from falling over. "Harp!" She calls to one of the bodyguards to come over. But that's when someone found the loophole to run towards us but the guard was quick and had to deal with her. Anna is now sped walking into the bathroom that was close by. "I'm really hot. M, my head." She pulls off my hoodie and splashes water on my face. "Harper! Can you hear me?" I'm fainting off, my ears have been blocked. One of the guards come in to see what was happening. I was sitting against the wall. "Is she OK?" He asked. "I don't think so, she said she was really hot and her head was sore. I'll give her aspirin. Oh, and please tell the cameras to go away, I think that's the problem. BUT DONT says anything about her. Thanks" She guard walks off. Obeying her. 

Twenty minutes later I was walking again hand in hand with Anna, I felt a lot better. There were a few cameras in the parking lot but it was ok. They kept their distance. In the car, Anna kept asking and reassuring me if I was ok. I was. "I just have never had so many people yelling like that before. That's it." She smiled. "Glad to hear that babe" Out the window, I can see palm trees lining up down roads, big signs and a beach! "wow..." I whisper. Anna laughed "It's beautiful, isn't it?" "Yeah" A few minutes later we pull up to a big, white/gray house. "This is your home."


"Anna! This is incredible! What? This is my house now? " I was standing just inside the door. To the right was a big, open kitchen, very sleek and clean with a HUGE double door fridge. The island in the middle was really big and had wooden bar stools underneath it. To the left, was a big dining table with 10 chairs and cabinets full of china and really pretty things! "Yep, This is home" Anna came in the door, looking at me, me in shock. There was a wide space to walk down then in front of the table was a massive dark gray couch that created a whole new space with a fluffy rug and a huge 85-inch flat screen on the wall! Across from there was a little area laundry area with double washers and dryers and a door that lead outside. Right in line with the front door are the floating wood stairs. Unter the stairs is a door to a bathroom, a bedroom, and stairs to the basement. I drop my bag at the bottom of the stairs, looking up there. Anna comes running up to me and tackles me from behind. "Ahhh!" I scream laughing with her. "Hey Bubs, go look upstairs, there's a surprise for you..." I turn around and smile big at her. I go up the stairs two at a time, Anna close behind. At the top of the stairs, its kind of like a loft. I walk to the left, Which looks like Anna's room, A queen bed, TV on the wall, a walk-in wardrobe and an ensuite. "This is your room right?" I ask. "Yep" She replies. I move to the next door, a cupboard with blankets, towels, bedding etc. I look around at Anna, she looks excited about the next room - my room. I burst the door open. I stand there with my mouth open. "OH, MY GOD! I LOVE IT!" I turn around and squeeze Anna. "Holy shit you have a strong squeeze Harp! Hey short stack, go in!" She laughs. "Oh, I'm short stack? Can't say too much yourself!" I said sassily. She turned my shoulders and pushed me in. There is another double bed with white textured bedding against the wall to the right, Next to the bed, is a nightstand with a lamp and small things, along the wall is a door, which goes into my bathroom! There is a huge mirror with lights around it, a nice, big shower, cabinets with hair things, a toilet and sink etc. Back in my room, there is a white desk with a spinny chair AND a mac desktop computer AND a new mac book pro! "What!?!! Thanks, ANNA! Love you so much!" I turn around and give her another bid squeeze. "Damn Babe! You have a seriously tight squeeze! you're welcome! I'm glad you love it!" The shelves above the desk were filled with things like stationary and accessories. On the opposite side of the other door, was another door. Behind it was yet another, walk-in wardrobe! It had a small island in the middle like Annas, and already had some really cute clothes in it! On the third wall was, it was like a music area! there was a guitar stand, keyboard, even a mini recording set! "how did you know?" I asked Anna "Oh, I've been doing so investigating for a while!" "I love this so much!" "Hey, look behind the door..." I screamed with joy! It was a huge Pitch Perfect 2 poster signed by the entire cast! "Oh, my fucking god! Thank You! Love you!" "You're the most welcome baby. Love you too. There's one more thing. Go check out those cabinets." She pointed to a set of cabinets on the end of the bed. It was FULL of dance things! New ballet shoes, pointe shoes, Tap shoes, Hip Hop shoes, an endless supply of tights, bobby pins! A turn board, a dance mat for tap! "I, I don't know what to say!" I'm kind of crying. She pulls me into a hug. "You don't have to say anything bubs. I know your a talented little girl and you will be doing A-M-A-Z-I-N-G things one day." That made me so happy. "Just like you! You're so amazing, I'm going to learn so much from you!" 

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