Mark of a Dragon Rider.

By Spillover1173

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(Cover is thanks to @Potato__Writer) Long ago Dragon Riders were viewed as heroes and it was an honor to be a... More

Chapter 1 *edited*
Chapter 2 *edited*
Chapter 3 *edited*
Chapter 4 *edited*
Chapter 5 *edited*
Chapter 7 *edited*
Chapter 8 *edited*
Chapter 9 *edited*
Chapter 10 *edited*
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 6 *edited*

323 14 5
By Spillover1173

I raise my hand and step forward along with some other knight's that are staying in the village. The mayor is making the final picks and when he gets to me he smiles and tells me...

"You are going to be the personal guard. You are to stay right next to the boy at all times and never let him out of your sight. You are the best of the best this village has ever seen and you will make the perfect guard for him." He says with pride in his voice.

"Now show me your right arm. I am doing this to everyone. Just to be sure." He says. I nod and pull my sleeve up and show my bare arm. I hid the mark perfectly. No one will be able to tell that it's there.

The mayor nods and moves on to the next person. In the end eight other's get chosen to come along with us. Four of them are guarding Zen and the rest are coming along for more protection. It turns out that all the knight's who volunteered were going back to the castle anyway so we have some scouts and some that are staying a ways behind us just in case.

We are leaving right after everyone meets back up at the edge of town. I run into the woods and grab the bag. Then I run back and meet everyone else on the edge of town closest to the castle. The trip to the castle takes a few weeks because we have to go over the mountain in the Shadow Pass which is home to many bandit gangs.

I am one of the first to arrive at the meeting place other then Zen and Zeke. I walk over to him and he looks up at me. When he sees me his eyes widen. I look at the guard beside him. "Anything I need to know? I am his personal guard for the rest of the trip." I said.

The guy looks at me and nods. "The mayor told me to tell you that when you get to the castle you are going to be in the meeting with the rider. You just need to tell them that you are a VIP." He told me. I nod signaling that I have it.

The guard hands me the leash that is connected to a collar that is around Zeke's neck. He doesn't struggle against me at all. The men all laugh and make comments about how he must know how dangerous I am.

I only roll my eyes. No one seems to notice. Finally the horses get up here. I find mine which is a big draft horse named Idol. Next to him is another that I do not recognize. It only has a saddle and then a lead that is attached to my horse.

Zeke stand right next to me as we have done a hundred times. "Rider you better be good at riding horses as well as your dragon." I said harshly. He knows it is just an act. I help him into the saddle and tie him to it.

I hop up onto Idol and we are off. The trail is pretty boring. Zen is right next to us. Meaning he isn't freaking out because he can see Zeke and myself. Me being his guard is even better. All the guards are giving us a wide broth.

"So rider what is your name?" I ask him. I know but I need to make it seem like we don't know each other. He looks at me like I am nuts. "Why would I tell you that?" He answers coldly. Some of the knight's chuckle. 

They seem to be keeping a close watch on us like we might dart at any second. I don't get why though. They think I am a normal person like them. "Lula can you hear me?" I want to make sure that we can communicate at all times.

"Yes I think the book lied about the distance. I think we can chat over as big of a distance as you want." she sends back. I smile well now I won't have to worry about that. I went back to thinking. So I am surrounded by knights who are only making sure that Zeke doesn't escape.

I look around again and it seems that they are looking at us again. "Lula can you try and hear what the other knights are saying without being detected?" I ask her. She laughs in my head. "Of coarse I can! I am not a lumbering horse like the one you ride." She says still laughing.

I wait a few minutes until I get an answer. "They are talking about there three prisoner's and how one is allowed to do what they do. They don't like it but none of them can threaten you without getting hurt by you or one of the two dragon's you are with." She said.

I almost laugh at the irony of all this. Me and Zeke have been discussing plans to get from Owl Eye (what we named the cave from all the owls nesting around it and in the dark you can only see their eyes) to the castle and get to see the king.

"Hey Jay can you come here please?" I call out to one of my oldest knight friends. He reins his horse back and rides next to me. I look over at Zeke who managed to fall asleep. "I am a prisoner to or am I not?" I ask right off the bat. 

He looks startled and then nods his head in shame for not telling me sooner. "How did you find out?" He asked me. I look at him like he is crazy. "Look around and tell me how I couldn't know that?" I said. He looks around and then laughs nervously.

"You are not going to fight us right? I really don't want to fight you after seeing what you can do in the contests." He said. I laugh. "I am the daughter of a knight and you think I am not going to follow orders? Well if I am told to go to the king as a prisoner then so be it. I will only fight you if I see fit to do so." I said.

He looks around a little ashamed. "Well I guess we should tie you down. I mean yea know and all. That was the order I was given. When you found out I was to tie you to the horse and then lead you and the rider." He said. I nod it makes sense.

I hold my hands out by the horn of my saddle. He looks at me and ties the rope loose enough that in an emergency I can easily get out. He takes the reins from me and leads Idol along with his horse.

At first Idol refused to move. I am the only one he will listen to so I lean forward and whisper in his ear "Idol go ahead and follow them. He isn't guiding you. You are following orders." He didn't fight at all after that.

The rest of the day went pretty good. We made camp about a mile ahead of our goal. They took me and Zeke over to two trees in the middle of camp and tied us to them sitting down. I am tied loose enough that if something happens I can get out and fight. So that is how it went for a full on 3 weeks.


Word Count: 1273

I still have some thing's planned. I have many different idea's I am just figuring out what ones I want to do. So as always please COMMENT. If there is a grammar or spelling mistake please tell me.

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