Harry's twin mates

By Rain_Bow_666

160K 4.4K 1.1K

once Harry goes through his inheritance, and gets two mates out of it. Set in fifth year. Ps. I suck at des... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chaper 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

14.3K 386 67
By Rain_Bow_666

Harry p.o.v
Both the twins are staring at me there eyes moving up and down my body. That's when I realizes I am naked. Fred broke out of his trance and quickly wrapped a blanket around me. I blushed as George took out some cloths from my trunk and handed them to me. I grabbed them and went to the bathroom and began to get dressed.
When I walked back out both my friends are not looking at me. And every one left except Hermione Ron Fred and Gorge.
"Nice body Harry."
"Yeah really nice."
"Such a shame that you have to wear clothes."
"But we don't need any one else looking at your body."
I blushed and Ron said, "well me and Hermione don't need to see his, Body."
I sat on the bed embarrassed that Ron and Hermione saw me. Along with every one else. Though Fred and George I would not have mind. There my mates. "Well I have noticed that you have almost no well fitting clothes beside your robes." George said.
I shrugged and said, "I have not had enough time to get new clothes."
"Why won't your guardians get you new clothes?" Fred asked.

I looked at the floor and said, "They don't care about me. They treat me like a house elf and give me all of my cousins used and broken things."

Both Fred and Gorge hugged me and Fred said, "When we go to digon ally we will give you much better things then. You deserve it."

"yeah you need it. So we will give it to you." Gorge said.

I shook my head and said, "You guys don't have to. Really its fine. I got what I need."

They both shook there heads and Fred said, "Nope as your dominant mate I say you need it so we will get it."

"And as your second dominant mate I agree." Gorge said.

I looked to Hermione and Ron who are not even paying attention. Though I am sure that they will agree with them. Traitors. I huffed and said, "Fine. But don't think ill enjoy it."

That night I laid in bed thinking about my past two days. And of a hundred ways to make Ron stop snoring. Must of them illegal in the muggle and wizard world. Deciding I could not stand it any more I got up and went to Fred and Georges room. They both moved there beds to were its one and they are cuddling each other. I smiled guessing that the mate bond is making them this close. George moved a bit and looked at me. He motioned me to come forward so I did. And he moved the covers so I can get in. So I did and he cuddled me. I cuddled him back and he shifted so that I am in-between us and the three of us are cuddling.

Ron's p.o.v

I woke up and noticed that Harry is not in the room. I quickly went to Fred and Gorges room and saw that Harry is sleeping with them. All of them cuddling. Deciding that he is going to be okay I went back to my room and got ready for the day.

Fred p.o.v

I woke up with one extra body with us. I looked and saw that it is just Harry. I smiled as Gorge woke up. He smiled and said, "he came in here last night. I allowed him in."

I frowned and said, "Do you know what Remus and Sirius will do to us if he has our sent all over him. They may get the wrong idea."

"I'm sorry Freddie, I'm sure we will be fine though." Gorge said.

I nodded and shook Harry awake. He look around then blushed I guess nervous since he did not wake up in his own bed. "Morning Fred and George." he said hiding his face in a pillow.

"Morning Harry." we said and cuddled him closer.

He moved a bit and said, "I think we should get ready."
"Oh come on Harry." George said.
"We just want to cuddle." I said and we both cuddled him.
He relaxed and allowed it. Then Remus came in. "Boys get up. And I said to not sleep with them Harry." He said then exited.
We reluctantly got up and Harry went to his and Ron's room. When we were both ready we went down stairs and sat at either side of Harry. Remus looked over at us and said, "what do you three not understand about no?"
Me and George smirked and I said, "we understand."
"We just don't listen." George finished.
Every one looked at Harry and he said, "Ron snores"
"I do not!" Ron said offended.
"Yes you do." Gorge said.
"Like the Hogwarts Express." I added.
"You can ask any one in our dorm and they would agree." Harry said.
"Then how come they have not said anything?" Ron asked.
Harry rolled his eyes and said, "we put silencing charms up you idiot."
Dad then said. "Well Harry tomorrow​ is your trial. So you will have to be up early."
"Can we go?" Me and Gorge asked together.
"No. I'll take Harry. There will be no need to worry he will be safe." Dad said.
"But dad we still want to go." I said.
"No Fred you'll distract him." Dad said.
"I'm not Fred he is Fred." I said playfully.
"And you call yourself our father." Gorge said disappointed.
"Sorry George." Dad said sounding guilty.
"Don't worry dad we are only playing. I am Fred." I said and laughed.
Dad smiled and Gorge laughed to. Harry just began eating.

I know I have been updating quickly a lot these past few days. And thank you for all who is reading. But I may not be updating this quick all the time.
But thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and commit.

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