Kiss with a fist (completed)

vgcampos tarafından

1M 36.4K 13.6K

"What's your name?" He tries again. Should I tell him so he can shut up? Or will he just keep talking. "Fine... Daha Fazla

Important Author's Note
Prologue: Peripeteia
Chapter 1: Dog days are over
Chapter 2: Coffee Talk
Chapter 3: Rise and shine
Chapter 4: What kind of man
Chapter 5: Partners
Chapter 6: In four words
Bonus Scene (Chapter 6.5)
Chapter 7: Tell lies day
Chapter 8: Only if for a night
Chapter 9: Various Storms & Saints
Chapter 10: Where did the party go?
Chapter 11: Last Damn night
Chapter 12: Tear in my heart
Chapter 13: House of Memories
Chapter 14: The Anchor
Chapter 15: Feel again
Chapter 16: Alone together
Chapter 17: Interruptions
Chapter 18: Build god, then we'll talk
Chapter 19: Send them off
Chapter 20: Something just like this
Chapter 21: Feel so close
Chapter 23: Liability
Chapter 24: Count on me
Chapter 25: Unsolicited advice
Chapter 26: Cosmic Love
Chapter 27: Things We Lost In The Fire
Chapter 28: The Kids Aren't Alright
Chapter 29: Over My Head
Chapter 30: Don't You Know Who I think I am?
Chapter 31: The Judge
Chapter 32: Trouble Is A Friend
Chapter 33: Cold, Cold, Cold
Chapter 34: Wherever I go
Chapter 35: Smile
Chapter 36: Love Is Mystical
Chapter 37: I Write Sins Not Tragedies
Chapter 38: Do I Wanna Know?
Chapter 39: 20 Dollar nose bleed
Chapter 40: Bottled Affection
Chapter 41: Dream
Chapter 42: You get what you give
Chapter 43: Dancing's not a crime
Epilogue: Miracle mile

Chapter 22: Somebody told me

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I like to think that I'm a pretty understanding and patient human being. But there's always that one customer who seems like they came just to annoy the hell out of you.

"So, I'm like, very confused." The petite girl who looks to be about my age tilts her head and scrunches her nose. Her dark auburn hair that's up in a bun also tilts in a funny angle and I try not to laugh. "This is not a temporary Starbucks?"

"No, they are currently closed and are renovating from what I heard. Though we are a coffee shop. Only difference is the name." I try to joke as I point to the sign behind me, yet all I recieve in response is a blank stare.

Wow, tough crowd.

"Where is the nearest Starbucks then? No offense, but I don't trust y'all to get my order right. I'm very picky about how my coffee is made." She adds with a sense of superiority about her and taps her deep blue manicured nails on the wooden counter. It kind of reminds me of how Alex acted when he first came here, but I like to think he wasn't that bad.

I fight the urge to tell her to stop being so concieted since she can't seem to recognize the difference between Starbucks and another coffee establishment. I also want to scream that I am not a human GPS system, but I reel it in. She seems the type to complain about someone who would dare question her and I don't need to add unecessary work drama in my life.

"I can assure you that we will attempt our best." I would be the one making it, but I have actually started getting better after practicing with Ann.

"Hmm. It should be illegal for y'all to try and pass as a Starbucks. Pretty sure that's like, copyright infringement or something."

That's it. I can not deal with this customer anymore. I should have made Stephen practice with the register instead but he's on his fifteen minute break.

"We have never tried to pass off as a Starbucks. I believe you got confused and ended up here. I don't know, but the point is, are you going to order something or not?" I started it calmly but towards the end it started to sound like a ramble.

"Did you just call me dumb? This coming from a fucking minimum wage cashier." She scoffs then turns and marches out the front door with her heeled leather boots clacking against the white tiled floor.

"I'm more of a barista really." I mumble under my breath. If you're going to insult me, do it right damn it.

I'm glad there's no customers inside, or else I would have had some unwanted attention. Everyone who has came in had gotten their order to go. Not to mention the fact that it's noon now, so I'm sure people are opting to go to lunch instead.

Now that I'm free from annoying customer lady, I guess I can just chill for awhile.

I reach for my bag to retrieve my phone charger to charge my dying phone and to play Piano Tiles when I hear several murmering voices enter.

All well, beating my highest score will have to wait.

The first thing that catches my eye is the vibrant and flowing light purple hair. It should have been Alex, but Skylar's amazing hair demands attention.

Alex, Skylar, and Jax look in different directions until I wave my hand for them to see I'm behind the counter. After they spot me, I quickly make my way to them.

"Did you miss me?" Alex gives me a contagious smile then pulls me in for a hug and I melt.

"I just saw you this morning, crazy." I laugh. Though, I always miss him when he's not around.

"Let us say hi to Amelia first! We haven't seen her in forever!" Skylar hits his shoulder and he surrenders me, only for her to attack me in a bear hug. "I'm so happy you and Alex are finally together!"

She sounds as excited as Ann did through text message after I sent her a quick response. She had been relentless to recieve an update after sending me thirty messages.

"Same here. I'm glad you're giving my bonehead brother a chance." Jax teases him and gives me a high five after a side hug.

"You think you're so funny, don't you little brother? I'm not going to give you a ride back if you keep it up." Alex playfully threatens.

"Anyway, we brought you food." Skylar rolls her eyes at their foolishness. "They are two barbacoa tacos." She hands me a plastic bag with a white to-go box inside.

"Aww, thank you. They are my favorite and I'm about to take a break to eat. Perfect timing."

"I actually finished what I was doing early and invited Jax and Skylar out to eat. Of course being an amazing boyfriend, I remembered your favorite food and wanted to surprise you with lunch." Alex throws out a smug smile. "Well, besides jelly beans."

"This was actually thoughtful. I will now expect this everyday. No pressure." I poke fun which causes Jax and Sky to burst out in laughter.

We all wait for Alex to come up with one of his typical witty comebacks, but I notice that he's not paying any attention to us anymore. His demeanor has changed and he's focused on something behind me.

I turn to investigate what he's scrutinizing and realize that things are about to go downhill pretty quick.

Is Stephen's plan in life to ruin mine? I haven't told Alex about his working here since it wasn't even on my mind. Fuck. He's walking in our direction instead of getting his ass back in the lounge like I'm mentally screaming for him to do.

Just a few seconds pass before Jax and Skylar figure out the mood shift and are clued in when they see who's the other person who has suddenly appeared.

"Nice to see you guys again." Stephen gives everyone a complacement grin, but stares longer at Alex.

"What is this assface doing here?" Alex presumably asks me but doesn't take his eyes off Stephen. His arms are crossed over his chest and returns the glare. I don't think I've ever seen Alex appear this confrontational since the last time he punched him at the frat party.

I'm about to explain when life ruiner interrupts.

"Amelia, it looks like your friend here isn't so nice. You didn't tell him that we work together now? It's interesting that you kept that information private." Stephen finishes with a condescending tutting sound.

"I'm actually her boyfriend and why the hell would I be nice to you? Your just an asshole."

"Boyfriend? Huh, that's funny. We'll see how long that lasts. The rumors around campus are that you're a man whore. You will probably just end up hurting and dumping Amelia when you find the next piece of ass."

I inwardly flinch when those accusations leave his mouth because I do remember hearing that. In fact, it was Ann who was the one who told me.

Alex immediately lunges for Stephen, but Jax steps in between them and holds him back before he can do anything.

I decide to push aside unpleasant thoughts and focus on the current hostile atmosphere and how to break it.

"Shut up Stephen. You're not one to talk." I remind him exasperated. "The only reason I agreed to you working here is because I felt bad about your financial situation. I thought you were sorry and maybe changed a little. I was obviously wrong."

"I-" Stephen starts but I hold up my hand to stop him from continuing.

"You can go back to the break room or leave. Pick one and go away." I don't need him here trying to destroy my two day old relationship.

Stephen looks back and forth between Alex and I before scoffing and departing into the lounge.

"That was interesting. All I needed was popcorn." Skylar says breaking the silence.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you, I wasn't hiding it or anything. He just started working here yesturday. He had apologized about his previous behavior, but it seems like he's still acting the same." I sigh.

I should have known better, but I wanted to be nice and help out someone who needed assistance. Of course that decision just came back to fuck up things.

"You can let me go Jax." Alex informs his little brother and he listens after a brief moment of hesitation. "I really don't like that douchebag working with you. If he ever says anything inappropriate or lays a hand on you, I will kill him."

"We should go before Alex finds that dude and hurts him." Sky suggests and Jax nods his head in agreement.

"I'm not leaving you here with him all alone. I thought you said you were going to work by yourself?"

"Ben apparently told him to come in today. I'll be fine Alex. I promise, scout's honor."

I see him lossen up a bit and he tries to bite his cheek to not smile. He's probably remembering the conversation we had at the park yesturday.

"You were never a girl scout Jenny."

"Shh, you're ruining my credibility with them." I point at the couple watching us.

"You guys are so adorable." Skylar gushes.

"I still don't want to leave you here." Alex adds looking at the surroundings and runs his hands through his hair in thought.

"What are you going to do? Stay here all day?" It's supposed to be a rhetorical question but it seems like he might actually be considering it.

"You only have two hours left to work, I can just stay and-"

"No Alex, don't even think about it. I will survive two hours. It will be over before I know it." I try putting his mind at ease because if he stays here, there will be a fight between him and life ruiner.

"I would really rather-"

"Jax, can you please take your brother?" I switch to Jax because Alex is not budging on this issue.

"Will do." Jax laughs and starts dragging his brother towards the exit. "Come on, before you cause any more trouble."

"Fine." Alex exhales but dodges Jax to come and embrace me. I hug him back and hope that he doesn't waste his time worrying about me at work. "Call me if you need anything. For example, if that jackass crosses a line, I will take care of him."

"There's no need for that. See you later." I lay a quick kiss on his lips then say my goodbyes to Sky and Jax. "Thanks for bringing me these delicious tacos that I'm about to devour."

"We need to hang out more! I love Jax, but I need girl talk sometimes." Skylar mentions as they leave.

"Okay." I chuckle and wave.

Once they are gone, I take my food into the break room and see Stephen sitting at the round kitchen table lost in thought.

"Can you take care of the front while I eat lunch?" Irritation with having to even deal with him is obvious in my tone.

He seems caught off guard then nods his head. "Yeah, no problem." He's almost out the door when he stops to face me again. "I'm sorry for what I said, but you need to know the truth. When you first met him, didn't you hear gossip about him? He just uses women and plays with their feelings. I truly don't want you to get hurt. I'm sorry I acted like a total jerk, but I was just warning you."

"Stephen, I don't need you interfering in my life. We are not friends. First of all, a friend would tell me privately what they thought instead of insulting Alex and our relationship. Secondly, stay out of business that is not yours. Oh, and stop doing things you know you are going to have to apologize for later. Saying sorry is not a get out of jail free card. It doesn't fix everything."

"You're right, but don't say that I didn't forewarn you. I know you just said that you don't see me as a friend, but to me you are." He tells me before leaving.

It's kind of hilarious how he always says he wants to be friends, but then does something stupid.

I open the box of tacos and grab a cold Sprite from the fridge before sitting. Looking down at the lunch Alex brought me, I can't imagine him being the person rumors have made him out to be. I've even thought about this before and didn't believe them.

But now, I can't stop thinking about whether or not they are true. I haven't asked him about it. How would I?

Hey Alex, is the speculation true that you're a player?

Uncertainity threatens to take over my mind, but deep inside I know that it's not the truth. But then why would others think that about him?

Shit, Stephen planted a seed of doubt and now it's growing.

Gossip starts somewhere and now I won't be able to move past it once I know the truth.

Hopefully I won't be disappointed.

A/N: Gif below is how I think we all feel about Stephen at the moment..... How dare he try to hurt #Amex?

On another note, thank you so much to getting this story to over 5k reads and #89 in Chicklit! Your support really helps and I can't thank you enough, so here's a hug! I also updated this part a day early to celebrate, the next chapter will be posted on next Saturday (regular schedule). Have a great weekend! 🎉😘

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