Best Friends with the Player

By RealityCheck101

16.1M 276K 122K

Kimberly Taylor was a quiet, shy girl with no friends growing up, until Kindergarten when Asher Knight change... More

Chapter 1- Best Friends with the Player
Chapter 2- Little Bit of Love
Chapter 3- Bad Ass Friends
Chapter 4- Asher's Day of Torture
Chapter 5- Party
Chapter 6- Regrets
Chapter 7- All For Me
Chapter 8- Awkward Movie Time
Chapter 9- It's A Date
Chapter 10- Surprisingly Sorry
Chapter 11- Silver Lining
Chapter 12- Mumbling Truths
Chapter 13- Thrill Ride
Chapter 14- Moral Change
Chapter 15- Family Matters
Chapter 16- Family Gathering
Chapter 17- A Change For Better or Worse
Chapter 18- Love Can Change You
Chapter 20- What's Said Is Never Promised
Chapter 21- Everyone Has A Breaking Point
Chapter 22- We All Have Secrets
Chapter 23- Secrets Are Secrets For A Reason
Chapter 24- Riptide
Chapter 25- Hold Nothing Back
Chapter 26- Athazagoraphobia
Chapter 27- Let's Be Normal
Chapter 28- Golden Moments
Chapter 29- Snow Day
Chapter 30- Holiday Plans
Chapter 31- Everything I Didn't Say
Chapter 32- Morning Suprises
Chapter 33- Christmas Love
Chapter 34- The Love That Must Go On
Chapter 35- Thinking Out Loud
Chapter 36- A Leopard Changes its Spots
Chapter 37- The Knight's Version of Family Game Night
Chapter 38- One Last Time
Chapter 39- Come Together
Chapter 40- Graduation
Chapter 41- Epilogue

Chapter 19- Love Actually

326K 5.8K 2.5K
By RealityCheck101

Chapter 19 - Love Actually


Kim's POV



Spencer brought me home after school. I invited him in just like I had done every other day this week. It was weird reminding myself to invite him in. With Asher there was never an invite, he invited himself to stay because he knew I never minded. You may think that's annoying or rude, but I guess at one point I just stopped telling him to come in because he always stayed.

We sat in my living room, surrounding the coffee table with our homework and text books. He tried teaching me a little bit of physics, and I quizzed him on test material for our upcoming History test tomorrow. I wouldn't have minded to bring him up to my room, but ever since last weekend I washed my sheets and comforter due to Asher I still haven't put it down correctly. My room just felt like a mess.

"If X is displacement then Vx is velocity in the horizontal motion, so I'd need to look for t for time?" I answer, slightly uncertain but it could only be that answer.

"Close, in this equation X is actually distance. Y is the displacement for vertical projectile motion. Remember that inside I taught you? Blimp view is horizontal and pirate's view is vertical."

"Right, right I remember now. I knew it could've been one of the two." Damn physics, damn physics all the way to hell. "Now you tell me Dove vs Hawk whom are whom?" I ask, switching it up with the history question.

"Doves oppose war and hawk are all for it and should use stronger military forces. Come on, you've got to give me more challenging questions than that." He chuckles, scribbling something down on his notebook.

"Fine, prepare to be challenged." I scoffed flipping through my history notebook to find more in depth questions.

"Do this problem." He orders, turning his physics notebook toward me. I take a deep breath, looking over the question carefully. In the matter of three seconds I was about to give up because all I see is a grid and a diagonal line from the corner and out. "Hey look, it's snowing." Spencer mentions, a small grin on his lips as he looks out the grand window. 

"It is." I awed, walking up to the window. Little white flurries fell from the sky and it brought me some happiness. I love the snow, it's a beautiful time of the year and it just reminded me that Christmas is getting closer which meant holiday break, presents, Christmas movies, blankets and hot coco! "Want me to make some hot coco?" I offer, crossing my arms over my chest as I slowly walked in the direction of the kitchen.

"Sure, that sounds great. Gives you some time to think about the problem I gave you, which you're avoiding to answer." Spence chuckles, following me into the kitchen.

"It'll come back to me!" I defend, all lies though, I doubt I'll figure it out. I grab milk out of the fridge and a small pot. I estimate two cups and turn on the fire to heat up the milk. I point out the cabinet with the mugs for Spencer so he can take two out, and reach to the top to get the coco powder. "Did you start that new essay prompt for Mr. Bass yet?" I ask, cris crossing my legs over and over again as I sat on top of the counter.

He shook his head, leaning over me with one hand on each side of my body. A slight grin formed on my lips when I realized that, "I don't think I have enough detail to write six different occurrences."

"I only came up with four. I quickly wrote them out. So I have four body paragraphs so far, but I need two more and an intro and conclusion paragraph." I mention to him, feeling anxious every time I looked at his hazel green eyes.

"You are the cutest, determined nerd ever." He chuckles, "He just gave us that prompt on Monday. I bet you most people didn't even look at it yet."

"I like to get things done so I'm not rushing to finish it." I explain to him. I got extreme anxiety when I have to do something the night before it's due. I'll panic for at least an hour, start it, procrastinate, and have writers block and that's the worst time to forget what you're writing about.

"Has Asher come around asking you to help him with that yet?" Spence chuckles, looking over to the pot of milk simmering.

"He probably will eventually." I snicker, rolling my eyes. "I doubt he even knows there's a history test tomorrow."

"You guys don't study together?" Spencer questions, grabbing the pot off the stove and pouring in into the two mugs evenly.

"I mean... we kind of do. I don't know. Asher gets distracted easily and fools around a lot. He's good in math and physics, and he absorbs the information we learn in history pretty well. Like sometimes I'll forget an important date or the name of somebody and he'll know it off the top of his head. And he doesn't write down notes!"

"That's pretty impressive." Spence mumbles, nodding his head. I grab him a spoon so he can pour some powder and mix it with the milk. "How long have you two known each other? You guys are pretty close. Like when he was here with your family for Thanksgiving." He remembers, handing me my mug.

"Eleven years." I tell him, nodding my head. I hop off the counter and grab the mug from his hands, pecking his lips as a form of thank you.

"Wow, I didn't think it was that long." He chuckles, his hand rubs my shoulder as we walk back to the living room and sit down cross legged on the couch.

"Asher, Tyler King and I were all in the same kindergarten class. Tyler was picking on me, nothing unusual, and Asher actually came over and told Tyler to back away and then asked if I wanted to play with him. After that day we've been great friends." I reminisced.

"That seems almost cliché." He chuckles.

"It's cute! A six year old stuck up for me, most six year olds are annoying brats." I defend, taking a small sip of my hot drink. "What about you? Have you known anyone for that long?" I ask, leaning my head on the sofa pillow.

His face showed he was taking a moment to think about it as he sipped his drink, "No not as long as that. One of my best friends I've known for five years. I knew my neighbor my whole life until I moved but he was some sixty year old man. My last girlfriend back in Miami I've known her for six years give or take." He tells me, thinking about it.

"What was she like?" I wondered. I never knew of any of Spencer's girlfriends. Other than Holly Patterson whom he dated for the last semester of sophomore year. That last semester or sophomore year literally broke my heart. Every time I saw them together I was devastated.

"Her name was Madison Daniels. We went out for about two years. Then I moved and we broke up. Are we going to talk about our exes now?" He chuckles, taking another sip of his hot coco.

"I'm just curious." I mumble into my mug before I take a sip.

"Now you tell me about your last ex." Spencer challenges.

I could feel my cheeks heat up not because of the warmth of my beverage, but at his demand that I felt embarrassed to admit. "I never really had a boyfriend before." I mutter softly, looking away shyly.

Spencer's mouth opened slightly, a look of doubt on his face, "A girl like you? Come on, I'm sure you've had a boyfriend or someone that was almost your boyfriend." He tries. It's like he was trying to get me to tell him that Asher was almost my boyfriend but there was no way I'd divulge that secret. I'd take that to my grave.

"Well I've been on dates before, but I wasn't really looking to date someone." I say truthfully, shrugging my shoulder.

"What changed your mind about me?" He asked coolly.

UGH, another secret I didn't want to let out of the bag. You know, the one that says 'I've had a secret crush on Spencer Grey since freshman year.' Yeah, that one. But it was the only thing that'd make sense. "Because I had a crush on you since freshman year." I said between my teeth. My whole face must have turned red when I told him. I've told him more secrets than I've told Asher and I've known Asher for practically my whole life.

"Don't be embarrassed that's attractive." He admits, grabbing my hand that covered my eyes. His face had a huge smile spread across as he tried to assure me that it was nothing to be ashamed about. "Now I wish I had met you sooner and asked you out." He whispers, his lips drawing in before placing them over mine.

"Stop trying to sweet talk me." I giggle, kissing him again as my hands found themselves weaving though that back of his hair.

I can feel a smile on his lips against mine before he pulls away and whispers, "Don't spill your hot chocolate on me." He snickers, looking down to see how tilted our cups must be.

"Don't spill it all over my white sweater." I chuckle, sitting back in my spot and looking back to him. I covered my face again with my hands and laughed, "I can't believe I just told you all that." He laughed too, shaking his head. "Now it's your turn. I told you how I met Ash, now you tell me your past love story with Madison." Slightly past topic, but I was curious. Sue me.

"Ugh, you're going to tell me its so cliché, really," he chucklesrubbing the back of his neck and looking uncomfortable.

"Well I just told you two secrets about me that I'd thought I'd never say to you-"

"So now you want to make me uncomfortable, I see." He realizes, shaking his head.

"Precisely." I grin, nodding my head.

"You're just trying to avoid physics work." He also realizes. "I'm not leaving until you know all that." He promises as well.

"Fine I'll do it right after you tell me the story. Besides, you never talk about your life in Miami." I negotiate, cuddling closer into the couch.

He sighs, giving in and making himself comfortable too, "Well," he smiled chuckling, "My mom, she owned this bakery in Miami and I use to go there once and a while and help out. Baking, decorating, even though I sucked, but mostly behind the counter. And Madison, Maddi, she used to come in with her little brother every Friday after school and buy him cookies. And by the third time I noticed it and I would already in advance take out the Cookie Monster chocolate chip cookie and pack it away so when they came it was already out for them. So every Friday I chatted with her. Small talk here and there, and finally I noticed she was the same girl that sat behind me in science class. The same girl that would always screw up the science experiments," he laughs shaking his head. His story was so cute. I wish our experience was like this.

"Well go on," I nudge him smiling.

He smiles back continuing, "So one day I partnered up with her to do this simple experiment. She was so happy that she got an A and didn't screw up the experiment. About like, a month later, after we got to know each other a little bit I thought it was time to ask her out. So being the cool fourteen year old I was, I went to the bakery one Friday and baked an extra special cookie. On it in purple frosting, her favorite color, I wrote 'Will you go out with me?' I put it in the bag with the Cookie Monster cookie without her knowing and when her brother looked in the bag he gave her the cookie. I stood in the back watching her and she said yes. We dated from the summer into our eighth grade year to the summer of high school. Just when the school year was about to start my mom made me move up here and I haven't seen her since."

I smiled, awing to him at him little love story. That was the cutest love story in the world. I wish our love story was just as cute. Besides him talking to me on September 30th at 1:47 PM and then him talking to me on the bleachers. I wouldn't take back that day though, trust me! I waited years for that day!

"Well now that I know you can bake I'm going to be looking forward to something delicious made by you!" I says, taking a bigger sip of my hot coco now that it wasn't scorching hot.

"I said I was a sucky baker." He reminded me. Taking about baking reminded me that I needed to bake those brownies for Asher before he came back from practice. I quickly looked at the clock and figured I had about an hour before he showed up.

"Shall we get back to physics and history?" Spence reminds me, tossing me his physics notebook so I'd do the problem. I was torn now between studying with my boyfriend, which I desperately needed, or baking for Asher. 

"Help me do out the problem step by step again." I say to him, sitting closer by him and grabbing the pen that was hooked with the rings of the notebook.

He helped me through it, making it simple enough for me to understand it. By the time we had finished the problem together I think I got a better understanding of it. It was pretty easy the way he taught me verse the way Mrs. Clemens taught us.

I felt a phone vibrate on the couch and when I found mine, hoping it wasn't Asher saying he was on his way, I found that it wasn't even my phone that buzzed in the first place. "Hey I think that was your phone vibrating." I mention to Spencer as he writes down another problem for me to tackle on my own.

He taps around for it reading the lit screen, which was actually a phone call. He quickly denies it, and flicks it back to the empty space next to him, "Was that your mom calling you to come home already?" I asked him curiously. His mom usually didn't start calling until five. It was nowhere near five yet. 

"Nah, the person can wait. You have my full attention." He smirks, handing me back his notebook to do the problem. I smile, feeling a blush on my cheeks. Spencer knew exactly how to make me blush, what to say to make me laugh, or knew what was making me sad. I never knew another guy could do that to me, and yes, it made me feel special and I knew he was a great guy from the beginning.




*For those of you who don't know (high school ranking)*:

Freshman year = first year (9th grade)

Sophomore year = second year (10th grade)

Junior Year = third year (11th grade)

Senior year = 4th and final year (12th grade)


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