Mark of a Dragon Rider.

By Spillover1173

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(Cover is thanks to @Potato__Writer) Long ago Dragon Riders were viewed as heroes and it was an honor to be a... More

Chapter 1 *edited*
Chapter 2 *edited*
Chapter 4 *edited*
Chapter 5 *edited*
Chapter 6 *edited*
Chapter 7 *edited*
Chapter 8 *edited*
Chapter 9 *edited*
Chapter 10 *edited*
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 3 *edited*

516 24 2
By Spillover1173

The last thing I hear is someone whispering 'Goodnight Luna' and then I am asleep and dreaming of having my own dragon.

I wake up in the morning and feel my wrist tingling. When I look down I see a mark has appeared on my arm (cover). I jump up and run into Zeke's room where I then jump on him to wake him up. He looks at me and smiles.

"Zeke look at my arm!" I said. I show him my mark with pride. He holds up his right wrist and we compare our mark's. His dragon on his mark is laying down and shooting fire out of it's mouth where mine looks to be flying.

"Luna you know we should go to your room and wait for your egg to appear." He said. I jump up and dart right into my room. I run over to the nest and start putting fresh bedding in and making it as comfy as I can.

"Do you have a name picked out yet?" Zeke asked me. "Yeah I was thinking Lula. I came up with it so I am picking what it means. I think I will decide on the meaning once I meet Lula." I said. Zeke nods. 

"So did Zen come in last night?" I asked him. He turn's and looks at me like I am crazy. "You didn't see him in his nest while he was in my room?!" He said. "Well I may have been thinking about something else." I said looking at my mark.

He laughs. "Yeah these halls are all built high enough that dragon's can easily come and go as they please." Zeke said still laughing. I glare at him until I have a funny feeling come from my chest and then suddenly there is a black egg on my lap and it has little white dots. 

My egg look's like the night sky. Only with about six stars all together. "I know what Lula mean's now." I said suddenly. Zeke looks at me "Well what does it mean. You can't just say that and then not say what it means!" He all but yelled.

I laugh "Lula mean's midnight blaze to me. That is going to suit her perfect I think." I said in a voice that left no room for argument. Well how am I going to tell my adoptive parent's? I know they said that if I did have the mark appear they would help to hide me which I am fine about and they are willing to hide Zeke to so I think when Lula hatches we will go tell them.

"Zeke when Lula hatches I am going to take her back to my parents so we can tell them what happened." I said. Zeke nods and then goes back into his room. So I start talking to Lula. "Your name is Lula. It mean's midnight blaze. I hope you like your name. If you don't we can always change it but if you do we can keep it." I said.

I sit there with her for two more hour's until I finally I see the egg rock back and forth. She's hatching! Then suddenly the egg splits in two! A very beautiful dragnet come out. She looks the same as her egg only her eyes are like mine. Blue and seem to look into your soul.

"I picked out your name." I said. I hear a laugh in my head and look at her. "I know. I could here everything that was on the other side of my egg shell. I love my name." she said. "That's good. So can you tell me how to talk to you inside our minds?" I ask her out loud. "It is easy. All you have to do is think about talking into my mind and you will do it. But once you do I will be able to hear all of your thought's and you will be able to hear all of mine. But you can block them." She told me.

I did as she asked. "Can you hear me?" I ask her. She nods her head. "It seems you are already blocking out my thought's as well as your own from me. That is good. Now let's go meet your adoptive parents." She says.

I start walking and I feel something thump and land on my back. Then it crawls onto my shoulder. I look over to see Lula. I laugh and shake my head. "Let's go get the boy's." I said. She nods her head yes and I walk us over to them.

When I walk into the room Zeke is wrestling with a dragon the size of a horse. The dragon is pure white but seems to have hues of blue here and there. At our entrance Zeke get's distracted and the dragon pins him to the ground. I start laughing my head off the same time Lula does. 

"Haha now can you please help me? Zen says that he won't get off of me until I tell him who locked me up and I don't think I want to tell him that little bit of information." Zeke says. I sigh. "Zen it was me but in my defense he broke into my house and then held me at sword point." I said.

Zeke looks at me and then he suddenly yells "Zen you know I can't say that to her! ... Zen says he sees your point and that he isn't mad but if you do it again he won't hesitate to roast you. Which he can't yet. I don't think dragon's get there fire until they are 3 month's old." Zeke says.

Lula is still laughing. It seems that Zen told her something. "Well I am heading out to see my parent's. Anyone want to come with?" I asked them. Lula of course is coming but then I see Zen stick his arm in the air and grab Zeke by the back of his shirt like a kitten.

I stifle a laugh when I hear Zeke start saying how he has legs and can walk but Zen still won't put him down. "Luna I am so doing that to you when I can." Lula said. I look at her. "You better not." I said.

I can almost see Lula rolling her eyes. I have reached the door and I open it. We walk out and then I close it behind us. We then start our ten-minute hike into the woods and then to my meadow.

After five minutes of silence I say "Zen I need you to stay hidden okay. Will you also keep Zeke hidden. I don't trust him as much as I do you Zen." I said. Zen nods his head yes. Zeke only sighs and crosses his arms. 

Zen then starts swaying his head around big tossing Zeke all around. "Zen I don't think Zeke likes that very much. Can you please put him down?" I ask as sweetly as I can. Zen nods and set's Zeke on the ground. They are still hiding in the woods.

When we reach the meadow I walk up to the house and knock on the back door. Lula is hidden in a bush next to the door. When my father open's the door and I show him my mark he says something I will never forget.


Word Count: 1279

Hope it was a good chapter. So as always please COMMENT and vote if you would like to. If you see any king of grammar or spelling mistake please notify me. I am terrible at spelling.

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