Fast Lane - Stoffel Vandoorne

By pasfeatvic

7.2K 354 72

Things happen for a reason, that's all I know. More



1K 42 6
By pasfeatvic

I can't even look away. My eyes are fixed on it happening in front of me. It's like I'm frozen on my spot, frozen from moving. My eyes are wide, mouth fallen open.

"Dyl?" is all that comes out. They both freeze, Dylan slowly moving his head up to look at me.

"Makenna? What are you doing here?" and that is exactly what he shouldn't have asked. I just stare at him, feeling myself getting angry and very upset. I trusted him, he was the last person I trusted.

"I don't understand" I whisper, ignoring all the other things I'm saying in my head. Dylan chuckles slightly, glancing at the naked girl under him. She's blushing, but not shocked about me being here.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I kind of got bored, so I searched for some entertainment" Dylan says, making my eyes widen even more, if that's even possible. I ignore the girl and grab a bag, putting my stuff in there. It isn't much, as I didn't live with him.

"I thought you were different"

"You thought" is Dylan's answer. I just walk away, tears already rolling down my cheeks. I run outside of his apartment, seeing the dark clouds hanging over Monaco.

I'm not even really crying, tears just roll down, while I walk through the busy streets of Monaco. Not one person asks me if I'm alright, but I'm used to it.

I sit down on a bench, my legs feeling tired. For some reason, I'm not even going back to my own apartment, not wanting to be home. There are pictures of him in there. I don't want to be reminded.

When it starts to rain, I lose it. I let out a loud sob, now really crying. And to think that I thought my life finally got better.

Stoffel's POV

I sigh heavily, feeling my muscles hurting. I've been running through Monaco, it not being very warm today. It was the perfect weather for some training, but the rain kind of screwed that up.

I don't mind the rain that much, so I just keep on walking towards my apartment building. I've had enough of running for today.

I walk past my favorite thinking place, when I see a girl sitting on the bench. She's just sitting there, a bag next to her, her hair soaking wet, just as her clothes. When I get closer, I see her eyes being red, very red. She's just staring into the distance, not seeming to notice anything around her.

I walk over to her, kneeling down in front of her. She just looks past me, not reacting to me being there. I place my hand on hers, frowning at how cold her hand is.

"Hi" I say. She doesn't react, not in a single way.

"Are you okay? Do I need to take you home?" Still, no reaction. I frown, not really knowing what to do. The rain keeps pouring, getting heavier as well. I sigh, trying once more for a reaction.

"I'm going to lift you up, okay?" when she doesn't respond, I put one arm under her legs and the other one on her back, lifting her up from the bench. The bag in her lap stays, luckily.

I just start walking towards my apartment. She's shaking, ice cold, but still not saying anything. I immediately start to wonder what might have happened to her, what made her get in this state. My heart aches for her, seeing her like this.

I arrive at my apartment, the girl still in my arms, her eyes fixed on nothing. I take her to the bathroom, sitting her down against the bath tub. I take a deep breath, hoping to get some sort of reaction from her.

"My name is Stoffel, Stoffel Vandoorne. You are ice cold, but I think you know that. This might sound very creepy right now, but I need you to get out of your wet clothes. I'll give you some clothes of mine to put on. I wouldn't mind changing you, but I'm not sure if you'd want me too, so I need you to do it yourself, okay? You don't have to say anything, but please nod if you understand" I try. Her eyes are on the floor, so I can't see if she even notices anything. But finally, she nods very slowly and barely noticeable, but I noticed. A small smile of victory appears on my face.

I stand up and want to walk away, but an ice cold hand is soon on my wrist. I look down and see her eyes on me. They're blown wide in panic, her lips slightly parted. She doesn't say anything, she just holds my wrist and looks at me with her wide eyes. I hope that I understand her, otherwise the thing I'm going to say is going to sound weird.

"I'm not leaving you alone. I'm just going to grab some clothes for you to wear" I say softly. Her eyes go back to normal and she nods slowly, letting go off my wrist. I give her a small smile, my heart beating faster as I notice that this was the first time she actually looked at me.

I walk into my bedroom, quickly grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a sweater. Halfway through walking back, I think about how soaked she is. It must've gone through her clothes, to her underwair. I blush at my own thoughts, but I just grab a pair of boxers, just in case.

I walk back into the bathroom and her eyes are looking up. I'm actually surprised that she isn't freaking out about being in my house. I'm a stranger, but she seems to be okay with it. I place the clothes next to her on the floor, but her eyes stay on me.

"I'm going to leave you to change, just knock on the door or something when you're done, so you don't have to talk if you don't want too" she nods. When I want to walk away, she once again grabs my wrist. Her eyes move to the boxer on top of the clothes and I feel myself blushing again.

"To warm up properly, you can't be in any wet clothes, so I thought you could just wear that. If that's weird, just leave it, but I want you to not be cold anymore" she nods again, letting go of my wrist. My skin is tingling where her hand was, but I just ignore that. I softly close the bathroom door and take a step back. I lean against the wall across from the bathroom, waiting for her. I don't want to walk away, just in case something happens or when she needs me.

For a strange reason, I just want to take care of her. I want her to be okay, no matter what it takes and these thoughts scare me slightly. I don't even know the girl, but here she is, in my bathroom, changing into my clothes.

The door slowly opens and she's standing there, wearing my clothes. Her eyes are on the ground, she's still shaking. I take a step closer to her and grab her hand, making her look up at me. I give her a smile, but she just stares at me.

I take her towards the livingroom. She sits down on the couch. I grab a blanket from beside the couch, laying it over her lap.

"I'm going to make you some soup. Is chicken soup okay?" I ask her. She nods, still not saying anything. I'm okay with that, as long as she replies in some sort of way. I put some chicken soup on the stove, making it heat up. In the meantime, I walk back to the bathroom, seeing her wet clothes on the floor. I blush as I see her underwair laying there as well.

I grab everything and put it in the dryer. I spot her phone next to the sink, lighting up with an incoming call. The name Dylan shows on her screen. What if it's her brother, or a good friend of her? I would want to know where she is. But it's her phone, so I just ignore it.

I take her phone to her. She's sitting on the couch, just staring into distance. I place the phone next to her on the couch, her eyes moving to it.

"Someone named Dylan called" and that's when she seems to unfreeze. Her eyes fill with tears, before she lets out a sob. Within a few seconds, she crying, hard. I quickly sit down next to her and pull her into me. Her fists grab ahold of my shirt, as she presses her face against my chest, crying her eyes out. I just hold her, rubbing circles over her back. She's shaking again, but this time from crying, not from being cold.

After a few minutes, her cries die down, she's just shaking now. My shirt is now wet, but I don't care. She keeps on holding me, so I keep on holding her. Whoever this Dylan is hurt her really badly and I immediately hate him for it.

"I'm sorry" it's the first time I'm hearing her voice. Shivers run up and down my spine from hearing it, her voice is beautiful.

"It's okay" I answer, moving my hand up and down her back. She sighs, finally relaxing a bit in my arms.

"How about that soup, now?" I ask her, making her nod. She lets go of my shirt, looking at the tear marks on my shirt. I smile at her, standing up. I put the now hot soup in a bowl and grab a spoon for her.

I put it in front of her on the table. She looks up at me and gives me the tiniest smile. It's something, it's progress, so I smile back at her. I grab the TV remote and turn it on, putting it on Comedy Central.

She starts eating the soup slowly, as we just watch some TV. She puts the bowl down once she's done eating and looks at me.

"Thank you" her voice is small, fragile.

"No problem. Are you getting warmer?" she nods, giving me another tiny smile.

"Just let me know when I should take you home, okay?" her eyes widen slightly, panic getting back in her eyes. It makes my eyes widen as well, not wanting her to panic.

"Or not! You can stay here if you want too" I quickly say, making her blush.

"I don't want to bother you" she says, looking up at me. I notice how beautiful her eyes are. A beautiful green colour, a little bit of grey through it. They're a bit dull now, because of her crying, but I can imagine how they light up when she's happy.

"You're not bothering me. I don't want you to be alone. I have a spare bedroom, so I don't mind if you do want to stay here" I answer her. She nods slowly, a small smile on her face.

"I just don't want to be alone, so thank you" she almost whispers the first part. I nod and smile at her.

After watching some TV, I look back over at her. Her eyes are closed, her breahting steady. I smile, standing up and turning the TV off. I lift her up, like I did this afternoon, and take her into the spare bedroom. I lay her down, putting to covers over her. After closing the blinds, I close the door, feeling myself getting tired.

I quickly take off my clothes, laying down in bed myself. When I close my eyes, I can only think about her and I don't know why.

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