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See you calling again
I don't want to pick up, no oh
I been laying in bed
Probably thinking too much
Sorry, I'm not sorry for the times
I don't reply, you know the reason why.

Shouldn't Come Back - Demi Lovato

"So, I'm going to change and go training. I won't be away for too long, about 2 hours, maybe" Stoffel says as we walk back into his apartment. I nod, putting my bag down.

"You can just do whatever you want. I'll put on Netflix on the TV for you. If you want to take a shower, towels are in the cabinet under the sink" Stoffel explains, turning on the TV for me. After that, he just walks to his bedroom to change. I take my bag with me to the spare bedroom, putting it down on the bed. I take out a pair of leggins and an oversized shirt, ready to put that on after my shower.

"I'm going to go. You'll be okay, right?" I turn around to face Stoffel. I nod and smile at him.

"Yes, I will. Good luck" he gives me a wide grin and walks away. A few seconds later, I hear the front door closing and I sigh. I grab a pair of clean underwair as well as my clothes and make my way to the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and grab a towel. I put on some soft music on my phone, ignoring all the messages I have. I take all my clothes off and step under the shower, letting the hot water run over my body. I finally relax a bit, letting all the negative thoughts leave my mind. For now, at least. I let my hair get wet as well, needing to wash it.

I turn around for some shampoo and suddenly realize that I'm not at home, so the only shampoo there is, is Stoffel's. I sigh and blush as I grab his shampoo. I hope he won't think it's weird that I'm using his shampoo.

After washing my body and hair, I get out of the shower, drying myself off. I put on my clothes, before going back to the livingroom. I search for a good TV show and just put it on.

I can't really concentrate on the things happening on the TV, so I decide to check my phone. I need to do it some time, so why not now?

I go to my messages and immediately see a lot from Dylan. I take a deep breath, opening them. Most of them are asking me where I am. I shake my head and want to block his contact, but just then, he calls me. Before I can stop myself, I answer.


"Makenna! Where the fuck are you?" I get a shiver running over my spine, only hearing his voice. I suddenly realize how pissed off I am now, instead of sad.

"None of your business" I answer, surprised by my own confidence.

"You don't get to talk to me like that. Tell me where you are! I will fucking get you, right now"

"I'm not telling you. You're not my boss anymore"

"Don't fuck with me. I'm serious, Makenna"

"So am I. We're done, Dylan. You don't get to fuck with me anymore. I'm done, so done. Bye" I quickly hang up and block his contact. When I see the message that he is indeed blocked, a huge weight is lifted of my shoulders.

I sink into the couch, relaxing and watching some TV. I am able to concentrate on the show, I laugh along when something funny happens.

I hear the front door opening and closing again and footsteps. Stoffel is breathing hard, he must've had a hard time. When I see him, my mouth falls open. My eyes are stuck to his bare chest, as he doesn't seem to realize that I'm here. He is sweating, small drops all over him.

He turns around and his eyes fall on me. They widen.

"O god, I'm so sorry! I forgot you were here" he says and tries to put his shirt back on.

Fast Lane - Stoffel VandoorneWhere stories live. Discover now