Love At First Joke | Sal Vulc...

By mgc_starwarsij

22K 585 43

Cassie was an ordinary 35 year old girl from the UK. She's always wanted to find love, however, has never bee... More


Epilogue: 3 Years Later

847 29 5
By mgc_starwarsij

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition to be mentioned within this chapter. I'm sorry I wasn't able to pick everyone!

The winners were antisocialbasketcase and skullchik89 so congratulations!

Sal's uniform:


Three years had passed. The twins, Anthony and Riley, were now two boisterous toddlers, causing mayhem for their doting parents, Cassie and Sal.

They remember the day their beloved children were born like it was yesterday. Sal was on his last part of the Tenderloins tour, when he got a call from his wife, Cassie. She had gone into labour. Sal rushed home, back to New York, not wanting to miss the birth of his children.

The first time he held his son and daughter in his arms, he knew that his life was complete. Sal didn't realise until that very moment, how much he wanted to be a father - the thought had never crossed his mind. Until he met Cassie that is.

Both Anthony and Riley were growing up fast, their accents a mix of English and Staten Island. They were now three years old and were creating a fun life for their parents.


To celebrate the twins' recent birthday, Sal and Cassie had decided to throw a small gathering with the other jokers and their families. Joe and Bessy, along with Milana, Brian and his girlfriend, and Murr and his fiancée.

It was the morning of the birthday party, Cassie and Sal had already set up the food and decorations before midday. Cassie was busy adding the final touches to the layout, when she heard a laugh come from the adjacent playroom.

"Daddy! Put me down!" Anthony giggled. Sal soon walked into the room where Cassie was stood. On his shoulders were Anthony and Riley in a fireman style lift. Their legs were flailing in the air, as Sal ran around the room. He was laughing just as much as the twins were at this point. He made it over to the sofa, before carefully dropping the twins onto the mound of cushions. He placed his hands on each of their stomachs, before tickling them. The room erupted in a fit of giggles and screams...mostly from Sal.

"Daddy?" Riley asked.

"Yes Ri-Ri." He answered, looking into his daughter's matching emerald eyes.

"You should be a fireman like Uncle Q!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her father's neck and hugging him tightly. Sal let out a chuckle.

"Oh I don't know about that, Sweetheart. He's much braver than me!" Sal laughed, as he lightly kissed Riley's cheek. "Come on you two, time for a nap before the big party!" Sal walked the twins into their bedroom, as they sulked. He soon returned, closing the bedroom door behind him. He strolled up to Cassie and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her. He softly kissed the back of her neck, causing Cassie to turn around, pulling him into a hug.

"Fireman, eh?" She smirked, raising an eyebrow, as she looked up at Sal. He smirked back, kissing her forehead.

"You'd like that?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Cassie giggled, slowly running her hands over his chest and letting out a content sigh.

"I've always had a thing for men in uniform." She smirked. Sal's eyes widened, as he pulled away and ran to grab his phone. "Sal, where are you going?" Cassie laughed.

"Just gonna ask Bri to bring a spare fireman know, so we can-" Sal went on to explain, before Cassie held her hands up to stop him from going into too much detail.

"Okay Sal, the twins are on the other side of that wall." She laughed. Sal shrugged his shoulders, before strolling back over to Cassie and embracing her tightly.

"Eh, they'll understand when they're older." He murmured, gently kissing up and down her neck. They were stopped by a ring of the doorbell. Cassie walked over to the front door and opened it. Joe, Bessy and Milana were stood there, holding presents and balloons.

"Surprise!" Joe called out, letting Milana and Bessy step in before him. Sal and Cassie hugged each of them, before showing them where to leave the presents. Cassie went to get the twins up from their nap. As they sluggishly walked into the living room, their energy sparked, as they went running up to Joe and hugged his legs.

"Uncle Joey!" Anthony called, "I've missed you!"

"Ah, I've missed you too Little Man. You too Riley Bear." He smiled, patting them on the back. Anthony and Riley went to play with Milana in the playroom, whilst the parents sparked up a conversation.

A short while after, there was a knock at the door. Cassie answered. She was greeted by Murr, his wife-to-be - Tyler, and Brian's girlfriend - Courtney. Cassie peered over their shoulders, to see Brian parking his bright red jeep wrangler. He soon joined the party and was welcomed by all of the adults. The children came running out of the playroom, playing what seemed to be a game of cops and robbers.

"Bang! I got you Ant-" Riley shouted, before pausing. She looked around the room, noticing the new faces. She ran up to Brian and giggled. "Uncle Brian! Daddy said he'd make a much better fireman than you." Brian chuckled, turning to face Sal, who had hidden behind Cassie.

"Is that so, Riley? Well you can tell him that at least I'm not scared of cats." He joked. The children went back to playing, while the adults continued their conversation. Brian pulled Sal aside and started to talk to him.

"Did you bring the uniform, Bri?" Sal whispered. Brian nodded, grinning menacingly.

"Yep. So why the sudden need for it?" He teasingly asked, knowing full well why. Sal stuttered, trying to piece together a formidable answer.

"Well, Cassie mentioned that she likes a man in uniform and well, we haven't really, er, since the twins were born." Sal muttered, as he fumbled his hands worryingly. Brian gasped, before pulling Sal into a manly hug.

"Damn bud. That's a long time. Well here you go." He replied, handing Sal a bag filled with the uniform. "Make sure it's clean when you return it, eh?" Brian chuckled. Sal shoved him back, scoffing loudly. Brian went to walk away, before Sal grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

"You think you could have Ant and Ri tonight? You know, if things get a little-" Sal asked. Brian interrupted him by holding his hands up.

"Say no more, bud. I'll bring them back tomorrow afternoon, yeah?" Brian replied.

"Yeah sure. Thanks man, really appreciate it." Sal smiled, soon frowning. "Don't let them bring one of your cats back!" Brian chuckled and shook his head.

"I won't bro. Promise." They re-joined the other adults in the living room.


The party continued, until it was time for everyone to return to their homes. Brian had taken the car seats and had set them up in his car. He and Sal carried the sleeping Anthony and Riley to the car, securing them into their seats. Sal and Cassie both lightly kissed their foreheads, before thanking Brian.

As they walked back into the house, it suddenly became overwhelming how quiet and isolating it was without the twins.

Sal held Cassie's hand and walked her into the bedroom. He made sure she was laying down on the bed, when he stepped out of the room for a few minutes. Cassie was anticipating his return. Sal soon walked into the bedroom. He was dressed in the borrowed fireman uniform and strutted about the room, stopping to jokingly flex every now and then. Cassie giggled loudly. As Sal approached the bed, he sat on the edge of the mattress and turned to face Cassie.

"So? What do you think?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I like, I like." Cassie all but purred into his ear, kissing his cheek softly. Sal blushed immensely, before pouncing on top of Cassie. He ripped her clothing off, leaving her stark naked on the bed. He pulled his uniform off in one swift motion. He reached up to take off the helmet, before Cassie stopped him. "Leave it on." She seductively whispered, licking her lips menacingly at Sal.

Sal let out a moan, as he held his body above Cassie's. He leant down and kissed her passionately. His tongue ran along her bottom lip, begging for entrance. Cassie opened her mouth ajar, letting Sal slip his tongue in. Their tongues danced, as the pair of them kissed deeply. Sal started to grind his hips against Cassie's. She could feel his hardening member rub against her bare thigh. Her hands slipped down and took ahold of his length, causing Sal to whimper.

Sal placed a hand around the back of Cassie's neck and sat her up, as he knelt on his knees. She slowly pumped his shaft up and down, causing Sal to moan loudly into her mouth. It didn't take long for Sal to reach his climax. Cassie leant down and curled her lips around his length. Sal spilled into her mouth, making her swallow it all. As she sat back up, he kissed her forcefully, pushing her back down onto the bed. He assaulted her with kisses, leading a trail down her neck, chest and stomach. As he approached her womanhood, he slipped his tongue amongst her folds. His tongue flicked in all different directions, before delving deep inside her. Cassie arched her back, as Sal continued to pleasure her. Her climax soon neared, as she released into his mouth. Sal licked up what remained and sat back up.

The small pane of glass on his helmet was now steamed up. He propped himself up on his hands, holding his body over Cassie's once again. He kissed her deeply, letting her taste herself briefly, before pulling away. He grabbed ahold of his length and lined it up with her entrance. He slowly and tantalisingly pushed his shaft into Cassie. As he let her adjust, he clasped his hands onto hers and pinned them to each side of her head. His hips started to thrust with force. His length curled up slightly, hitting Cassie in the spot she wanted him most. She gasped loudly, as his hips continued to thrust, whilst maintaining their kiss. Sal's hips fitted into a rhythm, causing them both to reach their climaxes in little time. Cassie was first to release. She let out a moan of his name, as she released onto his length. Sal pulled his shaft out almost all of the way out, before slamming back into Cassie at full speed. He spilled into her, letting out a husky sexual growl. He continued to ride out their highs, before collapsing beside Cassie.

Cassie turned to face Sal and smiled. She pulled off his helmet and placed it onto her head, causing Sal to chuckle.

"You think Brian would let us borrow his uniform again?" She giggled, wrapping an arm across Sal's rising and falling chest.

"Maybe. Just don't tell him I kept the helmet on the whole time." Sal chuckled. Cassie sat up and removed the helmet. She placed it on top of Sal's length and giggled.

"Ready for round two?" She smirked, patting the helmet, causing Sal to flinch. He nodded hungrily, as he casted the helmet aside and rolled on top of Cassie.

"You know I can't deny an offer like that." Sal shrieked, as he assaulted Cassie with kisses.

9 Months Later

Sal walked Anthony and Riley through the hospital corridor and into the room where Cassie was situated. In her arms, she was cradling their newborn son, Michael. Sal lifted Anthony and Riley up, so that they could view their new little brother.

"Ant, Ri-Ri...this is your new little brother, Michael. Say hi." Sal teared up, as he spoke. Anthony and Riley waved and smiled brightly. Sal sat them in the nearby chair. He carefully took Michael from Cassie's arms. Michael started to fidget, before he soon settled again. Sal walked over to the twins and knelt down in front of them.

"Daddy can we hold him?" Riley asked, excitedly. Sal let out a chuckle and nodded.

"Of course Ri-Ri. Just be very gentle with him." Sal replied, placing the bundle of blankets across both Anthony and Riley's legs. He gently placed Michael onto their laps, ensuring that he kept his head held up properly.

"I love him Daddy! He's so small." Anthony smiled, as he lightly hugged Michael. Sal pulled out his phone and quickly snapped a photo. He slipped his phone away, before picking up Michael and passing him back to Cassie. Sal sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you Cas. Look at our little boy." Sal cooed, gently stroking Michael's head. Cassie's eyes welded up with tears. She turned to face Sal and smiled emotionally.

"I love you so much, Sal." She smiled. Sal kissed the top of her head. As he pulled away, he gestured to Anthony and Riley to join them on the bed. He asked the nurse to take a photo of their new family of five.

Sal opened up Instagram on his phone and added the two new photos, along with the caption:

She's done it again! Today, we welcomed this handsome boy into our lives. My wife is so strong, I couldn't be more proud. Anthony and Riley are excited about their new adventures that they're going to have with their new little brother. Michael Jay Vulcano, welcome to the world little man. God bless. X

With that, fans started to send their congratulations to the Vulcano family. Sal couldn't be happier with his life. He knew from the day he met Cassie, that she'd be the one for him. He looked up at his family, a single tear running down his cheek.

"What's up Sal?" Cassie asked, slightly worried for Sal. He simply shook his head and sniffled.

"Nothing...nothing. Just so happy to have you as my beautiful wife and so proud of how you gifted me with these three little angels." Sal pulled Cassie into a hug, as she teared up. Anthony and Riley piled on top of his shoulders and giggled loudly, causing Sal to chuckle. It was so simple and yet such a beautiful moment.

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