Destiny (Watty's2017)

By CrazilyInsaneArtist

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6 heroes. 6 different kingdoms. 1 hero lives the life of a prince Another lives the life of a fisherman Anoth... More

Chapter 1: The Prince and the Lava Mob
Chapter 2: The Assassin's Pet
Chapter 3: The Fisherman and the Orphan
Chapter 4: Start of the Pack
Chapter 5: Shadow Maze Training
Little Mini Update :D
Chapter 6: Protectors and Old Friends
Chapter 7: The Pack Splits
Chapter 8: Underwater Temple
Chapter 9: The Dead King's Emerald
Chapter 10: Riddles, Mazes, and Parkour
Chapter 11: MAC and the Rescue
Chapter 12: Redstonia
Not A Chapter, Just Fan-Art I Made
~A Thank You~

Chapter 13: Preperations and the Final Battle

571 16 13
By CrazilyInsaneArtist

So hey guys! This is it. This, is the final chapter. Then we have an epilogue. I hope that's alright! Thank you all for taking time to read this story! It makes me happy to know that you guys actually enjoy what I write. I seriously can't thank you enough. Anyway, enjoy the second to last chapter!

I recommend listening to the song when they all are on the battlefield. (I'll tell you when that is) 

 :) If it ends before you're finished, then feel free to play it again.


~Rob's POV~

"Alright. Now that you guys are all healed up, let's go over your fighting skills."

It was early in the morning when Syn practically dragged us out of bed. It was the first actual good nights rest we've had all week!

I scratched my ears tiredly as they flopped against the sea of brown hair that sat on top of my head.

I need a new flower crown. The last one I had got lost in that sand storm we encountered. I thought to myself as we all stood in a line in front of Syn, all looking tired as all Nether.

Mitch looked the most awake. However, you could see him slightly leaning on the iron sword he was given. Jerome was having to lean heavily against his axe. Preston was sitting on the ground, leaning back on his hands. Lachlan was carrying a sleeping Vilk on his back and looked like he might fall over. I was slouching over, using my iron sword as a cane to keep myself up.

"Why'd you have to wake us up so early you jag?" Lachlan asked as he dropped to the ground; the fall startled Vikk awake.

"Because tomorrow afternoon, we'll be opening the portal to the Nether. And we want you to be able to fight well. Now, Lachlan and Jerome. You'll be over there practicing hand to hand combat. Your goal is to use any item you have at your disposal." Syn said, gesturing to all the items surrounding the arena.

Lachlan and Jerome walked over to where he pointed and sat down, waiting for him to tell us to start.

"Vikk and Preston. You'll be working over there. You'll be practicing strategic combat. Your goal is to disarm your opponent by watching his moves and using them against them. With a game of chess of course." Syn told the two as they walked over to where a table with a chess board sat.

"And finally, Mitch and Rob. You'll be over  here practicing sword to sword battle. Your job is to get your opponent on the ground with their sword out of their reach." Syn turned to everyone else. "I hope you got all that, because you'll be switching stations after an hour. Good luck! Sparklez, Jericho, and I will be on the sidelines making sure no one get seriously hurt. There aren't any rules except don't kill each other. Now get to work!"

Me and Mitch walked over to the dueling range and grabbed the wooden swords they provided us. We turned to each other and got into a battle stance.

"So, how's the half form?" Mitch asked as we fenced a little bit.

"I'm getting used to it. Still not used to switching forms though." I replied as I blocked his left side attack. "It hurts like the Nether."

"I can imagine. I have so many friends who are known hybrids. They told me that it hurts the first few times but as you continue to change, it gets better." Mitch told me as he again swiped at my left side which I blocked easily.

"That's good to know. Preston has also helped me majorly with this. Considering he is a lava mob hybrid." I said, going for the offensive approach instead of defensive. Mitch blocked my attack.

"And I'm sure Jerome could give help as well." Mitch offered.

"I probably could use his help too. And maybe any other hybrid's help." I said, as me and Mitch locked swords, our faces close.

I was about to hit Mitch's head with mine, when someone yelled.

"JEROME! STOP BEING AN ISSUE!" Lachlan yelled as Jerome dumped a bucket of ice cold water on him. *Who remembers that video? That was my favorite Lachlan moment. It was in a video with the entire Pack. I died. XD I'll leave a link down below at the bottom of the chapter.*

While Mitch was distracted by his boyfriend's name, I knocked his sword out of his hand and pushed him to the ground. He landed on his butt and let out a groan. I held my sword under his throat and grinned.

"Haven't you ever learned to not get distracted?" I said as I held my hand for him to take. He grinned at me and let me help him up.

"Yeah. GG by the way." Mitch said as he flipped me over his shoulder, taking my sword in the progress.

I groaned as my back hit the dirt. I looked up at Mitch and smiled.

"O-kay." I coughed out, the air having been taken from my lungs. "You win. G-G."*The GG looks like a face XD*

Mitch held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up before handing me my sword.

"That was amazing mate!" Syn said as he neared us. "Since when could you flip people over your shoulder?"

"For a while actually. When I first started training with Team Crafted they had me do some practice with Jason. That was the first move he ever showed/did on me." Mitch told him as we placed the swords where they used to be. "Are we ready to switch now?"

Syn nodded.

"Yep. You two will go to the strategy table with Sparkly-pants. He'll be there to help you." Syn said, ushering us away as a drenched Lachlan and a extremely dirty Jerome came waltzing up to where we used to be.

We walked to where Sparklez stood in front of a table with what looked like a chess table.

"Hey guys! So Mitch, you'll be white and Rob you're black. Get situated." Spark said. *I'm just gonna do that because I'm getting tired of writing Sparklez XP*

We sat down in front of our designated color and looked at Spark.

"So Mitch, you'll be first. The objective of this is to get your opponent's king. I hope you both know what the pieces do?" We both nodded. "Good. Now you can begin."

Mitch moved his pawn two spaces ahead of him. I copied with the same pawn. I copied his every move until the only pieces we could move were our Knights. We both took out each other's pawns before I saw a clear shot to kill his queen. I used my Bishop and killed his queen.

It went on for another ten minutes before it was finally over. I grinned in victory as Mitch held out his hand. *My shortest chess game ever lasted 4 moves I lost. XD*

"GG Mr. Waffles." He said.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand. Mitch just smiled before Spark spoke up.

"Excellent game Rob. It's time for you two to switch. Head on over to the last station." Spark said, motioning for us to go.

Me and Mitch stood up from our seats and walked over to where Vikk and Preston had been moments before. Sky stood in the middle of the small arena and grinned.

"Hey guys! Welcome. Rob, you'll be over in the blue area. Mitch, you're red. Once you're in position you may begin." Sky explained.

I walked over to the blue area and waited for Mitch.

"Ready? Set... GO!" Sky exclaimed.

I ran for the first thing I could see. Which happened to be a frying pan. Mitch had grabbed a small shovel. We ran at each other, neither of us having an advantage. I swung hard at the shovel and watched as it broke in two. Mitch threw the handle away and grabbed a pillow that sat a few steps away.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Mitch exclaimed loudly as he brought the pillow down on my head.

"HEY MAN! WATCH THE EARS!" I yelled with a laugh.

I dropped my frying pan and grabbed a nearby jar of paint. Once Mitch got close, I threw the paint over him, which caused him to let out a yell as the cold, blue liquid ran down his face.

"WHY BLUE?" Mitch whined. I chuckled.

"I don't know man. But you look good as a smurf." I replied as I tried to hold in my laughter.

Mitch opened his mouth to say something, but before he could. The entire world went dark.

"What in the Nether?" Syn said from somewhere behind me.

"What's going on?" Vikk asked from my left.

"Mitch? Where you at?" I asked.

"I think somewhere in front of you." I heard him reply.

I turned in the direction of his voice and began to carefully walk towards him. I walked for a few seconds before I felt something wet hit my face.

I cried out as I collided with whatever was in front of me and fell on top of it.

"Rob! What's wrong? Are you okay?" I heard Preston ask.

"Yep. Just ran into a paint covered Canadian." I replied as I rolled off of Mitch and sat up.

"Ha! Payback!" Mitch said from beside me.

"Okay. That's enough. We need to figure out what's going on. We're outside. How the Nether is it pitch black?" Syn said.

As soon as those words left Syn's mouth, a red firework shot into the air. Once it reached it's peak, it exploded, casting a red glow across the sky. It dissolved, but the sky remained the same blood red color. 

Alarms sounded throughout the city, as well as people's screams.

I looked at the rest of the Pack, who all looked towards me. I nodded and began to run to the city center, the guys right behind me.  As we ran, we could hear Syn, Spark, and Sky yell to us. We raced through the crowded streets and finally got a glimpse at what people had been screaming at.

Blazes, ghasts, zombie pig men, magma cubes, and wither skeletons rushed towards us, killing anyone stupid enough to stand in their way. 

I guided the guys to an abandoned building and motioned them to crouch down. As soon as the mobs had passed, I turned to the Pack.

"Okay. We need a plan. It seems Herobrine was able to open the portal from his side, meaning the final battle has been moved to now." I stated quietly.

"What're we gonna do?" Lachlan asked as he moved closer to be able to hear better.

"I say we split. One team could go get our weapons from the facility, another could go find the others and the last group could help the citizens by keeping them safe." Vikk offered. I nodded.

"Great idea Vikk! Me and Preston can help the citizens. Jerome, you and Mitch should go find the members of Team Crafted and the MAC, as well as the Redstonia leaders. Vikk, you and Lachlan will go get our weapons." I said. The others nodded. 

I peeked over my shoulder to look out the window. Once I saw it was clear, I nodded to the others.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed, rushing out of the building. We each split our ways, going opposite directions of each other. 

I turned to Preston as we ran.

"I'll guide everyone to safety. You distract the mobs!" I exclaimed. Preston nodded, giving me breathless smile.

"Let's do this." He said as we neared where everything was going on.

~Jerome's POV~

"Come on biggums!" I whispered as we snuck past a squadron of wither skeletons. "The Main Building is just ahead of us. If we're lucky, we won't have to fight off any mobs."

"Well, it's a good thing Syn had us train this morning." I heard him reply from behind me. I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm kinda grateful for him practically dragging us out of bed. What I don't get, is how Herobrine managed to light the portal from the other side a day before his 10 century ban was up." I told him.

"Maybe he had help?" Mitch said, sounding uncertain. I shrugged my shoulders in response.

We remained silent for the rest of the short trip. The silence was tense, causing me to want to comfort Mitch. I knew he was worried for the Team. So was I to be fair.

"There's the main building. If we find Seth or Etho, we could have one of them send out a radio signal to the entire city! That way, we can warn the citizens and tell our allies what's happening and where they need to be." Mitch said, pointing to a 3 story, brick building.

"Great idea Mitch! But first..." I trailed off, using my hand to move Mitch's head to what I was looking at. "We gotta get past all these Magma cubes." 

Mitch's eyes widened at the many many forms of the cubes. They littered the entire street, some even finding themselves perched on rooftops.

"This has to be Herobrine's doing." Mitch said quietly as we sunk down behind a fallen wall. "Those mobs aren't smart enough to sit on the rooftops." 

I nodded my head, looking over the pile of rubble to hopefully find a path through. I felt Mitch poke my arm, causing me to look over to where he was pointing. He was pointing to a costume shop that held magma cube costumes on display.

"Oh my Notch you have got to be kidding me." I whispered with a small chuckle. I grabbed Mitch's hand and pulled him to the shop.

We grabbed the costumes off their podiums and quickly pulled them on. We ran out of the shop and carefully made our way back to the pile of rubble we had hid behind.

"You ready?" Mitch asked as we peeked over the edge.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied as we stood up and began to walk through the army of magma.

As we walked on, the black empty eyes of the magma cubes seemed to peer past my disguise and right into my soul. It took all my will to not look into those dark pits, and I could tell Mitch was having trouble too. 

When we reached the front doors of the building, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. 

"Alright. Let's go in." I said quietly, pushing open the door.

We were met, by complete silence. Which is a little strange when when you are in a city completely covered in Redstone.

The main lobby was dark; no one in sight. I pushed the door open wider before hearing a small click. My eyes widened as a rope flew up from the ground and wrapped itself around my ankle. I let out a large yelp as the rope flipped me upside down and pulled me to the ceiling.

"Oh. It's just Jerome. FALSE ALARM!" I hear Etho called out from the darkness.

"You're dang right it's a false alarm!" I yelled back. I heard a couple of chuckles before the rope was cut and I fell to the floor with an 'oof'.

Even in these circumstances, Mitch was able to laugh at my misfortune. I grinned slightly, before getting off the ground and turning to Etho.

"Who all is here?" I asked.

"Um... there's me, Seth, a few of my fellow Redstonians, everyone from Team Crafted minus Sky, Jason, and Ian, half the MAC, and all the Wizards except Spark and Syn." Ethos answered as everyone he named off came out of the darkness.

"Alright. But where's Sky Media?" Mitch asked as he came up to my side.

Etho shrugged his shoulders.

"We don't actually know. They left early this morning to tour the city. They could be anywhere." Etho explained. I just nodded.

"Alright. Etho, you need to send out a radio signal to tell the citizens to evacuate." I told him. "And have everyone on our side meet in the field over by the training center."

Etho nodded, before grabbing Seth's arm and dragging him off to another room. I turned to the others.

"Okay, we should head to hill. Now that we have more people, we can properly fight the magma cubes waiting outside. You guys ready?" I asked, looking around at all the faces.

There were multiple nods and 'heck yeah' from Ashdubh; which brought out a few laughs.

"Okay. Then LETS'A GO!" I yelled loudly and rushed outside; Mitch and everyone else right behind me.

~Lachlan's POV~

"Yo, how hard is it to find our fudging weapons?" I whined as we practically tore apart the room Mitch and Jerome were staying in.

"You've gotta remember though." Vikk started. "Mitch and Jerome are assassins. They know how to hide weapons very well."

I groaned out in annoyance as I lifted up Mitch's mattress; finding nothing.

"I found Betty!" Vikk exclaimed happily as he pulled it out from under his bedside table. "Do you need help finding Mitch's bow?"

"Nope. Just found it." I stated as I pulled the bow out from behind a piece of wallpaper.

"Good. Now we just need Preston and Rob's weapons then we'll be good." Vikk said as he threw Betty on his back along with his war hammer.

I slung Mitch's bow over my shoulder and fixed my belt that held my two short swords. I followed Vikk out of their room and walked across the hall to the Poofless room. Vikk opened the door and was immediately greeted with an orange scythe and a sky blue diamond sword.

"Well that was easy." I said as I grabbed Preston's scythe while Vikk grabbed Rob's sword.

"Sure was. Now let's go." Vikk said as he walked back out of the room. 

I was about to follow when a loud voice boomed through the speaker in the far corner of the room.


I turned and ran out the door after Vikk. As soon as we were outside the doors, we were rushed by a horde of zombie pigmen. I grabbed my short swords and began to slash at the pigmen, every once in a while getting a glimpse to see how Vikk was.

After we fought our way through the pigmen, we began to leg it to the training center which sat not too far from the building we had stayed in. The pigmen chased after us, but we reached the building before they could get us.

"Okay. Now Etho said the field was behind the center. We can cut through the center." Vikk said as we pushed open the iron doors. I nodded and we began to jog through the halls.

*You can play the song now :3*

Once we reached the other side of the building, we hurry outside and come face to face with a giant ghast.

"Look out!" A voice screamed. I ducked just in time as a fireball came flying over my head.

I turned and shot a grateful smile to Mitch.

"Thanks mate! Here!" I yelled as I took his bow off my shoulder and chucked it at him a long with a quiver I took from the training room.

"Thank you Lachy Dachy!" Mitch said as he strung an arrow and released it a the ghast; killing it instantly.

Lachlan! I could really use my scythe!" I hear Preston yell as he battles a zombie pigmen with his fists on fire.

I swung the scythe off my back a threw it like a spear.

"INCOMING!" I yelled as it flew through the air. Preston turned around and caught it, swinging it around just in time to block a blow from the pigman.

"THANKS LACHY!" Preston yelled as he decapitated the zombie.

I nodded and began to fight a few wither skeletons that had come too close to comfort. Using both my swords, I chopped off the head of one skeleton and blocked a sword from another. I stabbed my sword into the third one's head and threw my sword at the other. The skeletons disappeared in a flash of black dust.

I looked around and noticed that all the mobs had begun to circle us, trapping us. I ran over to the middle of the circle where everyone else had gathered.

"Alright so what do we do?" Preston asked as we all turned to Wag.

"I....I don't know. What I don't get is where Herobrine is." Wag replied calmly.

I was about to talk when a loud 'BOOM' echoed from the city center. Etho and Seth's eyes widened.

"That's where the portal is!" Seth exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes went to the building, where a cloud of smoke lay on top of it.
With another loud 'BOOM', all of us where sent flying. The Pack and I were sent farther, soon getting cut ofd from our friends by the Nether mobs. We quickly got up and formed a circle in case the mobs attacked, but they didn't.

That's when we heard the terrifying voice of our biggest enemy.

"I'VE WAITED TWO CENTURIES FOR THIS DAY!" Herobrine laughed as he appeared right in front of us.

"Herobrine." Rob growled, his wolf ears flattening threateningly against his head.


The mobs around us started to close in as he raised up his hands.


Herobrine clenched his fists and the mobs rushed us. I used my swords as a shield as a blaze shot is flames at me. Next to me, Vikk was occupied with a few wither skeletons. The MAC had cut their way through the mobs, and were now surrounding us, watching our backs. Mitch and Jerome had been able to get free of the circle and were now battling two ghasts along with the other members of Team Crafted. Preston and Rob, according to the Destiny Vision, had somehow made their way to Herobrine and were taking turns going offensive.

"VIKK! WHEN YOU HEAR A BELL DING, WE NEED TO RUSH HEROBRINE!" I exclaimed loudly as ducked under a shot from another blaze.


"OI MATE! NOT THE HAIR!" I said as I turned to the blaze and smacked it, turning it to dust.

Next to me, Squid took down a pigman then turned to me.

"We can get you close to Herobrine, but you need to be ready! As soon as the bell tolls, you are going to rush. The Team and the MAC will have a pathed cleared! Got it?" Squid said, making sure Vikk could hear him as well.

We nodded.

"Okay. The clock will strike 10 in 5 minutes. Be ready." Squid said he rushed off to help Tomahawk.

"Come one Lachy! I need help!" Vikk exclaimed as he held off a few pigmen.

I rushed over to him and knocked them away, stabbing them after they had fallen.

"BEHIND YOU LACHLAN!" Vikk called out. I turned just in time to stab a wither skeleton in the neck.

"Thanks Vikk!" I exclaimed.

We slashed through more mobs, slowly but surely inching our way closer to Herobrine. It was all going good until I got jumped by a pigman. I let out a loud yelp, which caused Vikk to turn towards me.

Vikk noticed the swords against my throat and glared angrily at the pigman behind me.

"Not my Lachy!" Vikk yelled as he slahed at the pigman, killing it instantly.

Vikk held out his hand to help me up, which I gladly accepted. But I then did something I should've done a while ago. I pulled Vikk closer, and gently pressed my lips against his. Vikk was shocked for a second, before he started kissing back.

I smiled as we parted.

"Once this is all over, I want to have you as my boyfriend." I whispered in his ear.

Vikk opened his mouth to say something, when the loud chime of a bell sounded throughout the field.

"Pack! Go!" Wag yelled from his position by Team Crafted.

Me and Vikk grabbed our weapons and ran to where Preston and Rob were holding off Herobrine together. Mitch and Jerome were right beside us, and as we got closer, Rob and Preston pulled away.

Together, we all jumped into the air, our weapons aimed right at his heart. Herobrine jumped up to intercept us, his hands glowing with bright white magic.

As our weapons touched Herobrine's skin, they glowed a bright blue. An explosion knocked everyone back, and set us flying off into the distance. Then the feeling of cold water hit my skin. As soon as I was able, I swam up to the surface to be greeted by everyone else in the Pack. I smiled brightly, as did the others. Rob cleared his throat, causing us to look to him as he spoke.

"We did it."

Haha! After so many weeks of procrastination I have done it! Yas!

Heres the video I told you about. :3

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