Back For You

By Joe_Hartfanfiction

345K 8.9K 431

I met you and you changed my life. Then you went away and neither of us knew what would happen or if we'd eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Epilogue)

Chapter 31

5.1K 153 3
By Joe_Hartfanfiction

I follow Ryan further into the field but keep my distance. If he tries anything, I can react and run.

As we walk further, I look behind me and can no longer see the cars where we had left them. I turn back and see that the field is now opened up before us and an old abandoned house is sat in the middle. I stop and look at is as Ryan continues to walk towards it. He stops and turns to face me.

“Don’t stop now. You’ve come this far,” he says.

I take a deep breath and start to walk towards the house. Ryan smiles and turns back to the house. I walk slowly towards it with more awareness as to what could happen and who could be inside it waiting.

I watch on as Ryan opens the front door and walks in before I walk up the steps. I stand outside looking into the dark abandoned house. I take a step forward into it and try my hardest to see what's in the room.

“Ryan…?” I call out with worry tainting my voice.

I fold my arms over my chest and stand by the front door.

Suddenly, the lights come on and I register where I am. Nothing in the room looked safe and the floor suddenly don’t look as if they can handle anyone’s weight. The house looks as if its had been in a fire as everything is black and floorboards are missing.

“I’ve got a generator out the back to run electricity into here,” Ryan says from the other side of the room.

“Ryan, this- this isn’t safe. We shouldn’t be in here,” I stutter.

“It’s steady,” he replies simply.

He starts to walk across the room towards me and I never take my eyes off him. He stops next to me and smirks before walking up the stairs. I look up the stairs and start to judge wither or not I should follow him.

I swallow hard before stepping on the first step. It goes down a little and I stop moving. I take a few deep breaths before starting to walk up the rest of the stairs. Most of the stairs go down as I stand on them but I keep walking up - I want to know what he's doing.

I stop on the landing and look around. I spot a room with some light and walk towards it. instinct takes over me and I push the door open, gasping in horror.

Joe’s POV

I get out my car as I arrive at my old house, locking it as I run into the house. I put my keys in my pocket and run up the stairs and into my bedroom. I look around the room to see if there's anything I can sell to get money.

I go into my walk-in wardrobe and start looking through the drawers. I open a drawer that's full of my jewellery and pick up the Rolex watch Kim had gotten me for one of my birthday’s. I close the drawer and start to walk back out when something catches my eye.

I turn and look down at the two signed football tops that are framed and laying under the window at other side of the wardrobe. I bite my lip before walking over and picking them up. I carry the items down the stairs and out into my car.

I run back into the house and into the living room, walking straight over to the fireplace and picking up the signed football that's on top of it. I place it on the couch and pick up my training bag. I open it up and pull out my gloves and boots. I reach onto the coffee table for the pen that's lying on it and sign the boots and gloves.

I pick everything up and run back out to my car. I place the items in the boot and run back to lock the house. I run tot he car, get in the car and start to drive.


I park up outside the stadium and get out.

“Joe!!!” I hear fans shout. Damn, totally forgot that today is a game day.

I ignore them and run into the stadium.

“Is everyone in the changing room?” I ask an employee quickly.

“I think…” The woman starts.

“Thanks,” I reply before running towards the changing room.


I steady myself before walking into the changing room. I walk in and everyone stops getting ready and looks at me.

“Harty, what are you doing here?” James asks straight away.

“I-I don’t have a lot of time…” I stutter.

“Mate, you need to try and calm down.” Gareth advises as he comes to stand next to me.

“I can’t if I’m being blackmailed.”

The room goes silent and I look around at everyone, some sitting in shock at my announcement.


“They guy that took my daughters wants me to pay him £800k by tonight, or he’ll hurt them. I don’t have that kind of money on me and he wants it in cash,” I say quickly, hoping they all understand with my rambled words.

“What are you-”

“I’ve got a few things to sell but it would take weeks to get the money for them. If I go to the bank, they wouldn’t give me that kind of money out in the one payment.”

“Well…we could help you if you want.” Gareth offers.

“I can’t ask you guys to do that.”

“Harty, we’ve known you a long time and we can see how stressed out you are. Let us help you,” James agrees.


“When do you need the money by?” Vincent asks.

“9pm tonight.”

“We don’t finish the game till about 7. Unless…”

“Unless what?”

“Unless we get the game suspended a little bit for a later kick-off.”

“You can’t do that. This is getting shown live.”

“Harty, there is no game if there are no players for a team.”

“You’d all do that?”

“Yes.” Everyone confirms at once.

“Thank you.”

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