Demigods at Hogwarts (Discont...

By antmanstan

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When a gang of demigods are instructed by Hecate to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they f... More

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How It Would Have Gone


5.6K 91 356
By antmanstan

Will POV

My dad gave me a nice warm wake up call.


I woke up with the sun shining directly into my eyes. I cursed and jumped up I get out of the sun. Once I was dressed, I went into our common rooms to find . . .

Percy and Annabeth on the couch.

Percy was awake, and gave me a look that said, HELP.

Ok. Not strange at all.
It was quite funny though. Annabeth had most of the couch, her feet on Percy's chest. Percy did not look happy. Loyal guy that he was, he didn't want to wake Annabeth. So he couldn't move. I shook me head and grinned as I left.

I made my way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. When I got to the Hufflepuff table, the Stoll brothers were already there. They were grinning like twin Cheshire Cats. I eyed them suspiciously as I poured myself a glass of apple juice. I took a sip and immediately spat it out.

It was . . . It was . . . Pee?!

I coughed and spluttered as the Stolls roared with laughter.

They stopped laughing once I gave them a Nico-worthy death glare.

'Dude, we're sorry!' Connor complained. 'It was really funny, though.'
'Can we do it to somebody else? Please?' Travis begged.

I reluctantly agreed. But only because I wanted to see what the reaction was.

Katie came over. 'What are you two laughing at?' She muttered as she poured herself a glass of 'apple juice.' She took a sip.

And spat it in Travis' face.

As Katie gulped down a cup of orange juice to wash away the taste, Travis grabbed the first thing he saw (Travis' cloak) and cleaned his face. Travis shrieked and jumped away from him, knocking over a jug of pumpkin juice and falling off the bench. This was unfortunately the moment that McGonagall came to give us our timetables. I gave her a toothy smile and tried to act natural and inconspicuous as she handed me mine. She gave the twins a look of distaste as she placed theirs on the table. Katie accepted hers, and mumbled under her breath. Something like, I hate you Travis?

Jason came over from the Gryffindor table. He took one look at the situation, turned around and walked away. Now it was Piper's time to laugh as she watched Jason make his way back to her.

After we'd all eaten, we compared timetables. Surprisingly, we all had the same lessons.
Today we had:



Care of Magical Creatures





That was okay. We made our way to the greenhouses. Professor Sprout was there waiting. 'Greenhouse 4, today! Follow me!'

She led us in. The plants inside were very interesting. They would be great for healing.

'Now, today, we are studying Bulbous Buzzles. They are these.' She held up a pot. Blue-green spheres were attached to a thick stem. 'You will pluck them, and pop them. There is a substance inside that it excellent for clearing acne. I have assigned you into groups of four.'

I was with Nico, and these two guys. One was called Neville, and the other was Harry. They introduced themselves: 'I'm Neville Longbottom.' and 'I'm Harry Potter.' Harry seemed slightly surprised that we didn't know him. He told us that he was famous, and that he killed the dark wizard Voldemort. Neville shyly told us that he was the best at Herbology in the year. Overall, they were nice guys.

We used needles to pop the spheres, then squeezed it into flasks. By the end of the lesson, we'd collected a few gallons.

'This will do Madam Pomfrey nicely. Now, off you go!'

We made our way down to the dungeons, where the Potions classroom was.

It was cold and dark down there. And also kinda depressing.

We lined up outside. The door swung open. A young woman walked out. She smiled at us, and said, 'Cone in! Don't wait.'

The classroom was a lot nicer. Circular tables were spread out across the room. A huge whiteboard was at the front, behind a teacher's desk. I snagged a table with Nico, Jason and Piper. The teacher cleared her throat. She said, 'I'm Professor Abernathy. Your new Potions teacher. So, get out your books and turn to page 7. Make the potion on there.'

The potion was called Felix Felicis. The book explained that it was a 'lucky potion' and was sometimes referred to as 'liquid luck.' It was a complicated potion. But I was sure it was possible. I'd made medicines before. It was almost the same thing. As I crushed my lizard beans, Nico cursed as his beetle eye flew across the room. He ran off to get it. Jason was grinding his mandrake leaves. He was doing it really precisely. Maybe he was OCD? But it worked. Piper was cutting up dragon meat. With her dagger. Where anyone could see her. With a glowing bronze knife. Well done, Piper. I scooped up my lizard bean remnants and put them in my Cauldron. The potion turned the exact shade of gold it should have. I was impressed with myself.

At the end she gave 20 points to every house. That meant that Gryffindor were in the lead, with Slytherin in second and Ravenclaw last. So on the bright side, we weren't losing. But we also weren't winning. Oh well.

We headed back outside to Care of Magical Creatures. The giant man who I'd seen at the feast on the first day. He introduced himself as Hagrid, and led us into the forest. We stopped at a huge pen. Inside were dozens of Pegasuses. Pegasi. Which one was it?

Ah. Pegasi.

The girls all squealed and made their way to the front. Percy looked interested because he was listening to what the pegasi were 'talking' about. He suddenly burst out laughing. Annabeth gave him a stern look, but it faded into a smile as she looked into his eyes. Aw, I ship it so hard.

Hagrid said, 'Righ'. Ye'v got ye pegasi. I'm gon' teach ye how 'o ride em.'
We each had to choose a pegasus. Mine was a sandy colour with beautiful wings. I asked Percy for his name. He told me that he was called Flynn. He suited the name.

Annabeth went up to Hagrid and said something to him. As she walked back to her Pegasus, Hagrid said, 'Seems like the exchange students have ridden em before! Show us how it's done!'

We saddled our pegasi. When we were all ready, they did a quick run up and took off. Even though I'd done it before, it was a thrill every time. The students watched as we flew in circles. As we touched down again, they all applauded us. 'Alrigh'! Now ye all 'ave a go!' By he end of the lesson, everybody was soaring around above the forest. Hagrid blew a whistle, and all the pegasi came back down. He gave every house 20 points. We were getting a lot of points!

We made our way down to the Great Hall for lunch. Seriously, the food here is incredible. As good as camp!

We'd attracted a few strange looks over the course of today. Groups of girls whispered and giggled when we walked past, and glared at the girls. I just ignored them. But the first half of the day was great. I sure hoped the second half of the day was just as good.

Harry POV

These new guys were weird. Like, not weird weird, but just . . . Odd. We noticed they had strange scars on their arms. Had they been treated badly as kids? Bullied? They intrigued me. We also noted how they weren't first years. Hermione told us that they'd never had 7th years from Ilvermorny before. She had a gleam in her eye, and couldn't stop grinning. Why? Although, I suppose we were technically in 8th year. So we couldn't really say anything.
But those kids, Nico and Hazel, were definitely not 7th year. They looked 14 and 15! That was suspicious. Although, it wasn't my place to pry. They had their secrets, I had mine!

First lesson was Herbology. We were working on Bulbous Buzzles with a group of 4. I was with Neville, and two of the Americans. Nico and Will. They were nice guys, Will was very light ??? And Nico was dark ??? If that made sense. Nico looked very depressed about his bright yellow tie. He kept glaring down at it in disgust. Hmm . . . Maybe he just didn't expect to be a Hufflepuff. Maybe he wanted to be a Slytherin. I don't know.

We introduced ourselves. Neville proudly and sheepishly told them that he was the best at Herbology in the year. I told them that my name was Harry Potter. They didn't do the familiar eye-flick up at my forehead like I'd expected. Strange. But it didn't bother me. It was nice that they didn't know me. That way they wouldn't pester me with the stupid questions that most people ask.
I told them about Voldemort, and how I defeated them just 4 months ago. They were quite impressed at that. Although by the look they shared I suspected that their story was a lot worse than mine.

After Herbology we had Potions with a nice new teacher called Professor Abernathy. We were making Felix Felicis. I didn't know what I was doing wrong, but instead of going gold like it said in the book, it went a nice shade of lime green. But at least it smelt nice! Like peppermint. But I only got a 2/5. Ah well.

Then we had Care of Magical Creatures. (Although I've just heard that you have already read through the first half of the day so I'll just skip this!)

After lunch we had Divination. And we had Trelawney again. Ugh.

Her first prediction was that the tall Ilvermorny boy with black hair and sea green eyes would drown. He laughed at that.
She then told the blond kid with glasses and the punk girl that they would both die of lightning strikes. They could barely stifle their laughter.
The blonde girl with curly hair was going to die from lack of wisdom. The Asian boy was going to die in war. The girl with the cinnamon hair was going to die of a curse. The list went on and on. But by the end, they couldn't breathe through laughter. Trelawney looked kind of hurt but let's face it: her predictions suck.

Oh, Merlin's beard, she had come over to me. 'You, my poor, poor boy,' she whispered. 'You will die the worst death possible! Ever known to humankind!'

When she left I just rolled my eyes and zoned out. Here she went again, predicting everybody's deaths. Whatever.

After that, even though she was Headmistress, McGonagall taught Transfiguration. We had to turn our chairs into pigs. And of course Hermione was the first one to turn hers pink with a snout, curly tail and trotters. At least she got 20 points to Gryffindor!

After we had Charms with Professor Flitwick. We were practicing old spells for our NEWTs. Wingardium LeviOsa!

Update: Hermione has just seen this and smacked me over the head.

And of course we got loads of homework. So that's how me and Ron spent our first night back at Hogwarts. Not exactly planned, we planned to wander around the grounds and chill for our first night back.


Dinner was amazing, as always. The blond Gryffindor Ilvermorny boy, who I'd learnt was called Jason, took of his jumper and robes. I wasn't watching him! Just curiously observing?

My heart stopped for a second.

He has a tattoo?!

What if . . . What if the new guys were Death Eaters?

Oh, geez, I was getting ahead of myself. It could just be coincidental that he has a tattoo. But he looked about 16! 16 year olds never have permission to get tattoos! Well, they do, but that's not the point!

I was just being overreactive. And paranoid. That kid could never be a Death Eater.

That night I was plagued by nightmares of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. The same dream I'd been having for months.

Ugh! I'm terrible at updating . . . But here you go!

So this week has been interesting. But now I have a 4-day weekend! Which is great. So I have Friday off (tomorrow) and Monday (bank holiday). So yeah! I might be able to post some more, it's just I have a pretty busy weekend!

Luna x

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